MTTF: Christmas Side Story


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It's December 24, 2042. The Numbskull Company is currently preparing for Christmas, but as a result. A mild c... More

A Christmas Gathering

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December 24, 2042

Its a another day at Gladwyn Jebb joint Air Force Base, located at California where the 6th "Numbskull" Company of 12th Regiment of the 78th UN Infantry Division resides. It was a day before Christmas and everyone was preparing for it.

At Dorm 215

Matthew was writing down on his diary, Tom was watching News on the phone, Dominguez was asleep and Mark was out doing some exercises

"Hey Matthew!" Tom called out

"Eh? What do you want Tom?" Matthew replied

"Do you have a Christmas Wish or something?" Tom asked

"Eh... I don't know" Matthew said

"What? You don't know? What kind of person doesn't know their Christmas wish?" Tom sarcastically said

"Oh shut up, I've been busy talking with my parents and my brothers recently" Matthew replied

"Eh, whatever" Tom says as he continues watching in the phone


Scorza was discussing things alongside Barrera and Cawthon when Higgins ran towards them

"Hey Scorza!" Higgins calls out

"What now Sergeant?" Scorza wearily said as he was about to ride the Humvee

"Captain, Evans requested you to be in his office" Higgins replied

"Eh?" Scorza uttered before taking a look at Barrera and Cawthon and then he stands up

"I'll be back" Scorza said before he heads to the Operation Center

At the Operations Center

Evans was sipping coffee as Scorza soon enters the room

"Sir!" Scorza said as he saluted him

"Ah, Scorza! I need to tell you something" Evans replied

"What is it Sir?" Scorza questions

"I'm heading home for a Christmas vacation, you and your lieutenants alongside Colonel Leonov are in charge of this base right now" Evans said

"W-what?" Scorza uttered

"Look, just watch over the men stationed here since most of our soldiers head home for Christmas" Evans replied

"Are you sure about this sir? What i-" Scorza said before getting cut off by Evans

"Calm down, make sure the soldiers here stay disciplined and obedient alright? Leonov and you are now in charge... Anyways, I'll head home now" Evans said as he stands up, dusts off his uniform and left the Operations Center

"Well crap, looks like I'm in charge, now where the fuck is Leonov?" Scorza wondered

At the Hangars

Leonov was seen soundly asleep at a hammock tied between two F-15 Eagles, Scorza was approaching and then he yells

"Wake the fuck up Kernel!" Scorza yells

"Huh?!" Leonov wakes up and suddenly falls from his hammock into the floor

"Ah, geez sorry if I wake you up rudely sir, but I got some information" Scorza says

"Argh, what now?" Leonov asks while wiping his eyes and yawning

"Evans was now in a vacation, me and you are now in charge of this base" Scorza replied

"Huh? Why?!" Leonov said as he is surprised

"Well I don't know and I don't give a crap if you complain, you're now in charge, you deal with the desk work while I deal with the morons on the ground" Scorza sternly said

"Alright alright geez" Leonov said as he gets up and then says something

"You're seriously yelling at your superior like this Huh?!" Leonov sarcastically said

"Yeah, yet you're a lazy bum that won't work! Since I'm the one who did most of the work, you should be grateful that I didn't make you demoted" Scorza replied

"God fucking-" Leonov uttered before sighing in defeat as he leaves

"Heh" Scorza says before leaving off

"God, how did he even reach the rank of Colonel anyways?" Scorza wondered on how Leonov achieves his rank

"Captain, what's next?" Barrera asks as he arrives in the scene

"Call the boys, we'll be having a announcement to make" Scorza replied

"Aye Captain" Barrera says before heading off

At Dorm 215 again

Matt was slowly drifting into sleep, as Tom was eating some snickers bar while trying to watch TV. Dominguez is still Dominguez cuz he's asleep, Mark then enters the room by slamming the door open which surprise Matt and Tom but Dominguez is too heavily asleep to care

"Mark?! The fuck?! I was about to fall asleep!" Matt yells out

"The heck is with you surprising us?! Last time, you popped out of a sewer hole!" Tom screamed

"Sorry! Sorry! I didn't mean to surprise you guys" Mark profusely apologizes

"Eh...It's fine anyways, what brings you here?" Matt asks

"Oh, my training work out is done, so i decided to go back here" Mark replied

"Oh alright" Matt said before trying to fall asleep again

"Heh, off to sle-" Matt says before getting cut off by the PA system

"Attention, all soldiers must assemble at the Main Hangar 21, i say again all soldiers must assemble at Main Hangar 21" Barrera said

"Oh mother, off i go" Matt said before getting up, grabs his camouflage uniform and runs off

"Hey wanker! Don't forget about me!" Tom says as he gets up from the bed and runs off as well

"Hey Dumbass! Wake up!" Mark yells at Dominguez who was asleep

"Er- Five minutes" Dominguez replied in a slurred tone

Mark would only look at him and then

"NOOOOOO!!! Don't do this to me!!" Dominguez cried out as he holds on the Bed as Mark is dragging him

"You lazy bum! How come you're still in the military?!" Mark said while he was trying to drag him

"Waahhh" Dominguez cried like a baby as he was dragged out of the room

At the Main Hangar 21

"What's the commotion?" Richard asks

"I don't know, i heard Evans and the command staff had a Christmas break" Heinrich replied

"Does that mean we'll get a Christmas break too? I mean, I wanna see my family again" Dimitri said

"You're just gonna fly back to Russia?" Richard asks

"What? No! I'll just chat with them on Zoom" Dimitri replied

As the soldiers talk to each other wondering why they are called

Scorza, along with Cawthon, Leonov and Barrera entered the hangar

"Listen up everyone!" Scorza yells at the crowd of soldiers, which got their attention

"Me and Colonel Leonov was now in charge of this base as General Evans and his staff was on a Christmas break" Scorza announced

The Soldiers began talking and murmuring to each other at the announcement

"Evans had a Christmas break while we don't?! That's unfair!" Alexander cried out

"Yeah! Why don't we get a Christmas break ourselves!" Richard yells

"Screw this! I wanna head home!" Wilson screams

"This isn't fair!" Geraldson yelled out

Soon, the crowd of soldiers turned into a commotion, in which Scorza calls the military police or what's left of it since most of them have a Christmas break as well to quell them from becoming rioters

The soldiers simply back down and merely accepts it

"Alright, now make sure you guys don't do any debauchery tonight! Alright?" Scorza ordered

"Roger Captain"

"Affirmative Sir"


The soldiers said to him which Scorza is relieved but still wary of them doing something wrong by Christmas Eve

"Barrera! Cawthon!" he whispered to them

"Yes Captain?" Barrera and Cawthon asks

"I'm still wary of them doing something really fucking stupid" Scorza whispers

"Well, you should expect that since they're young men, and young men do really stupid things" Cawthon replied

"Also watch out for Leonov, that dumbass might also join them in doing something dumb" Scorza added

"Aye Captain" Barrera and Cawthon nodded

"Alright, you are now dismissed" Scorza said to the soldiers, which they left the hangar

"Man, that was short" Lee said

"It sure was short, but man I wish I could just head home" Woźniak said

"Oh yeah, me too " Lee replied

"Now what should we do?" Higgins wondered

"Let's just follow his orders then, it's like we ain't gonna do much about it" Shiro replied

"Yeah" Higgins sighs

"This would be boring" Russell simply says

1723 hours

The mood in the base would be moody as the soldiers do their daily lives while unable to head back to their homes and family due to the fact they are left there to guard the base but some soldiers planned out to buy booze to lift up their spirits, which might spell disaster soon

Matthew is in his dorm playing a game in the laptop

"Dang, this game is really fucking funny" Matthew thought

Mark would open the door and enter the room

"Hey Matt? What you playing?" Mark asks

"Oh, it's a simple visual novel called Class of '09" Matthew replied

"Class of '09? Another generic dating sim?" Mark wondered

"No, in fact... I tried to do some romance but the entire school was fucked up, like some of the teachers are creeps or plain wackjobs and the students are either assholes or crazy... Except for one guy" Matthew said

"Damn, i see, i'll probably try the game if i got some time" Mark said

"So, what brings you here?" Matthew asks

"Oh, we're gonna celebrate Christmas eve in the mess hall" Mark replied

"Really? What would be special about it?" Matt asks

"Well, we've bought large crates of beer and alcohol and more would come on their way" Mark said

"Beer? Hmmm, sure why not...By the way, where's Tom and Dominguez?" Matthew wondered

"Tom is in the mess hall and Dominguez is talking with his fellow Filipinos" Mark answers

"Sure, i'll save the game then i'll go" Matt says as he pauses the game, saves the current progress and closes the laptop screen

Soon afterwards, Mark and Matthew left the dorm

The Mess hall

Many of the soldiers are there gathered in the hall to celebrate the upcoming holiday of Christmas which is getting near by the hour, many of them are talking to each other, playing some games or giving each other gifts

"Can't wait for Christmas" Heinrich said

"Hans? So, what do you think you'll do in Christmas?" He added

"Oh me? Well, i was planning to have a video chat with my family at Zoom. I wanna know how are they right now" Hans replied

"I see, well we're going to have fun tonight with all these booze coming in" Heinrich cheerfully said

Matthew and Mark would arrive at the mess hall

"Hey Aryan, you're here earlier?" Matthew asks

"Duh, obviously" Hans answers

"Alright" Matthew says as he sits down on the chair

"Oi wanker, you're here too" Tom said as walks up to them and sits down on the chair

"Hey MILF hunter" Matthew greeted him

"Stop calling me that you Yankee bastard! Goddamn it!!" Tom cried out in which Hans, Heinrich, Matthew and Mark laughed at his expense

"When will the booze arrive?" Heinrich asks

"It will arrive, probably at 6 to 11 minutes" Mark replied

"God, it will be a long wait, i should have brought my laptop with me to play that game again" Matthew thought

Outside of the military base

A convoy consisting of a few Humvees and one truck are carrying boatloads of booze and was underway to the AFB

"We sure spent nearly all that money for some booze" Alessandro said to Sanchez who was driving

"Uh huh, we've nearly emptied stores of them" Sanchez says

"Say...I hope the military police won't confiscate this" Conrad said as he was sitting in the back row seat of the Humvee

"Don't worry, we'll make sure Scorza or his two bootlickers along with those MPs noticing these shit ton of booze coming in" Sanchez replied

The convoy would soon arrive at the outskirts of the base, which they are nearing the entrance which is guarded by a checkpoint consisting of a few Military policemen

A military policeman walks up to the convoy holding a stop sign as the checkpoint's boom gate lowers itself

"Alright, what are you guys delivering?" The military policeman named Burkhardt asks

"Uhh.. Some supplies! We are bringing ammunition and guns to the base" Sanchez answers

"Supplies? I thought the AFB is all stocked up and full of supplies... Can't you just deliver it to another base?" Burkhardt remarked

"Uhhh... We're gonna put these supplies here for temporary storage until we deliver them to the Mbaye Diagne AFB at Canada" Sanchez said, in which he begins to sweat

"You boys don't look like the regular supply guys... I know it's you James Sanchez" another Military policeman named Haagnesen walks up to them saying this

"Uhhh... You know, the drivers are on break, so we had to deliver these supplies along with others hehe" Sanchez says in a slightly panicked and nervous tone while trying to wipe his sweat, fearing he might get caught

"Can we inspect your supplies?" Haagnesen asks

"Uhhh no! The supplies cannot be looked at and Overlord informed us that no one should see it!" Sanchez nervously replied

"Overlord informed you? How come he didn't inform us?" Burkhardt wondered in which Sanchez sweats hard

"Shit, we might get caught! Crap!" Conrad muttered

Alessandro immediately grabbed a piece of paper and started writing a forged order and signature of Overlord in order to convince the military policemen

"Guys! You better help me lest this whole gig was up" Sanchez said panickingly to the others

Alessandro immediately handed out a paper containing the forged orders and signatures

"Here, Overlord has Valley sent us this paper" Alessandro said to the military policemen

"Hmmm, this looks hasty...Is it a last minute order?" Burkhardt asks

"Yep" Alessandro answers

"Hm...Alright, you're cleared to get in" Burkhardt said as the boom gate opens

"Phew, thank god...Now, we can have this night for ourselves" Sanchez said

The convoy would continue its way to the base as soon, a night of debauchery will begin

At a training base

Dominguez, Russell, and Irwin are talking to each other

"Pare, makakabalik baga tayo sa Pilipinas? (Bro, do you think we'll return to the Philippines?) " Irwin asks

"Eh, di ko Alam pare... Baka may digmaan sa susunod na taon (I don't know bro, there might be a war next year)" Russell replied

"Eh... Palaging kayo nag aala, chill lang kayo (You worry too much, just chill guys)" Dominguez remarked

"Hah? Palaging Kang chill... Stress na stress na ako dahil sa nangyayari sa Middle East, yoong bobong CAA at EU ay maga barilan anumang oras (Hah? You're always chill, i'm already stressed out because what is happening in the Middle East, those moronic CAA and EU will start shooting each other anytime)" Russell said, slightly annoyed

"Tama si Dominguez, chill ka lang pre, wag kang mag aala sa nangyayari sa mundo... yung ating mga kasama ay maga party party, at mag iinom para mawala ang stress nila (Dominguez is right, you should just chill bro, don't worry about what's happening in the world...Our friends are gonna party and drink so their stress goes away)" Irwin said, in which Russell sighs

"Sige, tama ka naman...Kahit bobo ka (Yeah, you're right even when you're an idiot)" Russell sarcastically said as Irwin groans and Dominguez laughs

"Dyan ka naman Russell, pwede ka bang mag tigil sa pag nunukso sa akin? (Here you go again Russell, can you please stop teasing me?)" Irwin sighs

As the three continued conversing, they noticed that the convoy with the alcohol arrives

"Uy, nandito na (Hey, it's here!)" Dominguez remarked

"Alright mga pare, Maga inoman Tayo! (Alright bros, let's drink!)" Irwin cheered

As they are about to leave, Barrera enters the scene

"Saan kayo?! (Where are you going?)" Barrera asks with his eyebrow raised

"Uhhh... Pupunta kami sa Mess hall at mag celebrate hihi (Uhhh... We're going to the mess hall to celebrate)" Dominguez replied

"Oh? Ano ako? Bobo? Alam ang gagawin ninyo, maga inom kayo ano? (Oh? What am I? An idiot? I know what you're doing, your going to drink right?)" Barrera said in an annoyed tone

Dominguez, Russell and Irwin would simply look at each other and then suddenly went to their knees and start begging

"Please lang! Just one time Tenyente! One time!" Dominguez begs

"Hindi kami maga inom ng marami, tatlong tagay lang (We're not going to drink much, just three shots)" Russell said

"Maga bayad kami ng limang daan, basta maga inom kami (We're going to pay five hundred, just let us drink)" Irwin cried out

Barrera sighs and simply rubs his the bridge of his nose

"Sige, Maga inom kayo... Pero, kapag kayo ay magagawa ng kabobohan... Malilintikan kayo sa akin (Fine, feel free to drink... However, if you do really stupid stuff, you're so screwed with me)" Barrera sternly warns

"Salamat po Barrera! (Thanks Barrera)" Dominguez, Irwin and Russell thanked him and they run off 

"Hayyy nako, mga gago sila, putang ina (My goodness, they are idiots... Son of a bitch)" Barrera sighs and he left 

1834 Hours

The soldiers are now gathered in the mess hall as Colonel Leonov surprisingly joined the soldiers to drink away his resentment of being in charge of the base

"Tonight boys!" Leonov announced 

"Since we cannot head to our homes and to our families due to the damned high command never giving us the chance of off duty...We shall drink our resentment and dissent away with these booze and alcohol!" Leonov declared, in which many soldiers cheered

"Can't wait to taste this shit...Glad they planned this out" Tom asks as he has a shot of alcohol in his hand 

"Yeah, i wonder who will join us?" Matthew wondered 

Alexander and Ford entered the mess hall as they sat on the seat where Matthew, Tom, Heinrich and Hans is in 

"Hey guys, what's going on?" Alexander asked 

"Well, we're having fun tonight Alexander...Wanna join us?" Hans offered 

"Well uhhh" Alexander stuttered 

"No, he won't join!" Matthew angrily said 

"What? He's 18! He should join us!" Hans countered 

"He lied Hans! He's 16 and in the military!" Matthew yells out the truth which made Hans, Heinrich and Tom gasp 

"What?! How?!" Tom asks in a shocked tone 

"He dropped out and lied his age just to get here, i don't know why" Matthew says as he turns to face him

"Alexander you won't drink...Go back to your dorm" Matthew ordered 

"O-okay Bro" Alexander meekly said as he left 

"So Ford, wanna join us?" Heinrich asked him 

"You sure Scorza, Barrera or Cawthon won't get pissed on us? I'm kinda scared" Ford replied 

"Nah, don't worry...We're just having a few drinks" Heinrich said 

"O-okay" Ford said 

"Alright, Matthew! Tom! We're just going to a different table...This table is yours" Hans said as he, Heinrich and Ford left 

"You sure this night would turn into debauchery right?" Tom said as he drinks the shot 

"Nah, like what Heinrich said...We're having a few drinks that's it" Matthew replied

Soon, Matthew and Tom start downing five...Wait no, ten, hold up fifteen...and then thirty shots as they started to drink from the bottle itself rather than the glass 

"Hahaha... I'm feeling happy now... I've never felt this way ever since...wait this is getting too personal" Matthew said

"What Matthew?" Tom drunkenly said as he looks at him 

"Nothing, just nothing" Matthew shrugged it off 

"Okay then" Tom said as he drank more 

"Say Matthew? Why didn't you have a girlfriend?" Tom asks 

"No one would have me" Matthew replied in a slightly saddened tone 

The mood of the scene would change to Matthew rolling to the floor laughing like a child while Tom kept drinking 

"Well the reason why is that- Huh? Tommy? Where did that tea drinking bastard go?" Matthew was about to reveal his thoughts when Tom disappeared 

As it turns out, Tom left Matthew to grab some drinks however he had a unpleasant encounter with some fellow drunks 

"What the hell? I was trying to get more drinks!" Tom yells to the soldier 

"Hell naw, you get your own you dumbass!" the drunken soldier yells at him back

"Leave him alone! He's my friend! He's my enemy! He's my frenemy!" Matthew declared 

"Who the hell are you talking to?!" The drunken soldier said

"I'm talking to a trashbag with a mouth!" Matthew yells 

"What did you say?!" the drunken soldier angrily said 

Matthew shoved him as Tom went beside Matthew

"Get lost and go home bitch!" Matthew cursed 

"Shut your mouth you bitchass!" the soldier says as he enters his fighting stance as Matthew and Tom did the same 

Did you expect a fight? Nope, Matthew, Tom and the drunken soldier along with a few other drunks performed a line dance instead...Kinda wholesome not gonna lie

Meanwhile, at the other parts of the mess hall

The soldiers are having a jolly moment as some of the female staff and workers from the Humanitarian division of the UNIHMF joins the soldiers 

In one table, there is O'Hannity, Woyle, Kyle, Andrew, Geraldson, Reinhard, Otto, Timmons, Igor, Dima and Paul along with some nurses

"I once told my mother to embrace her mistakes, she hugged me"  Woyle joked as the others laughed hard 

"Is it true Woyle? You're a mistake to your mother?" Timmons asked 

"No! If she does, she would simply aborted me or simply left me at an orphanage...I love my mother you drunk freak!" Woyle yells 

"A drunk calling other drunk a drunk? Now that's hypocritical" Reinhard remarked much to Woyle's annoyance 

"Hehe, you're kinda looking cute Kyle" One of the nurses said to him 

"Uh...Uhhh" Kyle sputtered 

"Haha, you got some rizz Kyle...Not as much as Matthew, Tom, Hans or Shiro...But rizz nonetheless" Andrew said 

"Shut up Andrew" Kyle said 

"What?! I complimented you and now you're mad at me?!" Andrew said incredulous 

"Yeah!" Kyle bluntly said much to Andrew's annoyance 

"Geez guys, just calm down...No need to get pissed over this" Dima said to them to make them calm down

"Fine fine" Andrew and Kyle said 

Meanwhile, the Filipino trio are having fun as they tell each other stories and singing karaoke...hold on a minute, a Karaoke? In a military base? How come? 

"Di ba, nakakaputang ina, tayo'y lumilipad at ako'y iniwan mo, oh 'di ba 'di ba 'di ba pinagmukha mo 'kung tanga, tayo'y lumilipad at ako'y iniwan mo sa ere, ere, ere" Russell sang his heart out on the Karaoke Machine 

"Haha, go lang Russell! Kaya mo yan! (Haha go Russell! You can do it)" Irwin cheered out 

"Putang ina, ubus na ang pulutan (Aw fuck, the snacks run out)" Dominguez said as he left the place to find more snacks 

So there's pretty much the party going on at the base so let's check on our boy Matthew 

Somewhere outside the mess hall

Matthew is currently pissing on the wheel of a truck after the line dancing with other drunks, he zips up on his pants as he heads off to the mess hall 

As he enters the mess hall though, his vision due to heavy doses of alcohol affecting his mind, made him see that every soldier and humanitarian division worker as Tom, which confuses him 

"What the fuck? Tommy? Where the hell are you?" Matthew drunkenly says as he walks around him 

As he looks around as he seemingly finds him, probably?

"Tommy? Is that you?" Matthew asks "Tom" 

"What the hell? Do i look like Tom?!" "Tom" said, Matthew blinks and it turns out to be Vijaya Baria, the Company's resident Indian 

"Urgh, sorry" Matthew says 

Matthew continued his journey to where the fuck is Tom, he manages to find "Tom" once more....Or was it? 

"Tommy! Stop fooling around!" Matthew says 

"The fuck? Do i look like Tom?!" "Tom" said in a annoyed tone, in which Matthew realizes his mistake by talking to Anderson Doyle, the best friend of Anthony Ford 

Matthew kept continuing his way to find him, he decides to enter one of the nearby rooms near the mess hall

"Tommy! You better be here!" Matthew says as he barged in 

As he barged in, he was treated to a sight where two "Toms" are fucking each other in a cowgirl style position, although one of the "Toms" had a female body figure for some reason 

"WHAT THE FUCK?! OH SHIT! I'M SORRY!" Matthew yells out as it turns out, he entered a room where a soldier and a female nurse are having sex with each other 

Matthew immediately closed the door behind him, clearly shocked and he grabbed a bottle to drink the memory away 

Matthew once more, re-enters the mess hall and was about to sit down on a chair when the Tom, the actual one this time, grabbed his shoulders 

"Hey Matt! What are you doing?" Tom asks as Matthew slapped him back in response 

"You Brit bastard! I've been looking for you!" Matthew yells as Tom reels in pain in which Tom slapped Matthew back 

Soon, it devolves into a slapping contest as Matthew and Tom kept bitch slapping each other and there's even a few drunken soldiers cheering on them 

"I never thought we would end up being friends Matt" Tom said as he drinks a beer mug after doing their slapping contest 

"Cheers bud" Matthew says as their glasses clink and drank it 

After drinking this, they are now outside roaming the base while drinking, with them laughing like the drunken idiots they are and doing dumb shit 

"Phew, now what should we do next?" Burkhardt asked 

"I don't know....Hold up, is that Matthew?! And Tom?!" Haagnesen noticed them 

"Are they drunk?" One of the military policemen asked 

"Fucking shit! I knew that Sanchez fucker is transporting alcohol! Effiong! Call Scorza and the two lieutenants!" Haagnesen ordered one of the military policemen as he and Burkhardt started running after them 

"Hahaha...." Matthew was laughing like a moron till he notices them "OH SHIT!" He started to run in the different direction, Tom as well began running too as the two frenemies separate from each other 

"YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE BITCHES!" Matthew yells as he runs 

"Stop right there bitch! I said STOP!" A military policemen said as he appeared in front of Matt but he runs towards a different direction 

"I'M AN AMERICANNNNNNNN" Matthew cried out as he vaulted over a barrier 

Matthew and Tom managed to escape from the military policemen, god knows where did they go 

At Scorza's dorm room

Scorza would yawn as he prepared to go to sleep but then 

"SCORZA! WE NEED YOUR HELP!" Effiong opened the door and yelled at him 

"What the fuck?! LOWER YOUR VOICE ASSHOLE! Now what do you need?" Scorza angrily yells 

"Sorry captain, sir! Many soldiers are getting wasted with booze!" Effiong says which shocked and angered Scorza 


"Sorry captain! We didn't expect this to happen" Effiong said 

"Ayy, shit...Guess i need to call Barrera and Cawthon about this, Effiong! Try to watch over them, they might riot" Scorza said 

"Understood Captain!" Effiong nodded and runs off 

"Guess work just doesn't stop for me eh?" Scorza thought 

Scorza would leave his room after grabbing his radio and sidearm 

At Barrera and Cawthon's room 

Barrera and Cawthon are beginning to have their beauty rest and prepare for Christmas tomorrow 

"Say Barrera? Do you have gifts for me?" Cawthon asked 

"What? Of course i have, it's simply T-shirts" Barrera replied 

"Huh, T-shirts, welp it's fine, i need some fashion sense" Cawthon remarked 

The two are about to go to sleep when Scorza entered the room

"You two! Get up! Quick!" Scorza ordered them as the two are jolted out of the bed 

"Huh? What's going on?" Cawthon asked 

"The morons are having a drunken party and we need to shut them down!" Scorza explained 

"Oh no! I knew those bastards are gonna do something stupid!" Barrera remarked 

"Christ, guess we need to put an end to this" Cawthon said as the both of them left their bed, grabbed their sidearms and radio and left the room along with Scorza 

"God, there goes my beauty rest" Cawthon sighs 

At the mess hall

The soldiers are all having a moment with their lives, having fun and all...Till a military policeman enters the scene 

"What's up you drunken buffoons! The party is over!" the military policeman yelled 

"Huh?! What do you mean?!" One of the soldiers drunkenly asked 

Soon enough, Scorza, Barrera and Cawthon entered the mess hall, with Scorza being completely pissed 

"Oh crap! Scorza!" Wilson cried out 

"We're screwed!" O'Hannity said 

Scorza would stand up on one of the tables and looked at them 

"Your Christmas debauchery ends here! YOU ALL MUST DISPERSE LEST YOU FACE THE CONSQUENCES! If you fucks try to resist i'll have you court martialed!" Scorza yelled 

Soon enough, many of the soldiers began running back to their rooms, with some even carrying bottles of alcohol. 

"Phew it's over" Haagnesen said 

"No! It's not! Those fucks are probably continue their debauchery in their dorm rooms! We'll check on them one by one!" Scorza said which the military policemen and the two lieutenants nodded 

"And i swear, i saw Colonel Leonov joining them" Scorza angrily said as he heads out into the dorm rooms 

"Barrera! Cawthon! We're going to split up to check each room in the base" Scorza ordered as he turned around to face the military policemen "Burkhardt! Send some of your boys to guard the ammunition depot while the rest join me, Barrera and Cawthon" 

"Understood Captain" Burkhardt nodded 

Out of the sixteen military policemen, five were send to guard the ammo dump, while the rest joined Scorza, Cawthon and Barrera 

At the dorms

The soldiers continue their fun night of being utterly wasted in their rooms, but the alcohol slowly runs out and some of the drunks attempt to sneak their way to the mess hall 

Scorza was now walking down the hallway with four military policemen, often putting his ear at the doors to determine if there is any drunken rambling or cheering 

"Alright, i wonder what's in here?" Scorza said as he places his ear at the door and heard drunken rambling 

"Alright, time to bust this party down" Scorza said as he kicked down the door 

As he busted down the door, he saw Ford, Heinrich and Hans as the trio looked at Scorza as well

"Oh hello Captain, care to join us?" Ford asked as he was completely wasted 

"Goddamn it you two! Ford is 17! You just let an underage drink!" Scorza yells at them 

"But Captain-" Hans said before getting cut off 

"Shut up Hans! You guys should go to sleep right now!" Scorza ordered them 

But the soldiers aren't cowed instead they got pissed off instead since they are drunks



"FUCK YOU SCORZA, I'M TIRED OF BEING AFRAID OF SUPERIORS, I DON'T CARE ANYMORE, I JUST WANT TO HAVE A FUN NIGHT" Ford yelled, which surprises Scorza the most since he's a teacher's pet or should i call it commanding officer's pet

"What the fuck? Oh right, i should remember people are different when they are drunk" Scorza thought as he mentally facepalmed at his mistake 

"Listen! If you don't calm down right now...I'll-" Scorza says before getting cut off because of a sudden noise in the other rooms 

"Aw Christ, alright follow me!" Scorza said to the policemen and he left the room 

"H-He's gone now" Hans said 

"Alright bros, grab the guns and every ammunition you could find, before the night's over, Scorza, and his two bootlickers would be dead!" Ford said 

At the nearby room at the first floor 

Scorza arrived at the Room 345, and put his ear at the door to hear if there's any debauchery and there indeed is one since it's a drunken night 

He kicked down the door and saw 12 soldiers having a party, with some of them about to drink another shot 

"Oh...Hi" Ebert Brandt said awkwardly 

"You-" Scorza said before he was cut off once more 

The opposite door opens up and reveals Marching Through The Fire's main protag, the one and only Matthew Hendriks, holding a bottle of whiskey and shit faced 

"Put away the booze bros! Captain Scorza is coming!" Matthew ordered but then he saw Scorza and added "Oh...Ohhhh" 

"YOU ALL MUST DISPERSE RIGHT NOW AND GO BACK TO YOUR BEDS!" Scorza yelled as the soldiers immediately headed to their beds 

Matthew would simply look at them and looked at Scorza 

"Matthew! Go back to your bed!" Scorza yells at him 

"But Captain-" Matthew tried to argue but was stopped

"No buts Corporal! Go back to your bed!" Scorza ordered and Matthew reluctantly decides to go back to his room 

Scorza sighs as he looked back at the military policemen 

"Why aren't you talking and doing something?" Scorza asked 

"Eh, the author is not giving us dialogue and gave it to you, we're just silent background characters at this point" one of the military policemen said 

"What the fuck are you talking about Matsubara?" Scorza asked, clearly confused 

"Uh nothing" Matsubara replied 

"Okay?" Scorza said as he heads out and the military policemen follow him 

Meanwhile at the ammo depot

The five military policemen are trying to unlock the gate leading to the ammo dump 

"Goddamn it, does anyone have keys?" One of the military polic- hold on, i'm sick of calling them military policemen, i'll give them names they honestly deserve, i'll call this dude Reynolds

"I don't know, have we checked the administrative offices?" Bragg asked 

"Who knows? Let's just shoot the lock instead" Ramesh suggested 

"Hmm...I'll think of it" Reynolds said 

As they ramble about finding a lock, a unknown voice spoke out in the nearby checkpoint building 

"Goddamn, i wanna fuck 2B's ass myself" the unknown voice said 

"Yeah, where's the lube?" Another of the unknown voice said 

"What the hell? We're not masturbating here together! I don't want anyone to see my dick" The first unknown voice yelled at him 

"Hey! Who the fuck are you?!" Reynolds yells at them 

"Oh fuck!" the unknown voice said as some noise was heard, like someone fell off the chair 

Reynolds entered the checkpoint building and saw two soldiers on the floor while the laptop they had was playing Nier: Automata Hentai 

"Brandon? Jardeleza? What are you doing here?" Reynolds asked 

"Well, we don't have much to do...and we go here since Burkhardt tasked us to stay here for some reason" Brandon replied 

"Do you have any keys per chance?" Reynolds asked 

"Oh here!" Brandon handed them over the a single key to Reynolds "I found it in a drawer, don't know why it's there" He added 

"Thanks!" Reynolds thanked him and they tried to open the lock, which it obviously opened and to the relief of the military policemen 

"So, what are we gonna do now?" Jardeleza wondered 

"You guys should try to get outside help or quell the drunks" Reynolds ordered them 

"Drunks?" Jardeleza questioned 

"Oh, the other soldiers are having a booze party right now and Scorza is trying to control them" Reynolds said 

"What?! Aw come on! We could have a good time there" Brandon cried out, having missed the night of debauchery 

"Hey! Say that again and i'll whoop your ass" Bragg warned 

"Okay okay fine" Brandon sighs in defeat 

"Also, what the hell are you watching in the laptop?!" Bragg asked 

"Nothing! Nothing!" Brandon said, denying that he was watching hentai 

"Shut up! You said you wanna fuck 2B!" Bragg said while pointing at him 

"Uhhh" Brandon stutters 

"Me too bud, i wanna fuck her too" Bragg bluntly said 

"Huh?! What the" Brandon and Jardeleza was left incredulous as Bragg left to guard the ammo depot 

"Well, let's just find someone who prevent this situation from getting worse" Jardeleza muttered as he and Brandon left 

Somewhere at the third floor of the administrative building

Lieutenant Cawthon, along with some Military policemen is currently checking the rooms if there any drunks because he saw some going to the administrative buildings for some reason, he was checking each room if there's any sign of them 

"Any sign of them Lieutenant?" McGinn asked 

"No sign as of right now" Cawthon replied 

"Huh, maybe they left the building and we're chasing ghosts" Jamie said 

"Yeah-" Cawthon muttered before some sort of gunshot was heard 

"Huh? What the hell?" McGinn remarked 

In the rooftop of the administrative building

Five drunken troops namely Ricky, Richard, Sanchez, Alessandro and Conrad are laughing, drinking and testing out their built spud gun 

"Hahaha, do we have potatoes left?" Ricky asked while laughing in a drunken stupor 

"Wait, i think we run out" Conrad replied which the rest of them groaned in disappointment 

"Hold on, i see something we could use!" Alessandro said as he was pointing at something 

"What is it?" Conrad said 

"A rat! Let's use it!" Alessandro said as he grabbed the rat 

Alessandro would place the rat inside the spud gun and Richard even starts recording it via his phone 

"Alright, we're sending the first rat to the moon boys" Alessandro said as he pulls the trigger, sending the rat to the sky which resulted with the five drunken fools laughing way too hard 

Back to Cawthon and za Boys

"Let's check the roof" Cawthon said 

As they are about to leave, a loud crash happened down stairs which caught the attention of them 

"Aw shit, who's gonna check the lower floors?" McGinn asked 

"You guys should do it, i'll face the drunken fools in the rooftop alone" Cawthon ordered in which the military policemen nodded and they left, Cawthon heads to the rooftop to quell the drunks there

At the rooftop again

The five loonies are still drunk as always but then Cawthon kicked the door open which shocked them 

"Hello guys, you having fun?" Cawthon sarcastically asked 

"Yes, we're having lots of fun Lieutenant" Conrad drunkenly said 

"Now, enough...Go back to your beds and lest you may end up with a bruise" Cawthon sternly threatened them as the drunks are shocked 

"What?! How dare you try to ruin our fun time! Boys! Let's stop this dumbass!" Richard said as the drunks went into their fighting stance albeit their fighting stance were looking sloppy 

Cawthon also went to his fighting stance and awaits for the drunks to start a move, Conrad started it as he charged with his right fist high up, intending to throw a overhand. Cawthon countered it with a gut punch which knocks him down, Alessandro then tries to hit him with a haymaker but was countered by Cawthon with a right shovel hook to the face. Sanchez then attempts to hit him from behind but Cawthon smacked him with a left reverse hook kick. Richard attacks in his side, but Cawthon parried his punch and responded with a backfist to the chest and a uppercut to the chin. 

"You bastard!" Ricky said as he was moving in to attack him 

Cawthon noticed Ricky and immediately smacked his head with a flying roundhouse kick, which badly dazes Ricky but didn't knock him down, Cawthon tried to throw a left backfist but Ricky somehow blocks it with his hands, then Cawthon throws a right shovel hook, which Ricky again blocks with his hands. Impressed by it but nonetheless determined in quelling them, Cawthon performed a left side kick which sends Ricky flying and landing on the solid railing

"Phew, now that's over" Cawthon thought, but it changed when Ricky was about to fall off from the railing which made Cawthon panic "Oh shit!" 

Cawthon immediately jumped and landed on the top of the solid railing and then grabbed Ricky's leg 

"OH FUCK! SOMEONE SAVE ME! HELP! HELP!" Ricky screamed out as he was nearly about to fall 

Cawthon immediately pulled Ricky's leg up with all his strength and the both of them fall into the floor of the rooftop, with Ricky landing a few meters away from him 

Ricky was scared enough to the point he simply fainted 

"Hah, guess my job's over now...Now gotta link up with McPhelps" Cawthon thought as he left the rooftop 

Meanwhile, with Barrera 

Barrera and some of the military policemen are checking in the other side of the dorms to see if there's any drunks. They found a lone drunk earlier and put him down, and they still continue to check around 

"Alright, i heard Colonel Leonov is seen around this place, but the bastard must be hiding somewhere" Barrera informed the military policemen

"So, he's around the place? This place is quiet so far" Jahoda remarked 

"Yeah, i agree with him...I think we're going circles in this place" Absolon agreed with the Slovak Policeman 

"Maybe you're right, let's get out of this-" Barrera was about to say something till a loud crash happened 

"What the hell?!" Absolon said 

"Guess Barrera's right" Hyeong said, thinking there's someone here 

"What the hell?" A unknown voice yelled out in the hallway 

"Who's that? He doesn't sound drunk" Barrera remarked 

A soldier appeared running down the hallway and then he got tired and panted 

"Goddamn it...I shouldn't have eaten 25 hotdogs in one sitting" the soldier said 

"Dole?! What the hell happened?" Jahoda asked 

"Leonov and a few others are doing something stupid in room 441!" Dole said as he pointed at one of the rooms 

"I see, thank you Dole...Now try to quell the drunks" Barrera ordered him as he and the others head to the room 

Dole would simply look at them and mutter "Huh, guess i'll try to find Brandon in all this" 

Dole left the hallway to find Brandon and as for Barrera and the MPs, he stack up on the door and wait 

"Alright, in my count...One...Two...." Barrera counted down as Absolon prepared to kick down the door "Three!" 

Absolon kicked down the door but it didn't budge, so Absolon kicked again and i didn't work so Barrera kicked down the door instead 

As it turns out Colonel Leonov along with Poulin, Reinhard, O'Hannity, Igor, Suichiro and Charles are trying to make a human ladder out of amusement. The sudden door being forced open caused them to crash 

"Aww, it hurts" Reinhard said while rubbing his head 

"Aw...WHO DID THIS?" Leonov screamed out and looked at Barrera "YOU! FUCK YOU!" 

"You should shut the fuck up Colonel! You have a job to do and you didn't!" Barrera yelled back 


Barrera would simply catch the fist with his hand and throw a gut punch at Leonov which made Leonov cough up blood 

"Auhh, You...You...You will pay for attacking your superior like this" Leonov said in a weak tone

Barrera would then knee his head, knocking him out temporarily, Barrera sighs as he looks at the other drunks 

"Go back to your beds or else the same thing would happen to you" Barrera firmly warned 

The drunks heeded it and immediately ran away, Barrera could sigh again 

"Guess that's over" Absolon muttered

"Not yet, we still have the others to deal with" Barrera says as he heads towards the other rooms in which the MPs follow him 

As for Brandon and Jardeleza

Brandon and Jardeleza were walking down near the street outside of the military base in order to find help from off duty soldiers 

"Are we even trying to find help? It's 11:55 pm!" Jardeleza remarked 

"Hey hey, we'll find help eventually, like maybe some soldier would be here to help us" Brandon reassured Jardeleza 

As luck would have it, there are four off duty soldiers passing by 

"Is that Sergeant First Class Keaton?" Brandon said 

"Great! Now we have the help we needed" Jardeleza enthusiastically said 

Brandon and Jardeleza immediately approached them 

"Hey guys, we need your help!" Brandon begged 

"What is it Brandy?" Moulin asked 

"The soldiers got drunk and they are having a riot! Scorza, Barrera, Cawthon and the MPs are trying to quell them!" Brandon explained the whole situation 

"God, wait...Is Matthew and Alexander okay?" Keaton asked, clearly worried 

"Well, I think Matt's drunk but i saw Alexander is in his room" Brandon replied 

"I see...Alright boys! Let's assist them" Keaton ordered his squad 

"Yes sir!" Moulin, Cafaro and Hartmann responded 

Brandon, Jardeleza and Keaton's squad heads off to the AFB 

Meanwhile with Matthew

Matt is drunkenly wandering around the base since he didn't follow Scorza's orders, he has bottle of brandy in his hand and occasionally drinks from it. 

"Eurghhh....Fucking shit, shit, shit...Matt, you goddamn loser...What did i do this anyway?" Matt drunkenly rambled at himself 

As he walks around, drinking and rambling. A few of the MPs saw him 

"Hey! Why aren't you in your room?" McGinn asked, clearly mad 

"Huh? Why should i care?" Matthew replied, clearly not in a mood 

"I said... Go back to your room or we'll whoop your ass!" McGinn warned as he cracks his knuckles 

The other MPs enter their fighting stance as they prepare to whoop Matt's ass 

"Shit, guess my luck's over" Matthew then drunkenly enters his fighting stance 

"Heh, guess this would be easy" Haagnesen said 

McGinn immediately throw the first punch, in which Matthew leaned back and performed a spinning backfist which knocks McGinn to the ground. 

"What the fuck?!" A random MP said 

Haagnesen tried to kick him but Matthew blocked it and headbutted him in response, knocking Haagnesen to the ground. Another MP tried to throw a punch but he got smacked by a haymaker 

Alexander, who was now outside, clearly bored of being inside the dorm, was walking down the hallway and saw the MPs and Matthew fighting 

"Huh? Is that big bro? What the hell is he doing?" Alexander said as he runs up to them 

Matthew was miraculously beating up the MPs while drunk, right now, they are badly beaten and the MPs doesn't get up but don't worry they aren't dead 

"Hey Bro!" Alexander yelled out in which Matthew turned around and nearly punched him but he realized it's his little brother 

"Hey Bro....What are you doing here?" Matthew drunkenly said 

"Uhhh, nothing?" Alexander replied 

"Ahhh...How about you drink with me? Oh right, you're 16...I can't let you do that" Matthew said as he drinks more brandy 

"At least you still have some sense of morality" Alexander remarked 

As the two were standing and talking, Keaton and his squad arrived at the scene and Keaton noticed the badly beaten MPs 

"Damn, your brother must have learned drunken boxing or some shit" Cafaro complimented 

"Heh, time to beat his ass" Keaton said as he runs up towards Matthew 

Matthew was about to drink when Keaton threw a superman punch at him, and Keaton punched him so hard, he's no longer drunk 

"Arghhh! Goddamn it" Matthew yelled out in pain 

"Now...Matthew why didn't you just went to your room instead?" Keaton asked, clearly pissed 

"Fuck you Keat! Argh, i'm now sober thanks to you punching me...Now i'll have to drink more to ease my pain" Matthew said as he grabbed the bottle and tried to drink but Keaton simply grabbed the bottle and smashed it to the ground "Hey!" 

"Go back to your room now!" Keaton sternly said 

"Tch...Fine" Matthew said as he left 

"And you too Alexander! Go back to your bed" Keaton ordered Xander 

"Okay okay" Alexander headed back to his room 

"Now, let's find Scorza or his two lieutenants" Keaton said as he and his squad left 

Meanwhile, with Barrera once more 

Barrera was checking one of the rooms to see if there's drunks are there and of course, they are some...Barrera kicked down the door and encountered Shiro, Manuel, Tatsuya, Braun, Poulin and Higgins 

"Oh hello Lieutenant" Higgins said as he approaches him "Wanna have a shot?" He offered him a drink 

Barrera nicely responded with a right hook, knocking Higgins to the ground, which made Tatsuya, Braun, Poulin and Manuel flee but Shiro didn't care and kept drinking 

"Hey Shiro! Go back to your bed!" Barrera yelled at him 

"Shut it Barrera, i don't take orders from you" Shiro said, as he kept drinking 

"Oh? You better go back right no-" Barrera warned as Shiro charged at him 

Shiro tried to punch him, but Barrera dodged it and punched him in the liver, nearly knocking him down and he tried to headbutt him but Barrera struck him with a body cross to the chest 

Shiro was knocked back, then he did something really dumb. He immediately assumes into a squatting position and thrusts their palms out 

"北斗羅漢撃! (Hokuto Rakan Geki)" Shiro said as Barrera looked confused but he immediately assumes a fighting stance, thinking Shiro has something in his sleeve 

Shiro then charged at him but Barrera simply performed a reverse hook kick, knocking Shiro out 

"Heh... That shit was stupid" Barrera remarked 

Somewhere outside the base 

Scorza decided to approach Burkhardt, who came back from checking other parts of the base 

"Any drunks?" Scorza asked 

"None for now" Burkhardt replied "Why?" 

"Look Burkhardt! You must call Evans right now! We need him to finally quell the drunks here" Scorza ordered him 

"Aye Captain...What's his number?" Burkhardt asked 

Scorza simply handed him the number which is in the paper and Burkhardt started calling 

However, some drunks nearby are hearing their conversation 

"What is he saying?" Dimitri asked 

"I think...i think he's saying to get the armor brigade from San Diego" Chen replied 

"What the fuck? Is he trying to get the whole base blown up? What the hell is wrong with him?" Dimitri remarked 

"Quick! We must inform the rest!" Chen and Dimitri left the scene as they head to inform the rest of the drunks 

At the dorm room 339

Maxwell, Irwin, Dominguez, Mark, Sasha, Denver, Russell and Lee were having a great time till Dimitri and Chen entered the room 

"Hey Dimmy and Chen, you guys looked worried...Get a drink or something" Maxwell said while offering a drink 

"Guys! Scorza is trying to call the armored troops from a nearby base! He's trying to get us killed!" Dimitri said in which the other drunks got their eyes wide open 


"Quick guys! We should inform the other guys and start grabbing some guns" Dimitri said as the drunks immediately left the dorm room 

Soon enough, the drunken soldiers are now alarmed and they started to grab guns 

In the armory

Many of the soldiers start grabbing assault rifles, sniper rifles, machine guns, pistols, submachine guns and shotguns 

Tom was handing soldiers guns as he had his trusty L85A9 slinged over his shoulder 

"Here" he hands out a soldier with a HK416, and then hands another soldier a M9 Beretta 

"Here" He was about to hand a gun to Wilson, but he realized Wilson was now carrying two M249s, Five M4s, Three M9 Berettas, and three M1014 shotgun over his back

"Ain't that little excessive?" Tom drunkenly asked 

"Well uhhh....Maybe tanks blow up when we fired enough bullets at it?" Wilson drunkenly rambled 

"Fair point, i played enough Command and Conquer Generals" Tom replied 

Matthew entered the armory, now drunk again 

"What the hell is going on?" Matthew asked 

"Scorza is calling the tanks! They're trying to blow this place up" a random soldier said 

"What?! I'll grab my machine gun! We'll defend this place till we die!" Matthew said as he grabs his trusty M249

Back at Burkhardt and Scorza

After some minutes of dialing, they tried to call Scorza but he didn't pick up 

"Come on come on!" Burkhardt said as he tried to call again 

"Hurry up! We need him right now!" Scorza said urgently 

"I'm trying!" Burkhardt replied 

Soon, Barrera and Cawthon arrived to where Scorza and Burkhardt were located 

"Captain! Captain!" Barrera called out 

"What is it Lieutenant?" Scorza asked 

"The soldiers are now grabbing arms and fortifying the dorms!" Barrera replied in a worried tone

"WHAT?!" Scorza yells at shock 

"Not gonna lie, i'm impressed that they are now fortifying the base while drunk" Cawthon remarked 

"Cawthon, it's a serious situation yet you're impressed by it?" Scorza said, incredulously

"What? It proves that military discipline is still instilled at them" Cawthon pointed out 

"Huh, Cawthon was right" Barrera agreed with Cawthon 

"You two shut up! Now we must try to-" Scorza said before cut off by Burkhardt 

"Finally! Evans answers the call!" Burkhardt said as he places his phone at his ear 

Scorza, Barrera and Cawthon immediately went near him. 

At Evans' household

Evans was waking up to head to the bathroom, so he heads to the bathroom and relieves himself and was about to go to sleep when he had a phone call 

"Huh? Why his Burkhardt calling me?" Evans wondered as he grabs his phone 

"Hello?" Evans greeted Burkhardt 

"Sir! We need you here right now!" Burkhardt said in a panicked tone 

"Huh? Why?" Evans asked 

"The soldiers are in a drunken riot! We're trying to put the situation under control! Right now, we have the soldiers fortifying the base!" Burkhardt explained the whole situation 

"What?! Well fuck! Hang on, i'll be there" Evans said as he ends the call and immediately grabbed his uniform 

Back at the AFB

"So...Is he coming?" Barrera asked 

"Yes, we must hang on i guess" Burkhardt said 

"Now, we should try to wait for him...It's quite dangerous to face the drunks since they are armed" Scorza said in which they nodded 

Back to the drunks 

The drunks are fully armed and ready, the problem was they didn't even had a single bullet for the guns 

"Shit! How can we face the tanks with this?" one of the soldiers said 

"Don't worry! We should try to head to the ammo depot and get the ammunition there" Fritz said 

"Alright, me and the others should get them" Woyle said as he along with multiple drunks left the armory to get the ammo they needed 

At the ammo depot

Reynolds, Ramesh, Bragg, Karl, and Arleigh are currently guarding the depot so to speak 

"Hayyy, this is easier than i thought" Arleigh remarked

"Shut it! You might jinx us" Bragg yelled at him 

"Geez... fine fine" Arleigh wearily said 

"Now, i wonder how Scorza, Barrera and Cawthon were doing?" Reynolds wondered 

"Who knows-" Ramesh said before they heard some rambling 

"Huh? What's going on?" Bragg asked 

"Let's check the front gate" Reynolds said as he start running towards the gate and Bragg and Karl followed him 

When Reynolds, Bragg and Karl arrived at the gate, they see a large amount of drunks armed with guns and walking their way drunkenly to try and get the ammo 

"Shit! How do we hold off against them?" Karl asked 

"I don't know! Reynolds! What now?" Bragg said as he faced Reynolds

"I have an idea! Follow me!" Reynolds said as he runs back 

"This better be a good one" Bragg said as he and Karl follow Reynolds 

For the drunks meanwhile

Andrew, who joined Woyle's ad hoc unit to get the ammo, was struggling to even walk due to how drunk he was 

"Ahhhh...are even reaching there?" Andrew asked 

"Maybe...Maybe" Woyle replied 

"This....This would be an easy job" Russell remarked 

As they were walking their way, they heard a engine noise getting louder and louder and seemingly getting closer to them 

"What's that?" a random drunken soldier asked 

"Is...Is that a Humvee?" Russell said as he tries to look at it more clearly 

A Humvee arrived in the front of the drunks, with Reynolds, Bragg and Karl being the occupants. Bragg was clearly manning the Humvee's twin barreled M134 minigun (think of a Minigun with two barrels) 

"Face the wrath of the bitch slapper!" Bragg declared as he pulls the trigger to make the minigun's barrel spin 

The drunks, realizing that they are facing a literal minigun in front of them, fled back to the armory 

"Shit! Fall back" Woyle said as he runs away like a coward 

The MPs in the Humvee laughed at the predicament 

"Haha, guess we scared them" Reynolds remarked 

"Does the minigun even have ammunition?" Karl asked 

"Well no, we didn't even have the keys to open the ammo depot door" Bragg answered Karl's question 


Meanwhile, for Scorza and his two lieutenant plus Burkhardt

The four of them were waiting for Evans to arrive, and after some minutes he actually arrived 

"Give me a SITREP Captain!" Evans asked 

"Well, the drunks were currently fortified and heavily armed, but i think they don't have ammunition since we located all of the ammo to the depot...But for now, they are dug in and probably waiting for us to try and stop them" Scorza informed Evans 

"Jesus Christ...Alright, i'm heading off to the PA system" Evans said as he heads in one of the buildings while accompanied by Scorza, his two lieutenants and Burkhardt 

0549 hours, December 25

Evans began announcing to the troops via the PA system, while the MPs (except Reynolds' unit who was still guarding) gather at the building to where he was 

"Attention! Everyone must lay down their arms and assemble at the field as soon as possible! I say again, everyone should lay down their arms and assemble at the field" Evans announced 

The soldiers, who's started to become more sober and hearing the broadcast are now looking at each other 

"Is that Evans?" Irwin asked 

"Yeah it's him! I think we should head there right now" Mark said as he dropped his rifle and runs outside 

Soon, the soldiers left the rooms one by one and began to assemble at the field, with many of them suffering from hangovers and trying to rub their heads 

Keaton, Moulin, Cafaro and Hartmann was observing them from afar 

"Guess that's over" Moulin remarked 

"Yep, what are you gonna do with your brother Matt?" Cafaro asked Keaton 

"I'll inform this to Zachary, he's gonna get pissed" Keaton said 

"You're all so fucked right now" Scorza said to the troops, in which the soldiers looked embarrassed 

"Haha, uhhhh" Matthew said sheepishly while rubbing his head

Many hours later, somewhere at the Pentagon

Evans simply told the whole thing to Overlord (Chief of Staff which is pretty much the head of the entire UN military division), Hazard (Vice Chief of Staff and number two of Overlord) and Buzzard (The field marshal and the third highest ranking officer after Overlord and Hazard in the UN military) 

"So you're saying, our soldiers stationed at Jebb AFB, got drunk, caused a riot and armed themselves and fortified the base?" Overlord asked for clarification 

"Yes sir, they did all that" Evans replied 

"I'm impressed, not gonna lie" Overlord remarked 

"What?! Sir! You can't be serious! These guys could have wrecked the entire place!" Buzzard pointed out 

"I'm aware, i'm impressed that they are still capable of fortifying the base...It proves our discipline is deeply instilled with them" Overlord said 

"Anyways, what are we gonna do to the soldiers?" Evans asked 

"I'll handle the punishment, i won't court martial them since they just wanted to do some fun yet they did really stupid shit...So their punishment is 2 weeks of community service and 1 week of training" Overlord said 

"I see" Evans said 

"As for Colonel Leonov, i'll demote him to Major and make sure he learns his mistakes" Overlord sternly said 

"Well, this punishment is way too light Sir, should we just discharge them from the military?" Hazard suggested

"Well, no...I fear that a war is coming soon and we need every man available" Overlord said 

"Understood Sir" Hazard nodded 

"Now, some new policy changes...We'll send the troops home to their families, implement stricter inspection on cargo and we should make our soldiers teetotalers since i need my troops in the best shape possible" Overlord said 

"Alright, i'll make sure to enforce these policies" Buzzard said as he left the room 

"Evans, you're dismissed and also...Merry Christmas" Overlord said to Evans 

"Merry Christmas as well sir" Evans was about to leave the room but then Overlord asked another question

"Hey, by the way...Is Scorza here?" Overlord asked 

"Uh yes, he's here along with Barrera and Cawthon" Evans replied 

"Good, now let him in" Overlord ordered 

"Understood sir" Evans left the room, and after some minutes Scorza, Barrera and Cawthon entered the room 

"Sir!" Scorza, Barrera and Cawthon immediately saluted him "Why are you requesting me to be here?" Scorza asked 

"Scorza, Barrera and Cawthon...For your efforts, i'll give you a reward" Overlord said which the trio was surprised which Scorza hoped a promotion 

"Your reward is....a all expense paid vacation in every place you like, your amount of days is unlimited so you can have your vacation any time" Overlord said much to Barrera and Cawthon's excitement but Scorza was shocked 

"What?! A vacation? Not a promotion?!" Scorza thought 

"Now you're dismissed" Overlord ordered as the trio left

Overlord would then face his adjutant and asked 

"Valley? Did you get the reports about the situation in the Middle East?" Overlord asked 

"Yes sir, i have them right here" Valley said as he hands him documents 

"Good good" Overlord said as he gets them 

Meanwhile with the Captain and two Lieutenants

"A unlimited day vacation with all expenses paid? I'm sold!" Cawthon said enthusiastically 

"Yeah! How about you Scorza? What do you think?" Barrera said as he faced Scorza 

Scorza then fell into his knees, and screamed in agony 


Back at the AFB

Matthew, Tom, Dominguez and Mark are now cleaning the runway with brooms 

"This sucks" Dominguez remarked as he kept sweeping 

"Hey! It's our fault that we drank so much! Thank god Overlord is letting us off lightly" Mark said to Dominguez 

"Fine fine" Dominguez now focuses on his task 

"Guess, that's a few drinks right?" Tom sarcastically asked Matthew

"Yeah, that's some few drinks" Matthew replied in a sarcastic tone 

"So Matt, i tried out Class of '09 and it's actually quite funny" Mark informed Matthew 

"Told you it would be funny" Matthew said to Mark 

"Yeah, but nearly the entire cast are literally hateable, like Nicole's a sociopath? Do you even relate with her?" Mark asked 

"Well, i don't relate with her much...But there's one thing i relate with her" Matthew replied 

"What is it Matt?" Mark asked, clearly curious 

"I too have a hard time find the motivation or reason to get off the bed" Matt somberly replied 

"What?" Mark was clearly shocked

"Nothing, don't worry about me" Matthew said as Mark began thinking of what he's going through but then he shrugged it off 

Matt, Tom, Dominguez and Mark were still cleaning the runway so let's end it here


Hello guys, UNIHMF here...I hope you enjoy my crappy writing here and i had some fun writing this crap so yeah 

Anyways, i'll publish Timeline 5/5 next year since i'm burned out from writing it and i'll show some bits of Overlord's info and even my cousin's drawing of him 

Name: Overlord 

Age: Mid 30s (Presumed to be 36-37) 

Height: 6'1 (186 cm) 

I decided to shadow his eyes since i thought it would make him look cool and mysterious but it ended up becoming a hentai protagonist

As for Overlord, Hazard and Buzzard's real names, i only gave Hazard and Buzzard names while Overlord doesn't. I wanna keep Overlord's real name a mystery 

And also, i'll reveal the entire OC list of Numbskull Company

Capt. Lorenzo Scorza 
Lt. Carlos Barrera 
Lt. John Cawthon 
SFC. Philipp Woyle 
SSgt. Noland Murphy 
SSgt. Klaus Fritz Jaeger
Sgt. Peter O'Hannity 
Sgt. Sung Il-Woon 
Sgt. Michael Higgins 
Cpl. Matthew Hendriks 
Cpl. Howard S. Timmons 
Cpl. Samuel D. Kyle 
Cpl. Malcolm Geraldson 
Cpl. Suichiro Nobusuke 
Cpl. Charles Louissant 
Cpl. Jacques Royer 
Cpl. Igor Aleksandrov 
Cpl. Alessandro Bianchi 
Cpl. Herbert Lang 
Cpl. Richard Compton
Cpl. Pierre Beaumont 
Cpl. Irwin Dela Cruz 
Cpl. Maxwell Edinburgh 
Cpl. Alberto Casagrande 
Cpl. William Conrad 
Cpl. Robert Eric "Ricky" Taylor Martin
Cpl. Shao Chen 
Cpl. Zhou Chang Woo 
Cpl. Fernando Guerra 
Cpl. Manuel Piña
Cpl. James E. Sanchez 
Cpl. Vladimir Mikhailov 
Cpl. Oleg Astrenko 
PFC. Hammond Denver Haviland 
PFC. James Wilson 
PFC. Alexander Hendriks 
PFC. Sasha Suvorov 
PFC. Christopher "Tom" Thompson 
PFC. Paul Lukas Schumann 
PFC. Dima Rusarovich 
PFC. Aleksandr Kosygin 
PFC. Jaromir Chmielweski 
PFC. Ebert Brandt 
PFC. Christophe Poulin 
PFC. Otto Ganz Eissenburg
PFC. Kenji Shiroyama "Shiro" Hayashi
Pvt. Anderson Doyle 
Pvt. Anthony Ford 
Pvt. Russell Santos 
Pvt. Ronaldo Dominguez 
Pvt. Mark Kowalski 
Pvt. Heinrich Gerhardt 
Pvt. Georgi Krukov 
Pvt. Bratumil Wozniak 
Pvt. Donald "Don" Lee 
Pvt. Hara Tatsuya
Pvt. Li Huizhong 
Pvt. Haruki "Suijin" Itsuki
Pvt. Reinhard Mann 
Pvt. Valerian Fabre
Pvt. Reiji Kichiro
Pvt. Vijaya Baria 
Pvt. Hans Frederick Lemmerz
Pvt. Dimitri Kesnov
Pvt. Richard Andrew Bailey


Here's the side story i made guys, enjoy it 

And that's pretty much my OCs, feel free to use them, just credit me 

I also added Class of '09 here since it's a funny game, feel free to buy it in Steam! 

Anyways, Merry Christmas y'all and Happy New Year

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