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Continuation of the "Quicksand" city. More

Gove City II


449 66 24


"Shona Mills?"

      Nearing her Chevy Impala, the social worker stopped at the sound of her name, looking over to three apparent detectives approaching her and the lady in the front she recognized from months back after the Preston's double homicide. "Detective Childs?" She remembered, "What can I do for you?"

      "A major favor." Akil approached, rocking a plain t-shirt tucked into her Levi's 711 skinnies and her flat booties hitting the pavement. "You've spoken with Joule Preston recently?"

      "Yesterday. She called me in a panic while I was outta town on vacation and put it on her having a bad day." Shona responds with her look of concern, "Is their something actually wrong?"

      "There is, but it's something I can't reveal right now. My favor is for Joule. I need you to drive to Gove City and grab Joule's things while she's at school. If her foster mother asks, just put it on you manger to connect with an aunt outta town that's willing to take her."

      "Uhm.. yeah, okay. I can do that." Shona believed.

      "Ms. Mills," Edi speaks, "it's very important that you maintain normal behavior. If you usually have tea or conversation with the foster mother, do that. Don't give her any sign that you might be hiding something."

      "Joule's life depends on it," Luke adds.

      Shona nods, "I can do it. What do I do after getting her stuff?"

      "You call me and we will go from there." Akil told her.

      That was the detectives plan, and 𝗙𝗢𝗨𝗥 𝗛𝗢𝗨𝗥𝗦 𝗟𝗔𝗧𝗘𝗥 that led to Akil being pulled to the side by her lieutenant, while the other detectives kept the seventeen-year-old occupied..

      "Think we can go to the Police Commissioner now that we have a witness?" Akil asked Darnell.

      "Not yet." Darnell denied, "We need way more evidence than her just hearing him. If this Mook is blood-kin to her foster mother, it's time to start knocking on doors for answers. We need to run birth records on the mother to find out how many kids she had."

      "On it. Still don't want us to question Warren? He could–"

      "No," Darnell interrupted her. "There will be no questioning of a fellow officer. Am I still clear on that, Detective?"


      "Wes and me will be on watch duty tonight. You three get some answers."

"Yes sir."

      Akil and Darnell returns over to everyone else as Joule asked, "So, what exactly do I do about school? I'm not tryna flunk out my senior year."

      "I'll handle getting you your work, Joule." Wes offered.

      "And in between time, you're gonna be here with Darnell and Wes, while we go get some answers that'll help. You comfortable with that?" Akil asked, making Joule nod her head. "I assue you're with the best team right now. All five of us, we're your barricade. To even get to you they'd have to pass us."

      Joule smiled softly, feeling a sense a genuine security.

      "Before we go," Luke starts, "can you remember anybody that might know Mook? A friend, possible girlfriend,"

      "Uhm, no. Solan always said she doesn't know what the older brother looks like and her sister doesn't either." They accept that answer until Joule remembers, "Wait.. Starr Gove's old principal. Her last day was yesterday, moving to Arizona. Solan told me she pregnant by a Young."

      "This Solan seems to know a lot." Edi pointed out.

      "I hear she does," Joule confirms, "even know the story behind that double murder with that twin and... Dominic," she gulped, "the Christie boy."

      Akil stares down at Joule with her eyebrows pulled together, "And what did she say?"

      "Rumor that the Young older brother ordered the hit. And if that guy is the older brother, it would make sense."

      "Could you do me a favor?" Darnell placed a pen and notepad in front of her, "Can you write down any name you can think of that has even been mentioned knowing this Mook?"

      "Uhh," Joule looks to Akil and the detective gives her a gentle nod, "yeah. I can do that. But I don't want to get innocent people in trouble. They were actually nice to me."

      "And we'll do everything we can to make sure they don't." Was all Akil could assure to the seventeen-year-old because if it meant arresting every last name on that paper, the team would.

      Joule jotted the names down, handing it over to Akil. The detective looks it over, getting stuck on one name. "Jalea Greene? How could she know him?"

      "Solan told me that's who she's pregnant by. Just said older brother."

      The detectives look at each other, Darnell giving the nod to question Jalea first...

That was the first stop on the list, however pulling up to the home with a sold sign on the front lawn didn't give them any reason to believe she was still there.

      "Joule did say she was moving to Arizona." Akil states.

      "She could be the break we need, though." Edi let them know, "If she is pregnant by this Mook, we can possibly convince her to let us somehow get DNA from the child and we'll actually have a real name to go off of."

      "She's not bouta go for that," Luke shuts down, "the Greene's history with the police here isn't great. Why you think the Police Commissioner was serious about everybody leaving Brayden Greene alone last year without valid evidence? She could be a break in the case, but also a dangerous one. She could go to the Commissioner and our detail is found out."

      "Could, if she knew there was one."

      "From what I've heard, Jalea notta dummy." Edi spoke up, "If we go to Arizona to question her about this, she gonna know nobody higher rank sent us across state lines about this."

      "You not from here, so you don't really know. But with the Greene's we have to really trail lightly."

      Akil nods at Luke's words, "Alright, that's a bust. What about Solan?"

      "Could, but most of it is hearsay." Edi voiced, "We need to talk to her sister, Danita. She's cousin's with the Greene's and girlfriend to Justice. I'm sure she knows way more."

      "Do y'all know where she hangs out?"

      "Gotta beauty salon not too far from here she works part-time on Reever." Edi remembers from his time in the gang unit and they were investigating Justice, "I know she's there around that time."

      "Which mean she knows you."

      Edi shrugs a little, "Just a little."

      "And with you undercover at TG for Warren you don't need to go in or even be seen." Luke told her, "Don't know who's keeping eye around that shop and your face doesn't even need to be seen with two known Detectives. You only should be seen as Monroe Hope."

      "Got it." Akil switches seats with Luke, getting in the backseat for the darker tint.

      The drive was short and up the street from the neighborhood the Greene's once lived. Akil kept her position in the car, while Edi and Luke went into the salon.

      The bell chimes, making the buzz of laughter and conversation suddenly stop and stare at the handsome law enforcers. Danita looked to the familiar face as she scoffed, shaking her head. The hairdresser was in the midst of doing a lace-front for a client and that's just one of many with a bridal party they needed to attend.

      "Ladies," Edi gives a head tilt to the women, approaching Danita as she focused on her client's hair. "Danita. Good seeing you again. You look great."

      "When don't I?" Danita retorts uninterestingly. "I ain't got nothin' for you and no I don't have time to step outside. I have clients to tend to."

      "Then I'll ask here." Edi reasoned, "Y'know anybody name Mook?"


      "Okay. What bout your boyfriend Justice brotha?"

      "He a cop. You know him."

      Edi knows getting even a slight answer from Danita would be difficult due to previous interrogations and she always stayed stitch-lip for Justice, even when they were on bad terms.

      "I do. But I heard he has another brother. One Gove City isn't familiar with."

      Danita's remembers being told by Trudy about another Young brother and even came face-to-face him herself before Justice up and left for months. "Yeah, well, if y'all not familiar wit some ghost brother; I ain't either."

      "Maybe your sister is," Luke speaks up, getting Danita to frown over his way. "I hear she knows quite a lot."

      Danita arched a brow, "and who the fuck are you?"

      "Just answer the question, Danita."

      Rolling her eyes, Danita returned her gaze to Detective Okonedo. "Ain't shit to answer 'cause I don't know who you're talking about. Wanna ask bout the Young family ask ya brotha in blue. Now, can y'all exit? I'm feeling harassed."

      "Sho is," Her client agrees, "and I'm not the one getting questioned."

      "You hear anything–"

      "Not gonna give you a call cause I won't hear nothin." Danita smiles at Edi, "Buh-bye now."

      Edi gave Danita a head nod before leaving out with Luke.

"She's a hard-ass," Luke mentions, walking to the Camaro.

      "You have no idea."

      The detectives reached the vehicle, unbeknownst to them, pictures were being taken of them from a car parked a little ways down.

      "So?" Akil asked as they settled in, "What'd she give?"

      "Nothing but a smart ass mouth." Luke tells her as Edi pulled off, "She's hard. Staying quiet about anything if there's something she do know."

      "If it's one thing I learned working with the Gang Unit, Danita's not bouta flip on Justice."

      "Okay then, we play hard with her. She doesn't want to talk willingly, we'll just make her do it." Akil voiced with a plan in her mind, "But for now, we can celebrate the little win we do have. Joule. Drinks on me after my shift at TG?"

      Edi and Luke looked at each other, then shrugged, agreeing to let loose for one night...

       "See you tomorrow, Ms. Hope." Students of the after-school program waved bye as they departed.

      Akil waved back just as Warren rounded the corner and the students saying their farewell to him. The police officer-turned-detective entered in the math classroom to Akil cleaning.

      "Yo, yo," Warren knocked softly, getting her attention.

      "Well, hello, Detective Young." Akil gave him a smile. The undercover allowed her gaze to cruise his build, taking in his handsomeness dressed in a Beige 3/4 sleeve t-shirt and cotton lounge pants. The silver watch wrapped around the wrist on the arm housing his half-sleeve tattoo. The undercover liked the way he made the lounge look rock so well. "Nice ring to that."

      Swaggering in further, his 'Dark Mocha' Air Jordan One Highs stepping along the rubber flooring, Warren chuckled coolly, "Yeah. It actually do gotta nice ring to it."

      "Detective Shepard over his hangover? With as many as he threw back, that could take a week."

      Warren laughs at the joke with the undercover. "Luckily he fully sober by now. It was a good li'l night."

      "Yeah it was," Akil locks eyes with him for a moment before choosing to get some answers. "Do you know a APG? I hear the kids talking about her all the time."

      "Yeah, she was the former assistant principal at Starr Gove. Jalea Greene. She's a friend of mine."

      "Students say she was amazing."

      "Very." Warren helped her clean-up, thinking about his friend, "The entire school respected her. They could just get through cussing us out, but as soon as Jalea stepped in the room, she shut it down and they listened. She really cared. Gonna be hard to replace her."

      "Wow. Wish I could've met her." Akil smiles softly, "Kids were saying how much loss she had to endure."

      "Parents on her birthday, sister in a drive by shooting done by her own brother. I call that great loss."

      The two finished with placing the chairs on top of the desk..

      "Have you seen around Gove City yet?" Warren asked, looking across to Akil.

      "I haven't."

      "Free tomorrow afternoon?" He wanted to know. "I heard that I'm great tourist guide."

      His charming smile makes Akil chuckle, "Think I'll take you up on that."

      Warren nodded, walking closer to her while pulling out his iPhone. "Say we exchanged numbers, see how it play?"

      Akil pulled out her burner cell, handing it over to him as he took hers. They both type their number inside, saving under their names.

      "Don't stand me up, Detective." Akil scolded playfully, placing her purse strap on her shoulder.

      "Me? Never." Warren smiled, watching her leave out...

      The front door opened 𝗔𝗡 𝗛𝗢𝗨𝗥 𝗟𝗔𝗧𝗘𝗥 for Akil. She had to go home shower and catch two places—liquor store and Roy's BBQ. Edi let her into his tri-level townhouse, her sweet scent following in behind her. Akil was back into her tomboy mode, wearing a Nike pullover and high waist cargo shorts, Jordan Hex slides crossing the floor straight to the living room.

      "BBQ and Tequila tonight boys!" Akil announced, placing the bags on the glass topped coffee table. She quickly realized one person missing. "Where's Luke?"

      "Should be pulling up soon," Edi informed, "I'll get some plates."

      As Edi travels to the kitchen, the doorbell rung and Edi hollers for her to answer, knowing it was their partner. Jogging over to the door, she opened it greeting Luke with a cheerful greeting. He entered, carrying a case of Corona beers, and locking the door.

      "We're eating BBQ," Akil informs Luke, "Cool with you?"

      "Long as I eat." Luke sits down the case of beer, "Spoke to lieutenant. Joule's sleeping, so that's good."

      "Better than good." Edi hands them each a plate.

      "Starting now, work's off-limits." Akil ordered, pulling out three cups for each and taking out the Tequila. "Our witness is resting. Now, we exhale and let loose. Got me?"

      Her partner's chuckle at her demanding tone, "Yes ma'am."

      Akil poured them each the same amount, handing two to them, and picking up her own. She faced them to toast. "To... letting loose?"

      "To letting loose," Luke and Edi repeated, clinking the plastic cups.


      Drunk laughter bounced off the eggshell white walls. The tequila and beers had the partner's incredibly intoxicated. Akil had come outta her pullover just remaining in her racer cropped tank and sweat shorts.

      Edi sat slouched on the sofa beside her, while Luke sat on the floor leaned back against the sofa and Akil's legs hanging over his shoulders.

      "—telling y'all, quickest date ever," Luke speaks on his worst date that had the partner's laughing.

      "Definitely would've left her with the bill." Akil admits, lifting her hand to her ponytail and pulling it out. She fluffed out her thick hair, feeling a relief.

      "You know, I honestly thought your legs would be hairy and ugly feet." Luke stated bluntly, making Akil and Edi burst into a loud laugh. "Am I lying, Nedo?"

      "Nah," Edi admits, making Akil punch his arm.

      "Forget y'all. I still keep myself groomed." Akil twinkles her toes, the nails painted with clear polish.

      "Yes you do."

      Akil looked over at Edi, catching the eye he gave her. He was usually able to do it on the low, but with the Tequila in his system, he didn't care.

      "Question guys: y'all ever have a threesome?" Akil asked.

      "Couple in college," Luke answered, swallowing the rest of his beer.

      "Once," Edi responds second, "with an ex-girlfriend and another lady."

      "Ever with another man?"

      Luke and Edi laughs.

      "No. Two women, always."

      "Not too late to try new things."

      Although Edi's eyes felt as if they were bouncing back and forth, he didn't miss the lust and seriousness in her gaze. Luke, on the other hand, still feels Akil was joking until her he heard kissing noises coming from behind him.

      Luke turned around slowly, seeing Akil and Edi kissing hungrily. "I-uhh.. Gonna leave you two to it."

      Akil caught a hold to Luke's shirt before he could stand fully. She pulled away from Edi, kissing Luke. He was caught off guard, but the hormones in him soon dropped that and he accepts their tongues twining together.

      She pulled back, pussy yearning for any piece of dick and clit throbbing. "If y'all wanna stop, we can."

      Luke and Edi looked to each other, knowing it was no stopping now. The line was crossed and as much as Akil wanted it, so did the two males.

      The Tequila was ruling the trio's thoughts, and with the idea of letting loose for a night, this was end game...

      The trio ended up on the second level in Edi's king bed. Edi penetrated Akil deeply, gripping her hips back on him with her multitasking and sucking on Luke. Her moans were muffled by her working her mouth on Luke's dick.

      Each guy were groaned off the different pleasures.

      The trio all reposition, Edi laying flat on his back and pulling Akil on top of him. She chuckles softly, right before kissing him the quickly turned sloppy. Edi reached between them, grabbing his latex-erected dick and filling her up completely. She rides him for a short moment, feeling Luke push his latex covered tip against her ass. Edi knows what to do, placing his hand on Akil's back and pushed her down.

Akil first instinct was to get up, but the sucking on her neck by Edi keeps her relaxed and accepting of Luke easing into her anus slowly—her tightness letting the Dominican know it was her first time doing anal. With him having experience of doing it on past female partners, he knows to take it gentle and not rush.

      Luke bends near her left ear, "You okay?"

      The fact that he was concern with her during this new experience made Akil soak even more. "I'm okay," she moans out, "keep going baby."

      It just a few minutes Akil had two dicks implanted inside her. Luke and Edi worked her over, one in and one out, picking up speed every few seconds, yet still caressing her body and kissing her neck—her known turn-on spot—to make sure she was still enjoying herself.

      Akil not enjoying herself was the least of their worries, especially with her being the first one to cum. The feel of her insides contracting from reaching her peak triggers their orgasms.

      Akil and Luke falls on the bed with Edi, the trio breathless.

      "Mm," she licks her lips, staring at each of her partners, "Anybody want more ribs?"

      Edi and Luke looked over at her slowly, eyebrows arched.


𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙 𝚝𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢, 𝚎𝚗𝚍


My face writing this sex scene chilleee 🤭🫣 I always feel so awkward doing it especially with this scene being a threesome with two men and one woman. Lordddd forgive me.

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