You're My Always//Logan Reese

By Kspons21

72.5K 1.4K 154

Bella Parker and Logan Reese have been inseparable since the day they were born. What happens when PCA finall... More

Welcome to PCA
New Roomies
Defending Dustin
Prank Week
Jet X
The Play
Quinns Date
Disc Golf
School Dance
Little Beach Party
Back to PCA
Time Capsule
The Election
Haunted House
Bad Girl
Broadcast Views
Girls Will Be Boys
Robot Wars
Lola Likes Chase
Spring Break-Up Part 1
Spring Break-Up Part 2
Quinns Alpaca
Chases Girlfriend
Hot Dean
Zoeys Tutor
The Great Vince Blake
Silver Hammer Society
Curse of PCA
Logan Gets Cut Off
Zoeys Balloon

People Auction

1.8K 32 0
By Kspons21

Bella's POV

"Okay, okay so the kangaroo says, if you don't like it then you can get out of my pouch" Michael told us his joke as we were all sitting at our table eating sushi at Sushi Rox. But poor kid no one thought his joke was funny, in fact everyone just started booing him, Zoey even threw a fry at his face

"Michael I thought it was hilarious" I rubbed his shoulder sympathetically, trying really hard to hide the sarcasm in my voice

"Really" his eyes lit up with joy and hope overtook his voice

"Not at all." I shot his hope down really quickly, making him look down with sadness on his face as the rest of the group giggled at our interaction

"Hey waiter we're thirsty, it's been an hour" Zoey started yelling and shaking her drink in her hand, everyone joining in on her antics

"Must you guys make me look bad in front of my boss" Chase asked walking up with a tray of drinks in his hand

"Of course"
"Why not"
"Thank you" we all called out different answers as he gave us our stuff and then walked over to stand by Zoey, as we all turned our attention to our gym coach who is currently yelling at his sushi before eating it

After cheersing to Kazu for making Zoey a tempura roll after closing time, our gym coach got up to go to the bathroom

"Hey Kazu I gotta tinkle, don't let these kids touch my sushi" he walked off towards the bathroom not waiting for acknowledgment.

"I wanna take some of his sushi" I leaned over and whispered to Logan, who rolled his eyes at my comment

"Don't do it" he whispered back, I was about to protest when we heard a loud bang come from outside

"What was that" Michael looked at us confused

"Chase!" Zoey yelled, Chase had just left for deliveries and I guess fell or something. We all got up and sprinted outside, well they did. I stole a couple pieces of sushi from coach before I followed the group

When we got outside, we found Chase lying on the ground in pain with sushi sprawled out all around him

"Chase are you okay" Zoey asked worriedly, as we all crowded around his body

"Umm yeah. I think a California roll broke my fall" he muttered out in pain while leaning up. Logan helped pull him up as we all stood around him and made sure he was completely okay

"Bells what are you chewing on" Chase asked, as everyone looked at me with eyebrows raised. Logan looked at me with a cocked eyebrow and hands on his hips

"Bella Parker, I told you to not take the dudes sushi" Logan tried to "get on" to me, but I just gave him a sheepish smile

"It looked so good though" I whispered innocently, as everyone cracked a smile at me. We were pulled from our conversation when coach came out of the restaurant with his sushi plate in one hand and a fire extinguisher in the other

"Fire! Fire! Kazu your grill is on fire!" We all turned and sprinted up the stairs before Kazu told us to stay back and not follow him

"Stay back, pull the fire alarm" Kazu yelled at us as we all frantically looked around for what fire alarm to pull. We eventually spotted it and ran over to pull it while Kazu and Coach ran back into the restaurant

The Next Day

The group was all sitting around our lunch table looking at the pictures of the fire damage, and boy was it bad

"Way to go Chase and Zoey" Logan spoke up, I hit him on the shoulder trying to get him to shut up. It may have been partially their fault but he didn't have to say it

"This wasn't Zoey's fault" Chase tried to defend her

"Oh Chases" Zoey defended him

"Excuse me" Logan spoke up once again making me roll my eyes. Does this boy ever know when to shut up

"Logan Matthew Reese, shut up right now please" I pleaded with him and put my hand over his mouth

"If Zoey hadn't demanded a tempura roll and you hadn't tried to carry all that stuff at once. We'd still have a sushi bar at PCA" Logan continued his argument, after he licked my hand and I pulled away in disgust

"Okay that is the dumbest-" Lola began to argue with Logan making me roll my eyes and put my head down on the table on top of my crossed arms

"No it's not"
"It was our fault" Chase and Zoey finally accepted the fact that they definitely were the cause of Sushi Rox being burnt down

"This is just a freak accident" Michael said, once again trying to reassure his friends

"Like Logan's birth" Lola commented, I picked my head up from my hands and looked at her in annoyance

"Alright, can we stop being assholes to each other" I said, speaking up for the first time in a while, everyone just stared at me after my outburst

"Who cares who started the fire, who cares that we don't have a sushi bar. Can we stop arguing with each other and saying our births are accidents" I looked at Lola after saying that last part "And can we make sure Kazu is okay? He lost his restaurant and his insurance isn't gonna fix it, so we need to figure out a way to help him. Because I'm just gonna say it, it is our fault that the place burned down" I finished my rant, as everyone nodded their heads in agreement. We were about to continue talking before coach came up and yelled at us about how he is blaming us for the fire.

It was later that day and the group was all sitting in the lounge, Nicole had just informed us that Kazu was heading back to his hometown because he needed to start his new life

"Why doesn't he just fix the place" Logan asked confused

"Cause it's like 10,000 bucks in damage" Chase told him, thinking it would get him to understand. It did not.

"So?"Logan asked confused once again, this man worries me with how little common sense he has

"Not everyone's daddy is a tv producer" Lola spoke up, trying to argue with Logan once again

"Tv and movies" Logan corrected, everyone rolling their eyes in response

"Not the time Logs" I patted his arm trying to get him to quiet down

"Well we have to do something" Zoey muttered sadly, still feeling bad for what she caused

"Yeah anybody got 10 grand on them" everyone looked down at their laps in sadness

"I know how we can raise $10,000" Quinn's voice startled us as she entered the room. We all gave her our full attention, waiting for her to continue

"So there's lots of people out there who want to adopt babies, right?" She looked at us waiting for our answer

"Yeah.." Zoey nervously answered. I'm not liking where this plan is headed

"So we find some babies, and sneak them away from their mothers, just long enough to clone them" Quinn finished, excitement entering her voice as she explained her plan. We all looked between each other nervously, she can't be for real

"Stay with me" Quinn kept talking "so we clone the babies, return the originals to their parents and then sell the clone babies for like a thousand bucks a piece " She looked at us with curiosity in her eyes, wondering what we thought about her plan

Everyone stayed silent for a little, no one knowing what to say. "You know that's an excellent idea" Michael was the first to speak up, trying to be supportive

"Alright I'm gonna say it. Love you Quinn but terrible idea, and also highly illegal. I'm 15, I'm not trying to go to jail for the rest of my life" I cut Michael off and told Quinn the truth, her face dropped. The smile that was once on her face now gone, the rest of the group pointed at me in agreement. Michael tried to continue to be supportive and told Quinn they should talk about it more in the hallway, she happily followed him and then got locked outside, while Michael turned to us and asked for better ideas

"I got it" Zoey exclaimed, we turned to her in excitement ready to hear her idea

"We do a people auction" She explained simply, none of us really understanding

"What's a people auction" Logan asked, looking at her confused

"We auction off students to do odd jobs for teachers. It's an awesome way to raise money" Zoey explained her idea, which was vaguely similar to Quinn's

"I thought we weren't selling people, you know because it's illegal" I asked, practically restating my conversation with Quinn

"Cool, let's talk to Dean Rivers and have ourselves a people auction" Chase clapped his hands in excitement, completely ignoring my question. Everyone cheered in excitement, at his response as I just looked at them confused. So we're not gonna answer my question....

The Next Day

The entire school was stood in the quad, listening to or janitor as he began to introduce different kids to be auctioned off. I wanted no part in being sold, and neither did Logan so we stood in the crowd watching our friends who were waiting for their turn to be bought

"Is this not weird to you" I whispered to Logan, craning my neck to look up at him since his arm was around my shoulder

"No it's weird, but Im definitely buying the girls, I'm asking my dad right now how much I can spend" He told me, that's when I noticed the phone in his hand. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion, he's buying the girls?

"Why are you buying the girls" I hesitantly asked, I don't know if I want to know the answer

"So I can make them my personal cheerleaders. I'm gonna make them follow me around and everywhere and embarrass them, while they cheer for everything I do" He explained like it was a perfectly normal idea

"You worry me" I muttered, turning my attention back to the auction, where Chase and Michael were just bought by Coach Keller. Logan just pressed a kiss on my forehead in response, and continued to talk to his dad. The girls stepped up and instantly people staring bidding on them, the bid was at $300 right now

"4, do I hear 4" The auctioneer called out, looking for a buyer. I looked up towards Logan wondering how much he was about to bid

"$4,000" He called out, everyone gasping and turning their attention towards him

"Only teachers are allowed to bid"
"Not students"
"No way" The girls started to complain, not wanting to have to be Logan's personal slave. Dean Rivers walked up to them, and after finding out that it wasn't in the rules, Logan got called up to the front

"Logan come here" Dean Rivers motioned for him to come over with his finger

"Yes sir" Logan asked, grabbing my hand and pulling me to the front with him

"Are you seriously bidding $4,000 on these girls" He asked, I looked at the girls whose eyes were all widened in fear

"Absolutely. My dad approved it, he's love PCA and sushi" Logan confirmed, amusement in his voice. I stifled my laugh at the annoyance on the girls faces knowing now was not the right time to giggle. After Logan handed his phone to the Dean and confirmed the bid, he turned to the crowd and announced that Logan won and everyone cheered at the gracious donation

It was later that day, and I was laying on Logan's bed about to take a nap when I heard a knock at the door. Logan got out of bed and went to open it to find the girls standing there with blank stares. A bright smile overtook his face as he let them in, and closed the door behind them

"So how are you ladies doing today" He teasingly asked. I realized I wasn't going to be able to nap so I sat up and leaned against the headboard, ready to watch this conversation go down

"Alright cut the chitchat Logan"
"Yeah just tell us what you want us to do"
"And we'll see if we feel like doing it"

"No you're going to do whatever I say, whether you like it or not. Unless you don't want my 4,000 bucks to help Kazu rebuild Sushi Rox" Logan corrected the girls, who were trying to get out of this arrangement

"Logan, just don't be a jerk to our friends please" I cut into the conversation before it got to heated. Everyone looked at me while Logan rolled his eyes before muttering out a "fine"

"Bella you're in on this too?" Zoey asked shocked as all the girls looking at me like I betrayed them

"Woah" I put my hands up in mock surrender "I am not in on this, I know what he's doing and I'm here watching it. But I am not helping him come up with ideas" I corrected, the girls nodded their heads like they sorta understood before turning their attention back to Logan

"Okay what do you want from us" Zoey asked crossing her arms, next thing I know a rack of cheerleading outfits and pompoms are now sat in the middle of the room. The girls immediately started protesting whatever ideas Logan had going on in his mind, but after realizing that if they didn't do it Kazu wouldn't get his restaurant. They reluctantly agreed

It was now nighttime and I was the only girl in our room right now. I was sitting on my bed reading my book, when the other girls walked in still in their cheer uniforms. I wanted so badly to laugh at them, but I knew they hated what they were doing so I didn't want to torture them. I've seen them following Logan around campus and cheering for every little thing he did, including while he tanned, so I think that was torture enough

"Hey Bells" Zoey greeted, making her way to her bed, Nicole and Lola doing the same

"Hey y'all, how's the cheerleading going" I asked, a slight bit of amusement in my voice

"How mad would you get at us, if we started annoying your boyfriend" Nicole asked, leaning forward and resting her elbows on her knees, the other two following in suit

"What do you have in mind" I asked, my book long forgotten about as I was curious what they had in mind. And that's how I found myself in a cheerleading outfit the next morning standing in front of Logan's bed as all the boys were still sleeping seeing as how it was still pretty early

"Hey Logan, wake up. Hey, hey, hey Logan wake up, this ain't no time to sleep. No, no!" We all started to scream, making him jolt awake and rub his eyes in frustration. "Wake up, shake your booty, wake up shake your booty, wake up!" We kept cheering, now dancing in circles and shaking our butts as we did so

"What is going on" Logan yelled at us, finally sitting up and looking at us

"We're cheering for everything you do" I told him like it was obvious, I could practically see the realization in his face when he processed the fact that I was also standing in front of him cheering with the girls

"You too Bells?" he groaned and threw his head back onto his pillow, instead of responding we just started to cheer again, while he threw his pillow over his head and covered his face

We followed him around the day annoying the ever loving shit out of the kid. It was actually the funniest thing I have ever seen, we cheered for him after he got out of the shower and when he was locked out of his room, and now we are currently hiding behind a bush as Logan is desperately trying to get this kid to do his math homework for the rest of the semester

"I'm not doing it" the kid told Logan before storming off, making Logan groan in annoyance

"Rejected, rejected. Yeah you just got rejected. R-E-J-E-C-T-E-D rejected" we started cheering, as Logan jumped back in shock not expecting us to be around

"Alright, alright. That's enough" Logan yelled walking up to us, and stopping us from our cheering

"What's the matter" Zoey asked innocently

"Yeah what's the matter baby" I teased, a smile prominent on my face

"I thought you wanted us to cheer for everything you did" Lola asked, using Logan's previous words against him

"Yeah like getting shut down by that kid" Nicole spoke up, restating the previous events

"One more time girls" Lola exclaimed as we burst into our cheer one more time, while Logan stood there with annoyance clear on his face

"Stop it! Here, here, heres your stupid check. Go fix Sushi Rox, just leave me alone" Logan yelled once again, stopping us in the middle of our cheer before thrusting the check into our hands and bolting away. We cheered in excitement, before I jogged to catch up with the boy

"Logs wait up" I called out making him turn around, and smile when he saw it was just me

"You are something else Bella Parker" he told me when I finally caught up with him

"What you don't like my cheering" I sarcastically asked, before grabbing his hand and continuing our walk

"I think you should stick to other sports" He told me honestly, as my jaw dropped in shock. He laughed at me before pressing a kiss to the side of my head, while I rolled my eyes playfully before a smile took over my face. We kept walking making our way back to his dorm, where we hung out for a little bit before the group came and got us to tell us it was time to go surprise Kazu

Quinn led a blindfolded Kazu into the restaurant while we all stayed as quiet as possible. "Okay" Quinn said before stopping them both in the middle of the room, and taking off his blindfold.
He looked around for a second before his eyes settled on all of us, who had giant smiles on their faces. Chase took a quick picture, while the rest of cheered in excitement as Kazu turned in circles admiring his new restaurant.

We cheered even more, when Kazu announced he would stay at PCA and that everyone got free sush-ee. Zoey turned on the music player and we all started dancing, Logan grabbed my hand and spun me in a circle before pulling me into his chest and swaying us back and forth. I giggled in excitement, and started to dance with my boyfriend as my best friends danced around us. And that's how we spent the rest of our night, dancing, laughing and eating lots and lots of sushi

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