By Expressinwords

24.2K 1K 213

Scott Jenkins: high school geek, loser, loner .. Well, he's in the bottom of the high school food chain. He's... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59 ( Part 1 )
Chapter 59 ( Part 2 )
Chapter 60
Need Your Help

Chapter 6

594 31 8
By Expressinwords

"Wait, are you asking me out?" Shock, yet kind of flattered, as I question Xavier. I can see a tint of redness on his cheeks. He scratches the back of his neck, looking anywhere but me.

"Well.. Uhm.. Yes." He finally looks at me, waiting for my response. I wait him out a bit, wanting to see his reaction. "You can bring Claire if you want, knowing that she was the one who wanted to go and had to drag you along." Rapidly saying when realizing that I haven't answer his question.

"Why do you want a geek like me to go to a party when a popular boy like you can take whoever he wishes?"

"Because I want to go with you.."

"But why?"

I watch him, as he looks as though he is thinking of an answer. I just don't get it. A high school minority being ask out from a high school royalty. Why is he interested in me? Shouldn't he loath me like the rest of them?

"Honestly, I don't know why, but I find you interesting."

"I'm confuse. Last year, you didn't even know me, yet you still torment me. You never did anything harmful, like the rest of them, but you still participated. You watch me fall and crumble whenever your egotistical, ignorant dickheads push me around, kicking my books when I'm on the floor, throwing me things, calling me names, dunking my head into toilet bowls. So, why should I 'accompany' you to this party, when I don't want to go and be surrounded with people that I'm not nor will I ever be?"

I can feel my anger, being awaken at the moment. He thinks that he can ask me out, knowing that he, as well, is just like his buddies. But then again, what is his reason for bullying me? It clearly shows that Nolan didn't say any word to them about our little moment back in freshmen year. Wondering his reasons, I was about to ask him, but bell rings for lunch.

Sighing, he gets up from his chair. "Look, I have a meeting for football. Season is starting soon. Let me know your answer as soon as possible. Here's my number." He, then, takes out a paper from his pocket (I don't know why he has paper in his pocket), writing down his number. "I would really like for you to come with me." He walks out, leaving me to sit and ponder about his question.


Throughout the day, my mind was about Xavier and his question. Everything about him confuses me: his reasons of bullying me, his sexual preference (is he gay or something?), and so much more. During lunch, Claire kept blabbering about some freshmen who played a trick on her, not knowing that I'm not paying attention. Nolan had been awfully quiet during 3rd and 4th. Usually, he'll talk to one of the guys or flirts with the junior girls, but today, he just sat and stared blankly to his desk. Today, I get a day off from work. This morning I called in, explaining to my boss my incident last night after my shift. She was grateful enough to give me a day off. When the bell rang, I waited for Claire by her car. She offered to drive me to my work, so I can pick up my car. I've decided to take Maddie out to the park and to the ice cream parlor. Last week, I received my paycheck and the money leftover from paying the bills and such, I would treat my baby sis and have a brother-sister bonding time.

Currently eating my chocolate chip covered vanilla ice cream, while Maddie is waiting for hers to be finish. She asked if we can watch a movie after this, wanting to see that new Disney movie "Inside Out." I secretly want to watch it, knowing that I found it fascinating when I saw it on tv at work last week.

"What do you got there, Mads?" I ask as she sits down, happily, with her ice cream cone. "Chocolate with sprinkles on top. I'm glad we get to bond like we used to. Ever since.."

"I know, Mads. But I'm taking care of both of us. School and work. I'm sorry I didn't make time for you, but now that I have a day off, we get to spend quality time together." Smiling, she continues eating her ice cream as I eat mine. "How was school?"

"School was good. Riles and I tried out for girls volleyball during lunch."

"That's great, Mads. Hope you get in."

"Hope so too, big bro." She finish her ice cream, only leaving her with the cone. Laughing at her ice cream stain face, I continue eating. We walk back to my car after finishing up our ice cream. I call Granny Adams on my cheap cell phone, letting her know that I have a day off, so she doesn't have to babysit tonight. We get to the movie theaters right before the showtime, and see a lot of kids and their parents filling up the the theater room. We both look at each other, giving one another a comforting smile.

"Why don't you go find us a seat and I'll get something at the concession stand, okay?" Nodding her head, she walks down the stairs, looking for empty seats. I head to the concession stand, seeing no line whatsoever. Thank the heavens of theaters snack, there is no line! I get to the nearby cashier, order up some popcorn and candy, and walk back to the theater room. I walk in to see that the movie commercials are playing. Good. I didn't miss anything! I walk down the stairs, trying to find my sister. Once I find her, who's siting in the middle of the room, I scoot my way in, excusing myself to the people who are seated.

"Is there butter in the popcorn?" Maddie ask as I sit on the chair. Nodding, I hand it to her. I also hand her the candy that she wants: box of skittles. She eagerly grabs it, then gives me a kiss to the cheek. "Thank you, big bro!" I give her a noggie, laughing to myself. She, then, glares at me, trying to fix her, now, messed up hair.
Whispering, she say, "I hate you."

Whispering back. "I love you too." Lights dim down, then the movie starts.


The movie was really amazing, made me tear a little bit, which caused me to get tease from my own baby sister. "Seriously, Scott. You're like 18, practically an adult, and you were crying over a kids movie." She says, as we walk out the theater room.

"Says the 13 year old, who begged me to see this movie." Turning to face her, one eyebrow raise. She smirks, putting some skittles in her mouth. "Touché, big brother."

As we about to walk out, I spot a little boy, running towards us. He, then, surprisingly, hugs my leg, hiding his face on my leg. Maddie confusingly looks at me, then looks at the little boy, then back at me. "Do you know him, Scott?"

Shaking my head, confuse as well. I pry off the kid from my leg, kneeling down to his level. "Are you lost, little boy?" He nods his head, looking down at his feet.

"NEIL! There you are!"

I look up, and shockingly see Nolan running towards me. The little boy turns around, and happily jumps up and down. Nolan bends down, picking up the boy, hugging him tightly. "Don't ever do that to me or Nate, okay? No wandering around without us, okay?" The little boy, or Neil, nods, understandingly, then hugs Nolan again, hiding his head on Noel's neck. Nolan, now, acknowledges my presence. He puts down Neil, ruffles his hair afterwards.



He turns to Neil, bending down to his level. "Bud, why don't you go outside? Nathan is out there, waiting for us." Neil nods, skipping his way to the exit. I turn to look at Mads, only to see that she's no longer standing next to me. I look around, trying to spot her, but she's not in sight. Where did she go?

"Look, Noel.."

He cuts me off, putting up his hand, signaling for me to stop talking. "Let me get things straight here, Jenkins. What happened today in the restroom, that wasn't me. I wasn't thinking straight and I was also high. I mean, c'mon, me being interested in you on my free will. Like that's going to happen. This stupid assignment we've been paired for.. I'm not doing it. I ask anyone to switch partners and shockingly, yet suspiciously Xavier was the one who came forward." He steps closer and closer as he speaks. Once he gets close to the point where our noses touch, he stops, looking me up and down. "Get this in your head. I don't like you."

I scoff, folding my arms. I tend to fold my arms a lot, huh? "Feelings are mutual."

He smirks. "I don't know why we were ever friends. Even back when we were kids, you were still a geek. Also a crybaby. All you ever did to me, was bring me down from the social scale. Being with you was social suicide. Thank god I don't have to put up with you anymore. Stay away from me, Fairy. If you know what's good for you!" He, then, walks away, leaving me speechless and hurt. The bite from words makes my eye tear, but I won't let them fall. After all the words he calls me, all the stuff that he has done to me, none of them hurts more than what he just said to me. I angrily wipe my eyes, hating the feel of tears in my eye. I, then, walk around the theater, trying to find Maddie. I find Maddie, who happens to be talking to one of her friends.

"Let's go, Mads."

"About damn time. See you tomorrow, Riles."

Both girls hug each other. As we walk to my car, Mads and I talk about the movie. She enjoyed it, which makes me happy to see her happy. Looking at the time on the radio screen, it shows 8:00 PM. Half way from our car ride, Maddie falls asleep. Smiling at the sight, I pick up her jacket from her lap and cover her with it when we stop at the traffic light. We get home and I carry her in. After tucking her in her bed, I kiss her forehead. "Goodnight, Mads." Walking out her, I turn off her lights, then close he door.


Being with you is social suicide...

Why were we ever friends...

You were still a geek...

I don't have to put up with you anymore..

Social suicide ...

I sit up from my bed, gasping. Sweat covers my forehead. I try controlling my breathing, inhaling and exhaling slowly. I can't let Nolan get to me anymore. He made it loud and clear that we can no longer gain that friendship we once had. I know, that deep down, I want the old Noel back. I may hate him very much, but deep inside, I still have hope for him. I want that Noel who would comfort me whenever I feel down, who always put me into trouble situation with him, who always take the blame whenever we get into trouble. Now, I know that I can never get back my old friend. I can feel tears in my eyes when thinking about the old times. Why did a kiss him? Why did he get so mad because of that one kiss? We could have talk it out.

I look at my alarm clock to check the time. 11:41 PM. I see the piece of paper, lying next to the my cell phone. Thinking about Xavier, I realize that he's the only one, besides Claire, who's willing to talk to me and be seen with me in public. Yes, he had participated with his buddies' in their game of torture, but maybe he's trying to redeem himself, trying to make it up to me. Finally making my decision, I fall back to sleep.


I fast walk in the hallway, pushing people when they're in my way. I spot Xavier's locker, and Xavier himself. He's in the middle of putting books in his bag from his locker. Deciding to scary him, I walk silently behind him. When I get close enough, I place my hands on his shoulder, whispering screaming. "Boo!"

"Ahhh! Fuck!"

I laugh as I watch Xavier scream, dropping his bag.

"Bloody hell, Scott!"

"I'm sorry about that."

He picks up his bag, gathering some things which fell from his bag. "What can do you for you?" He ask, closing his locker, then leaning on it.

I smile at him, knowing that he's going to like what I'm about to say.

"So how about that party?"

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