Fenner's Life. [Murder Drones]

By Shenanicanicans

3.6K 46 28

Oberleutnant Fenner Railan; A once strict and mostly careless soldier now becomes a broken god. Becoming even... More

Fenner's Arrival
What is This Place
The Tower
⭆ [CHAP.1] - The German Soldier's Grip
A Past Uncovered
Dunkle Schlachtenträume in Frankfurt
The ''Countryside''
The Thrill of the Chase
Invasion & Control
The Promening
Cabin Fever
Thunderous Confrontation
Dead End
The Void
Phoenix Rising
Among the Stars


178 3 4
By Shenanicanicans

Fenner woke up, looking around, still shaking from the memories. He gets up and walks around the facility, getting flashes of scenarios in a different facility, including running from murder drones, explosions, and limbs from worker drones flying around.

He suddenly starts feeling strange forces against his right shoulder, his shoulder not moving of course. "The hell? I'm not... Shooting anything...", Fenner said, assuming it was just past recoil from weapons, affecting him.

He continues moving, heading outside again. The outside being bright as day. "If they said to run away, it's not safe here... Who, am I running from? Where am I running to?", he said as he continued to wander around.

Fenner began nearing where he had arrived from, seeing the crater from the lightning strike was still there. "Well. The evidence of my arrival is still here.". He continued moving, nearing a forest, "Trees? Wasn't all biological life wiped out by whatever this 'planet core collapse' was?". He wandered through the forest, hearing another faint voice and panting that sounded to be from him, as if it were a flashback. "FENNER, KEEP RUNNING! THEY'LL CATCH UP TO YOU IF YOU DON'T RUN!"  Fenner could barely hear the voice over the panting but could make out some of the words that were being said.

As Fenner continued walking, he noticed a hill, walking up it. Once he reached the top, he saw what looked to be a military bunker, there was a radio tower next to it

Fenner started getting quick flashbacks from war as the bunker entrance and the artillery gun reminded him of the time he went to war.

Fenner went to the entrance of the bunker and began trying to open it, which he was successful with. He began pulling on the door, but as the door was so old, it let out loud creaks. Upon pulling the door, the bunkers door alarm blared throughout the bunker.

Upon opening the door fully, it was dark, with only small amounts of light shining through the door frame, he saw a set of stairs going down into the mountain. Fenner then walked in and closed the door behind him, flipping his NVG down, his vision getting brighter.

Fenner proceeds down the stairs, carefully and reaches the entrance area, immediately heading for cover "OH HELL, A MACHINE GUN! It's not firing?". He got out from the cover, noticing nobody was manning the machine gun, and a few dead bodies were lying around.

Lights were damaged, wires were hanging, and circuit boxes were unusable. The only source of light was a floodlight these militants had brought. "What the hell happened here?", he wandered around the area, inspecting one of the uniforms on the bodies. "Let's check this sleeve..."

The sleeve had an emblem of a Sergeant rank. "There's something else on this sleeve..."

"U... S... R... F...? What the hell is the USRF?", Fenner said grabbing the hologram device from his pocket, hovering it over the patch, a small scanner popping out of the device and scanning the patch.

A small hologram popped up, displaying information on this "USRF" patch.

"The United States Raident Force? That's a weird name. Well, I guess I shouldn't be talking, the military I'm in is literally called 'German Military Ground Forces', so I shouldn't be talking.", he stepped up, exploring the area. The area was still super dark, NVG still being a requirement till he can find a power station.

After some walking around, he neared a door that had the name 'POWER CONTROL", Fenner tries to open it, but it doesn't budge. He notices a wire at the top of the door that leads to a keycard scanner, "Oh hell no, I'm not doing all that.", he lifted his foot and kicked the door in, the door flying open, dust flying everywhere. He walks into the room, and sees a bunch of levers, "That must be the ticket to powering this place up.", he said as he walked towards the levers. He put one of the levers onto "ON", but nothing happened. "This is the power control system...", he said grabbing the hologram device again and hovering it over the system saying, "Damage Check.", the hologram device replied "Yes, Sir.", the same scanner popped out and scanned the system.

"Alright then...", he said as he began searching the room for the resources.

*Insert some searching*

After a while, Fenner had found the resources to repair the powering system and checked the area for liquid. He didn't find any liquid on the ground and began repairing the system.

Once repairing the systems, he flipped the switch again and waited for a response. Soon hearing the sounds of electricity sparking and saw lights flickering.

"Did I just... Fix a power control station?", he said as he began hearing the sounds of light bulbs whirring. "I may as well fortify this place as a safe zone for the mean time from whoever is coming after me.".

Fenner then began getting fortifications to put near the entrance and began boarding ventilation shafts up to prevent entry.

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