soulmates | Luna briggs

By tw_to_tvd_

13.5K 491 41

In which we will see Olivia and her best friend Blake go through a number of things. Somewhere along the road... More

Main Cast
You're not my mum
from a spark into a flame
option A
three bitten, two born
You think I care
don't shoot me
the kiss
normal day at school
I'm sorry
What does this mean
bear date
back to normal

family dinner

535 25 0
By tw_to_tvd_

Pov Olivia: 

Police sirens are heard and Austin goes to open the door. "We're looking for Cyrus Nix." The police officer said and i'm pretty sure they're here to arrest him and possibly me. "Why?" Austin questions him. "Is he on the premises?" The officer asks avoiding the question and they're so here to arrest him. "You got a warrant?" I ask him and he flashes his flashlight in my face. "Flores, I think you're very lucky we're not here for you. You're eyes are pretty dilated there, young lady. Have you been smoking or consuming illicit substances?" I'm getting the feeling they might just not arrest me today. "Now you got a warrant, or not?" I see Garrett come from behind the officer. "Blake, tell Harlan and Luna to come out. You're all going home."

"Cyrus Nix! We need you to step outside right now." The officer says before they come inside. Perhabs Cyrus will be lucky he went on that little bear date with Harlan, maybe they won't find him outside, at least I hope so. All of a sudden there's a gunshot, it came from outside. "What was that?" Someone asked and Garrett ran off outside. I make my way over to Luna who's watching outside to see her father running to the gunshot. I go to whisper in her ear. "We can't let them take Cyrus." I tell her and she nodds grabbing her phone, I see she's texting Harlan. 

We all went home after the police officially ended the party. Luna dropped off both Blake and Everett already and it's just the two of us now. "Do you think it would be okay for me to stay over at your place tonight?" I ask Luna as we watch Blake walk to the motel. "Of course, i'll just let my dad know." She answers giving me a quick smile before driving off again. During the ride back she held my hand the entire ride. 

We walk through the front door to be met by Prisha and she's giving us a questionable look. "Hey girls." She says with a smile on her face looking towards Luna. "Olivia is staying the night, I texted dad." Luna explained taking of her Jacket. "And she's your girlfriend?" I look towards Luna waiting to see what she's gonna say. "No, she's not my girlfriend. Not yet at least." She says the last bit looking my way smiling and I really wish that time comes soon.  "You girls go head to bed now, before your dad gets back." We both nod heading to her room.

 In her room she hands me a shirt which is a bit big on me seeing as she's taller than me. We both get ready to for bed and just as I come out of the bathroom I see her staring at me. "What? Is there something on my face?" I ask her not knowing why she's looking at me like that. "No, you just look good in my clothes." She says standing up from her bed and pulling me into a kiss. "What was that for?" I ask her looking at her lips. "Do you wanna be my girlfriend?" She asks me and I can't help but smile again. "Yes." I say kissing her again. I feel like the luckiest girl alive right now, being able to finally call her mine. 

She grabs my hand and pulls me to her bed and we lay down, her spooning me. "I wonder if Cyrus is okay." I randomly say without realising. "You still care about him, don't you?" She ask me placing a soft kiss on my neck. "Of course I do, he used to be like my brother growing up. Just because we don't speak anymore doesn't mean I don't care." I turn around in her arms now facing her. "I always thought being with Cyrus would bring back bad memories, but today reminded me that the past is just the past." I tell her and today reminded me that I miss him, the bond we used to have. "I'm sure he'll be okay, Harlan will take good care of him, i'm sure of it." She says gigling and I know exactly what she means. I kiss her once more before turning back around. "Good night, Luna." I close my eyes, feeling safe in the arms of my girlfriend. 

The next morning we were meeting up with the others, Cyrus included. "So the guy on the phone, the same one that's been calling us from a no caller id, says he knows how your father really died 17 years ago." Everett repeats everything Cyrus just told us. "What did he tell you?" Blake asks and I can't believe his dad's death wasn't an accident. "We didn't get that far, I blocked his number. He's not the first person that tried to fuck with me." What the hell is that supposed to mean. Before I could ask him Luna did. "What do you mean?" She asks him. "Well, they never actually found the bodies and you know what happens when they don't find the bodies? Conspiricy theories. I've had crazy assholes calling me for years, telling me shit like aliens abducted my dad and the rest of the crew. or they're all still alive and being used in a government expirement." All the crew exept my dad, How would that be possible. 

"So, there's no one who really knows what happened to your dad? Not one real witness to the fire?" Everett asks him and I look down before speaking up. "Exept my dad." I don't even have to look up to know all eyes are on me. I feel Luna put her hand on my back pulling me a little closer to her. "Actually there's this guy , Malcolm. He was in the hotshot crew with the rest of them." Cyrus tells us and I look at him surprised, I never knew this. "Wait, so two people survived?"

"He works at a hospital. I think he's, like, an odernly but I wouldn't talk to him if I were you." Cyrus says which I personally wasn't planning on doing either way. "What did he say?" Everett asks. "He said the fire didn't kill my dad and the rest of the crew." I was always told it was the fire I mean what else could have done it. "What did?" Luna asked what we were all wondering. "A wolf."

"Wait but why wouldn't we just go and talk to her dad if he's also a witness." Everett suggest and my eyes widen. There's no way we'll be talking to that man, like ever. "No." I say not going into any furthur detail. "He has a good point, why don't you call him." Harlan added and I need this to stop. "Because she said no, Harlan. We should just go find Malcolm." Luna says glaring at Harlan and i'm liking this side of her. "No, I don't get why we'd waiste our time when she can call her dad." He says not caring what his sister just said. "Maybe because her dad is a dick." Cyrus said getting all eyes on him. "What? He is." Cyrus put his hands up, shrugging. 

"Lets go talk to Malcolm, guys." Luna said looking between the others and they all went to follow her out but I stayed where I was. "You coming, Flores?" Harlan asked me and I hate when he uses my last name and he knows it. "I think i'll stay with, Cyrus. You guys go ahead." I could tell they were all fine with it, all exept Luna. "Just go, i'll be alright, I've got Cyrus." She nods leaving with the others. I turn to Cyrus and I could tell he was confused by what just happened. "You've got me, huh." I slap him on the arm and it makes him laugh even more. "Great, you're still the same dick as three year old you." 

"And you're into Luna briggs now, what's that all about?" He asked me and I can feel myself starting to blush. "She's my girlfriend, actually. But I swear to god if you say a word to anyone, i'll kill you or better i'll turn you in." I try to stay serious but his smile breaks me and I start laughing. "I missed this, what happened to us?" He asks me and I look down at my feet knowing exactly what happened. "My dad happened, but i'm done letting him ruin my life." 

Just as he was about to say something Garrett barges into the stables. "Garrett." I sigh out knowing we're probably fucked. "Did you start those fires?" Garrett asks him but he also looks over at me. "No." Cyrus shakes his head looking down at the ground. "Don't say it to the ground. Say it to me. Look at me, Cyrus. Did you start the fires?" He asks again and this time Cyrus looks him directly in the eyes. "No." Cyrus says and It's convincing. "I believe you, but there's people who don't . You're gonna have to convince them." 

"You're gonna turn him in, aren't you?" I say getting angry and I can't belive this, Cyrus didn't do anything. "If Cyrus is innocent, he'll be fine." I look to Cyrus and he seems to take it better than me. "Like hell, Cyrus didn't do shit. If you're gonna turn him in you might as well turn me in." Cyrus steps forward pushing me behind him. "Don't listen to her, she doesn't know what she's doing." Cyrus turns around to me. "It'll be fine, I know it." 

Pov Luna: 

I knock on the door of the Flores home with flowers in my hands, i'm not sure if she'll even let me in after what my dad did but I just know I need to let her know i'm sorry. The door opens but it's not Olivia who i'm faced with, It's her mother. "Hey Luna, what are you doing here?" Carina asks me sweetly. "I'm here for Olivia, she's home right?" I would have told her i'm looking for my girlfriend but I don't know if Olivia told her anything about me. I'm standing here with flowers in my hands and i'm talking with her mother which wasn't exactly how I thought this moment would go. "Oh, come in. She's just upstairs in her room." I thank her before I go up to her room. I knock on her door and hear her say come in. As I open the door I see her sit in bed and when her eyes met mine she looked shocked. "Luna, um, what are you doing here?" 

"I'm sorry." I say walking over to her bed to sit on the edge. "It's not your fault your dad turned him in." She says but I still feel bad. I grab her hand and kiss it. "I brought you flowers, I know you love rosses." I could see her smile and she puts the flowers to the side leaning in to give me a kiss. "I'm still very sorry about Cyrus. If it would make you feel better Harlan punched dad in the face pretty hard." She shakes her head smiling. "I think the only thing making me feel better is having you here right now." 

"Do you maybe wanna stay over for dinner, my mum is cooking her famous lasagne." Now i'm getting nervous, dinner with her family. "I mean, would that be okay with your mum?" I ask her just to be sure i'm not pushing some limits here. "Of course, besides she's gotta meet you properly anyway." I smile but it drops as soon as I remember I still have something else to tell her. "So we found out the werewolf that bit you wasn't my real father, it's a boy named Baron. He's part of our pack." 

"Hermosa, dinner is ready!" Carina shouts from downstairs. "Forget about the werewolves tonight, okay? Tonight it's just us." We go down and when we get to the dinner table both her mums are already sat down. "Are you joining us for dinner, Luna?" Carina asks me. "If that's okay with you guys?" I ask also looking at Maya. "Of course, sit down. Olivia never brings over anyone besides Blake." I'm not gonna lie the lasagne looks amazing. "So I didn't know you two were friends." 

"Um, mum. Luna is actually my girlfriend." I didn't expect Olivia to tell her mum that but i'm happy she did. I can tell Carina is shocked but also happy and supportive. Maya on the other hand doesn't seem suprised by the news. "You knew, and you didn't tell me." Carina points to Maya who smirks. "It was a mother daughter secret, babe." Me and Olivia laugh at them. "I'm her mother too." 

"It's a Maya and Olivia thing." Maya said pulling Olivia who sits next to her into a side hug. "You guys have a lot of things lately." Carina commented trying her best to look sad but we all could tell she's happy. "She just loves me." Olivia said and Maya kissed her head before messing up her hair with her hand. "Guess i'll have my things with Luna from now on." Carina pulled me into a side hug and I could see the smile on Olivia's face grow. "Let me get a picture of this cuteness." Olivia grabbed her phone taking a quick picture of us. "You'll have to send that to me too." Carina said. I'm already loving this family.

We had a nice dinner but of course I need to go home because we have school tomorrow. "It was nice having you over, Luna. Come by again soon." Carina said before me and Olivia stepped outside to say goodbye. "That was nice." I tell her as we walk to my car. "They're pure chaos I know." She kisses me before opening the car door so I can get in. "I'll see you tomorrow." I say kissing her one last time tonight before I leave to go home. 

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