Michael Vey x Reader: The Pri...

By luvbakugo

462 20 147

Y/n is different. She seems like a normal girl, but she keeps a secret hidden from the world. She's electric... More



54 2 36
By luvbakugo

      Meridian High ended up winning the game which was great, and we got up and headed down to the floor.

     "Ready to go?" Taylor asked. "Angel's dad is going to give us a ride to Maddie's."

     "Me too?" Ostin asked.

     "Of course," she said.

     The five of us walked out to the parking lot. Angel was a really pretty Asian girl, and Ostin couldn't keep his eyes off of her.

     We got in Angel's dad's BMW and he drove us to Maddie's house which was the last house on a long, tree-lined street called Walker Lane. This was where the rich kids at school lived. Once we arrived, we all clambered out. I heard Michael say, "Thank you, sir." before Taylor took his arm walking up to the house.

     "Thank you so much, Mr. Smith," I said. "I also really like your car."

     "No problem kiddo and thanks. Now, you go have fun."

     "I will," I smiled.

     When I got inside, I saw that Ostin was already at the dessert table and Michael went over to grab Taylor a drink. I went up to the table that was in a luxurious dining room and grabbed two double chocolate chip cookies along with a Pepsi. Cookies are amazing. 

     When I was little, someone asked me what if you had ten cookies and someone asks for one. How many would you have left? I said that I wouldn't give them one, so I'd have ten still. So, then, they asked what if they forcefully tried to take one? I said, I'd still have ten cookies and a dead body. Amazing child I was.

     I was about to talk to Michael, but before I could, Corky and Drew walked up to Michael and started talking about him being the "Little Chuck Norris." That's when it all went wrong. Corky was trying to get Michael to spar with him.

     I will say. Horrible idea. Michael would get crushed and let me say, Taylor did not help the situation when she said, "Everyone outside! Michael's going to take down Corky!"

     Everyone went outside to watch what would happen.

     Taylor said, " Okay, so here's the deal. First one knocked to the ground loses. Fair enough? And here's a twenty-dollar bill that says Michael's going to put Corky on his back. Any takers?"

     Everyone began looking at each other, but no one wanted to bet against her. So being the amazingly supportive friend I am. I went up there and took the money from her hand without looking at her, before walking back into the crowd to stand by Drew and Spencer. Problem was, was that they were a ways into the crowd and I was too short to see anything that was about to happen, but I didn't want to stand up front. So I stood there, trying to see over the people.

     "Can't see?" Spencer asked.

     "Heheh, yeah...no."

     "Here, get on my shoulders."

     "W-what? Won't I be too heavy or won't that seem weird?"

     "Nah, you're fine. Besides, you took the money up there, but you didn't really bet against her correctly. Anyways, you took the money, you should see what happens. But come on, get on."

     "Yeah, I know that, but it was free money she was waving around. Of course I'm just gonna take it. And I believe that Michael can do this."

     "Then get on."

     "Fine." I jumped up onto his back in a piggy back style way and then he somehow got me on top of his shoulders. Talk about awkwardly weird and embarrassing since my thighs were on either side of his head and he was holding my knees. At least I could see now. "Thanks."

     "No problem."

     "Aight Michael! You got this! Don't mess up!" I screamed. A bunch of people laughed at that while he looked around in the crowd for me. That was until he saw me on top of Spencer's shoulders. I couldn't really tell from the distance but he almost didn't look too happy when he saw me.

     It looked like they were about to start any second and people were chanting "Vey." Then Taylor yelled "Go!" and Michael took off running at Corky and body slammed right into him. Somehow, he was able to get Corky to the ground.

     "YEAH MICHAEL! WHOO! I KNEW YOU COULD DO IT!" I screamed. Everyone started cheering, yelling, and laughing. Drew and Spencer began to run over towards Corky and Michael. I don't know how Spencer be somewhat running over there with me still on his shoulders, but he was and I held on.

     Once we got over there, Spencer set me down. "Thanks again Spence. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have been able to see."

     "Ay no problem."

     After that I ran up to Michael and tackled him to the ground.

     "Ow," he said.

     "Oh, so you can take Corky down, but you let me tackle you, huh?" I joked with him before helping him up and giving him a hug. "Good job Michael. I knew you could do it. Even if you had some help."

     That's when Taylor came up and grabbed a hold of his arm and started dragging him away. I followed after them, and we ended up inside a bedroom. Michael asked Taylor if that was her and then he started to explain the whole thing about how she can reboot people's minds. Also about how she rebooted Mr. Poulsen, the guy shooting the free throws, and then Corky.

     "Hm, I had a feeling that was you."

     "What do you mean?" she asked me.

     "Well, I had a feeling if you needed to tell Michael a secret, then it had something to do with electrical powers. And I kind of had a feeling that those free throws and thing with Corky wasn't just a coincidence."

     "Fine then, but why are you here? It's not like you would understand. You're only here because you know Michael's secret."

     "For your information, I do understand. I'm actually electric too. I can create electricity like Michael, but also have it on the outside of me. I can absorb electricity, turn electricity into fire, and can take the electrical signals in the human body, manipulate them, and then have that person do what I want them to do," I said with a glare.

     "Oh, wow. I'm sorry if I was a bit rude just then," she said.

     "It's fine," I huffed.

     "Anyways people, we need to keep this under control. That's why we need the club, to set standards. And I have a name for the club. The Electroclan."

     "I like it," Taylor said. "It's catchy."

     "Yeah it is. Good job Ostin," I said.

     "Now," Ostin began. "We need bylaws and a mission statement. For instance, who we can tell about our powers, ("Which would be no one, "Michael had chimed in.) and when we can use our powers."

     "Rule number one: No using powers against each other," Michael said.

     "And we need a mission statement," Ostin said.

     "I think I have one," Taylor said moving closer to Michael. "To find out why we have powers. I've discovered something that might be important."

     "Hold on a second. Were you two born in Pasedena, California?"

     "Yeah, that's what I was getting at," Taylor said annoyed I stole her thunder.

     "Oh, sorry. It had just occurred to me, but so was I."

     "Alright, well guess what though. I went online and tried to find our birth records. They have the records of births for the last forty-two years. In all that time, just eleven days are missing. Guess which days?" Taylor asked.

     "Our birthdays?" Michael ventured.

     "Exactly," Taylor said.

     "Statistically, an improbability," Ostin said. "You two were born at the same hospital nearly the same day with the same similar mutant variation."

     "When's your birthday, Y/n?" Michael asked.

     "April 28, but that's outside of those eleven days. Oh, and Ostin, don't call it a 'mutant variation.' We're not mutants."

     "Technically," Ostin said. "You are."

     "Yeah, well, you're a geek."

     "Doesn't change the fact that you're a mutant."

     "If you say that again, I am going to reboot you."

     Michael suddenly stood up. "Stop it you three. Ostin, quit calling us mutants or I'll shock you."

     Ostin blanched.

     "Why would the records be hidden?" Michael questioned.

     "Same reason I hide my diary from my mother," Taylor said.

     "Because you'd get in trouble if she found it," Michael said smiling at Taylor. "I think you're on to something."

     "Except for the fact that we hit a dead end. The records are gone," I said.

     "There's more than one way to skin the proverbial cat," Ostin said still sounding a little abused. "The county recorders office will have vital statistics for..."

     "Can you even speak English?" Taylor asked.

     "Hey now," I jumped in. "He can speak English and what he means is that the government has all the times of deaths and births during that time period even if the hospital doesn't."

     "Excellent. So we just look up those births and see where they lead," Michael said.

     "I'll do it," Ostin volunteered. "I'll look them up and analyze them for the next club meeting. When should we meet again?"

     "You have your birthday party tomorrow," Taylor said, "and I have mine on Sunday. Monday I have cheer practice. How about Tuesday?"

     "Works for me," Ostin said.

     "Yeah, that should be good for me. I think...unless I get arrested or something."

     "Why would you get arrested?" Ostin asked.

     "Many reasons. Although, I haven't done any of them yet."

     "Maybe your power has messed up your brain and made you a tad bit crazy," Taylor said.

     "Hey, I'd be crazy with or without powers. Just who I am."

     "Anyways, I need to call my mom for a ride home," Michael said to Taylor.

     "Don't you have a phone?"

     "No, things are kind of tight right now," he said looking kind of embarrassed.

     "You can use my cell phone," she said. Except that it kept going into static every time Michael pressed a button.

     "You better dial then," he said.

     The phone ended up working for her perfectly fine. I wasn't really paying attention, but it sounded like she got invited over to the party tomorrow."

     "If you're going over tomorrow, we can just have another meeting then," Ostin said.

     Michael looked over at me. "But then what about Y/n? Hm, if you want, you can come to the party too. Only if you want to though. If you don't it's fine."

     "If you're okay with having me at your party, then of course I'll come."

     "Alright then, we'll have another meeting tomorrow. Bye Taylor!" He said.

     I followed Michael and Ostin outside to where they were waiting for Mrs. Vey. It was dark out with some stars speckling the sky. The moon wasn't bright, but it wasn't dark either. Reflections and shadows of the lights from inside the house reflected and danced around on the yard, road, and other buildings.

     "Hey, Michael. Could I ask you something?"


     "I don't know my way home from here really...do you think your mom would be okay with taking me back to you guy's apartment and then from their I can walk home?"

     "I mean, I think she'd be fine with that."

     "Even after the other day?"

     "Of course, but why don't we just drop you off at your house?"

     "Oh, no, that's alright. Could use the exercise anyways. I know my way home from your place just fine and I don't want to be too much of a bother anyways."

     He looked over at Ostin and they both looked at me skeptically.

     "But it's really dark out," Michael said.

     "Yeah, and you have no idea what or who could lurk in the shadows," Ostin added.

     "Guys, I'll be fine. I've walked around in the dark plenty of times. It'll be fine."

     "Fine, whatever," Michael gave in. "Just don't die."

     "I won't." I smiled.

      Shortly later, Mrs. Vey pulled up.

     "Hey mom," Michael said.

     "Hello Mrs. Vey," Ostin said.

     "Hi boys, how was it?"

     "It was great," Ostin said.

     "Yeah, uh mom, you remember Y/n, right?" Michael said while I peeked out from behind him.

     "Of course I do and I apologize for how I acted the other day."

     "It's completely fine," I said. " I would have acted the same way or worse if I saw some strange girl in my house with my son. I don't blame you, but I was wondering. I don't know how to get home from here, but I can from the apartment complex. Is it alright if I ride with you guys there and then I can just walk home from there?"

     "Yes, of course, but why don't I just take you home instead?"

     "Oh, no, no, no, it's alright. I can get home just fine on my own from there."

     "Are you sure? You have no idea what could happen out there at night. It's dark and late. What would your parents say?"

     "Oh, uh, it'll be fine. Trust me..."

     "Do you need a phone to call them and tell them that you'll be home soon?"

     "Oh uh, I don't have parents. But during the week I stay at my dad's old friend's house, and on the weekends I stay at my mom's old friends house. Thing is, is that I'm supposed to be at her house tonight, but she won't be there, but I'm pretty sure I know where a key will be to get in, so it'll be fine."

     "Oh my, I'm terribly sorry."

     "It's perfectly fine." I smiled.

     "Alright, well it's late enough. Hop in kids."

     Ostin sat on the drivers side, Michael sat in the middle, and I sat on the passengers side in the backseat of their car. As we were driving, I looked out the window most of the time. Watching the trees, power lines, and stars pass by. It was a pretty, peaceful sight. To the point, I don't even remember falling asleep.

Michael's POV

     I looked over and I saw that Y/n had fallen asleep. I could tell by the look on her face these past few days that she hasn't slept well. Probably some much needed sleep. I didn't even realize I was staring at her until Ostin elbowed me in the side. I looked over at him and he looked at me with raised eyebrows.

     "What?" I whispered.

     "Nothing, nothing," he said.

     I rolled my eyes at him and that's when Y/n's head fell onto my shoulder. She looked so peaceful that I decided to not move at all. A few minutes later, we pulled into the parking lot and my mom turned and looked back. She smiled at the sight.

     "Well, I guess I should wake her up, but I don't know how I feel about her walking home by herself like this."

     "You really thought I was going to let her walk home even after hearing that?'


     "No, she'll sleep on the couch. I'll grab extra blankets and pillows for her and she can sleep there. It's not the most comfortable, but it should do."

     "I'll let her have my bed. I'll sleep on the couch. From what I can tell, it seems like she never gets much sleep at all."

     "I'm sure she'll be fine and happy with the couch. If she were awake, she would've taken that anyways," Ostin said.

    "It's fine. Let's go. Should I wake her up?"

     "Probably, unless you want to carry her?" my mom says with a smirk.

     I looked down at her. Eh I'll try.

     "She's kind of light and I'm kind of weak."

     "Are you sure you wanna carry her? You know I was joking, right? I don't want you to drop her."

     "It'll be fine...I think."

     I had a lot of trouble with the stairs, but I did not drop her at all. We finally made it to our level. Before I went inside ours, I said bye to Ostin. Once my mom unlocked the door, I took her down the hall a bit and layed her down on my bed. My mom came in and took her shoes off and covered her up. 

     "Goodnight Y/n."

     I then went to the closet and grabbed a pillow and blanket and went to sleep on the couch.

     "That was very kind of you Michael. She seems like a really nice girl."

     "Yeah, she is really nice. Oh, I also invited her to the party tomorrow if that's okay?"

     "It's perfectly fine. The more the merrier. Besides, she can just stay the day since she's already here if she wants too. I'm glad you're making more friends. Well, I'm going to sleep. I'll see you in the morning Michael. Sweet dreams, son."

     "Goodnight, mom." And with that, I fell into a dreamless sleep.

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