By FoxBoy2099

44.7K 1K 458

In the Pride Ring of Hell, Loona, a hellhound receptionist/assassin, works with her adopted father Blitzø and... More

PROLOGUE: Business Plans
No Pity, No Remorse
New Plans
Loona Gone Rogue
Complicated Feelings
Newfound Friendship
Desserts Of Happiness
Drug Dealing Mayhem Part 1: Back On Track
Drug Dealing Mayhem Part 2: Breaking & Entering
Drug Dealing Mayhem Part 3: A Hellhound's Rage
The Truth... Untold
A Friendship Building Up
The Real Drug Dealer Strikes Back
The Truth... Revealed.
The Deadly Combo
Friendships Evolved
EPILOGUE: Reflections

An Inseparable Bond

1.8K 54 14
By FoxBoy2099

She then ran out of the building and went back to the warehouse to see Y/N unconscious on the ground.

Loona: N/N!

She ran to him and placed her head on Y/N's chest. She could hear his heart still beating, which caused her to sigh in relief.

Loona: Thank God. Or Satan. Whoever's there. Hang on, N/N. I got you.

She then dug in Y/N's pockets to find his phone and when she found it, she started to call BF/N.

BF/N: *via phone* N/N? What is it?

Loona: Hey, it's me.

BF/N: *via phone* L-Loona? What the hell are you doing on Y/N's phone?

Loona: BF/N, I'll explain later, but Y/N's in danger. I need your help.

BF/N: *via phone* Wait, what? Is he alright?

Loona: He's fine. Just unconscious. Hurry and get over here! We're at a warehouse at the docks.

BF/N: *via phone* O-Okay. I'll be right over there. Bye.

He then hung up and Loona looked at Y/N.

Loona: ... Thank you, N/N.

???: Loonie!

She looked at the entrance to see Blitzø and the others.

Loona: Blitzø?

Blitzø: What happened?

Loona: We were ambushed. N/N... tried to protect me... and got shot.

Blitzø: He did?

Millie: Is he gonna be alright?

Loona: Yeah. He got shot in the shoulder. But, as I was about to be cornered, he shot them.

Millie: ... What a guy...

Moxxie: Millie!

Millie: What? I'm just saying.

Blitzø: What about the drug dealer?

Loona: He said something weird. About the fact that we've been chasing down the wrong guy. And I know that humans lie, but they fact that he got shot in the head as he said that makes me believe that he was telling the truth.

Blitzø: So, we were chasing a copycat?

Loona: Unfortunately so, yes.

Blitzø: *clenches fists* ...

Loona: Blitzø, we'll get them next time, but right now, we need to tend to N/N's wound.

Blitzø: What? Are you fucking serious, Loonie?

Loona: Yeah, I'm serious!

Blitzø: Loonie, we need to head back to I.M.P. and rethink a new strategy to get the bastard!

Loona: How? We don't know his motives or anything!

Blitzø: We'll think of something! Come on!

Loona: No!

Blitzø: ... What?

Loona: No, Blitzø! I'm not leaving N/N!

Millie: What? Why?

Loona: I... I don't know. I can't... explain why, but... There's something about this human that... makes me not want to leave him.

Millie: Animal magnetism?

Loona: Millie, come on.

Millie: Just joking.

Blitzø: Loonie...

Loona: Blitzø, please... I... I feel like it's my fault that he's in this position. So, please, let me at least make up for what I did by helping him. Go back to Hell. I'll see you guys there.

Blitzø: ... Well, we can't do that without you, so...

Loona: *sighs*

She then got up and walked with the others to the docks where she opened the grimoire and opened a portal back to Hell and they walked through it, but Blitzø turned around to Loona.

Blitzø: Be careful, Loonie. Okay?

Loona: I'll call you when something happens up here. Go on. I'll be right behind you.

Blitzø sighed and nodded as he stepped through the portal and it closed behind them. Loona sighed, as well, as she turned to her human form and went back to Y/N.

Loona: ...

???: Loona!

She looked to see BF/N coming to her.

Loona: BF/N.

BF/N: Hey, sorry for the wait. Where's N/N?

Loona: In here.

BF/N: *looks in warehouse* N/N! *runs to Y/N* What happened?

Loona: Long story short, me and N/N found the drug dealer, but he ambushed us and Y/N got shot in the shoulder, trying to protect me. But, unfortunately, that drug dealer wasn't the guy we were looking for.

BF/N: Seriously?

Loona: Yeah. I need your help with healing N/N.

BF/N: ... Alright, just help me get N/N in the car and we'll take him home.

Loona: Okay.

She then carried Y/N on her back and followed BF/N to the car and set him in the back. BF/N then got in the driver's side.

BF/N: Thanks, Loona. Huh?

He then noticed Loona getting in the passenger's side.

BF/N: Loona, what are you doing?

Loona: I'm going with you guys to your home.

BF/N: Uh, no, you're not.

Loona: What? Why not?

BF/N: You got my best friend shot in the shoulder! If it weren't for you, he'd be alright!

Loona: Oh, so you're saying that it's my fault?

BF/N: If you hadn't shown up, yeah!

Loona: Grr!

Y/N: Hey, BF/N! Knock it off!

BF/N: *turns around* Wha- N/N? You're awake?

Loona: N/N!

Y/N: Yeah, I'm fine, but I had a weird dream. It felt real.

BF/N: What about?

Y/N: That Loona was some kind of werewolf... I don't remember much. It's blurry.

BF/N: W-Werewolf?

Y/N: Y-Yeah, but... I don't know what's going on.

Loona: ...

BF/N: Loona, is he telling the truth?

Loona: U-Umm... N-No. No, I don't know what he's talking about. He was probably seeing things or something.

BF/N: Are you sure about that?

Loona: Y-Yeah. I'm sure.

Y/N: Yeah... I... I was probably imagining things...

Loona: *thinking* That was close. However, I hate lying to him about this. But, the way he saw me... He didn't freak out or anything. He... chose to stay and help me. Should I tell him the truth? ... N-No. No. I can't risk it. I'm afraid that my hellhound side will end our friendship. Let's be sure that he thinks that he was just seeing things, for now.

Y/N: Listen, BF/N, if Loona wants to come with us, then it's fine by me.

BF/N: Fine by you, maybe, but not for me!

Y/N: Hey! Let her come with us or I'll give you the Iron Claw!

BF/N: ... O-Okay, okay, fine! She can come with us!

Y/N: Good. Ow...

Loona: N/N, you okay?

Y/N: Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little sore.

BF/N: Hey, N/N, do me a favor. Did the bullet go all the way through?

Y/N: Uh... Yeah. Straight through my shoulder.

BF/N: Okay, when we get back, I'll stitch up the wound.

Y/N: Okay. Anything's better than getting a needle pricked in your arm.

Loona: Wait, what?

BF/N: Oh, right. Well, when F/N and M/N were still alive, Y/N had a bit of a fever, so we had to take him to see the doctor and when he got the needle out... Ugh! Y/N would not take the treatment quietly.

Y/N: I don't like getting shots, BF/N! Nobody does!

BF/N: Maybe so, but they don't start acting out and create a fuss! We had to pin you down, man!

Y/N: You're lucky that doctor didn't prick me in the ass! That hurts way more!

BF/N: Pfft! Yeah, right. Like that's ever gonna happen.

Loona: ... It did so with me.

Y/N: Wait, what? It did?

Loona: Yeah... I didn't like it. And by the way, N/N's not the only one that acted out. I did, too. But, instead of getting pricked in the arm, I got it in my ass.

Y/N: Ouch. Could that Hell you've been through get any worse?

Loona: Oh, it can. You have no idea how worse it can be, though.

Y/N: ... I'm sorry, Loona.

He placed his hand on Loona's shoulder, but she pulled her shoulder away. Y/N sighed as he leaned back and Loona felt guilty for doing so. She knows that he was trying to comfort her, but she wasn't the kind of girl to be touched, even by Blitzø. But, she couldn't deny the fact that the way that Y/N did it was different and better than how Blitzø did it.

Loona: ... Hey, N/N. Here.

She then held her hand out and Y/N looked for a moment before he held her hand in comfort.

Loona: I'm sorry. It's just that I don't like being touched unless I'm comfortable with it or I need a hug or when I need comfort. I'm just... not used to having someone else do it besides Blitzø.

Y/N: It's alright. I understand. I'm just glad that you're still doing and feeling alright.

Loona: I've gotten used to the shitty life I have.

Y/N: Well, yeah, but it's turned you into something you're not.

Loona: What do you mean?

Y/N: ... The life you lived has... turned you into something you're not. A monster. An emo goth girl who's all alone and can't rely on anyone other than yourself. If things were different, maybe you could've become a different person. A good person. I'm sorry that your life was Hell.

Loona: ... Yeah. You're probably right. Thanks, N/N. I appreciate your concern and support.

Y/N: Sure thing.

Loona clenched her fist as she held Y/N's hand and Y/N did the same. BF/N watched as they did and sighed.

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