A Leap of Faith (Miles Morale...

By Psycho_Bacon31

44.8K 1.5K 2.6K

Seeing as the new movie came out, I decided make my own story with Miles. Because I know Everyone is going af... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 21

1.7K 72 101
By Psycho_Bacon31

Miles and Y/n were swift to arrive back at HQ. Both of them were exhausted, mentally and Physically. They both just wanted to go home and get this over with.

But before they could. They needed away to get passed Margo, and figure out how to turn the machine on. So that had to sit and weight for a moment somewhere far away enough so that they could plan.

"Ok...I think I know to turn on that machine. You see those Panels over there? We have to turn them on, then hit those buttons, give the eye scanner our DNA from one of our eyes, and then we need to make it back over into the middle of the machine. Sound good?" Y/n spoke out, pointing to the tech. But Miles was silent.

"Miles...!" Y/n whispered, snapping their fingers in his face, making him blink.

"Yeah. Yeah I heard you." Miles mumbled, and Y/n frowned, before sighing.

"Miles, can you tell me what you're thinking?"


"Miles please..." Y/n begged, and Miles turned to look at them in the eyes.

"Y/n. Please tell me that you didn't know Spot was your brother this whole time...it's been killing me this whole time and- Just please...be the one to tell me the truth..." Miles voice cracked. The lies he's been fed and told, finally breaking down his laid back personality.

Y/n widen their eyes at Miles's words, looking at their hands for a moment. They weren't gonna lie to him. He deserves the truth more than anything right now.

"I...I did. After encountering him the first time." Y/n admitted

"Why didn't you tell me?" He was hurt. Y/n could tell by his voice and eyes.

"I didn't want to believe it. I was in denial about it all. So I wasn't sure with myself, and kept trying to believe that it wasn't true. But now..." Y/n sighed, "Now I can't hide away from it."

Miles went silent for a moment, before standing up.

"You're staying here."

"What- Miles! I'm not staying here with MIGUEL. He'll tear me to pieces!" Y/n hissed under their breath.

"You're not staying with Miguel. You're hiding here, away from them. At least until I can bring down Spot..." Miles tried to walk away, but Y/n grabbed his shoulder.

"What happened to us being in this together?!" Y/n asked angrily but also concerned for Miles.

"Y/n!! I've already lost my uncle!! I'm about to lose my dad- And I don't need to lose you too!! Im sorry, but it's for own protection that you stay here away from me." Miles snapped back, his eyes glazed with building tears, "If what Miguel says is true, that Every Y/n close to Spider-Man dies with no prevention. Than I can't let you get hurt. Not because of me..."

"Let's just talk about this please-" But Miles shoved them back a bit, trying to disappear. But Y/n was stubborn, and refused to back down.

"You CANT just leave me- Please! I don't want to be alone again!" Y/n cried out, trying to be quiet. But still trying to get their point across.

"And I can't let you die. You have no idea how this is for me." Miles gritted his teeth. Something about those words made Y/n snap, and they glared, marching up to him. Poking him in the chest.

"Everyone I have ever cared for has either died-Or left me....Everyone except- FUCKING for you." Y/n pushed him back a bit, emphasizing their words, "So don't tell me I'll be safer here, because the truth is, I'll just be more scared."

Miles looked at Y/n's face, a conflicted look crossing his features. He felt Y/n's arms slither around his waist, hugging him with shaky breaths.

"So PLEASE...don't do this alone...Let me help." Y/n continued on, hugging him desperately. Miles took a moment to hug them back, basking in their warmth one more time. He then let go, looking down, Before webbing them down, shocking them.

"MILES-" He shot a web to their mouth, expressing a sorrowful face.

"I'm sorry Y/n. But I love you too much to let you get hurt. Hate me all you want, but, this is what needs to happen." Miles looked away, not want to face Y/n's scared expression. He's afraid he'll change his mind if he see's them.

Y/n let out muffled shouts. Try to get themselves off the ceiling, watching as Miles turned invisible. Losing any and all sight of him. The only thing being the whirs of the machine starting up, and the panicking of Margo and Lyla below.

"What's happening?!" Lyla asked, trying to fix the issues.

"The machine activated on its own!!" Margo responded, typing some stuff.

"How is that possible??" Lyla asked, baffled.

"It isn't."

The Machine began to wrap up Miles, who was still invisible. He was breathing hard as he looked around, waiting for the machine to hurry it up. He could still see Y/n's form from above, wiggling and struggling to free themselves from his webs.

"How about this- Now??"

"No no no no- UGH!! You're getting in the way!!" Margo gritted her teeth, trying to move Lyla. Which didn't work considering that she was a hologram.

That's when Margo put on a different thermal vision, and noticed that Miles was the one for the cause of this whole mess. But what confused her, is why Y/n wasn't with him? She had no time to think about that, as she had to stop the machine now before it was too late.

Miguel suddenly came crashing through the door, barreling in like some sort of predator. And on all fours, ran towards Miles.

"Stop him!! NOW!" He demanded making Margo scoff.

"Man what does it look like I'm trying to do?!"

Miguel Jumped up, and pounced onto the machines barrier. Ripping away and trying to pry it open with his claws.

Y/n actually shivered from fear with how aggressive this dude was being. Yeah was hella aggressive before but now- Desperation made it look like he wanted to rip Miles in two.



Y/n wiggled more managing to tear out their fist. Immediately they unsheathed their wrist dagger, cutting the web bindings, and ripping the webs off their mouth.

But by the time they did. It was too late. Miles had already been sent away. Back home. And now Y/n had been left behind.

It was silent. A very uncomfortable silence.

Y/n hid away deeper into the ceiling, watching as Miguel huffed and stood there. Only to grab a piece of machinery, tearing it a part like it was nothing. They didn't say a word. Only watching and listening to everything that went down below them.

"Ok-Okay! Enough! It's not the console's fault." Peter warned, holding Mayday safely.

"All he had to do was LISTEN. Why didn't he listen...?" Miguel sneered

"Maybe you weren't hard enough on him!!" Gwen snapped, sick and tired of all that has happened. She just lost two best friends. The only two who she felt like she could rely on, and she lied to them.

"Gwen don't do it." Jess warned

"You let him go. You didn't catch him Gwen." Miguel turned his hatred on Gwen, blaming her for his slip up.


"Ok let's all just take a breath..." Peter tried to keep the peace.

"Peter. Wanna back me up?!" Gwen hissed, and Peter clicked his tongue.

"Well okay- Miguel? As a father of a daughter and the son of a mother-"

"Yeah actually, stop talking." Jess intervened immediately, making Peter shut up.

"Okay Duly noted."

"Let me just talk to him." Gwen tried to walk forward, but Miguel webbed in front of her. Cornering her like she was nothing.

"We tried that."

"He's my friend." Gwen frowned desperately

"Yeah. That's the problem." Miguel glowered down on her, and Gwen continued to back away from him.

"Do you know for certain what happens if he breaks the canon?" Gwen tried to reason, but this only seemed to piss Miguel off. Turning back to her, pushing her closer to the edge.

"You wanna find out?" Miguel threatened, "I told you she was a liability!"

"You're wrong! Jess? Tell him he's wrong!" Gwen begged to her mentor. But Jess only sighed in disappointment.


"Are you serious right now?" Gwen furrowed her eyebrows, disbelief on her face.

"I told you. You let him get away, I can't help you..." Jess shook her head, turning her back in Gwen.

"I'm not coming." Gwen stated firmly, only to feel herself be grabbed from behind.

"You're right." Miguel spoke in a hollow tone, still glowering down on her.

"What the hell?!" Gwen struggled against the machine, pulling away desperately but there was no luck with freeing herself. Like Miles, she was being sent home.

"Go home Gwen." Miguel told her, watching as the teen continued to fight back. Again, it being no use. She pushed away the spider legs, glaring at Miguel.

"We are supposed to be the good guys..." She told him, before ultimately disappearing. Back to her dimension.

"We are....We are!! Jess. Ben. Come with me. Somebody catch Spot." Miguel ushered as he opened a portal. Peter then began to follow him.

"Yeah sorry. I uh...I gotta get her down for a nap..." Peter mumbled, and Miguel turned his piercing eyes to him.

"Not you! I've had the right amount of you. And one of you find Y/n!! They weren't with Miles, they could still be here. Track them down however the hell you'd like!!" Miguel demanded, going through the portal.

Y/n hitched their breath as another moment of silence was heard. They pressed their back more against the metal they hung on, looking around. The spider-people were on guard now more than ever. They needed to get out of here.

But how will they?? They're not an actual Spider-Person, nor are they some crazed super villain...So would the machine even work for them?? Even if it did, they need a more quiet escape. Something that doesn't draw attention. Something like-

Y/n gasped as they got an idea, smirking as they began climbing away from all the chaos. They began searching for parts, and one by one collecting them all. They pulled up the screen shots they took of the writing in their journal they did about the watch Gwen wore. And began to create...

Their very own.

Mind you, it wasn't perfect. Could use some better upgrades. But it would have to do for the little time they had to find Miles before Miguel had a chance.

"And when I find him, I'm gonna give him a piece of my mind." Y/n grumbled under their breath, using a screwdriver they stole to screw in some bolts in.

Boy was Y/n pissed. Like BEYOND words. But even in their anger, they still cared for Miles, and found his concern sweet. But they refuse to sit idly by like some sidekick.

"Haha yes!!" Y/n cheered to themselves quietly, as to not draw any attention to themselves. They swiftly slipped on the watch, pressing one of the buttons to power it on.

"Come on...come on!!" Y/n begged desperately. Suddenly the DIY watch booted up, and Y/n smiled.

"Oh thank god!!" Y/n immediately began typing their dimension's number in. Remembering how Hobie called it...1610. After punching in the number, Y/n went to summon a portal.

But stopped.

"Wait...Miguel said Miles was bit by a spider not from our world...John said the same thing...saying HE brought it to 1610 using the collider...so that would mean Miles's DNA...was..." Y/n widen their eyes.

"He's not home. He's in the other dimension where Spider-Man doesn't exist!!" Y/n quickly erased the number's 1610, and then typing in 42. Thankfully they had a good memory, remembering how that spider was marked 42. So it had to be this number to get to that dimension.

"One can only hope..." Y/n sighed, hitting the button and a portal of f/c and some white popped in front of them. Shaking off their nerves, Y/n puffed out their chest out walking through the portal, being transported.

'Hold on Miles. I'm coming.'

"Miles?" Rio opened the door with a hamper in her arms, watching curiously as her son was turned around, "Is now a bad time?"

"Am I-am I to late?!" Miles panicked, grabbing his mother's shoulders.

"What'd you do to your hair...?" Rio asked, confused on why his hair was in his braids.

"Are you guys ok?! Tell me you're ok!!" Miles ignored, desperately trying to see if the canon hasn't happened yet.

"I'm ok...?" Rio responded, still confused as her son hugged her tightly.

"You were right...You were right about everything...." Miles sighed in relief

"Of course I'm Right. I'm always right.....What am I right about??" Rio was puzzled at her son's behavior.

"I saw...all these amazing places!! And met all these amazing people-But..." Miles paused with hesitation.

"¿Que te pasa, Mijo?" Rio asked with a concerned mother look.

"But they didn't want me. I-I kept thinking about what you said...I let'em have it. I beat-'em all..." Miles stated proudly, yet he had a ache in his chest.

"I know how strong I am now. I'm strong because of you! And dad! And us...Mom. There's something coming for us. Something- something terrible..." Miles began to explain, desperation in his tone.

"Miles, you're talking crazy. What's going on?" Rio shook her head in disbelief with how strange Miles was acting.

"His name is Spot. He's my nemesis...and Y/n's older brother...And I'm gonna stop him." Miles firmly stated, but the mention of Y/n made Rio furrow her eyebrows.

"Y/n has a brother? They never mentioned him." She mumbled

"I know you know I've been lying to you...it's because I thought of you knew...you wouldn't love me the same...And then I went out there and-and now...I'm not afraid of anything." Miles looked at his mom in determination. He was gonna do it. He was gonna tell his mom who he really was.

"What do you wanna tell me?" Rio ushered

"You got to promise that nothing's gonna change."

"I will always love you-"

"You gotta promise!" Miles stated in a more urgent tone, making Rio pause.

"Always. I don't care what you say. ¿Tú me entíendos?" Rio promised, making Miles sigh and turn away for a moment.

"Mom....I'm...I'm Spider-Man." Miles told in confidence, showing his suit to his mother. Waiting for her reaction.

But she just stared. And stared. And stared...

"Who's Spider-Man?"

"The superhero? He got bit by a spider? Gave him Spider powers...?" Miles explained, confused on how his mother didn't know who that is, "He's me??"

"Is this where...like...you dress up like your favorite character?? Or like- what's it called? Like Comics Con!" Rio asked casually as she began taking dirty clothes and putting it into the hamper.

"I don't know what that is..."

"You really had me going there! Spider-Man. Imagínate..." Rio laughed, somehow offending Miles.

"Why don't you have a 8 arms? Do you push silk out of your cultio?" Rip joked

"I had a nightmare about that once but- No" Miles assured

"Are you sure you woke up?" Rio hummed as she began leaving the room, Miles following after her.

"Mom stop playing around!! This is serious! Dad worked with Spider-Man. I mean he didn't realize Spider-Man was me at the time...Oh! And I Had a partner named Bone-Widow- Who is Y/n by the way!!" Miles added in, though he felt bad because he remembers how he left them behind.

Again Rio didn't listen.

"I wish Dad was here to explain this..." Miles groaned as he leaned his head on the door.

"Miles Please..." Rio sighed in a warning tone, "I got you to take care of. I got me to take care of. So help me out."

"Mom hold on! Hold on! I need to talk-" Miles suddenly glitched and spazzed. Slamming into a nearby coffee table.

That when the realization set in.

'Oh no...'

'The spider that bit me...'

'It wasn't from my dimension.'

'That machine...didn't send me home...'

The front door behind him suddenly clicked, and began to open slowly as a figure walked in. His face tired looking and menacing.

But this face...wasn't unrecognizable...no.

It was familiar.

"Uncle Aaron...?" Miles muttered in shock as his seemingly Alive Uncle came walking up to him, holding out his hand.

"Hey. You okay?" Aaron asked as he waited for Miles to grab his hand, which Miles did. Before pulling him into a hug, shocking his Uncle.

"I missed you so much..." Miles whispered with a teary face, which made Aaron chuckle awkwardly, pushing him away.

"Whoa too took your braids out?" Aaron asked, walking over to where Rio was.

"Uh...Yeah! Yeah...I'm still....getting used to it?" Miles said unsure.

Miles looked to the side, seeing some pictures. He walked towards it, and gently picked up one that looked a lot like Y/n. Yet...there some noticeable things different about them...

For one they were smiling very bright, and they looked more happy and carefree then Y/n he knows. His Y/n was more calm, and more angry looking. This Y/n was like his Y/n's polar opposite...

"Sunshine...?" Miles muttered as he looked at the word, written on the photo with black ink.

"Oh Miles, I have to work an overnight tonight. Here's a grocery list." Rio spoke, snapping smiles out of his mind.

"I'll make sure he gets this done." Aaron smiled, taking the grocery list from Rio. He then strolled over to Miles, looking down at the picture he held, before looking back at Miles.

"Alright We gotta roll..." Aaron continued to walk by, and Miles placed the photo frame down. Following after his Uncle up the stair case.

"Security switches out at 6. That's the window, right?" Aaron asked, and Miles stumbled on his words.

"R-Right...Yep. I'm- Im following you in...what you are saying...." Miles once more glitched as he threw himself on the rail, panting.

"You alright?" Aaron asked, sounding not at all concerned.

"I have a cold..." Miles weakly replied, wheezing out in pain.

"C'mon man. Make sure you got the plan." Aaron rushed, walking out onto the roof.

"Yeah but- Maybe we should go over it one...more...time..." Miles slowed down his words as he looked around the city in despair. Buildings were on fire, sirens were heard, and even some yelling.

"There's no Spider-Man here..."

Miles realizes how truly this world got messed up, all because there was no Spider-Man to protect this world...destruction was everywhere...left and right...

"Oh no...Dad..." Miles felt his stomach drop as he stared at a painted Muriel of his father. It was like the one of Uncle Aaron he did, but this time...it was his father who was gone.

Uncle Aaron looked at his phone, the screen lighting his face. Almost menacingly, as slowly Aaron looked at Miles. Miles looked his way as well, his breath beginning to get shallow.

Before a sudden fist locked in with his jaw.

Knocking him out effectively and immediately.

Miles groaned as he felt himself hang on some rope, his eyes fluttering opened. Every so often changing scenery as he spun around. Before seeing his Uncle, standing in front of him.

"Uncle Aaron..." Miles murmured, glitching again painfully as his Uncle watched, lifting Miles up even higher.

"Wait wait- I was...Listen...Okay Um..." Miles stumbled on his words, watching as his alter uncle came strolling towards him.

"You don't understand- I'm not from here. I'm from an entirely different dimension! Wait wait wait- Please- Please!" Miles flinched as Aaron reached his hand out, spinning him around.

"I got spent hear by mistake! Uncle Aaron- Wait wait wait wait!! Uncle Aaron!" Miles continued to panic, only for Aaron to walk over to a disc, popping it in. Soft music playing from the music player.

"Please. Uncle Aaron? Just hear me out..." Miles begged, only for his uncle to turn the music up higher, "I was bit by a spider that gave me powers. It w-wasn't supposed to bite me...it was supposed to bite someone else...Someone from here. I don't belong here. I need to go home..."

But his uncle didn't say a word.

"I have an Uncle Aaron- I-I had one...He was a bad guy...called the Prowler. He- He looked out for me. He did a lot of bad things! But...I knew he wanted to be good. He just didn't know he had a choice! But you do! You can be a good guy!" Miles tried to reason, but Aaron just chuckled dryly.

"A good guy?"

"Please, just trust me...I know you don't wanna be the Prowler-"

Suddenly his uncle threw his fist into the punching bag with the Prowler claw. The stuffing of the bag being spilled to the side as Miles was shut up. Shaken in disbelief.

Aaron stopped his spinning, looking Miles dead in the eyes.

"I'm not." He responded simply, letting him go as Miles breathed in harshly. It was then he looked up to see an unknown figure, sitting there like a predator ready to pounce. Looking exactly like the Prowler.

The figure climbed down casually, before catching the claw his Uncle threw at him. Getting closer and closer to Miles with a threatening aura.

"Your dad is still alive?" The figure, or this Prowler, asked. His voice changed into a deeper one.


"Your father. You said he's still alive...." The Prowler asked again, then spoke out once more, "What about Y/n? You have one too?"

"Yeah..." Miles replied, still trying to figure out why this guy wanted to know about this, "Who are you...?"

Slowly the mask pulled back.

Revealing himself.

His hair was in braids and he had a more tired look to him.

"I'm Miles Morales." Himself told, "But you...you can call me the Prowler."

"If I don't get home...our dad is going to die...and
Y/n will be next..." Miles told his counterpart desperately. Prowler Miles seemed to perk up at
Y/n's name, but that hope was quickly pushed away.

"Your Dad and Y/n." Prowler Miles cut off with a blank stare. Miles leaned his head back, closing his eyes.

"Please. You have to let me go."

Prowler Miles slowly put his claw out next to Miles's head, the sound of it whirring buzzed in Miles's ear. Prowler Miles continued to stare at him with no emotion.

"Why would I do that?"

Miles widen his eyes shock at himself. How this- This counterpart was him. But not himself he knew. No. This was someone else.

For a brief moment, Miles's eyes caught another figure in the back, sneaking their way into Uncle Aaron's apartment. Immediately he recognized the suit of his beloved Y/n. Their face hidden and ready to strike.

He knew tying them up wouldn't last long. Y/n was too smart for that. But, he's kind of glad that they were. Because he's gonna need some help.

Y/n looked down at Miles, noticing his stare, and gave him a little nod. Miles gave a small nod back, turning his attention back to his counterpart, staring back into his eyes.

Slowly, Miles began to rub his finger on the metal chains that held him back. Electricity flowing to that specific part of his finger, still he held his gaze on himself.

This was it.

The final countdown...
Guys....WE MADE IT!!

It's the end of Movie two!! And now- I regret to inform you all- But the end of this book!!

I know- I know- I'm sad too!! But hey! It'll be worth it to come back too whenever the second movie is out!

Kind of glad I finished it at this time, because I have school coming up in like- 2 days. So that's gonna suckkkkk.

But don't worry!! I'll still be making stories, just not as frequent chapters. I'm actually working on one rn in my notes!! So you'll see that one whenever I get 6 chapters written in.

But- I hope you all enjoyed this book and this incredible journey! I'm so happy I could make it for you all🫶🫶🫶

And I will come back to it!! I'll mark this book as complete for now, but then write in new chapters whenever the second part is in.

Anyways, have a wonderful day/night!! And Until the next part of the movie! BYEEEEEEEEEE❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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