Fallout: Healdsburg

By RobertDeffenbaugh

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This story takes place in the small town of Healdsburg. In the year 2077 the bombs fell and I was immediately... More

Chapter 1: Prewar
Chapter 1 part 1: Orphan
Chapter 2: Vault F
Chapter 2 part 2: Yagi's Return
Chapter 3: Leaving The Vault
Chapter 3 Part 3: Yagi leaves America
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14: Cured
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Last Chapter
Bonus Chapter: Fallout Jupiter

Chapter 5

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By RobertDeffenbaugh

I drove the car to Bailey's Games, I was curious on what they have there.

The moment I parked the car in the parking lot Bailey came out with a shocked face.

Robert exits the car...

Bailey: You have a car?!

Robert: I sure do, Joey's Car Dealership has Cars underground in perfect conditions.

Bailey: I was going to close my shop because nobody can play video games anymore since the Bombs fell, my friend Joey never told me he had cars underground.

Robert: Can I look at the Games real quick?

Bailey: Sure, if you have caps you can buy games, just know their 60 Caps each.

Robert looks at the games...

Robert leaves Bailey's Games and gets in his car...

Robert drives his car to Healdsburg Bounty Office...

Robert enters the Healdsburg Bounty Office...

Receptionist: Aren't you a little too young for Bounty work little boy?

Robert: I have a car so I'm the best Bounty Hunter in this Town.

Receptionist: We will see what the boss says about that.

Bounty Hunter Rex: A Vault Dweller looking for work?

Receptionist: How old are you?

Robert: 8.

Bounty Hunter Rex: Where are your Parents?

Robert: Dead, well my Mom is at Healdsburg Elementary School.

Bounty Hunter Rex: You mentioned you have a car?

Robert: Yeah, I drove here.

Bounty Hunter Rex looks outside...

Bounty Hunter Rex comes back inside...

Bounty Hunter Rex: Lucky for you I got a hose to clean your car.

Bounty Hunter Rex turns on the hose and cleans Robert's car...

Robert: Wow!

Bounty Hunter Rex: Do you even own a gun?

Robert: Yeah, my 10mm Pistol is customized.

Robert shows his customized 10mm Pistol...

Bounty Hunter Rex gives Robert a Bounty Hunter Duster and a Bounty Hunter Badge...

Bounty Hunter Rex gives Robert a list of Targets...

Bounty Hunter Rex: I need their fingers as proof of the deed, the details I gave you on the list tells you how much Caps I will give you per kill.

Robert gets in his car and goes to Tarpon's Gambling Den...

Robert arrives at Tarpon's Gambling Den...

The Target #1: That Ghoul cheated and took all my Caps!

Bouncer: Get out of here or I will punch your lights out.

The Target: I will sue you and that cheating Ghoul!

Bouncer gives the Target a knuckle sandwich...

Bouncer: Do I have to throw you in the trash?

Robert: This can't be my Target.

The Target pulls out a gun...

The Target: Give me my Money or I'll shoot your eyes out!

Bouncer: Go fuck yourself, you lost fair and square.

The Target shoots the Bouncer in the head...

Target: That Ghoul used her own cards to win, the game was rigged!

Robert shoots the Target in the head...

Robert takes the Target's finger...

Robert drives to Barter's Donut Shop...

Target #2: There's no Caps in the Donut Shop?!

Barter: You won't get away with robbing me.

Target #2: I will have fun killing you if you don't shut up!

Robert comes in aiming a gun at Target #2...

Barter: A little Kid with a Bounty Hunter Duster?

Target #2: Drop the gun or I won't hesitate to blow your brains out.

Robert shoots Target #2...

Robert takes a finger...

Barter: You look too young for Bounty Hunting.

Robert: I need the Caps and I can shoot a gun.

Robert walks out of Barter's Donut Shop...

Robert drives to Spa House...

Robert arrives at Spa House...

Target #3 relaxing in a Spa...

Target #3: The Raiders paid me a lot of money to sell their products in the container I haven't opened yet, it must be very important at that cost.

Robert enters the Spa House...

Robert aims a gun at the third and final Target...

Michel tackles Robert to the ground tying his hands together...

Michel: Boss, this Kid was seconds away from killing you.

Target #3 gets out of the Spa and walks over to Robert...

Target #3: I need to know what's in the container that's lead to a Kid Bounty Hunter after me.

Michel: Go ahead, this Kid isn't going anywhere.

Target #3 opens the Container...

Target #3: This doesn't make sense, I almost got my head blown up over Baseball Cards.

Bounty Hunter Rex shoots Michel in the head...

Bounty Hunter Rex: I knew I shouldn't have hired a Kid to do a man's Job.

Target #3: Why do you want me dead?

Bounty Hunter Rex: You have a deck of cards that are Illegal, why did you steal the cards?

Target #3: I was given this Container by the Raiders, they paid me a lot of caps to deliver it to the NCR.

Bounty Hunter Rex: I find that very unlikely because the Baseball Cards were stolen from the NCR.

Target #3: I have my orders written down and Ten Thousand Caps.

Bounty Hunter Rex: Take your orders out slowly.

Target #3 takes out his orders slowly and gives them to Bounty Hunter Rex...

Target #3: I'm telling you the truth, I'm just delivering the Baseball Cards to the NCR and making a lot of caps doing it.

Bounty Hunter Rex reads Target #3's orders...

Bounty Hunter Rex shoots Target #3 in the head...

Target #3 dead...

Bounty Hunter Rex: I'm sorry but I can't spare you either, you are a witness to me shooting this fool to take his caps and his Job.

Bounty Hunter Rex aims a gun at Robert's head...

Legate Benjamin shoots Bounty Hunter Rex in the head...

Legate Benjamin: Normally I would kill you as well but you earned your freedom when you killed the leader of the Raiders in Vault Q.

Legate Benjamin unties Robert's hands...

Robert: I'm not interested in joining the Legion.

Legate Benjamin: I'm not giving you an invitation either, this was just a one time thing since it was because of you that I was promoted to Legate.

Michel shoots Legate Benjamin in the head...

Michel: It seems I have to kill you.

Robert shoots Michel in the head...

Robert takes the 10,000 Caps from Target #3's corpse...

Robert reads Target #3's orders...

Robert: The NCR is expecting Target #3 at Martin's Bar.

Robert gets back in his car...

Robert goes to Martin's Bar...

Robert enters Martin's Bar...

Bartender: Welcome to Martin's Bar.

Robert: Where is the NCR table?

Bartender: What does that supposed to mean?

NCR Contact: I'll talk to the boy in back.

Bartender: Okay.

Robert follows the NCR Contact to his booth in the back...

Robert and the NCR Contact sits down...

NCR Contact: You better have a good reason for showing up uninvited.

Robert: The Delivery Guy failed to deliver the Baseball Cards.

NCR Contact: Did you kill him?

Robert: No, a Bounty Hunter killed him.

NCR Contact: It is really important that I get those cards back from my mysterious thief.

Robert gives NCR Contact the Baseball Cards...

Robert: Why did the NCR hired someone to steal their Baseball Cards and return them to you?

NCR Contact: The truth is the NCR has a Legion Spy who infiltrated the NCR so we hired someone to steal the Spy's Baseball Cards.

Robert: Is there a reason why he had a Bounty on his head?

NCR Contact: It is unclear to us who put a Bounty on his head but I wouldn't be surprised if it was the Legion Spy.

Robert: Can you hire me?

NCR Contact: You are just a little kid, the NCR only recruits Adults.

Robert leaves the Bar and gets in his car...

Robert drives to Healdsburg Middle School...

Robert parks at the entrance of Healdsburg Middle School...

Outcast Brotherhood of Steel Soldier #1: Do you have a Student ID?

Robert: Why?

Outcast Brotherhood of Steel Soldier #1: Nobody can enter without a Student ID, we are protecting a bunch of Teens who survived the Nuclear Bomb unharmed.

Robert: I see.

Robert walks over to his car...

Principal: Wait, you can enter with an escort if you like.

Robert: Okay.

Outcast Brotherhood of Steel #2 escorts Robert inside Healdsburg Middle School...

Mister Watts: Isn't he too young to be a Student?

Outcast Brotherhood of Steel #2: I'm on escort duty because the Principal said it's okay for him to be here.

Mister Watts: I can fit one more student in my classroom, I'll just give him his grade level school work.

Robert follows Mister Watts to his classroom...

Robert sits at the empty desk...

Mister Watts gives Robert school work...

Robert turns on his Pipboy Radio...

I'm into something good on the radio...

Robert finishing his School work...

Principal: The Outcast Brotherhood signed a contract to protect Healdsburg Middle School after the bombs fell and so you are not permitted to guard this School without signing a contract.

Vault Tec Representative: I am a Vault Tec Representative, I am entitled to protect Healdsburg.

Principal: I'll let you know if I need you.

An Army of Super Mutants shows up...

The Army of Super Mutants firing their Chinese Assault Rifles...

The Outcast Brotherhood Members outside dead...

Behemoth: It's time to see our new home Brothers!

The Super Mutants march to Healdsburg Middle School with their Assault Rifles in their hands...

The Super Mutants enters the School...

Outcast Brotherhood firing their guns...

Principal: Evacuate the building, the Super Mutants are attacking!

Robert turns off the music on his Pipboy and runs towards the exit with a group of Teens...

All the Outcast Brotherhood Members dead...

Behemoth: I finally got you where I want you Human!

Robert picks up a Hunting Rifle and starts shooting the Behemoth...

The Behemoth takes the Hunting Rifle out of Robert's hands and pushes Robert to the ground...

Super Mutant #1: Does the little baby need a diaper change and a bottle of Milk?

Behemoth: He sure does, you should change him before he wets his pants.

A Super Mutant knocks Robert unconscious with his Chinese Assault Rifle...

A few Super Mutants takes Robert's unconscious body to an Underground Nursery Home...

The Super Mutants strips Robert naked and diapers him...

The Super Mutants puts Robert in a Baby Crib...

The Super Mutants leaves the Underground Nursery Home...

Super Mutant #2: We need more Humans.

Behemoth: We have enough, someone has to watch the Child in the Nursery.

October 30th 2085...

Robert wakes up with a headache...

Robert checks his pockets...

Robert: They forgot to search me.

Robert takes out his 10mm Pistol...

Robert climbs out of the Baby Crib...

This is a big Baby Crib.

A Super Mutant pulls out his Chinese Assault Rifle...

Super Mutant: Get back in the Crib Kid or I will shoot you!

Robert Rhinestone shoots the Super Mutant...

Robert puts his Casual Wear Outfit on...

Robert walks out of the Underground Nursery Home...

Robert runs to the Decker's Fast Food Burgers Restaurant...

Robert gets inside Decker's Fast Food Burgers Restaurant...

Cashier: Hello little boy, I see a Pipboy 1,000 on your Wrist, are you from a Vault?

Robert: Yes, I was born in Vault F.

Cashier: You must be very hungry to have made it this far.

Robert: I sure am.

A few minutes later...

Robert eating a Burger...

Robert turns on his Pipboy listening to music...

Cashier: It can be very dangerous for a boy your age out there.

Robert: I'll be fine.

Cashier: Do you need supplies?

Robert: Yeah, and I need Toilet Paper.

Cashier: You poor little boy.

The Cashier gives me Toilet Paper, food and bottles of purified water...

Robert walks to the bathroom and pees in the toilet...

An Elderly Guy farting loudly on a Toilet...

Robert: Call a Paramedic someone died on the toilet!

Elderly Man: I'm not dead, I had too much Chipotle.

Robert walks out of the Fast Food Restaurant and explores some more...

Robert turns on his Pipboy...

Police Captain: For anyone who can hear this message, the Healdsburg Police Department is giving out Purified Water and Donuts, the Radscorpions ate the Coffee Machine again.

Robert drives to the Healdsburg Police Department...

Robert arrives at the Healdsburg Police Department...

Police Officers shooting Ghouls and Radscorpions...

Police Officers shocked seeing a functioning car...

The Police Captain walks outside...

Robert: I heard your message on my Pipboy.

Police Captain: I didn't wanted to sound desperate but this Police Station is under attack and that's why I radioed in for backup, but I do have Purified Water and Donuts.

Police Officer #1: Aren't you a little young to drive a car?

Police Officer #2: And how did you get a functioning car?!

Robert: Joey's Car Dealership has functioning cars underground.

Police Captain: Come inside and take a seat in my Office, I can't have Kids roaming around, it's too dangerous.

Robert: I can take care of myself.

Police Captain: Sure you can, but you shouldn't.

Tiara walks over to the Police Department...

Tiara: There you are.

Robert: Tiara?

Tiara: I knew that Police Captain's message will bring me to you.

Robert: How did you hear it?

Tiara: I was listening in by radio and I thought if I was going to find you, you would go somewhere that has supplies.

Robert: Let's get out of here, I have a car.

Robert and Tiara gets in the car...

Tiara drives to Barty's Clothing Store...

Tiara and Robert arrives at Barty's Clothing Store...

Tiara and Robert enters Barty's Clothing Store...

Robert and Tiara gets some clothes...

Barty: It seems I'm working alone today because Kevin was eaten by a Deathclaw.

Robert and Tiara walks over to Barty...

Tiara pays for our clothes...

Tiara and Robert walks outside Barty's Clothing Store...

Ghoul: Hello Smooth Skins, do you want some Candy?

Tiara: Who are you?!

Ghoul: I'm Patrick Mason from Diego Island selling Candy to Smooth Skins like yourself.

Barty runs outside with a Broomstick...

Barty: These Kids are not your property Patrick Mason, the next time you try to kidnap Kids around these parts I'll beat you with my Baseball Bat!

Patrick Mason: You got it all wrong Barty, I'm not smuggling Kids anymore to the Legionnaires, I'm now giving away Candy to Children to make up for my Sins.

Barty: You stole my Daughter and you think you can show your face around here?!

Patrick Mason: You call that Slut your Daughter?!

She had Sex with all your Customers and wouldn't stop showing off her Tattoos.

Barty Beats up Patrick Mason with a Baseball Bat...

Barty: She may have been a Slutty adopted Daughter but nobody steals from me!

Tiara takes Robert's hand and takes him to the car...

Tiara drives to Healdsburg Elementary School...

Tiara parks the car at Healdsburg Elementary School...

Tiara and Robert gets out of the car and walks to the entrance...

Angela Rhinestone: I was starting to get worried about you.

Robert: You brought me here to bring me back to my Mom?

Tiara: Your Mom wanted to give you a Map to see your Grandparents.

Angela Rhinestone gives Robert a map to Rhinestone Farm...

Angela Rhinestone: Your Grandpa is the CEO of NukaCola and has offered you a Job in a Office Building.

Robert: Cool!

Robert runs to his car and drives to Rhinestone Farm...

Robert arrives at Rhinestone Farm...

Robert exits the car...

Christopher Rhinestone: I'm glad to finally meet you, your Mom told me about your survival of Vault F.

Robert: How did you survive Grandpa?

Christopher Rhinestone: I added an Underground Bunker to NukaCola so my Employees wouldn't die in the Nuclear Apocalypse.

Robert: Is it true that I'll be working at NukaCola?

Christopher Rhinestone: Yes, I set up your Office and everything, I'll explain your Job description once I get you into your Office.

Robert: Where's Grandma?

Christopher: She's really sick right now so she'll be resting in her bed till the fever goes down.

Christopher Rhinestone takes Robert to NukaCola Office Building...

Christopher Rhinestone pulls over at the entrance...

Christopher and Robert gets inside the NukaCola Building...

Christopher takes Robert to his Office...

Christopher points at the name at the door...

Robert: This is my Office?

Christopher: Yes, get inside and sit tight at your desk, I'll be back with your Job description and an Ice Cold NukaCola.

Robert sits at his desk...

Robert puts his gun and ammo in his desk...

Robert: It's really nice in here.

Christopher walks away...

A few minutes later...

Christopher: Your Job Description is to go to this Email Address and read what each Customer wants, call this number and tell the Truckers the information.

Christopher gives Robert an Email Address and gives him a phone number to call...

Christopher gives Robert an Iced cold NukaCola...

Robert: Is that all?

Christopher: Yeah, later today you get to put NukaCola in the delivery Trucks.

Robert: Cool!

Christopher: I'm sorry but there seems to be a problem that I need you to resolve.

Robert: What is it Grandpa?

Christopher: Take my car to this Address and tell Parker to pay for the NukaCola shipment, I don't care if you threaten him with a gun.

Christopher gives Robert an address...

Robert walks out of the building and takes Christopher's Car to the location...

Robert enters The Unnamed Bar...

Bartender: Welcome to The Unnamed Bar, are you here for Water little boy?, you can't have beer.

Robert: I'm Robert Rhinestone, a new employee at NukaCola, my Grandpa says you refused to pay for the shipment.

Bartender: That's right and I'm not paying till he gives me what's mine.

Robert: Huh?

Bartender: I deserve a little profit from NukaCola because I helped your Grandpa be CEO of NukaCola, I even helped your Grandma when she was turning into a Ghoul.

Robert: My Grandma was turning into a Ghoul?!

Bartender: Yes, she is still having Radiation sickness but I'm doing what I could to help her, I came in your Grandpa's building and asked if he can help me financially because the price for RadAways keeps going up and he refused.

Robert: At Camp Goodman I found a 100 Billion Caps in the boat house treasure chest, the map is yours if you pay for the shipment.

The Bartender gives Robert the caps...

Bartender: Deal!

Robert gives the Bartender the map...

Robert leaves...

Robert returns to NukaCola Office Building...

Christopher: Good job Robert and I got a very big surprise to reveal to you.

Robert: What kind of surprise Grandpa?

Christopher: This may be tough for you to take in but you are only half Human the other half is Super Mutant, your Dad was messing with genetics to beat the Apocalypse.

Robert: My Dad was half Super Mutant?

Christopher: Nick Rhinestone isn't dead, he saved your Mother before the Bombs fell.

Robert: My Mother is half Super Mutant?!

Christopher: Yes, your Dad made sure you all survived.

Robert: Cool!

Christopher gives Robert an address...

Christopher: I think it's time you reunite with your Dad.

Robert hugs Christopher and runs to the car...

Robert drives to the Rhinestone Lab...

Robert arrives at the Rhinestone Lab...

Robert enters the Rhinestone Lab...

Nick Rhinestone: I'm glad you are here, we only have a few minutes to get a boost.

Robert: A Boost?

Nick: You have Super Mutant DNA and my research can further my project by giving you Deathclaw DNA, it is time to make you even more indestructible.

Robert: Grandpa said you and Mom have Super Mutant DNA.

Nick: Things aren't that simple, we made a deal with the Super Mutants to spare us in exchange for you.

Robert: What?!

Nick: Your Mom and I believe you were the first Super Mutant/Human Hybrid.

Robert: What are you saying?!

Nick: You were born a Super Mutant/Human Hybrid, Grandpa was trying not to scare you but you need to know the truth.

Robert: I'm a Super Mutant?!

Nick: We both know you knew deep down that you were different and that Radiation doesn't harm you.

Robert: But I don't look like a Super Mutant.

Nick: I don't understand it either, you are a medical mystery, your mom produced so much radiation into you we thought you were going to turn into a Ghoul but Radiation has no effect on you.

Robert: What to do now?

Nick: Keep exploring and meeting new people, there's not much to do other than survive.

Robert takes the car back to the Rhinestone Farm...

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