Twists of Fate: Entangled Thr...

By FantasyGeek15

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Twists of Fate: Entangled Threads Cassandra "Sandy" Alice Turner, younger cousin to none other than the Hermi... More

Intro & Cast
Chapter 1: Cursed Winds
Chapter 2: Turner Name
Chapter 4: Professor Werewolf
Chapter 5: The Half-Blood Prince
Chapter 6: Chaotic Quartet
Chapter 7: Fake Mad-Eye
Chapter 8: Hot Pink & Lavender
Chapter 9: Off with the Hair!
Chapter 10: Library Lesson
Chapter 11: Hug Deprived
Chapter 12: Tea & Gossip
Chapter 13: Occamy
Chapter 14: House-Elves & Runes
Chapter 15: Intervention
Chapter 16: Firecracker
Chapter 17: Shortcake
Chapter 18: Endolphins?
Chapter 19: Distractions
Chapter 20: Girl Talk
Chapter 21: Defying the Superiors
Chapter 22: Confrontations
Chapter 23: Tears and Sorrows
Chapter 24: Thing No.1 & Thing No.2
Chapter 25: Hangman in the Halls
Chapter 26: A Bunch of Idiots Flying On Brooms
Chapter 27: Cushion Fight
Chapter 28: Just a Little Bit
Chapter 29: Stars in the Sky
Chapter 30: Ssshhh
Chapter 31: Slytherins
Chapter 32: Feet Off the Ground
Chapter 33: Discrimination Debate
Chapter 34: The 'M' Word
Chapter 35: Wolfsbane Potion
Chapter 36: Walbitch
Chapter 37: Nightmares and Lovers
Chapter 38: Invisible But Not Inaudible
Chapter 39: Death
Chapter 40: Altering Fate?
Chapter 41: House Points
Chapter 42: A Bunch of Animals
Chapter 43: Sorrows... Sorrows...
Chapter 44: Heartbreak?
Chapter 45: Underneath the Stars
Chapter 46: Romeo and Juliet
Chapter 47: The Black Brothers
Chapter 48: Match Making & Misunderstandings
Chapter 49: Sweet or Bitter 16
Chapter 50: That One Detention
Chapter 51: Quidditch Match
Chapter 52: Quidditch Match P2
Chapter 53: Admissions
Chapter 54: Christmas Break
Chapter 55: Surprises
Chapter 56: The Past That Never Was
Chapter 57: Attempted Adoption
Chapter 58: Petunia Evans
Chapter 59: Sorting and Praises
Chapter 60: Muggle-borns

Chapter 3: The Mother

761 29 1
By FantasyGeek15


The duo spent the whole day together, along with most of the next, strategizing the future (both Sandy's personal one, and the war). It took many interruptions for her to finally give into her new reality; living in 1975. She had told him that she was a Gryffindor, although had been a hatstall for Ravenclaw (just like her cousin and Professor McGonnagal). They decided that she would simply just take on the Gryffindor robes, and pretend to have had her own private sorting ceremony at his office, given that they could not risk the hat's legilimency to learn her secrets. Sandy got enrolled into her classes, bearing the name 'Sandy Reese', an orphaned Australian witch with Dumbledore as her godfather and legal guardian. She also took the liberty of choosing her bed in a 5fth year dorm of her house. 

It had been a long story, but, Sandy managed to give him a good summary of her life, and history. He now knew how history had gone the first time, with Voldemort being killed by the Killing Curse rebounding off of him, and how the horcruxes brought him back. Conveniently, she had the 'Great Wizarding Events of the Twentieth Century' book, which she handed over to Dumbledore. It was certainly helpful that she had come with her very own handbag with the undetectable extension charm. However, Dumbledore did provide her with money, school supplies, textbooks, clothes of the time, and an actual trunk, as to not raise suspicion. 

When she filled him in on where and what the horcruxes were made into, Sandy had to explain about their protective charms (given that with the Gaunt Ring had cursed him through them), and how to destroy them. Since Harry had yet to be born, much less kill the Basilisk, the sword of the present was useless. Speaking of, Sandy was rather terrified at the idea of the Serpent of Slytherin still being alive, underneath the school. She had not gotten to Hogwarts herself until the year after the Chamber of Secrets was opened, but she knew that her cousin had been petrified by said creature. Being a muggle-born herself, Sandy was quite uncomfortable with its persevering existence. However, she made Dumbledore aware of it, as well as the entrance to the chamber. 

Many topics were spoken, but Sandy knew not everything had been covered. Dumbledore had announced that he wanted the pair to have tea every other afternoon, both so that he could see how she was doing, and to discuss information she had on the future. They also spoke about the other pages within future Dumbledore's envelope. As it turned out, he had left several lists of names, which included who had married who, along with the children they had procreated, as well as who died, who became a Death Eater, and who joined the Order of the Phoenix. Sandy was able to contrast many of the names with the list of students, to understand those fate she had to change, and who she had to stay away from (to not cause anyone to be unborn). Fortunately, neither her parents, nor Hermione's or the Weasleys were in the school. The first four due to being muggles, and the last two, Arthur and Molly, had recently graduated and were already having children. The Longbottoms had also graduated last June. It made it harder to make Hermione, the Weasleys, or Neville be unborn. 

Students were now arriving for the new year, and the dinner feast would commence once the the first years were sorted in their respective houses. It surprised her to hear the name 'Gilderoy Lockhart' among the first years. Hermione had told her about him. Sandy actually met him when they went to buy Hermione's second year books, and her cousin would send letters about how great of a teacher he was. That changed after the events on the Chamber of Secrets, for Hermione came to find the truth about her phony professor. It did not surprise Sandy to see his 11 year old self become a hatstall for Ravenclaw and Slytherin, despite somehow ending up in the former. 

She had taken a seat in the Gryffindor table, towards the middle, with a book in hand. Her idea was to read, or pretend to do so, in order for others to leave her alone. This way, it would be easier for her to not mess up with someone's future. Unfortunately, things didn't go her way. Feeling a tap on her shoulder, she turned to look at her right, where a girl 'her age' sat, staring right at her. "Hey there, bird. I don't think we've met- which is weird, 'cause I make it my business to meet everyone. I'm Marlene McKinnon, 5fth year, pleasure to meet your acquaintance. How about you?"

That was a name Sandy had studied. She was in the Order of the Phoenix, and had died during the First Wizarding War with the rest of her family. Not if Sandy and Dumbledore could stop it though. "I'm Sandy Reese, a fifth year also. Its nice to meet you too."

"Never heard of you." She so bluntly responded, without meaning to offend. It was a mere observation on her part. "And that's hard for me. Like I said, I know everybody. Where have you been hiding, bird?" 

Why the hell did she keep calling her that? Honestly, Sandy had no idea. "I'm... new."

"Then, why aren't you there?" She pointed at the line of 1st years being sorted. Then, as if a lightbulb (or candle) light up above her head, a thought occurred to the girl. "Oh, hey, are you a transfer? Where from? Ilvermorny? Beauxbatons? If it's the latter, you're English is ace."

"I already got sorted this morning. And, yes, but I'm from Australia, actually. We speak English there too."

"Wicked," A grin covered her features before noticing two girls right in front of them looking at the pair. "Oh, right. So, like I said, I'm Marlene, the greatest person you'll ever meet. These two, they are my mates. That's Mary Macdonald. She don't bite, but I do. As for her, that's Lily Evans- or as I like to call her; the mother. She's made prefect, obviously. Don't break the rules in front of this one- otherwise, you'll know why I call her that."

The redhead rolled her eyes, unaware of the mental panic Sandy was suffering due to her presence. She was one of the people she had told herself to not talk to. It didn't help that she looked like Ginny Weasley, but with Harry's eyes. Although, she supposed it was technically the opposite, since future Mrs Potter was born first. "You told me you were proud of me."

Marlene shrugged with a smirk. "Of course. 'Cause you can get me into the prefects bathroom. Why else? I can't wait to take a hottie in there with me. Spend the day in the bath with them. Unless you three are up for a spa day? I'd be down for that too." 

"Yeah, no." Lily scoffed at her in return.

"To giving me the password or to the spa day? Come on, don't be selfish, Evans."

"Ignore them," Mary spoke next, directly towards the silently distressed time-traveller. "I'm Mary, like she said. So, have you seen any kangaroos? Do they really look like giant, brown bunnies?"

"Scratch that, have you seen a Billywig? Or how about a Lethifold?" Marlene interrupted, wanting to know things about Australia herself. 

"Yes to the kangaroos, and sure, with a pouch too, but that feels like a oversimplification. Not to the other two, though." Given that she had left Australia before finding out about magic, it made sense for her to not have seen the two magical creatures. All she knew of them were from textbooks. This Billywig was an insect of a vivid sapphire blue colour, and half an inch long, with a thin stinger. Its venom was said to cause giddiness, along with levitation. As for the Lethifold, was an extremely dangerous and carnivorous beast, which had the appearance of a black levitating cloak.

With a pout, Marlene nodded to herself. "Yeah, its probably for the best- not seeing a Lethifold. I heard their nasty." Then she turned to touch her Sandy's hair, making her jump at the sudden movement towards here. "Your hair is so soft. Silky. What's your routine?"

It surprised her, making Sandy touch her own hair. Honestly, she had not thought about it for a long time. Her appearance in general- for an entire year. Living in the woods kind of did that to someone. How her hair was 'silky' and 'smooth' still, was beyond her. "Ummm... I wash it?" The girls giggled at her response. Immediately after that, Sandy tried to return to her book. She hoped that maybe, just maybe, they would catch on the fact that she did not wish to talk. If it worked, she would have just gotten a great excuse to avoid Lily for the rest of the evening. Unfortunately, now that they had met, ignoring her for the rest of the year, and the next two, would be complicated. 

To her luck, the book did nothing. Lily proceeded to try to get to know her, and was also curious over her arrival. The country was at war. Additionally, neither of the girls could recall ever having a transfer. In their mind, this was certainly odd. "So, how came you moved here, Sandy?"

She hesitated for a moment. Recalling everything she had spoken with their headmaster, Sandy began telling them her cover story, pretending it to be the truth. "To move in with my... godfather. He's my new guardian, I guess."

"What, why? Are your parents shitty or busy?"

Lily spoke right after Marlene, seemingly the only girl out of the trio that caught on. "Sorry for your loss." That caused the other two to simultaneously turned their heads to Sandy, waiting for her to dispute Evan's words. However, she wouldn't.

Instead, she merely nodded. "Thank you." It was then that she took back her book, and returned to reading. Or, at least pretend to. Perhaps it was cruel, but, she allowed the girls to feel awkward and guilty for asking, as it left her alone for nearly the rest of the night. They attempted to re-start the conversation a few times, either with small talk or something similar. However, Sandy kept her answers short, and returned to her book as quick as possible every time. She hated being rude, however, she believed it was for the best. Otherwise, her friend, Harry, could be unborn. He was not only important due to his actions in the original timeline, but was also someone Sandy cared for. She could not risk erasing him from existence. 


N/A: Due to the problems that come with time travel, you will find Cassandra/Sandy constantly fighting with herself against making connections. Always second guessing every conversation, out of fear of its consequences. That, and her mental trauma for having been on the run and seeing people die. This will be a big part on her struggles throughout the chapters, as it will be more than just a 'love story'.

Fanfictions are great, but I personally hate it when the sole centre and challenges of the story is only on the romance. As I see it, a character is an imaginary person, and people have a wide variety things going on in their lives, even if they consider them inconsequential. 

For that reason, this is more than a fanfiction. Its a story within an alternative universe of the Harry Potter world. Cassandra/Sandy will not be an overly powerful, perfect character. But one that makes mistakes, faces through challenges, and has more than one (romance) sole purpose. I hope that's as much to your liking as it is for me.

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