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✧: "...you're always up to something." ✦: "why of course." ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤthe life of a seemingly normal ㅤ ㅤstudent... More

⎯⎯ prologue
𝟬𝟭 | Blue Eyes
𝟬𝟮 | Class Fight
𝟬𝟯 | Ramen Cup
𝟬𝟱 | Lost, Again.
𝟬𝟲 | Cat Bento
𝟬𝟳 | Library Date (?)

𝟬𝟰 | Peculiar

123 11 2

words: 2118

The words latched onto his brain as he carefully placed down each strokes in the blankness of a canvas.

'Is art subjective, or objective?'

Those very same words uttered by his teacher was something that he thought was worth noting.

If someone were to say it was subjective that in a way they would see it as something that entirely depends on the individual viewing the artwork, what gives? What makes a certain person's preference a disliked one for the other?

In a way the brain perceives information differently opposed to what some might think, it also perceives art as an information that can be digested differently per individual. One another. So you might argue that it is subjective, but one might also beg to differ.

Art can be used as means of communications, to approach feelings and perspectives in many different ways. In a way the brain could describe it creatively. In a way that humans weren't able to communicate with words. Sometimes it was made to play with muses in diverse positions, different kinds of palette. Just like a tune could be made to match the mood of certain words, art was made in a sometimes unpredictable way. For example the question 'what should I put on this piece of blank canvas?' turning into one of 'will my messages get across, or will it all be in vain?'

Yet all of those thoughts ceases once you understand that sometimes, it doesn't matter whether others liked it or not. It didn't matter that people didn't understand what you meant to portray, because maybe they just don't see it in a way that you do. In a way that you sees it as a purgative for a state of a realization. Of an understanding in the world.

And as those thoughts wash away once more, you might realize that once an art have been created, that artwork becomes one that would be a thing of its own. It becomes a separate life which is objective. It receives art criticisms. It enters into art history. It joins a genre, an oeuvre, maybe even an exhibition.

At the end of the day, his questions were left unanswered before he sighs once again..

Which was then met by a whack on the back which was perpetrated by none other than Nara Shin.

"...what was that for?" Hyeonjun says before adjusting his glasses. It almost fell down at that moment.

"I dunno."

Nara's reply made him question his own sanity for a moment before he snapped back to reality as Nara tugs him on the hem of his grey sweater.

Without a word to be said, they walked to the cafeteria. The air around them felt usual, though a bit unusual since Nara is simply much more quiet right now. Probably because she's very hungry. And of course, he knew that very well.

Whatever the answer may be, Nara's hunger is much more important right now. The question can be answered later, but the silence can definitely get unusual and frustrating, solely because the hazel haired girl is one that would usually act cheery and loud. Her silence was not one Hyeonjun is used to.

Before Nara could even run into the cafeteria, there was a very unusual situation going on in front of them. One that would left even the hungry Nara in a state of utter confusion.

"I heard you lost to that pretty boy. Zack."

It was the same guy Hyeonjun bumped into some days ago.

Vocal and Dance Department, Vin Jin and his groupies.

"You drag around these ugly characters lol." Vin remarked making the three 'ugly characters' (truth) look at him with a look of disagreement.

"I might lost to the pretty boy, but I could probably take you."

Hyeonjun looked to his right to see the reaction of short haired girl and to none of his surprise, she looked like she's about to step into the action..

"...and the rats you hang with aren't normal either."

Those words were spouted out of Zack's mouth as she was about to walk in..

"You wanna die?"

A punch was launched straight at Vin's face as his own hand was getting ready to grab Zack in case if the latter actually lands a punch.

"Try me." Zack says as the whole thing happened in a swift moment..

..which is also accompanied by the grabbing of Nara's cardigan.

"What?" she plainly says before she was met by the shake of the Fine Arts Department class rep.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to interfere?"

"But they're-"

"Just watch."

The way he cuts her off made her stay silent before they return their focus to the commotion in unison. It seems like her hunger reduced her chances of arguing with Hyeonjun to dust.

As the both of them stand still for a moment, another voice was heard from across the room.

"What? Fight?"

"Zack and Vin?"

As the murmuring gets louder, Hyeonjun and Nara turned around in unison, immediately greeted by the sight of the Architecture Department students. One which was familiar, Euntae Lee.

"May the best man win." an unfamiliar guy with big ears says, his hands in his pockets.

Before Hyeonjun could think anything of it, all of the sudden, Daniel gets up from his seat and greeted Vasco.

"H- hey!" he greeted like Vasco knew him, which was not something Hyeonjun thought would be possible considering the amount of time Daniel had stayed.

But judging from the way Vasco and presumably his friend reacted, it seems like it really wasn't the case.

After some stares from him, he puts on a scowl before he answered.

"Who are you? You know me?" he asked in a colder manner than usual as he puts his hands in his pockets.

"You've never been taken down huh?" he asks, now implying something about fighting. Which obviously means things are about to go down..

"Even if you're good-looking and strong.."

As if on cue, he approached the transfer student,

"Don't screw around."

Before then putting a grip on his shoulder and made a squeezing motion as the crowd looked at the scene with bewilderment plastered onto their faces.

"S- sorry.."

Yet their already bewildered faces twist into a much more shocked one as Daniel lifts Vasco's hand off of his shoulder. He looked a bit in pain but it was a face that you would make when you get bitten by an ant of some sort.

"S- sorry if I bothered you. I thought you were someone else."

Nara widened her eyes, still speechless. Very out of character of her, unable to form any words.

There was a moment of silence as Vasco's wrist stayed in Daniel's grasp, the atmosphere turning tense as time goes on.

Then, as if on cue, just with a small movement of the Architecture Department class rep, a voice suddenly spoke up.

"Oh, you're that guy from the convenience store!"

People turned to look at the person as he says so.

"Who is that?"

"Isn't that our class rep?"

Even Nara looked at Hyeonjun with a puzzled look on her face as if not believing what he did.

"Oh, yeah, hi.." she looks at Vasco still with a puzzled look and an even more confused tone laced on her voice.

"So you're from architecture? Interesting." Hyeonjun went on before approaching him with a very unapologetic look as if he didn't just interrupt something important.

He smiles innocently while the others only looked at him with curiosity, sharing one universal thought as they continued watching his every movements.

'What's going to happen?'

It was as if he can hear their thoughts he then form a small tug upwards on his fairly straight lips, it wasn't that visible, but it was clear, at least to Nara, that he knew what he was doing.

"Oh, you're.. Nara's friend."

Hyeonjun nods his head at Vasco's acknowledgement despite the fact that he probably didn't even know what the nerdy looking student's name is.

To be fair, he definitely knew that everyone doesn't really know who he is except for the fact that he is the class rep of Fine Arts Department..

He then looks at Daniel and then Jiho, before returning his gaze onto Daniel once again.

"You're friends with Jiho now, I suppose?"

It was very surprising to know that Hyeonjun actually knew Jiho's name without even asking or even told about it.

That was something to be noted at the back of Nara's head for the moment. Since she herself sometimes forgets her classmates' names.

"Oh!" Daniel nods enthusiastically, the tense atmosphere loosening as he smiles brightly.

"Yeah, we're friends."

As of now, Jiho's face was one of a confused yet happy look. It was an inexplicable look, but an understandable one nonetheless.

Before Hyeonjun could even say another word, he felt something vibrating in his pocket. He takes his phone out, revealing a certain name written out on the dim lighted screen. His face just scrunching slightly for precisely 5 miliseconds before turning back to his usual casual look.

"Then I'll get going guys! Let's be friends and make peace, hm?" he has a happy tone on as he grins, putting out a thumbs up which was then followed by a dash of his steps. His grin wiped away right after.

The whole room was more relaxed now as he leaves. Nara looking over at the now deep in thought Vasco, who then decided to just leave Daniel on his own before going to his crew and walking away from the scene. A very unexpected ending for the tense moment.

The Burn Knuckles looked over to their leader who turned his gaze onto Nara, who returned a look back.

"Umm, heya!" she says with her usual cheery tone coming back all of the sudden.

"Yeah, hi." Vasco simply answered before slightly nodding as if he were excusing himself before walking away with the members of his crew. Jace also giving a greeting to Nara despite not being informed that she and his friend met in the first place.

Then as if nothing had just happened, the situation dissipates into thin air. The ambience turning back to usual. It was something that was most definitely unexpected, though not really for Nara.

The Fine Arts Department class rep was quite the peculiar individual, even for her, after all.


Meeting a chairman wasn't supposed to be this hard, notably for someone who was supposed to be the director of a large company.

Samuel clenched his jaw slightly as he waits, much than a moment once more. His back leaning on the comfortable black cushioned couch as he has no choice but to stay.

He takes another look of his watch. He had been waiting for the past hours just to meet a man he didn't even know of.

As opposed to the previous assumption, it seemed like this chairman was an exception. Not even the director of One MCN could grab his attention enough to spend time even just a moment.

Samuel was about to stand up before he hears the door opening. Even just as a strand of hair enters his view, his eyes widened at the view.

A very well dressed man, wearing a black plain yet expensive looking suit and a stripped bronze colored tie to complement his neat looks. His hair was styled to match the neatness of the attire.

Yet his figure caught even more of Samuel's attention.

His face was hidden by not only the dim lighting of the lamp, but also the plain looking mask covering up the majority of his face.

The man looked back at Samuel's widened eyes before the man approaches him. Not even a single sound can be heard a he strolls towards the director.

"Oh, sorry for the long wait. I had something to attend to."

His voice came out rough and deep. Sultry, even. It was one that would shake a person to the core if it were the first time they heard it, even for Samuel. Though he was more speechless than anything. Not even able to express his annoyance of having to wait hours.

The man then held out a hand. The tone of his voice was still polite, yet intimidating as ever

"A pleasure to meet you, Director Seo. Just call me H. Though I suppose I didn't need to rush with the introductions."

'author's note: it's been a while since I've updated lmao. I've been getting really busy lately, mainly with peer tutoring but I'll make sure to keep updating this story so stay tuned!

edited: description of H

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