Fatal attraction.

By tokiooohotel456

272K 4.7K 16K

Anja Kaiser and Tom Kaulitz. Friends since they were 15 but now 18. They occasionally use each other for pers... More

The night
Concert time
The crash
Confusion ( smut )
Camping (smut)
Injury every time
The break in.
Their spot
The breakup
Fun fair
At peace.
Holiday (smut)
The catchup
Get to know
Cinema ( smut )
die รคrzte
The dinner (smut)
Zimmer 483
teasing (smut)
Dont go (smut)
hotel room (little smut)
fucked up.
lashing out.
100k! (smut)
close call (smut)
i'll wait for you.
Taking care.
pool (smut)
Pizza Paparazzi
even your brother agrees.
the whole group.
the interview.
luna stop calling ! (smut)
on board.
face it.
fuck? (smut)
tell me im wrong.
Wood cabin. (smut)
tell me you're lying!
finally got his anja back.
the anticipation
How did it get out?
She's sick.
An opinion for you guys.
The Last Chapter.

fallen in love (little smut)

3.4K 61 460
By tokiooohotel456

Anja was woken up by bill shaking her.

"why did you say you're not sure yet!" he exclaimed.

"what are you talking about bill?"

"to tom. he told me,"

"huh," she had just woken up and it was the middle of the night making her extremely confused.

"my brother basically professed his love for you anja!"

"okay bill this isn't a fairytale and i said i'm not sure yet because we're both busy in life and we haven't even had a proper chance to talk about it."

"okay fair enough but you know he's been here for you every time you've been hurt. you've known each other since like you were 15 anja you know how he is. he's not like those other random boys that you've just met. there's no introducing you to tom."

This got anja thinking that tom must've said all of this to bill. Shit.

"thank you bill." she said getting up and walking upstairs to toms room. Having to figure out what he said.

"tom?" she whispered , entering his room in case he was sleeping.

Although he was just on the phone.

"okay i'll come back later," she said walking out.

"no come back, what is it?" he called.

She went back over and sat on a chair.

"i just need to know that i'm not going to make a mistake."

"what do you mean anja?"

"bill came to talk to me and it got me thinking a few things. i don't want to be just friends with you and i trust you with my life. the way you handle me wants me to never leave your side."

He realised that his words from earlier had an impact on her.

What made him think all of this about her was whenever she kissed a boy or gave them her number gave him this feeling he was confused about. He couldn't figure it out. Every time she cried on his shoulder made him want to hold her and tell her all of his feelings. Neither of them intended for this to happen but it wasn't a bad thing. Growth. He didn't really see anyone who spoke to her as a threat. It wasn't meant to be anything to do with commitment but here they were. It was too late to go back so hopefully whatever happens between them , it will be good.

Honesty there wasn't a reason for them to not be with each other. If anyone was to ask id say they're a perfect match. Fit each other well.

"well what did he say to you?" he asked.

"basically said to not keep you waiting,"

"don't listen to him."

"i don't want to wait."

"anja don't rush your decision because someone told you to."

She started to walk over to him , on the bed and sat down next to him.

"i've decided this on my own."

"tell me you love me,"

"i love you tom."

They have fallen for each other.

Hearing those words coming out of her mouth with a meaning made him want to kiss her and never let go.

He gently gave her a kiss. She didn't want to let go either. In this moment all they wanted was each other.

"how would we deal with the interviews and stuff?" anja questioned.

"we will deal with it when it comes around. there shouldn't be a problem though,"

"and you will stop with all of the girls?"

"anja are you crazy. of course. i never wanted them in the first place."

"i'm not too sure about that."

"anja. i've never met anyone like you. i don't want those desperate girls," he gave her a sort of death stare.

"i'm joking," she laughed. "i'm just scared of going into relationships. all the past boys i've been with have been fucking stupid."

"yeah i understand that. i'm not completely heartless you know,"

"oh my god i didn't say that!"

Tom didn't want to say it but he's was scared that they were going to break each others hearts.

"just come here," he said signalling to his lap.

So she did what he told her to.

As she was wearing a tank top something caught his eye. It was a small hickey? He knew he didn't give her that. Well , she forgot to mention that.

"this all he could do?" tom joked sliding his thumb over it.

"i forgot about that."


"a lot has been going through my head in the past hours."

"how did i not notice it in the pool,"

"yeah i'm not too sure,"

She suddenly felt his lips on her neck. She threw her head slightly back. Anja didn't want to give into him.

"give into me ," how the fuck did he know what she was thinking. it was the way he said. in that voice.

"no , you're family is literally in the other room,"

"that's never stopped us."

He did have a point but so did she.

"tom," she whispered.


"no," was all she said. although he slowly moved down his fingers. by the way she was slightly shaking , he wasn't completely convinced.

"that's it,"he said stopping at her inner thigh.

He kept his hand there , not moving it at all. Was she going to be able to hold back?

She started to kiss him. Tongues got involved.

*little smut.*

"i'm not going to move my hand," he said pulling away.

"fine. i don't need you," she huffed.

She moved her own hand down her underwear. He was shocked but loved what was going on , in his lap.

She started to touch herself. Quickly moving her fingers moaning and biting her lip. She was looking at him dead in the eyes whilst doing it.

"ah fuck! mmm tom," she was teasing him. he tried to move his hand down there but she pushed it away. "no touching,". even though she said that she took his hand instead and put his middle and ring finger in her mouth , sucking it.
"i'm so wet." she groaned , finishing.

She took out his fingers , he looked like he's been starstruck.

"end of little smut*

"you okay tom?"

"i really do love you." he said. it was a sweet moment somehow.

She hugged him.

"i'm happy we're doing this," she whispered.

"yeah i'm happy too." he said playing with her hair.

"why didn't you tell me sooner?" she asked.

"i wasn't sure until i was getting fed up of you with other boys,"

"that's sweet i guess. how are we going to tell the others though?"

"what do you mean."

"well it's going to come from out of no where for them."

"i guess we'll just have to tell them everything," he explained.

"mina is going to be pissed,"

"why does she have a crush on me." he smirked , joking around.

Earned him a soft slap on the arm.

"no. first of all she's dating one of your best friends and secondly because i didn't tell her from the get go."

"fair enough."

"no you're meant to disagree with me!"

"i'll be back anja,"


He got up and went downstairs to bill. Telling him almost everything about their conversation with each other and how it went. Bill was very happy for them as he was rooting for it to happen.

When tom came back anja fell asleep on his bed so he let her. He put the blanket on her , tucking her in and joined her besides her.

"goodnight meine liebe," he said knowing he wouldn't get a response from the sleeping girl.

love love love.

i hope you enjoyed❤️. should i stop writing smuts idk.

xoxo author💋.

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