A Second Chance - KNY

By jamss005

252 39 0

Demons were seen as a hostile species, but the government decided to give them a chance. Admittedly, most of... More



16 2 0
By jamss005

I knock twice on the door, the three returning knocks on the door quicker than usual. I placed Tanjiro down, and picked up Genya even though he threatened to claw my eyes out. Can't be any worse than what I'm doing to myself. I rolled my eyes, opening the door, not surprised when Tanjiro bolted through and Nezuko met him halfway. Both crumpled to the ground, holding each other tightly as if they were afraid the other would disappear again.

"I wish Aniki loved me like that..." I heard Genya mutter sadly, causing me to look at him.

"What do you mean, Tiger?" I asked softly, not shocked when he huffed and turned his head away from me. "If you tell me, I might be able to figure out where he is. Maybe even adopt him, y'know..."

I saw hope shine in his eyes, but just as quickly, it was gone. "Aniki doesn't... He doesn't like me. Probably never wants to see me again."

I gave him a corrective glare, setting him on the counter of the kitchen and leveling my gaze with him. "Tiger, I don't know about you, but if I got separated from my sibling- no matter what old turmoil we had- I'd cherish every moment with them if I ever saw them again." I should be honest with him, but my situation is a lot more complicated...

I let my words sit with him as I grabbed containers of meat, slicing them up and putting them in their respective bowls. This time, I placed the dishes at the table with a glass of water for each of them. As I was about to call the others for dinner, I heard him speak.

"His name is Sanemi..." Genya finally confessed. "Last I heard, he was taken to the Non-Adoptable Ward. There's maybe... six of them in there."

"How many... wards are there, Tiger?" I asked, curious.

"Well, there's the Psych-Ward, for children. Then the Women's Ward... I think there are only four in there. Then the Non-Adoptables... maybe six? Then the... 'Unavailable' ones..." A visible shiver ran down Genya's spine. "They're the ones no one's allowed to see. Nurses rarely visit them. Some don't come back. There's rumor there are ten, then there's rumor that it's only one cause of all the blood shed. No one really knows. Most don't live to tell the tale, those who do are too traumatized."

I nodded, walking over to his slightly shuddering body and hugging him softly. Slowly, his arms circled around to grasp my shirt- tightly. I combed my hand soothingly through the back of his hair, calming him down significantly. I smiled down at him when he finally released me, peering around the corner to call my other three kiddos.

"...What's this?" I asked, uncertain. Tanjiro was in front of Nezuko who was flailing her arms around, while Zenitsu sat on the ground with alligator tears. "What happened?"

"Zenitsu was hugging my sister!" Tanjiro stomped his foot.

I looked at the scene in amusement. "Sunshine, what if Nezuko wanted the hug?"

Tanjiro turned to Nezuko who nodded in agreement, smiling. Tanjiro seemed to deflate, walking over to me and plopping his weight on me. Ow- god, anywhere but the legs. "My little sister's grown up..."

I rubbed his back. "There, there. There's yummy food at the table."

At the mention of food, everyone seemingly just disappeared and reappeared at the table, digging in. I shook my head at their actions, smiling. I noticed how Tanjiro's eyes turned a brighter shade of maroon, his pupils turning into slits. More flame-like marks appeared on his body, showing on his arms, legs, and neck; much like Nezuko's vines. Genya didn't change much at all, in fact, the whites of his eyes actually returned to being white, and the yellow faded from his hair. Interesting...

When they were all done, they all began to converse over several different topics. It looks like they'll get along just fine.

I left the kitchen to go to two new, separate bathrooms, filling the tub and pulling out new clothing for the two. When I returned to the kitchen, I was a little put off that no one was there, but I quickly calmed when I heard giggling coming from the living room.

"Tanjiro, Genya..." I called, the two looking over at me. "I've readied your baths, would you mind?"

They both nodded slowly, standing. I could see how uncomfortable they were, so I rubbed their head in a relaxing manner. "I won't be in there with you, you'll get complete privacy."

They slightly relaxed, Tanjiro tugging on my wrist. "Could you help me with my hair?"

I nodded, leading him to his bathroom and grabbing a comb. Again, I had to cut the hair tie, but his head was much easier to comb through. Fluffier, too. I left him after that, making sure that if he needed anything he could call me or Nezuko.

I then led Genya to his bathroom, showing him everything. Leaving shortly after, I was startled when Nezuko stood directly behind me.

"Can I help you, Flower?" I asked, picking her up since she made grabby hands.

"Thank you... for getting Onii-chan!" She beamed, a delighted smile showing on my face.

"Of course, Flower." I kissed each cheek once, putting her down afterwards and watching her run down the hall before disappearing.

'Mama?' I heard Zenitsu call. I easily located him, manipulating the shadows to transport me, appearing in the kitchen and walking unsuspectingly out into the living room.

"Yes, Cuddle Bug?" I asked, sitting next to him on the couch, slightly surprised when he laid himself on my lap. His head is light enough so it won't irritate the cuts...

"...Thank you for adopting me." He said tiredly. "You're really nice."

I smiled, scratching his back gently. "I'd do it a million times over. For you, or any other demon. Every demon deserves a chance." Even though not every demon is given one...

Zenitsu hummed, nestling into my thigh before his breath evened out. Okay, that stung a bit. I softly lifted him from the couch, appearing in his room and putting him under the covers, tucking him in. I kissed his forehead, flipping off the light and leaving the door cracked. I heard Nezuko in Tanjiro's room, probably going to spend the night with him tonight.

'Mama?' Nezuko's voice rang out in my head.

'Yes, Flower?'

'I'm staying with Onii-chan tonight! I just wanted you to know.'

'Thank you for letting me know. Sleep well, Flower. Love you.'

'Love you, too, Mama.'

Nezuko was much more comfortable talking to me mentally than physically. I didn't mind it- it was something she'd have to work through on her own time. She was the first demon I adopted, but she was also the first to know of my... more demonic abilities.

You see, the stronger the demon, the more abilities you have. For me, I enchanted this house, so each new person I bring in, a room fitted specifically for them will appear. However, as long as someone stays in this house, I'm able to locate them and know their every move. Hear their thoughts. Know their intentions. It's very useful if there's an intruder.

It's not always like that, though. A person has the capability to have their thoughts concealed, but if I try hard enough, I can break through it. I haven't had to do that yet. And if I simply don't want to hear everyone's thoughts at once, I just block it all out for as long as I wish.

I told Nezuko yesterday to inform Zenitsu of my capabilities, and he seemed to have taken it well. I know that's not the case for everyone, though. She's going to tell Genya and Tanjiro tomorrow. I can only hope they're understanding, but if they aren't it isn't that much of a hassle to cut their thoughts off from the house- or me, per se.

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