
By lostlovefairy

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Fiza woke up smiling. Last night had been everything she had dreamt it would be. She had lost her virginity t... More

Chapter 1 - He's trouble
Chapter 2 - Do it! Duet?
Chapter 3 - Rules
Chapter 4 - Intoxication
Chapter 5 - Serotonin depletion
Chapter 6 - Abhishek
Chapter 7 - So hot!
Chapter 8 - Dance floor distaster
Chapter 9 - Left Behind
Chapter 10 - Mownika and Varsha
Chapter 11 - Aarthy
Chapter 12 - Yesterday's clothes
Chapter 13 - The Enemy of a friend
Chapter 14 - Stay
Chapter 15 - Turned on
Chapter 16 - Zero Sum Game
Chapter 17 - Salman
Chapter 18 - Foul
Chapter 19 - Mixed Signals
Chapter 20 - Varsh drops a bomb
Chapter 21 - Lust vs Love
Chapter 22 - Anna
Chapter 23 - Winning
Chapter 24 - Feelings and decisions
Chapter 25 - Fahad
Chapter 26 - Love Story
Chapter 28 - Broken
Chapter 29 - Ammachi
Chapter 30 - My Angel
Chapter 31 - Crossing Lines
Chapter 32 - Trouble
Chapter 33 - Thinking out Loud
Chapter 34 - Situationship
Chapter 35 - Meet the Parents
Chapter 36 - My Fiza
Chapter 37 - Secrets revealed
Chapter 38 - Fiza Ammai
Chapter 39 - Rumya
Chapter 40 - She will be loved
Chapter 41 - Soulmates
Chapter 42 - I found you
Chapter 43 - Take me back to the Start
Chapter 44 - Falling in Love
Chapter 45 - Yes

Chapter 27 - Mine

318 28 21
By lostlovefairy

External exams came and went, and before they knew it, the third year had arrived, bringing with it a sense of ease. Their studies now revolved around ENT, ophthalmology, and Community Medicine, topics that seemed to come naturally to them.

With an abundance of free time at their disposal, they eagerly engaged in various intercollege music and basketball events, immersing themselves in the thrill of competition.

Excursions to enchanting destinations like Coorg and Mysore became a regular occurrence during weekends, as the group sought both adventure and relaxation. The day scholars on the basketball team, their fellow teammates, played the gracious hosts of vibrant parties that eagerly attended together.

Surrounded by assumptions that Fiza and Alan were a couple, no one dared to approach them romantically. During intercollege events, some senior students or outsiders would occasionally muster the courage to ask Fiza out on a date, but
Alan seldom received such direct interest. Yet, everything changed one fateful day in the midst of their third year.

Fiza had left Alan at the library to prepare for an upcoming party they were to attend later in the day. Upon her return, she noticed one of their juniors from the hostel engaged in conversation with Alan. Initially, she thought nothing of it and took a seat across the table, withdrawing her phone.

However, her world shifted when she overheard the junior girl utter the words, "No strings attached." Though a surge of fury welled up within her, she managed to keep her composure and remain silent. Stealing a glimpse at Alan, she observed his elated expression. Seemingly engrossed in her own typing, Fiza concealed her true emotions.

Jyothi, the junior girl, had been approaching him and striking up conversations whenever she found him alone. They had shared laughs, and Alan had offered her advice on navigating through their second year. However, today was the first time Jyothi revealed any romantic inclinations.

He observed Jyothi carefully, taking note of her endearing appearance and vibrant personality. Conversations flowed effortlessly between them, fostering a sense of ease and connection. Today, she approached him, claiming to have heard about his supposed open relationship with Fiza.

Curiosity piqued, Alan responded with a nonchalant tone, concealing the fact that he and Fiza were merely close friends. "Oh, is that so?" he inquired, eager to gauge Jyothi's intentions.

Leaning in closer, Jyothi adopted a candid approach. "Let me be honest with you," she began. "I find you attractive. Perhaps we can reach some sort of arrangement."

Amused by her proposition, Alan chuckled. "What kind of arrangement are we talking about?" he asked, intrigued.

"Alternate weekends," Jyothi suggested, a mischievous glimmer in her eyes. "And if Fiza is open to it, maybe even a threesome." She winked.

Alan's laughter intensified at the audacity of Jyothi's proposal, unable to fathom the idea of approaching Fiza with such a suggestion. Jyothi placed her hand on his upper thigh and delicately stroked it before removing her hand.

Beneath his amusement, he recognized a flicker of excitement at Jyothi's touch. It stirred something within him, something he hadn't experienced with Anna. He realized that his body craved physical connection.

Clearing his throat, Alan composed himself and met Jyothi's playful gaze. He realized that he no longer desired anything casual; he yearned for a deeper connection. "I'm not sure that's what I want," he admitted, cautiously exploring the possibility of something more substantial with her.

His eyes however found Fiza who was approaching them. His heart accelerating at the mere sight of her. No, he didn't want this with anyone else.

"No strings attached," Jyothi concluded with a hint of finality as Fiza approached their table. Without another word, she turned and walked away.

It didn't take long for Alan to sense that Fiza was in a sour mood. He wondered if she had overheard parts of his conversation with Jyothi, which strangely made him feel a twinge of satisfaction. The idea that Fiza might be jealous of someone else's interest in him boosted his ego.

He decided to discuss it with her later, but for now, they had to make their way to Chandran's house for the party. Chandran was a senior and a member of the basketball team. Since Chandran's parents were away, the party was anticipated to last all night, and Alan and Fiza would decide whether to stay based on the atmosphere.

Upon arrival, they were greeted by a lively gathering, filled with blaring music, snacks, pizzas, and alcoholic beverages. Fiza turned to Alan with wide eyes and asked, "Are you going to drink?"

Alan had mostly abstained from drinking with friends, fearing the temptation to relapse into his old habits, apart from occasional glasses of wine or beer shared with his father. He smiled at her concerned expression. "No, I have to keep an eye on you, don't I?" he quipped, attempting to lighten the mood.

However, Fiza didn't take it well. "I can take care of myself," she retorted, wearing a frown, before walking away to join some of the girls from their team.

Anusha and Nita were engaged in an animated conversation in the corner, and Fiza joined them. "So, we'll finally get to watch the NBA playoffs. It'll probably be the Golden State Warriors and the Cleveland Cavaliers!" Anusha exclaimed excitedly.

Fiza, though not an avid NBA follower, joined in on the excitement. Sandeep, the captain of the boy's team, and Chandran approached them, each holding a pink drink in their hands-fruit punch, they explained, as they laughed and handed the drinks to the girls.

Anusha winked at Sandeep, and observed as Fiza took a few sips. She realized that there maybe a little alcohol in it but didn't think there was enough to get drunk or feel a buzz. She had never tasted alcohol before and was too embarrassed to ask.

"Slow down," Anusha cautioned, but the drink tasted delightful to Fiza, and she requested a second cup. She was having fun, swaying to the music and laughing with her friends.

Catching a glimpse of Alan engrossed in conversation with some guys, she stumbled towards him. "Heeeey, friend!" she slurred playfully. "Dance with me," she insisted, swaying and twirling, slightly less gracefully than usual.

Alan regarded her with curiosity. Could she be drunk? Fiza grabbed his hand and pulled him forcefully towards the dancing area. Fiza was rambling but her words were drowned out by the music. Alan led her to the balcony adjacent to Chandran's parents' room-a tranquil and secluded spot.

In the soft moonlight, Alan gazed at Fiza, captivated by her long lashes, doe eyes, and inviting red lips. Her hair playfully framed her face as she put her arms around his neck, swaying and humming the tune of of Ed Sheeran's "Perfect."

"Sing for me, Alan," she whispered seductively in his ear. "And dance with me."

Her warm breath sent shivers down his spine. Placing a hand on her waist, he gently removed a hand from his neck and secured it within his own. Maintaining a slight distance, he locked eyes with her and began to sing, their bodies moving with his music.

I found a woman, stronger than anyone I know
She shares my dreams, I hope that someday I'll share her home
I found a lover, to carry more than just my secrets
To carry love, to carry children of our own
We are still kids, but we're so in love
Fighting against all odds
I know we'll be alright this time
Darling, just hold my hand
Be my girl, I'll be your man
I see my future in your eyes
Baby, I'm dancing in the dark
With you between my arms
Barefoot on the grass
Listening to our favorite song
When I saw you in that dress, looking so beautiful
I don't deserve this
Darling, you look perfect tonight

"Kiss me, Alan," she whispered suddenly, her voice filled with a fervent longing. "I know you love me." Alan's body tensed, uncertainty clouding his thoughts. "You're drunk, Fiza. Shhh..." he murmured, his voice gentle and soothing. "I don't want her touching you," she said looking at him with pleading eyes. "You are mine, just mine. I don't share," she declared, shaking her head with an exaggerated gesture.

A mixture of desire and fear swirled within Alan's heart. To have her lips against his, to be hers and for her to be solely his, was his dream. But he didn't know if she'd still want this when she was sober. Cautiously, he pulled her closer, enfolding her in his arms, and they melded together as one.

Fiza emitted a soft, contented moan as his hands gently glided down her back, settling a few inches behind her waist. "I want to stay here forever," Fiza mumbled against his chest, her words carrying a tender vulnerability.

Alan responded with a tender kiss planted on the crown of her head, his lips lingering there momentarily. Fiza lifted her gaze to meet his once more, her eyes reflecting both longing and a flicker of urgency. "On my lips, Alan. I want to feel you," she whispered, her voice a delicate plea.

This time, Alan resisted the impulse that once led to hasty decisions. He recalled the repercussions of their previous impulsive encounter when she had uttered those fateful words, "I want you." The aftermath had caused them to drift apart, their relationship strained for months.

Determined not to repeat past mistakes, Alan held his resolve. "We'll talk about this in the morning," he assured her gently, but he pressed her closer, savoring the intertwining of their bodies and silently praying that this was real.

"You don't want me," Fiza mumbled softly, her grip on him refusing to relent. She couldn't be any further from the truth. Alan, consumed by desire, squeezed her tightly against him, his heart beating against hers. He could feel every bit of her body that touched his.

"I still think about it," she continued, her words hanging in the air. "You touching me... You're the only one who has." Alan's restraint wavered, his self-control teetering on the edge. Sensing the precipice of a choice they might both regret, he gently broke free from her embrace. His breathing labored, he watched Fiza intently, his emotions raw and unspoken.

"Are you scared to commit to me?" Fiza questioned, her voice tinged with vulnerability. Before Alan could formulate a response, Fiza vomited on his feet.

"Okay, buddy," he said, quickly lifting her up in one swift motion and carrying her bridal style to Chandran's parents' bathroom. There, he held her hair back as she vomited into the commode and quietly rubbed her back. Once Fiza was settled on the bed, Alan cleaned up the mess on the balcony.

Fiza motioned for Alan to lie next to her, and he complied, his body exhausted from the emotional rollercoaster of the evening. She climbed on top of him, resting her head on his chest, her weight pressing against him.

"I have needs too," Fiza's words took Alan by surprise, her voice tinged with desire. "You take care of my needs, and I'll take care of yours," she purred against his chest.

Alan's hand gently stroked her head, remembering his promise to her. He fought against his own desires, determined to exercise restraint. "You don't know what you're saying, Fiza," he responded softly but firmly. "We'll talk about this in the morning."

Just then, the door swung open, revealing Sandeep and Anusha. Anusha's laughter filled the room as she teasingly remarked, "This one's taken."

As Fiza drifted off into a peaceful slumber, Alan held her close, embracing her with tenderness and adoration. He pressed gentle kisses upon her head, cherishing each moment they shared, his mind racing with anticipation for the morning ahead. Sleep eluded him, his heart buzzing with excitement, contemplating the possibilities that awaited them when the sun would rise.

Fiza awoke to the afternoon sunlight filtering through the window, realizing her position atop Alan. Memories of the previous night gradually resurfaced, flooding her with embarrassment. She had relentlessly pursued him, and he had gently but firmly rejected her advances.

Tears welled up in her eyes as she grappled with her emotions. She loved him, but their friendship meant the world to her. She decided to blame it all on her drunkenness, the strong fruity drinks clouding her judgment.

Making her way to the bathroom, Fiza washed her mouth, recalling Alan's comforting presence as he held her hair back while she vomited. She must have smelled of alcohol and vomit. Maybe that's why he hadn't want to kiss her.

Determined to freshen up, she used mouthwash and headed to the kitchen for a glass of water, her head throbbing from a hangover. Noticing a few of her teammates passed out on the couch and rug, she grabbed an extra glass of water and then had a change of heart, deciding to make tea for the both of them.

Carrying the two cups of tea upstairs, Fiza gently shook Alan's shoulder to wake him. A smile spread across her face as he stirred. He opened his eyes to find her looking over him. To him, she looked like an angel, his angel.

Returning her smile, Alan sat up, his eyes filled with warmth. "I've got you some tea," Fiza said, her voice filled with a light-hearted laugh. "I think I'm hungover."

Alan chuckled, savoring her playful demeanor. "You were quite chatty last night," he commented, causing Fiza to blush as she remembered her behavior. "I'm so sorry," she quickly apologized. "I was being an idiot. I didn't mean any of it." She inwardly scolded herself for her hasty words.

Alan's expression momentarily fell, but he quickly regained his composure. "Yeah, do you remember much of last night?" he asked, curiosity gleaming in his eyes.

Fiza considered for a moment before responding, "Some of it, not all. I remember you singing, and me... throwing up on you." Alan burst into laughter, causing Fiza to crinkle her nose apologetically. "Sorry," she said, still embarrassed by her actions.

Alan took a sip of his tea, savoring the flavor. "You make good tea," he complimented her, his words laced with a hint of longing. "I could get used to this." Fiza rolled her eyes playfully. "Your mom makes good tea too," she remarked. His laughter filled the air once more.

Alan yearned to delve into the events of the previous night, to have an honest conversation about their feelings. He wanted to talk about how he felt about her, to tell her that he loved her, that he wanted to be with her and only her. He yearned to express that he, too, thought about her, dreamed of her, and fantasized about her-only her.

They locked gazes, their eyes filled with unspoken emotions. "If you need to be with Jyothi, I won't stop you," Fiza uttered, her voice betraying no emotion. It pained her to utter those words but she wanted Alan to understand that she prioritized his needs over her own. That their friendship was more important than anything she may be feeling.

However, Alan interpreted her statement in a different light. To him, it seemed as if she was retracting everything she had expressed the previous night, implying that she didn't truly desire to be with him.

A wave of heartbreak washed over Alan, shattering his excitement. In silence, he sipped his tea, his heart heavy.

"I don't want Jyothi," Alan mumbled, his words finally breaking the silence. Fiza's heart skipped several beats at his confession, her emotions swirling with a mix of hope and disbelief.

"I'm never drinking again," said Fiza, rolling her eyes.

Author's Note

Ever got accidentally drunk? I have. One of the things I follow strictly is no alcohol. After that one accidental drink, I think it was for good reason 😅

Thank you for reading so far!
Please vote and comment so I know where your mind's at. ⭐️

As always, the link to "Perfect" by Ed Sheeran above. Say "I" if you are fan:)


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