More | Simon Basset

De accio-pumpkinspice

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Eleanor Bridgerton is the niece of Lady Violet Bridgerton. When she is invited to stay at her cousin's home... Mais

Part I


671 35 20
De accio-pumpkinspice

oh wow!  I didn't realize how long it's been since I last updated.  I am so sorry for that because I love this book.  But I've been updating my other books more and I need to not forget about this one.  It's one of my favorites I've created.  

Who all is excited for the new season?  Penelope and Colin are my favorite!  so sit back, relax and grab a snack.  if you have to go back in the early chapters to remember what i wrote - i apologize.  


Dearest Readers,

It should come as no surprise that Daphne Bridgerton was named this years diamond.  After all, she is the most composed, gracious and purest beauty's of the season.  It seemed only fair that she was chosen as this season's diamond. 

But do we suspect we have a little competition?  It never hurt anyone afterall and in fact makes the season quite exciting.  Her cousin, Eleanor Bridgerton has made quite an entrance and one that I will be watching closely.  There's something exciting about having new blood in the ton.  

- Lady Whistledown, The Society Papers

Daphne Bridgerton was over the moon excited that she was the diamond.  

Not her cousin that was new in town, nor anyone else.  But her.  This was one thing that no one could take away from her and she was basking in every minute of it.  It all seemed like a dream.  She would get her first pick of a husband for herself.  Who wouldn't want this?

Eleanor was rolling her eyes as she listened to her cousin gush yet again at The Queen's remarks.  She could tell that she was trying hard to be humble and not be arrogant about it but the young teen was finding it difficult.  She would make gagging gestures which had Eloise laugh and then cover her laugh.  

Could this day get anymore annoying?

It was only the morning and that meant that Eleanor still had ten more hours or so of having to listen to Daphne.

"Your dresses are in!" 

Eleanor was actually excited to see what her dresses looked like and what Madame Delacroix came up with.  All of them got to their section of dresses and when she saw hers she was flourished.  All of her dresses had embellishes on them and they were either a light blue or a pastel pink.  Her favourite had to be this bow sequin bodice ankle gown one that Madame Delacroix handcrafted.  It was a cream colour and adorned with pretty, delicate rows of ribbon bows that looked as those they were perfectly placed in each spot to create a bordered artwork. It was also intricately decorated with sequins as well.  The skirt was made of frothy layers of tulle.  She knew that this was the dress she was going to wear to the ball.  There was also a posy round neck gown that was champagne coloured and adorned with intricate embroidered floral bouquet motifs and shimmering sequins which created a glistening effect that she adored.  

"Mother!  Why are Eleanor's dresses better than mine?" Daphne whined to her mum.

"Well dear, they're more suited for her age.  They might look better but remember you are diamond," Violet smiled at her daughter and silently wondered why Madame Delacroix made Eleanor's to be better.  And the diamond got the best men.  Daphne's dresses were just as pretty, they were just a bit more simple, which was Daphne's style anyway.  So Violet tried to remind Daphne of this and told Eleanor she was sorry for Daphne's behaviour, whilst complimenting her beautiful dresses.

"That is very true.  I am, aren't I?" Daphne did a little twirl with her dress in front of her.  "I can't wait to wear this to the ball."

Eleanor still stared and marveled at her beautiful dresses, especially one in particular and just knew she was going to wear it to the ball.


Eleanor wasn't the only cousin who had come into the ton on such short notice.  The Featherington's also had a cousin come in, in hopes that that maybe one of the Featherington's will be married off.  What they didn't know was that she had a secret.

(A secret that very well could harm her if she told the wrong people.  It was a secret that was so damaging that it could ruin her reputation.  These days, that was most important to a lady.  And if her reputation was tainted in any way, they were cut off from society).

Eleanor was getting ready for the ball with her lady maids as they helped her in her corset first before putting her in her dress that Madame Delacroix made for her.  It was so beautiful and she marveled at it as they put it on her.  

"You look stunning," Eleanor commented to her cousin as she came into her room after she was dressed.

"Thank you," Daphne raised her head up higher and made no comment about her dress.


"Oh Lady Danbury," Violet gushed at the older woman.  "I do believe you have not met my daughter and niece.  Daphne and Eleanor."

"Pleased to meet you," Eleanor spoke with clarity and sincerity whilst Daphne's tone came out a bit more snobbish than she would have liked.  Lady Danbury looked rather pleased with the two women, despite Daphne's behaviour, they both seemed rather sure of themselves.  She smiled at the two women.

"Pleasure is all mine," Lady Danbury told them.  "Do tell because I don't remember ever hearing of an Eleanor Bridgerton.  Are you here for the season?"

"Yes," Eleanor nodded her head as Lady Danbury listened with interest.  "I'm originally from France."

"Oh, so you speak French?" She asked.

"Oui, je parle français," she replied with a smile (Yes, I speak French).  

"Impressive," Lady Danbury nodded her head as she also spoke to Daphne some but Violet wanted her daughter to socialise and excused them both whilst she left Eleanor behind.  "And what about you, Daphne?"

"No, I'm afraid not," she answered.

"Shame," Lady Danbury tutted.  "Maybe your cousin Eleanor can teach you.  I do believe it would do you well to know other languages."

Eleanor was rather uncomfortable at the thought though as Daphne wasn't the one who asked.  Lady Danbury did have a knack for making others uncomfortble in situations.

"Yes, Lady Danbury," Daphne agreed. 

Eleanor had decided to leave the conversation pretty early on as she went over to the tables and got some lemonade as well as a biscuit when she couldn't help but glance over at a circle of girls who were fawning over a man.

"Would you care for a dance, My Duke?" A woman who Eleanor didn't know asked a guy who looked awfully like Simon.

"I do apologize," Simon declined politely as the women surrounding him frowned.  "I am on my way to speak to a dear family friend."

"Oh but please," the girls surrounding him pleaded.  "Just one?"

Eleanor couldn't believe what she was hearing.  The guy she had sex with was the Duke?!  Bloody hell.  What had she gotten herself into?  And why did she feel compelled to rescue him whilst he clearly looked uncomfortable.  She didn't know.  She was silently cursing herself and she walked up to him.

"My Duke, was it?" Eleanor saved Simon from having all those women surround him.  "I believe you promised me a dance."

"That I did, my lady," he let out a sigh of relief and excused himself as he led Eleanor to the dance floor.  "Your timing is impeccable.  Thank you," he thanked the blonde.

If either were being honest, they weren't sure that they were see either again since that night.

"You didn't tell me you were a Duke," Eleanor murmured ignoring his thanks.

"We told each other that we wouldn't disclose such privy information," he said as they began to dance and they locked eyes.  Her blue ones piercing into his dark brown ones.  

"Right," she remembered their conversation from that night.  

Everyone was staring at the Duke and the Bridgerton cousin as they continued to dance along the ballroom, without a care in the world.

"You look beautiful," Simon comments.

"Thank you, my Duke," she replied with a smile.  "You look quite handsome tonight as well."

"It's just Simon when we're alone," he tells her with a charming smile.  "Please."

"Of course.  I wasn't expecting to see you tonight," she spoke honestly as he spun her and brought her close to him again.  "If ever."

"Nor was I.  But seems like it was meant to happen."

"So it seems," she replies with a first ever shy smile just as the music comes to an end and the people clap.  

"Thank you again for rescuing me," he gave her his charming smile.  

"Your welcome," she grinned at him.

"Hastings!" Simon heard his name being called and he craned his neck to see who was calling him, having it be none other than Anthony Bridgerton.

"Anthony!" He exclaimed.

"Hastings?" Eleanor asked confused.  "I thought your last name was Basset?"

But before he could answer, Anthony hugged his old and dearest friend.  It felt as though it had been forever since he had seen him and he had missed him.  

"It is," he told her with a nod but before she could answer Anthony cut in.  

"You ready to go, dear cousin?" Anthony asked turning his attention back to Eleanor.  Anthony had been warming up to the blonde and even considered her a friend now.  

"Your a Bridgerton?" Simon asked Eleanor, this time his turn to be in shock.

"We told each other we wouldn't disclose such privy information," she sassed back his words from earlier.

"Right," he said leaving Anthony confused as to what was going on.  He leaves his cousin alone for five minutes and he's missed so much.

"I'm sorry, you two know each other?" Anthony asked wanting to be filled in.

"We just met," Eleanor piped up, lying through her teeth.  "I saved him from loads of women fawning themselves at him when he was clearly uncomfortable."

"Yes, she was most helpful," Simon agreed.

"Oh well good," Anthony said a bit uncertain about the whole situation he was now in that it made him uncomfortable.  "You ready?" He asked again.

"Yes," Eleanor nodded her head with a smile.  

"It was nice to see you, Lady Eleanor," the Duke told her as he gave a slight bow to his head at her.

"And you," she smiled mischievously at him as she linked arms with her cousin.  

When she laid in her bed with a smile on her face, she dreamed of the Duke and her time with him as she finally fell asleep.


Dearest Readers,

I have got the gossip for you.

Even though Daphne Bridgerton was this years chosen diamond it was her cousin, Eleanor Bridgerton who was seen as the belle of the ball last night as she looked every bit a duchess dancing with the Duke of Hastings.  If I must say myself, even my cynical heart has to admit they make a handsome couple. It will be interesting to see where this goes and I will make sure to keep my tabs on it. 

It has been rumoured that the Duke of Hastings has no plans of ever marrying.  So if this is the case, then why do mamas everywhere try to set their daughter up with him?

Whilst Eleanor Bridgerton and The Duke of Hastings were dancing the night away, there was a certain Bridgerton who was fuming in the corner.  Could it be out of jealousy?  I wonder. . .

- Lady Whisledown, The Society Papers

It was the day after the ball and the families of the young women were waiting on young suitors to ask their hand in marriage.  It was all part of the plan to set their daughters up for success.  To give them the life they had always dreamed of for their daughters.  

But at a certain house for a certain Daphne Bridgerton this was not the case.  Though she was the diamond of this year, she hadn't had as many suitors as her dear cousin and therefore she grew jealous and anxious that she may not well end up with a husband this year. 

 It was an emotion that Daphne Bridgerton had yet to experience up until now: rejection and jealousy.

For once she was jealous of the attention someone else was receiving when that should be her!  She was the diamond of the season so why weren't men gawking at her every chance she got?  Because even though she was the diamond this season, Eleanor Bridgerton was new and shiny in the ton which grew loads of interest in the Bridgerton household.  

But Eleanor dismissed the attention straight away as she was not interested in leading on the men who would never or could never be her husband.  What was the point?  When Eleanor turned away the last suitor for the day for her, Daphne stared her in curiosity but did not say anything as she left the sitting room and went out front where Eloise was currently.

"I think that was suitor number fifty-eight," Eloise commented when she saw her cousin as she sat down next to her with some crumpets in hand for the two of them and gave one to Eloise as she ate it at the same time as Eleanor.  "Or was it fifty-nine?  I lost count after suitor number thirty."

Eleanor rolled her eyes but laughed at Eloise's enjoyment of it all whilst Violet grew anxious for her daughter.  She knew it was only the first day after the ball but something had to be done for Daphne.  She could not go without a husband this year.

"You counted?" Eleanor joked.  "Funny, because I did not find that enjoyable in the slightest.  Daphne wants all that?"

"For some unknown reason to me," Eloise told her.  "Not sure why.  There is no joy in watching all these suitors chase after women like they are some kind of object."

"That's exactly how I feel."

Eloise found this strange as her eyebrows furrowed in wonder.

"Surely, if your parents sent you all this way to find a husband that is what you want, no?" Eloise asked Eleanor.

"No," Eleanor said as she finished her crumpet.  "It is true that is what they want for me," she confessed.  "I do not wish to find a husband for myself.  I am here to get to know you all and why my parents felt they had to leave their home in order to be happy."

"They had to leave?" Eloise asked intrigued as she never got to know her other uncle and aunt.  She had always wondered why there were no pictures of them found anywhere except for a trunk in pa's study that Anthony now used tucked away in there.  Almost as if they wanted to forget them for some reason.  "I've always wondered why I never got to know your family.  In the pictures I have seen (which have been very few) they look happy to me.  Why do you think they were told to leave?"

"Not sure," Eleanor said.  "That's why I came here though.  To get answers.  I've tried asking them but they would always try to change the subject or say I wouldn't understand.  Well, I'm older now and they never told me.  So here I am."

Eloise liked a little mystery.  

"Can I help?" She asked as she got up on her knees and put her hands together in a begging motion as her lower lip jutted out a bit.  "Please, please, please."

"All right, all right," Eleanor giggled at Eloise who cheered.  "But we must be quiet about it.  I certainly don't want the ton knowing about our family affairs."

"I am certain Mother would not enjoy that either," Eloise agreed and so they came up with a plan.


"A caller for Ms. Bridgerton," a servant told them interupting their discussion which made Violet so excited indeed.  "The Lord Berbrooke."

"Whose he?" Eleanor mouthed to Eloise.

"No idea," she mouthed back as they waited for him to come in.

He was definitely older than all of them combined.  Slightly on the chubby side and had a pointed nose.  

"Lord Berbrooke," Violet greeted him and he nodded his head with a smile.  "Come in.  May I help you a freshly prepared biscuit?  Eloise, Eleanor, allow some room for his Lordship will you?"

For the first time though Daphne did not want to be left alone with him and grabbed hold of both of their hands as they sat on both sides of her.

"Eloise?  Are you not due for a visit with Penelope?  Maybe you want to introduce her to your cousin..."

"I believe I should like to stay," Eloise said and Daphne nodded her head in agreement.

"I wish to stay as well," Eleanor replied.

"I believe you both should like to go," Violet said and both girls got up.

"Sorry," Eleanor murmured.


Whilst Daphne was alone with Lord Berbrooke, Eleanor let out a small shiver run through her body as she thought about that man and if she were ever alone with him what he might do to her.  

"I do not wish to think about what's going on in that room," Eleanor commented to Eloise.

"I don't either," Eloise agreed.  "Though I feel bad for Daphne..."

"I do as well.  He doesn't seem like the marriage type that I would want for my daughter.  Do you want to grab a bite to eat at the cafe down the street first and then go to the Featherington's?"

"Yes, lets," Eloise agreed and linked arms with her.

Eleanor got strawberry ice cream whereas Eleanor got vanilla at Queen Charlotte's Ice Cream Parlour before they made their way to the Featherington's home.  Penelope came to the door and let them in after introductions were made.  

"I still can't believe I've never heard about you since I've been friends with Eloise," Penelope commented

"She's here to find out why her parents were banished," Eloise butted in.

"Eloise," Eleanor groaned.

"Ohh secrets!  I can help with that," Penelope grinned.  "If you'd like, I mean..."

"Sorry," Eloise told her cousin with a sheepish smile.

"It's all right.  I guess it wouldn't hurt to have one more person to help.  But you must'nt tell anyone."

"I promise.  Your secrets safe with me," Penelope told her with her fingers crossed behind her back and a smile on her face.  

"Then it's settled."


"I think Lady Whistledown is a woman," Eleanor agrees with Eloise and Simon is interested in what she has to say.  

"Oh really?  And what makes you say that dear cousin?" Anthony asks.

"Think about it," Eleanor began.  "What man loves gossip?  Surely you all read it but you would never write it.  But women?  We love it.  It's practically imbedded into our very souls."

"I think its Lady Danbury," one pipes up and Eleanor shakes her head and laughs.

"Let me rephrase what I said.  Every women except for Lady Danbury loves gossip," she said which had Simon give her a smirk.  

"Interesting," Simon leans forward with intrigue and Violet gets a little worried that he's more interested in Eleanor than her daughter.  This was not how she wanted her plan to go.  She knew that Eleanor and Simon had shared a dance at  the ball but this was set up for him to get to know Daphne.  Not her!  "Why do you say that?"

"Lady Danbury is a person I hold in the highest honour," Eleanor says with seriousness and Hyacinth giggles behind her hand that's over her mouth.  "She's very much a busy women but she's not so much a busy woman interested in the ton's gossip.  She has much too self-respect to take part in such nonsense."

"That's very kind of you to say," Simon says in regards to Lady Danbury.  

"Liar," Benedict says in his cough towards his cousin.

"Am not!" Eleanor smacks the back of his head making him flinch and the others laugh at his expense.  "If you must know, from what I've to know of Lady Danbury from having just met her, she seems like a hard, classy woman."

"Well clearly you do not know her very well at all," Benedict joked.  "No offense, Hastings," he said in regards to his brothers best friend.

"None taken," he reassured him he wasn't offended.

What Eleanor did not know was that this dinner was a scheme set up by Violet and Lady Danbury to try and have Daphne and Simon get together.  For some reason, Vioet felt as though they were perfect for each other.  It did not matter to them that the only thing they had in common was their wealth.  Violet was only looking out for her daughter.  She did not have the intent to marry off her niece, even if that is what her brother and sister-in-law had intended to happen upon her arrival.  She is certain that they will get over it some day and realise that they might have done the same for their daughter.

(What Violet did not know was that Eleanor herself did not come here with the intent to marry off, even if that is what her parents wanted.  She felt as though she still had some time left before she wanted to settle down and have children.  Did she even want children?  It was not a subject she put much thought into if she were being honest.  Would that mean most men would not want her if she didn't want any?  She did not know but instead of focusing on something that has not happened yet, she decided to pay attention to what Eloise was saying whilst Violet was having her own conversation with the duke).

"I do apologise, my Duke," Violet tells him.  "My children lately have been having an obsession with finding out who Lady Whistledown is.  I did not think this would be the topic of tonight's dinner."

"It's quite all right," he told her.  "I actually enjoy the banter very much."


can i say i'm sorry for the super late update a million times over?  i promise i didn't mean to forget about this story because its literally my baby.  i love eleanor and simon and what i have in store for them so damn much.

also i know the dinner was in the next episode but just pretend its here lol.

what do you think of it so far?  and what do you think is gonna happen next at the ball?

Continue lendo

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