Michael Vey x Reader: The Pri...

By luvbakugo

462 20 147

Y/n is different. She seems like a normal girl, but she keeps a secret hidden from the world. She's electric... More



43 3 14
By luvbakugo

     My eyes began to slowly open as a delicious smell wafted through the air. Sunlight from the window drifted in through the blinds, leaving lines across the bed. I looked around at my surroundings seeing that I was in a smallish bedroom. The walls were a light grey with a carpet flooring. There was a desk in the corner on one side of the room with a dresser standing on another wall with a picture frame. The bedroom was kind of messy and it all looked like it belonged to a teenage boy. Wait...this isn't a room I've been in before. Where am I?

     I continued to look around the room trying to figure out where I was. I looked down and saw I was still wearing the same clothes from yesterday. Hmm, yesterday was the game and then the party. Didn't I walk home? Wait, don't tell me. I actually got abducted? I don't remember ever going home! Then why would I be in a comfortable bed in what looks like a guys room? Uh...

     I then slowly began to panic. I didn't know whether I should leave the room and look around or not. Staring down at my hands lost in panicky thought, starting to breathe heavier, I failed to notice the figure standing in the doorway of the room.

     "Have a good sleep?"

     I whipped my head upwards and looked at the doorway with wide eyes. "Huh?" Then, I realized it was Michael standing there. "Oh, yeah."

     He just laughed at my confused face. "Come on, my mom made breakfast." Then he turned and walked down the hall.

     I jumped up and followed after him. The smell smelled even better when I entered the kitchen. 

     "Well good morning, Y/n," Mrs. Vey said.

     "Good morning, Mrs. Vey."

     "How'd you sleep?"

     "I actually slept really well. Been a while."

     "That's good. I made hot chocolate and crepes. I hope that's okay."

     "That's better then okay, thank you. Especially since it's somebody's birthday today," I said while smirking at Michael. "Happy Birthday child!"

     "Thanks Y/n," he said. I just smiled.

     I got a plate of crepes topped with whip cream. I took a bite out of them and my eyes lit up. "I think these are the best crepes I've ever had! Same with the hot chocolate! It's really good!"

     "Why thank you." She smiled before sh looked at Michael. "I'm sorry I have to work today. Are you sure you're okay with celebrating after school on Monday?"

     "I don't care what day we celebrate," he said with his mouth full of crepes.

     "And we'll have cake and ice cream tonight. Do you and Ostin still want to go to the new aquarium on Monday?"

    "Yeah. And can we go to PizzaMax for dinner?"

     "Whatever you want. It's your day. I can't believe you'll be fifteen. Another year and you'll be driving. You've grown into such a fine young man. I'm proud of you." At this point, it looked like she was close to tears. She then ran out of the room. "I know we usually wait to open presents until we have cake, but I wanted to give this to you now. It's special."

     Michael took the box and pulled off the paper. It was a dark blue velvet box and when he opened it, it had a watch in it.

     "It was your father's. Do you like it?" she asked. 

     "A lot. It's cool," he said.

     When he turned the watch over, it was engraved with the words: I love you forever - Mom

     "Thanks mom."

     "You're welcome." They then both had a nice mother son embrace. I will say that I felt a little intrusive on all of this, so I just kept quiet and smiled. "Well, I'm off."

     "Bye Mrs. Vey! Thank you!"

     "You're welcome and bye!"

     Michael sat there for a few minutes, staring at his watch while I finished eating.

     "You're mom's not only nice and good at cooking, but she's also hot," I said with a smirk while looking down. Pretty sure the "hot" parts gonna get him worked up.

     "She is, but wait. Not you too." He groaned.  "You're as bad as Ostin. Calling my mom hot all the time."

     "Well, she is. Just sayin'. Oh shoot! I need to get you a present."


     "Well, it's your birthday and you're having a party later. I have to give you something dummy."

     "No you don't. You're fine. Just stay here."

     "Oh come on. I need to get you something, or I'll feel bad," I said staring him down.

     "Just play video games and keep me company. How 'bout that? Besides, I'm pretty sure Ostin will be over soon. He'll probably bring a multi-meter to check my voltage. Want to use it to check your's?"

     "Hmm. Maybe."     

    About an hour later, Ostin showed up with the multi-meter. 

     "Hey, Ostin," I said.

     "Oh, Y/n you're still here," he said.

     "Uh, yeah...do you want me to leave?"

     "What? Oh, no, sorry. I was just surprised. Not as surprised though when it came to Michael somehow not dropping you."

     "What do you mean?"

    "Last night. You fell asleep in the car. Michael decided to carry you to their apartment. Somehow he didn't drop you."

     "Really, Michael? You carried me?" I asked, feeling my face getting a little hot. "You didn't have to."

     "It's fine. You were sleeping peacefully and the past few days, it hasn't seemed like you've gotten any sleep."


     "Anyways. I brought the multi-meter. Lets test your voltage Michael," Ostin said. I'm surprised he held off on his little experiment as long as he did.

     Ostin put the little metal clamps on the ends of Michael's fingers and turned the machine on. He then looked down at the machine. "Ready? Three, two, one, go!" Then Michael surged and electricity sparked from the copper ends. 

     "Whoa!" Osten cried.

     "What was he?" I asked.

     "Dude, you're not going to believe it."

     "What?" Michael asked.

     "This thing goes to a thousand volts and its saying ERROR. You're defiantly becoming more electric."

     "Do you think it will stop?"

     "I don't know. No wonder Taylor's cellphone didn't work."

     "Can I try?" I asked.

     Ostin looked over at me seemingly excited to run the experiment again. Probably with new data.  "Of course! Sit where Michael is sitting and clip the copper ends onto the ends of your fingers like so. Alright, I'm going to count down. Three, two, one, go!"

     I surged. Putting as much electricity into it as I could. I looked up and saw that it began to smoke a little and the screen was dark. Both Michael and Ostin looked stunned.

     "It's completely shorted out! It doesn't even say ERROR! It's just gone dark!"

     "Well, I have realized that any time I absorb electricity, I become more electric kind of. But, it shouldn't have been enough to do that."

     "Well, you did just absorb electricity a few days ago. That was a decent surge I did. Probably had something to do with that," Michael pointed out. 

     "Yeah, that's true. It would make sense. Welp what do we do now?"

     Pretty much the rest of the day, we all played video games and then got Slurpees at 7-Eleven, before Ostin had to leave around five to eat dinner. Then, Michael and I decided to read Lord of the Flies to get caught up on it for English class and had some Mac 'n Cheese for dinner. Around six-thirty, Mrs. Vey got home and Taylor arrived soon after.

    After talking for a bit and having cake (which was really good) and icecream, it was time for the second meeting of the Electroclan. 

     Mrs. Vey ended up heading off to bed and the moment she was gone Ostin said, "She's a babe."

     "Dude, she's my mother. You've got to stop saying that," Michael said annoyed.


     Taylor laughed. "Well, she is. I hope I'm that hot when I'm a mom"

     "That's what I said!"

     "Anyways, let's get our meeting started. Who's going to call it to order?" Ostin asked.

     "I think Michael should be the president," I said.

     "Why me?"

     "Because I said so and why not?"

     "I second that," Ostin nodded.

     Michael looked around at us all. "Okay, I call this meeting of the Electroclan to order." Then we followed up on the minutes of the last meeting.

     "I have something very important to add to the record." Ostin shifted. "I discovered something very disturbing. During those eleven days, there were two hundred and eighty-seven  births in Pasadena County. Fifty-nine of those babies were born at Pasadena General Hospital, where you three were born. As I looked over the records, I came across something very peculiar." He paused to make sure he had our attention. "Forty-two of the children born in that time didn't live more then two days. I checked the same time period the month before and there was only one baby that didn't live."

     "Forty times the number of..." Michael trailed off.

     "That's so sad," Taylor said sadly. 

     "Did it say what happened to them?" I asked.

     "Unknown causes." Ostin scratched the top of his head. "But it gets stranger. Only seventeen of the  fifty-nine of the babies born at Pasadena General lived. That includes you two." He looked at Michael and Taylor.

     Michael leaned forward in his chair. "You mean out of the fifty-nine babies born, only seventeen survived?"

     "Precisely." Ostin knitted his fingers together. "It couldn't be a coincidence. A forty-two hundred percent increase in death in an eleven day period and those eleven days disappear. I'm guessing-"

     I cut Ostin off. "-that whatever happened with those deaths had something to do with whoever destroyed the records."


     "We need to find out what was different with those eleven days," Taylor said. 

     "My thinking exactly. Just give me a few days to get to the bottom of it."

     "Wait, what about me though? I was born outside of those eleven days," I decided to finally ask.

     "That's what's weird. Outside of those eleven days, everything seems to be somewhat normal. No records were deleted at all. I'll look into it, but it really doesn't make any sense. I'll figure it out though."


     The meeting wrapped up and Taylor's dad arrived to pick her up. I talked with Ostin for a few minutes, but once Michael came back inside, I decided that I should head out. 

     "Thanks for inviting me to this and letting me stay last night, but I need to head out. It was nice. Happy Birthday!"

     "Oh, well bye, I guess. Are you sure you'll be okay though? It's dark." I looked at Michael and he seemed a little worried. 

     "I'll be fine. See ya later guys!" I started walking out the door, but before I got too far, Michael ran up to me. 

     "Hey, we're going to have my real birthday party after school on Monday. We're going downtown to the aquarium and then out for pizza. Wanna come?" he asked.

     "Sure, why not. I don't think I'm doing anything."

     "Wait, what about detention?" Ostin asked.

     "Oh, that won't be a problem. I don't have to go anymore thanks to...never mind, but it's not a problem. See you then!" I then walked out of their apartment and then out of the building and began the amazing walk home. 

     Hmm wonder if anyone has free candy?


I apologize for taking for not updating for a bit, but this chapter was a little boring to really write for, but next upcoming chapters will be really good (I hope) and I have some good ideas for them. I also just came out of fair week and have just started team soccer camp and feel super drained and lazy, so I might not update for a bit again, but idk. It's always the first few chapters of things that are kind of meh to write, but I do promise that it should get better. Anyways, thanks for reading it means a lotttt!

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