The Locke Twins (1)

By Totally_Twins2

427 54 0

After their father is killed The Locke Family decide to relocate for a fresh start. With the death of their f... More

Head Games
Keeper of The Keys
Family Tree
The Black Door

Welcome to Matheson

100 7 0
By Totally_Twins2

Billie's POV

I was currently sat in between my twin brother Bode and older sister Kinsey, Tyler our older brother was in the passenger seat since he was the oldest and Mum was of course driving, I stared out of the window, we had past miles and miles of trees. I sighed even though Bode and I were excited to be in a new place. My twin then suggests we play a game.

Bode" Let's play a game"

Kinsey" Bode, no"

Billie" We can play "I Saw a Monster"


Billie" Or Serious Question?"

Mum" No Whack-A-Twins in the car"

Twins" Okay"

Billie" Serious Questions, then.Serious Question: If you had to lose one sense, what would it be?"

Kinsey" Right now, my sense of hearing"

Billie" It's a serious question, Kinsey"


Twins" Boring"

Bode then starts to kick our older brothers seat. I decide to join in.

Bode" Tyler?"

Billie" Tyler?"

Twins" Tyler!"

Tyler" One more time and G.I.Joe loses a leg"

Mum" I think that's the first thing you've said since Ohio"

Tyler" I said something in Ohio?"

Mum" Yeah.You said, "Oh look, we're in Ohio"

Tyler" Oh.I was right"

Mum" Now I have a serious question.What would you be doing right now if we were still in Seattle?"

Bode" I'd either be playing Fortnite with Stuart and Wyatt or I'd be playing Fortnite with Stuart and Chase"

Billie" I would be at the skate park with Harry and Jamie"

I had been skating since I was six, Bode tried a couple of time but he couldn't quite get the hang of it, I think he is more of gamer. Dad taught me how to skate he was always there for me at my skating competitions and now he is gone. I sigh, thinking of the last time he was here.

Mum" What would you be doing, Ty?"

Tyler" I would be on a French Club ski trip with Sarah Johnson"

Kinsey"You took Spanish"

Bode"Why isn't anyone playing for real?"

Mum"Definitely wouldn't wanna lose my sense of smell. Smell is tied to memory.When your father and I would sell a house, we'd grind up a lemon in the garbage disposal. Covers the smell of the paint. No one likes the smell of paint but everyone everyone has a good memory of a lemon, Hey, check it out. We're here"

I look out of the window and it seems very quiet, there is hardly anyone around 

Mum" Okay, let's stop, huh? check out the town, leave Bailey in the car"

Bailey woofs from the back. We've had Bailey since he was a puppy, Dad brought him for Bode and I when we wouldn't stop pestering about a dog. He loves everyone but has always been closer to me.

Billie" Sorry boy, we won't long"

Mum" Hey, who wants ice cream?"

Twins" Me!"

Tyler" You're kidding, right?"

Mum, Tyler and Kinsey walk on inside while both Bode and I see a boy holding a GI Joe. Both of us smile at him, he gives a tiny wave. Then a women who I would think is his mum ushers him in the car.

Women" Come on, Rufus!"

Bode and I hurry on in.

Kinsey" Must've just missed the rush"

Clerk" Only pregnant women and masochists crave ice cream in this weather"

Clerk" We're one of two, I like your bracelet"

Kinsey" Thanks"

Mum then goes to hand over money and the clerk dismisses it.

Clerk" It's on the house, Mrs Locke Newcomers discount"

Mum" That's very kind of you"

Kinsey" We don't need charity"

Clerk" It's hospitality.Welcome to Matheson"

Wait how does he know who we are?"

My twin obviously shares the same thought as me as he blurts out.

Bode" How does he know who we are?

We head back to the car and I give Bailey a scrunch behind the ears, we finish off our ice cream Bode and I trading flavours. As we pull up the driveway both my brother and I race out of the car.

Bode" Oh, cool! Whoa!"

Billie" Are we rich?"

Mum places her hands on our shoulders.

Mum" I don't know if I'd say rich, so much as very lucky kids"

Uncle Duncan emerges from the house. Bode and I both run towards him, Bailey hot on our heels.

Uncle Duncan" Hey! Welcome to Key House!"

Bode" Uncle Duncan! Uncle Duncan! We have a house with a name!"

Uncle Duncan" Well, puns are a Locke family tradition, hey boy good to see you"

He reaches down to pet Bailey who woofs in excitement. 

Mum" How was Boston?"

Duncan" It was good.I wanted to get you guys something to mark the occasion of coming to your ancestral home for the first time. Wanted to get you something like a plant but then I was running late, I didn't want to miss the movers, so that's for you"

He plunges his hand into a bag and pulls out seven hats. I get a dark blue one, that's my favourite colour, Bode gets green, Kinsey purple, Tyler red, Mum pink, Uncle Duncan light blue and even Bailey gets one. His is Orange to match his collar.

Billie" Aww even you get one boy"

Uncle Duncan" Okay, who wants to see inside?"

Twins" Me!"

Duncan" Okay, let's go!"

All of us enter the house I hold the door open for Bailey who immediately rushes in, very excited for all the new smells.

Tyler" Holy sh, Jesus"

Duncan" Well, you saw that your other car got here. The movers unloaded the rest of your boxes so all you have to do is unpack"

Mum" Oh, my god, are these floors are original"

Uncle Duncan" Oh, it's all original, Quick tour,this is the drawing room"

Bode and I exchange looks.

Bode" Ooh Drawing room that's good for you, Kinsey"

Billie" She likes to draw just like you, Uncle Duncan"

Kinsey" A drawing room is where people would go drink and smoke cigars after dinner, snot gobblers"

Billie" Well then why don't they call it that?"

Uncle Duncan" And this well, this is the Winter Study, our ancestors amassed a pretty big library. Historical stuff Revolutionary War, books on Matheson Weaponry"

Tyler" Wow, can't wait to dive in"

Bode and I have sat down at a desk and have started flicking through.

Billie" I don't understand any of this"

Bode" Me neither"

Uncle Duncan" Washer, dryer basement is down the steps, on your left"

Bode and I hurry along to catch up with everyone, Bailey following us.

Billie" Come on boy"

Bailey barks as he rushes past us.

Mum" It's chilly in here, has the insulation ever been replaced?"

Uncle Duncan lets out a chuckle.

Uncle Duncan" Well, replaced would imply that it was ever added"

We have now ended up back at the door.

Bode" This place is huge! It just keeps going!"

Billie" I can't wait to explore this place, there must be so many secrets"

We continue through to another room just on the other side. Bode and I stare in awe I couldn't wait to explore the outside.

Duncan" And this is the Great Room, It's multi-functional living room, creepy portrait gallery"

Tyler" Who are these guys?"

Uncle Duncan" Well, this is Devon Locke, he still holds the high score in the Galaga machine at Stan's Pizza. And this is Snooki, Lemonjello, Buzz Lightyear, Snooki the Second, Phoebe, Chandler and Monica, but the most famous relative, no one's ever seen, The Locke-ness Monster"

Billie" Uncle Duncan, that's not even spelled the same"

Duncan" Okay concluding our tour in the kitchen"

Mum" Excellent okay, guys unpack, explore, Twins you can share a room or have you own rooms"

Bode and I exchange looks and then speak in unison.

Twins" Same room"

Mum" Take boxes upstairs when you go"

We smile as we head upstairs, boxes in hand, Bailey following us barking. All the room were so big it wasn't like we were going to be fighting for Kinsey and Tyler for the bigger room. Some of our boxes had already been brought up and were sitting in the upstairs hallway. We decided on our room and set the boxes down. Bailey barked at us.

Billie" Shall we go explore the outside boy, come on"

Bode and I rush back downstairs and slip into our coats and scarves around our necks. Bailey barks again as we hurry outside. I couldn't believe how much snow there was. I decide to lay down in the snow to make a snow angel. Bailey decides to join in and starts rolling all over in the snow.

Billie" Bode, come on, come make snow angels"

Bode is taking photos with his old fashioned camera mum got him for our last birthday. I asked for a new skateboard but doesn't look I'm going to be doing that anytime soon. Oh well, snow is fun. I get up and follow Bode who has made his way over to a small, well I don't know what it is. He stands inside and I follow. There is no key for the lock

Billie" It's a well, how deep do you think it goes?"

Bode" I don't know shall I see if I can get a picture"

Billie" Yeah go on then"

Bailey barks from the outside clearly frustrated because he is too big to fit inside.

Billie" Sorry boy"

Bode" Hello? Hello! Are you my echo?"

Voice" Yes I am Bode and Billie"

Both of us now seriously freaked out we leg it out of The Well house. Tyler then came strolling down the path and we both run over to him.

Billie" Tyler, Tyler, there is a someone in the well house"

Tyler" What are you talking about?"

Bode" There is a women in there, please can you just come check it out"

Tyler" Let me get mum and Uncle Duncan, wait here"

When Tyler comes back with Kinsey, Uncle Duncan and Mum, she approaches us and smiles.

Mum" Hey, sweethearts, let me check it out, Okay, the door's locked, do you have the key?"

Uncle Duncan" I haven't seen it in years. No reason to go in, the well's contaminated with sea water"

Tyler"There's no one in here"

Bode" I heard a voice, I swear!"

Billie" I heard it too, we are not lying mum"

Kinsey" Maybe you heard an echo"

Billie"Yeah, that's what she said, she said she was our echo!

Mum" Okay, listen, now, That's not a safe place to play.The roof is old and it might collapse at any minute"

Tyler" It's full of bats and tetanus"

Bode" I know what we heard we are not lying! There is a girl in there!"

Nina" It's been a long day, we're all tired, come on, now, let's call it a night"

Billie" But mum"

Mum" Come on, both of you"

Bode and I retreated to our new room and Bailey settled into his bed we had set in the corner.

Bode" I know there is someone down there, I mean you heard it didn't you"

Billie" Of course I did and even if I didn't I would believe you"

Bode" Thanks sis"

Both twins ended up sleeping together and Bailey got on the end.

The next morning even though Bode and I had got sleep, we were still thinking about The Well lady. Tyler has just been told off for listening to his headphones at the table. Bode and I are currently eating cereal while mum hands Tyler some scrambled eggs.

Tyler" Is this an eggshell or a fingernail?"

Mum" Sorry Eggshell. Want a, um frozen waffle?"

Tyler" They gave me a swipe card for the dining hall, so"

Mum" Okay"

Kinsey then enters the kitchen.

Mum" Hey, like the new look"

Tyler" Yeah, it's very "saving it for Jesus"

Kinsey" Forget your eye drops in Seattle?"

Mum"Guys, same team. Omelets? It's eggshell free"

Kinsey"I'm not hungry, you're two are so lucky it's a week before your school starts"

Billie" Someone has to map out the house"

Kinsey" How are we in boarding school and aren't even boarding?"

Mum" They also have day students, Listen, guys. Hey, going to a new school, starting in the middle of the year, sure, it might suck, but, also it might not"

Kinsey" Stellar pep talk, Mom"

Tyler" Yeah, wait, let me write that down"

Mum" What did I forget? Permission slips? Ty, you have that hockey thingamabob"

Tyler" Medical consent, already turned it in"

Kinsey" I forged your signature and I sent an email from your account to the Assistant Head so we can catch up on whatever we've missed"

Mum" Great, Okay, Okay, next time, I got it just ask me, okay?"

I nudge Bode.

Billie" Let's go check out the well again, come on"

Bode" Yeah!"

Uncle Duncan" Good morning, guys! Gonna head back to work in Boston, never fear, Uncle Dunc'll be back tomorrow"

Kinsey" Bye"

Tyler" Later"

Twins" Bye, Uncle Duncan!"

Both Bode and I head outside clad in our hats gloves and scarves. We were discussing our plan for reentering when Uncle Duncan comes out and is packing his car. He then flips off the house, he spots us.

Billie" Were you just flipping off the house?"

Uncle Duncan" Uh No, I was saying goodbye. There's more than one meaning to the middle finger"

Bode" Like aloha?"

Uncle Duncan" Yeah Yeah, like aloha"

Both Bode and I laugh an both flip the bird.

Twins" Aloha!"

Uncle Duncan" See you, twins!"

Bode and I head back to The Wellhouse despite Mum and Uncle Duncan telling us to stay away from it. He slips through the gate first and then I do the same. Bode leans over the well and shouts.

Bode" Hello! Anybody?"

Billie" We know that someone's down there! Echo?"

We both then hear it and jump.

Echo" I'm here, Bode and Billie"

Billie" Who are you?"

Echo" I'm an echo both your echos, You woke me up"

Bode"Why are you down there?"

Echo" Echoes can come to life in this place"

Bode" No way"

Echo" Have you found any keys yet?"

Twins" What keys?"

Echo" Your house is filled with amazing keys, there's a key that can let you step outside your body and be a ghost"

Twins" Whoa"

Echo" And another that can change the way you look. The best is the key that can take you anywhere in the world you wanna go if you know how to use it"

Billie" Wow, we could go back to Seattle"

Bode" Yeah"

Echo" It's made of gold and has six interlinked circles"

Bode" Where can I find them?"

Echo" You listen for them, they whisper, Bode and Billie, have you heard any whispering in Key House?"

Twins" Yes "

Echo"They'll only call to people who are very special, Like you, Bode and Billie"

Both of us then hear Mum calling us.

Billie"  We gotta go, come on Bode"

Echo" We better not tell anyone about visiting your echo in the well house, they might worry"

That afternoon Kinsey arrives back from school. Both of us head to the house and head upstairs to see her as Tyler was at hockey practise.We both burst into her room with excitement. Bode bursts first.

Bode" Oh, my gosh, Kins, the most amazing thing just happened to us"

Kinsey" I'll hear about it later, this place is freezing. All I wanna do right now is stand in a hot shower until my skin falls off"

Kinsey disappears into the bathroom and then both Bode and I both look at bracelet in unison.

Billie" Do you hear that?"

Bode" Yeah, it sounds like it is coming from Kinsey's bracelet"

Bode then picks the bracelet up and pushes on it until it falls off. He picks it up and we could hear it whispering.

Billie" Oh my god Bode, you know what we have here, we have the key that can take us anywhere"

My twin then holds the key tightly, closing his eyes.

Bode" I wanna get some ice cream.Ice cream parlour"

Billie" You know it's a key we could try and put it in a lock,give it to me"

Bode hands me the key and follows me over to Kinsey's closet, I stick the key in the lock and turn it. We both hear it make clicking noises in the lock and I push the door open. I couldn't believe it, we were at the ice cream parlour, I glanced at Bode and could tell he was having the same thoughts.

Scott" You're Kinsey's brother and sister, right? Is Kinsey here?"

Bode" Am I here?"

Billie" Am I here as well?"

Scott" Is this a trick question?"

Bode" Um Um I'll have a scoop of vanilla on a sugar cone, please"

Billie" Can I have strawberry one in a sugar cone please?"

Scott" You got it"

Billie" This can't be right, we can't be here"

Bode" This is amazing"

Scott" Vanilla on a sugar cone and Strawberry one in a sugar cone"

Twins" Thank you"

Scott" That'll be three bucks, each"

Both my brother and I then realise we have no money"

Bode" Hang on"

We exit the same way we entered and we are back in Kinsey's bedroom. Kinsey comes out at that exact moment.

Kinsey" What are you two still doing in here?"

Billie" Okay, before you get mad, let us explain"

Kinsey" You broke my bracelet"

Billie" No, we found this inside"

Kinsey" Dad gave this to me.I promised I'd take care of it, he trusted me with it"

Bode" But it's a hidden magical key, it can take you anywhere!"

Kinsey" Enough of these stupid games, the both of you!"

Bode" If we are lying then where did we get these?"

Both of us hold up our ice creams.

Billie" You want some?"

Kinsey" No, because I can just go to the freezer"

Bode" It's not pretend"

Billie" Promise!"

Kinsey" Take me to the top of the Eiffel Tower"

I thought, okay we can do that. Bode who now has the key slots it into the lock but I realised it didn't make the same noise as before.

Bode" Eiffel Tower"

But we open it and it's just her closet.

Bode" What? Why didn't it work?"

Kinsey" Because you're delusional, both of you, get outta my room now!"

She grabs both of us and shoves us out. I stare at Bode.

Billie" Guess we are on our own bro"

Bode" Guess so"

After being kicked out of Kinsey's room we headed downstairs for something to eat when I heard whispering again and so did Bode as we spoke in unison.

Twins" A key!"

We followed the sound of whispering towards the sink and it got louder.

Bode" I think it's down the plug hole"

Billie" Well I am not putting my hand down there"

Bode" Fine, I will do it"

He pushes his sleeve up and then slides his arm down the plug hole.

Billie" Can you feel anything?"

Bode" Not yet, wait I got it"

He pulls his arm back up and it's covered in black sludge, he grabs a tissue to wipe it off.

Bode" We need to tell Echo, come on"

After Bode wipes his arm we head out to the well house, both of us squeeze through the gate.

Billie" Echo, we are back"

Echo" Did you find any keys?"

Billie" We found that anywhere key you told us about"

Bode" But it only worked for us, not Kinsey.She couldn't go to the Eiffel Tower"

Echo" Have you ever seen a door at the Eiffel Tower?"

Twins" No"

Echo" To travel through a door, you have to have seen it"

Bode" Makes sense, I suppose"

Billie" You know a lot of stuff about us, but we don't know anything about you"

Echo" Well, we're friends, Bode and Billie, so I can tell you anything you wanna know"

Billie" How do you live down there?"

Echo" I already told you Magic"

Bode" Don't you get hungry?"

Echo" Yes, I can get hungry, I get so hungry sometimes"

Bode" Well we could bring you some Doritos"

Billie" Doritos are important in our world"

Echo" I would like that a lot"

Bode" We also found another key. It has two faces and a mirror on it"

Billie" What does it do?"

Echo" If you could have one wish in the entire world,Bode and Billie, what would it be?"

Twins" Wish we could see our dad again" .

Bode" He died"

Echo" Oh.I'm so sorry.But you're in luck, that key you found? The one with the mirror? It'll let you see people who have died"

Bode" That's not possible"

Billie" Is it?"

Echo" Death is not as final as you think. Your whole family can see your dad again, show it to your mom"

Twins" Thanks, Echo"

Later on Bode and I were standing in front of our mirror on a cabinet.

Bode" We want to see our dad"

Billie" Yes, please can we see our dad"

Bode inserts the key in and then a reflection of Bode appears in the mirror. It's just it isn't a normal reflection it looks evil and keeps waving his hand for Bode to follow him.

Bode" Are you seeing this?"

I then stand in front of their mirror and it does the same for me, I see my own evil reflection ushering me into the mirror.

Mum" Twins!"

Billie" Mum!"

Bode" Come here, look at this"

Mum enters the bedroom and sees the mirror.

Mum" What is this? Some kind of optical illusion?"

Just as it had for Bode and I, it showed an evil mum.

Bode" Mum, I don't think that's such a good idea"

She then disappears into the mirror and I exchange looks with Bode.

Bode" Mum"

Billie" Mum" .

Mum" Bode, Billie"

Billie" Mum we are going to get help, come on Bode"

Both of us having the same idea. We rush out to the The Well House both us yelling.

Billie" Echo?"

Bode" Echo, we need your help!"

Both of us start yelling down the well again.

Echo" I am here Bode and Billie"

Billie" We need your help, our mum is in trouble"

Bode" We used the key, and then she went through our mirror and now we don't know how to get her out!"

Billie" Can you help us? Please"

Twins" Echo!"

Both my twin and I then jump back as a women in black emerges from the shadows.

Echo" I'll help you, Bode and Billie but if we're gonna save your mum, I need you to give me the Anywhere Key"

I sigh as Bode hands over the anywhere key, there goes our chance at more adventures but Mum was more important.

Billie" Where did she go?"

Echo" That key opens the door to the prison of the self. It's a fine place to trap your enemies.

Bode" I thought you said that key lets you see people who have died!"

Echo" Yup and that part is true. Many people have died in there because it's very hard to get out. See you around, kiddos.

Billie" I really don't like her"

Bode" Come on"

Both of us leg it back to the house and upstairs to our room. We bump into Kinsey and Tyler on the way.

Billie" Guys you need to help us"

Kinsey" What's going on?"

Billie" It's mum, she is in our mirror"

Tyler" What do you mean in your mirror?"

Bode" Just come on"

Kinsey and Tyler follow us to our bedroom and then stare at the mirror, Tyler now stands in it.

Tyler" What is this, it can't be real, I have to go in"

Twins" NO!"

I hand Kinsey the rope Bode and I had found in the well house.

Kinsey" Use this to get back when you find her, okay?"

Tyler" All right"

Kinsey" Be careful"

It felt like forever that we was waiting, I mean what if Tyler and Mum couldn't get out, I didn't want loose mum and my big brother. Then Tyler screams.

Tyler" Pull us out, pulls us out"

All three of us pull on the ropes and eventually Tyler and Mum come back through. We all collapse on the floor.

Tyler" What the hell just happened?"

Bode" I told you, these keys are for real business"

Billie" This house is full of magical keys"

Mum had suddenly gone very quiet.

Kinsey" Mom? Are you okay?"

Mum" Fine.Fine! Did you have fun at your party?"

Tyler" The mirror?"

Mum" It's nice, right? Uh It could use some polishing"

She now stood up by it. Wait, she had just been pulled into a dark dimension or something and now she acted like nothing had happened.

Billie" Mum! You went through the mirror in there! And then you got lost inside!"

Kinsey" She is not lying, you were just in there"

Mum" What are we talking about?"

Kinsey" The mirror"

Mum" Oh, right, we can get you one for your room, too. I'll add it to the list"

Okay what exactly just happened.

Story Notes:
So The Locke Family arrive at Keyhouse, the twins find Echo the well lady, discover magical keys and save their mum from a mystical dimension.

Authors Notes
Okay, so this is finally up! So sorry this legit took sooooo long to get up! But it's up now and I hope you are ready to come along for the ride with me. If you could vote and comment it means the world to me. Follow if you like!

Oh and yeah in my version The Lockes have a dog, I imagine they would love a dog or at least Bode and Billie would. X

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