The Journey of the Illusory S...

By PulgaSenpai

827 202 2

Warning - Blood scenes In a fantasy world filled with magic and dangers, our protagonist, a young swordsman n... More

Chapter 1: The Swordsman's Promise
Chapter 2: Destiny's Threads
Chapter 3: The Deserted City: Dark Tunnels and Treacherous Confrontations
Chapter 4: The Fiery Battle
Chapter 5 : The city - Excalibur
Chapter 6 - Future Plans
Chapter 7 - Emerald Cave
Chapter 8 - The Night City
Chapter 9 - BERE
Chapter 10: The Battle of Illusions
Chapter 11 - Goodbyes
Chapter 12 - Mizugameza
Chapter 13 - Wisdom Pages
Chapter 14 - Aquarius
Chapter 15 - Dream
Chapter 16 - Past
Chapter 17 - Hi
Chapter 19 - The Funeral
Chapter 20 - Kingdom of the Elves
Chapter 21 - The Mask of Hikari
Chapter 22 - The King's Festival
Chapter 23 - The Final Journey
Chapter 24 - The Demon King
Chapter 25 - The Rebirth
Thank you

Chapter 18 - Sacrifice

10 1 0
By PulgaSenpai

A rumor spread rapidly through the city of Hi during their rest, while the dazzling sun continued to shine relentlessly. The tense atmosphere in the tavern intensified when a group of soldiers entered the establishment and marched straight towards the rooms where Hiro, Hikari, King, and Ace were staying.

With serious faces and shining armor, the soldiers did not seem willing to converse. In authoritative voices, they ordered the young ones not to make any sudden movements and to accompany them to the Royal Palace, as Apollo, the God of the Sun, had ordered their arrest.

Hikari looked at Hiro with apprehension, and he responded with a determined look. Even without understanding the reason for the arrest order, they knew they couldn't face a whole army alone without being prepared. Reluctantly, the group followed the soldiers but remained vigilant.

As Hiro, Hikari, King, and Ace were led by the soldiers towards the Royal Palace of Hi, they noticed that the faces of the city's citizens were filled with fear and suspicion. Some whispered among themselves, pointing at the group with anxious glances.

"So it was them..." some citizens whispered, making Hiro and his friends feel even more uncomfortable. It was evident that their reputation preceded them and that their presence in the city was not well-received.

Despite this, they remained calm and continued walking with the escort of the soldiers, holding their heads high. They knew they had their reasons to be there and were determined to find out what was going on.

While walking, Hikari held Hiro's hand, saying, "Stay calm, Hiro..." and offering him a reassuring look. She knew he was also bothered by the hostile reception, but she was by his side to face whatever came their way.

Hiro, though bothered, lifted his shirt slightly, revealing the sword he managed to grab without anyone noticing, and said, "If they try anything, I'll protect us!"

King and Ace stayed alert, their senses sharp in the tense atmosphere of the city. They were prepared for any eventuality and ready to protect their friends if necessary.

As they approached the imposing gate of the Royal Palace, Hiro, Hikari, King, and Ace found themselves facing a restless crowd, led by none other than Apollo, the majestic God of the Sun. His presence radiated power and grandeur, making everyone around him feel the greatness of his divine figure.

Apollo possessed an unmatched beauty. His athletic and muscular build complemented his perfectly bronzed skin, a result of constant exposure to sunlight. His blond, flowing hair seemed to shine like the sun itself, and his serene expression denoted wisdom and authority.

Dressed in a richly adorned golden tunic, Apollo carried a lyre in one hand, a symbol of his musical ability and the harmony he brought to the world with his celestial music. His irises were a deep golden, reflecting the brilliance of his divine power.

While the crowd was tense and uncertain, Apollo remained steadfast, his penetrating eyes carefully observing the group before him. His gaze could unveil the truth of people's intentions, and those who met his eyes felt judged by their own soul.

Hiro and Hikari felt small in the presence of Apollo's grandeur, but they didn't let themselves be intimidated.

With a powerful voice, Apollo proclaimed to the crowd, "BEHOLD! THESE ARE THE FACES OF THOSE WHO ARE STEALING YOUR ENERGY!" His words reverberated in the air, and murmurs spread among the astonished citizens.

Hiro whispered to Hikari, "Look closely at his tunic...!" and Hikari, after careful observation, said, "It's their symbol!" to which King added, "That's why we're being treated like this; he lied about us!..."

Apollo stretched his arms to the sky and said, "I WILL ENSURE TO DEAL WITH THEM INSIDE THE PALACE TO RETURN YOUR ENERGY!"

The people cheered, "THANK YOU, APOLLO!"

Inside the palace, Apollo ordered Hiro, King, Hikari, and Ace to kneel before him, but they did not bow or show respect, as they knew the evil he represented. They remained firm, ready to face the impending confrontation.

Apollo, with a sinister smile, looked at the group with disdain. "Ah, I see you've arrived, brave fools," he mocked. "You thought you could challenge a god?"

Hikari, with a firm voice, replied, "We are not fools, and we don't bow to tyranny. We came to defeat you and free this city."

Hiro added, "You are a despicable being, Apollo. Your evil actions have caused suffering and fear among the people of this city. We won't allow it any longer."

King, maintaining his determined expression, taunted, "Perhaps it's time for you to learn that true light doesn't come from divine titles, but from just and noble actions."

Apollo laughed, a laughter that echoed throughout the city. "Insignificant mortals! You believe you can defy a god? I am the absolute ruler of this city, and you are nothing but mere mortals!"

Ace, showing his loyalty to his friends, exclaimed, "No matter who you are, we won't allow you to spread your malevolence any further!"

Apollo advanced towards the heroes, surrounded by his personal guard. The battle was about to begin, and Hiro, Hikari, King, and Ace were ready to fight with all their might to protect the city and free it from Apollo's dark grasp.

Hiro managed to free himself and his companions with his sword, and now, with it in hand and a determined look, he faced Apollo and his guards, displaying courage before the malevolent god. Hikari, King, and Ace also stood firm, ready to protect their friend and fight by his side.

Apollo, still smiling arrogantly, said, "You are fools to challenge my supremacy. Your efforts are futile against the power of a god."

Hiro responded with a firm voice, "You may have power, Apollo, but we are not afraid. We believe in the strength of justice, and we will fight to the end to free this city from your clutches."

Hikari added, "You may consider yourself a god, but your reign ends here and now. We will put an end to your tyranny."

King, standing beside Hiro, taunted, "If you are a god, you are a tyrannical and cruel one. And we won't hesitate to confront you to protect this city and it's people."

Apollo grew irritated by the audacity of the heroes and ordered his guard to attack. Hiro, Hikari, King, and Ace defended themselves bravely, using their skills and teamwork to face the powerful adversaries.

Apollo, protected by his guard, began to chant as he played his harp, "Oh, almighty god of the signs, grant me the power of the god bestowed upon me through your constellation, Leo! Come to me!" and after saying this, Apollo began to transform into a bipedal lion with golden flaming fur.

Hiro muttered, "Damn, I should have prevented this transformation! Hikari, King, Ace, take care of his guard, and I'll handle him."

They nodded in agreement, but Hikari said, "I'll try, but this sun weakens my ice power...!"

King replied, "Don't worry, Princess, I'll protect you!"

Apollo, now with his golden flaming fur radiating intensely, exhibited overwhelming power in his bipedal lion form. His thunderous roar echoed through the surroundings, further increasing the impact of his imposing presence.

Hiro, with his fiery sword in hand, assumed a firm and determined stance, ready to face the challenge before him.

Apollo lunged with supernatural speed, and the battle began in a sequence of swift movements and powerful strikes. With his harp, he conjured bursts of golden flames that engulfed his adversaries, challenging them to withstand the divine fire.

Skillful and courageous, Hiro agilely evaded Apollo's attacks, counterattacking with precise sword strikes. Meanwhile, Hikari, King, and Ace skillfully faced Apollo's guard.

Despite the group's combined efforts, Apollo proved formidable. His strength was immeasurable, and his ability to control divine fire made him a fearsome opponent. The battle was far from easy, and the heroes needed to surpass the limits of their powers to face the god of the sun.

The battle was intense, and Apollo's divine power was impressive. However, Hiro did not back down. He had determination and courage, and he wouldn't allow the malevolent god to threaten anyone else. His eyes shone with the conviction to protect those he loved and defend justice.

While fighting, Hiro recalled his father's words and all the teachings he had received over the years. He knew that the battle wasn't just physical but also a test of inner strength and honor. The legacy of his father and the trust of his friends propelled him to keep going.

Apollo, on the other hand, was also a formidable opponent. His power as the god of the sun granted him extraordinary strength and agility. He launched beams of bright light that temporarily blinded Hiro, but the warrior found an opening to counterattack.

Realizing that his spell had not reached Hiro, Apollo cast a malevolent look and decided to try a different approach. He wielded his harp and invoked a powerful fire spell towards Hikari, who was momentarily vulnerable and unable to dodge.

"Watch out, move!" Hiro shouted in anguish to Hikari, seizing the opportunity to strike Apollo, who momentarily lowered his guard.

The spell advanced swiftly, and Hikari felt too weak to escape the devastating attack. In that moment, King bravely leaped in front of her, shielding her with his own life. An explosion occurred, and when the smoke cleared, King lay on the ground, wounded and barely alive.

Hikari rushed to King, cradling him in her arms with care and concern. Tears streamed down her face as she desperately sought a way to help him. Hiro, with a determined look, approached the scene and glared at Apollo with fury in his eyes.

As Hikari cried, asking, "Why, King?" and pleaded for King to stay with them, her faithful companion, in his last breaths, whispered tenderly, "Because you taught me to be a king... and a king always protects his kingdom... in my case, that was you, Hikari..."

Hikari held King tightly, asking him not to leave, but King could no longer respond. His sacrifice had saved Hikari, but the weight of the loss was unbearable for her and her companions. The death of King, the little squirrel who had always supported and cheered them on their journeys, left a void in the heart of each of them.

Hiro, consumed by grief and fury, rushed toward Apollo's wounded body, who was still alive, and began to stab him repeatedly with his sword. Tears mixed with his cries of anger, despair, and sadness. The pain of losing King and the violence that Apollo had caused drove them to take extreme action.

After Apollo was defeated, a mysterious stone emerged from his body, and this time, Hiro managed to grab it firmly. He looked at the stone with indignation, feeling anger building up inside him. "All of this happened because of this damn group?!" he shouted, his eyes overflowing with fury. "I will find the one responsible for all of this and put an end to him!"

While Hiro wrestled with his emotions, Hikari stayed by King's lifeless body, whose presence was now only a painful memory. The loss of her friend and companion weighed heavily on her heart. Ace, understanding Hikari's pain, approached her and leaned on her shoulder, offering silent comfort.

The atmosphere was charged with tension, and everyone felt the weight of the circumstances. The mysterious stone in Hiro's hands was a clear sign that the group's destiny was tied to events larger and more complex than they had imagined.

As Apollo departed, the sun set on the horizon, painting the sky with soft colors. Hiro, with a determined and furious look, said, "We're going to the Kingdom of the Elves and force Aphrodite to tell us where her boss is!" he exclaimed, firm in his words.

Hikari, still shaken by the loss of King, looked up at Hiro with a mixture of sadness and resolution. "Yes, let's find answers and put an end to these monsters," she replied, showing the same determination.

Ace, by Hikari's side, nodded with seriousness. "We'll honor King's sacrifice and ensure that it wasn't in vain," he said, reaffirming the group's commitment.

What will become of Hikari now without King?

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