Alluring - JJ Maybank Fanfic

By roooodyroo

38K 504 140

In which a girl falls for her brothers best friend. Will their love be strong enough to withstand the trials... More

Face to the Name
Pilot: Pissy Mood
Pilot: Minor
Pilot: Wreck
Pilot: Brothel
Pilot: Kegger
Pilot: Pogue Goddesses
The Lucky Compass: Girl Sex
The Lucky Compass: Burly
The Lucky Compass: Dank Nugs
The Forbidden Zone: Kook Rich
The Forbidden Zone: Credit
Spy Games: Space
Spy Games: Liar
Midsummers: Splinter Bean
The Parcel: Fuck that
The Parcel: Your Cut
The Parcel: Gold
Dead Calm: Fear
The Runway: Hate me.
The Bell Tower: Enchilada
The Bell Tower: Scared
The Phantom: Alone
The Phantom: Cranky
The Gold: The Bahamas
The Gold: Lie
The Heist: Stay with me
Homecoming: Hide
The Darkest Hour: Deal
The Darkest Hour: Little Bitch
The Darkest Hour: Jail
My Druthers: Yoked
My Druthers: Emotional
My World
The Bonfire: Good Head
The Bonfire: Cardiac Arrest
The Cross: Island Room
The Cross: Lemonade
Trapped: Murder on My Mind
The Coastal Venture: Wake Up
Poguelandia: Week One
Poguelandia: Week Two
Poguelandia: Week Three
Barbados: Day One
Barbados: Day Two
The Bells: Shattering
Heists: Secrets
Heists: Jesus
The Dark Forest: Breakdown
The Dark Forest: Visions
Happy Anniversary: Cheater
Tapping the Rudder: Barracuda Mike
Tapping the Rudder: Warrant
Tapping the Rudder: New Girlfriend
Welcome to Kitty Hawk: Gooned
Secret of the Gnomon: 1
Secret of the Gnomon: 2
Secret of the Gnomon: 3
Forever and ever and ever.

The Heist: More than you know

389 7 1
By roooodyroo

Sarah's grand plan ended up with us sitting on a dock across from Terrance, Cleo and Stubbs; talking about jacking the gold from Ward when he goes to move it. Sarah insists he won't keep it there now that he knows JJ tried to take it, we don't know if he actually saw him on the guards videocall since we turned the sprinklers on, but at minimum he knows someone tried breaking in, and we all know Ward won't stand by and let the gold disappear.

"I'll give you two million." Sarah negotiates the split for the gold.

Terrance laughs, "Let me get this straight. We take the risk of going to jail and getting shot for a fraction of what's in that safe."

She crosses her arms, "After you abandoned us? Stole my boat? I don't owe you shit. But I'll give you ten."

"Ten million a piece? I like that. Ten a piece."

"A piece? Okay... You know what? We're getting--" JJ looks shocked that the price jumped so high so fast.

"JJ." Sarah shoots him a look to be quiet, surprisingly he shut up and started chewing on his lip while he looks away, deep in thought, "Ten million a piece. Fine."

JJ snaps his head up to look at her, "Ten million dollars each... We're just throwing money away."

"You have yourself a deal, sweetheart." Terrance shakes hands with her while she ignores JJs protests. 

I can see why he's mad, we still have to share with the pogues back home. She just gave away 30 million. But I see her side too, if we make them happy, then they will actually help us steal it back. They do have a lot of risk helping us, considering this is their home, they have to stay here and be left with the consequences of the aftermath of our heist while we run back to obx.


Sarah has been pretending to still be mad at JJ for breaking his promise not to go to the house. It's been kind of funny watching him try to repair their friendship, I know he wants to be on good terms with her since she's my best friend and his best friends girl, so he's been super nice and basically letting her call the shots like she said she wanted to do. I think he's enjoying not having to bear the responsibility of the plan being on him if it doesn't work.

Sarah was able to contact her little sister, Wheezie, on Terrance's phone to get info on when Ward was moving the gold and where. So they've been figuring out what roads to create distractions on so that Ward has to travel a specific way to the private airstrip so we can stop him.

I've been chilling the entire time since everyone has been treating me like I'm fragile since I'm pregnant, so I've been left out of the plans, other than when we actually get the gold. During the heist I'll jump in the truck with Sarah and JJ so we can drive off with it while Terrance, Cleo and Stubbs hold Ward captive on a vacant road to the private airstrip on the outskirts of town. This should be interesting, something usually always goes wrong for these types of things.

Damn, I better not have just jinxed us. Kie told me I tend to do that.

I am tired of the stress the treasure has brought to my life. I want to go home and see my brother, and my friends. I want to sleep in my own bed and wear my normal clothes. I don't want to be here arguing over plans to steal gold. Though it would be nice to not have to stress anymore about money, JJ and I could travel the world with our baby like we've been talking about. God, I can't wait for that. I will miss the Bahamas though, we will have to come back here one day.

"How're you feeling mama?" Cleo asks, her hands fiddle with the knife she always carries around.

I'm starting to think it's a soothing thing to play with it, like JJ plays with his lighter when he's stressed or deep in thought. 

"I've been a little dizzy today," I quietly admit, "but I don't want to stress JJ out, so don't tell him."

She gives me a concerned look, "He needs to know how you feel girl, if its serious then he can be there to help you."

"No, I know, I'll tell him after we get the gold today." I chuckle when I notice JJ and Sarah arguing over some part of the plan. 

They bicker like siblings, it always cracks me up watching their dynamic. 

"Okay good," Cleo leans back and rubs my belly, "You know if its a girl or boy yet?"

I grimace, "I haven't gone to a doctor since I first found out I was pregnant, so no." 

Her eyes widen, "That's not safe. You should go see this doctor we use, he's under the books and discreet so you won't get in trouble if you go to his place. I'm sure he has the equipment to check on your baby since he used to own his own clinic." She grabs a notepad and scribbles down the address for this Dr. Nygard guy, "He's talented but doesn't work in the hospital scene anymore after some shady shit happened to him." 

That's reassuring.

"Thank you, Cleo." I smile and slip the paper into my pocket, "I appreciate you looking out for us."

"Of course, mama, you need people in your corner. You were given the short stick in life, like I was. And you guys are bringing us in on this gold, we appreciate that."

"Well," I glance at the others, "Terrance didn't give us much of a choice at first, but I'm glad we all get along now." 

"Having you guys around the past few days has been nice," She admits, "I like having some girls around, it's usually just me and the boys." 

I laugh, "I know how that feels. I used to be stuck with my brother and his friends until I started bringing my friend Kie around, and now Sarah is with us too."

"Well being stuck with your brothers friends did a few good things for you," She looks between my baby bump and JJ, both of us noticing him watches me from across the porch with a soft smile, "Got yourself a man who adores you and your baby." 

I rest my hand on my belly and smile at JJ before glancing at her, "Yeah, I'm lucky things turned out the way they did. Wasn't easy but things are better now." 

"What are y'all talking about?" Sarah drops down on the other side of Cleo.

"How lucky Willow is to have a ride of die type of love and a sweet baby on the way."

Sarah smiles, "I'm happy for you Brookie."

"Thank you, Barbie." I laugh with Cleo while Sarah shoves her into me, making us laugh harder, "You know you love the nickname, just admit it."

She tries to hide her smile, giving up when we both tell her not to lie, "Fine, it's not the worst nickname. It reminds me of our childhood, and I sort of like that I'm getting away from the Princess nickname, that's your thing with JJ anyways." She gestures to me, I nod and sneak a look at JJ, watching his arms flex when he picks up a box for Stubbs and follows him around the side of the house.

"So, Barbie girl, tell me about your man." Cleo turns slightly to give her all of her attention. 

She sighs and looks out over the water in the distance, "He's just so sweet and he cares about the small stuff. Unlike my ex Topper--"

"Topper?" Cleo asks, holding her laugh back so she doesn't offend Sarah.

"Yeah he has a weird name," She chuckles at the same time I do, "Anyways, my ex was always so focused on what other people thought about us, he didn't pay attention to the little things that make me happy. I don't even think he really even knows me, but John B," She smiles to herself, "he see's me for me, you know? I love how he actually wants to get to know me and doesn't care about what others think of us." 

"That's really sweet." Cleo dreamily sighs, "I want that."

"That's why I gave myself to John B," Sarah continues, "I finally felt comfortable enough to let him see me in that way, like no one has before."

"You lost your virginity to him?" My voice squeaks at this new information. 

"Yeah, I was his second time so it was special for us. We went to the old church, the one with the bell tower, and it just happened." 

"Ew, Sarah!" I gag, "I was in the bell tower that night I was hiding from the cops! If I had know my brothers naked ass was on the ground I would have hid somewhere else." 

Both girls bust out laughing at my disturbed expression, Sarah settles down and shakes her head, "You were on the opposite side of the room, we did it behind the boxes." 

"I didn't need to know this much, honestly." I exclaim, faking a gag again, "And he only had sex one time before you? That... well I guess," I scrunch my face while trying to think about any times John B brought a girl home, "Huh, I guess I've never seen him have girls over, like ever. The most I've seen him do is make out with a touron at a party here and there but he always seemed uncomfortable after when they wanted to leave with him."

Sarah nods, "I guess he didn't like his experience the first time, that's why he was so worried about you losing your virginity with some random dude." 

"Well I went for his best friend instead," I laugh with them, "which turned out to be the best experience, so he didn't have to worry." 

"My first time was in a boat with my shitty ex-boyfriend." Cleo tells us, "It was a good experience but he turned out to be abusive so I don't sit and think about it much."

I lean into her side and pat her leg, "I'm glad you're out of the situation now, you deserve to be happy." I remember her mentioning a few things about her ex over the past few days, and from the sounds of it, he was a horrible dude. 

"It's go time girls." JJ claps his hands together with a mischievous smile, "Time to go jack some loot." I get to my feet and wrap my arms around his torso while he hugs me tightly, "Time to be Kook rich, Princess. For real this time." 

I pull away and smile, "Lets do this." 


My part of the plan consists of standing behind JJ and Sarah while we wait for Ward to come down this old backroad in the middle of farm land, we're currently hidden in the tall vegetation lining the road, with masks pulled up over half our faces and hats on, as if that will really disguise us. I'm sure Ward will realize who we are when we run out to take his truck full of gold, but whatever. 

"Princess, I need my gun," JJ spins me around and unzips my bag, "How much shit do you have in here, damn."

I scoff, "We're living out of our backpacks, Jay, where else do I put everything?"

"I don't know, maybe stop stealing everything you like at the shops." He teases me, tucking his gun into his waistband after I turn around to face him.

"Says you," I cross my arms, "the biggest klepto I know." 

"Want to go," JJ asks, bringing his fists up to pretend he's punching me, "keep talking missy, see where the attitude gets you."

I playfully punch him in the shoulder, "I do wanna go, give me your best shot."

He laughs and gently pushes me backwards, "You couldn't fight me, Princess."

"I could too!"

"Nah," He wraps me into his arms and kisses my neck, "but that's okay, that's why you have me, I keep you safe."

"I'm not a damsel in distress." I argue, rolling my eyes when him and Sarah say I am, "Whatever."

"Don't get cranky, baby." JJ kisses my pouty lips, "I'm just messing with you." 

Sarah smacks his arm, "Look, look." JJ and I break apart and duck while looking down the road where a truck is barreling towards us. "I think it's him." 

I look the opposite way to see Cleo and Terrance standing at the fake construction road block in the middle of the road, "I hope this works." Terrance's truck can be seen a few hundred yards away, where Stubbs waits as the getaway driver, he will pick up Cleo and Terrance after we steal the truck from Ward, then we will all head to the docks to take off on their ship.

Ward slows down when he passes us, my breath hitches when my eyes land on Rafe, who's pulling a gun from the glovebox while Ward panics as they get closer to Cleo and Terrance. 

JJ rubs my back when my breathing turns to gasps, "It's okay, Princess, I won't let him get near you, okay?"

"We've got you." Sarah agrees with him, giving me a reassuring smile, "Just stay close to us."

We watch Terrance draw a gun on Ward and Cleo putting a knife to Rafe's throat while they exit the truck. As soon as they get on their knees in the middle of the road, Terrance turns to us, "Go! Go now!"

JJ grabs my hand and pulls me to my feet, "Don't leave my side, Willow."

I nod and slip my other hand into Sarah's before we take off running towards the truck. I try to keep my eyes off Rafe but I can't help but stare after he catches me looking his way, watching realization hit him, his eyes widen in surprise. 

"Sarah?" Ward calls out while tears roll down his cheeks, "Sarah!"

"Brookie! Oh my god, you really are alive." Rafe tears up, "Brookie come home with us."

I shake my head, "No, Rafe."

His gaze shifts to my boyfriend, I watch his eyes darken when JJ raises his gun in his direction. Cleo and Terrance start to scream at Ward and Rafe to stay down when they get to their feet begging us to go with them. The chaos around me throws my mind into a weird place, I can feel my anxiety rising, like something bad is going to happen.

"Willow, you're in danger." 



My eyes lands back onto Rafe right as he raises his gun to point at me, my eyes close at the same time the gunshot rings in my ears, my breath suspends in my throat when I hear the sound of JJ sucking in air. I open my eyes to see him standing in front of me, realizing he took the shot for me, he risked his life to save mine. My heart drops to the bottom of my stomach when I think about how this can turn out. 

My breath finally catches when I reach out to grab JJ, his knees buckling from the pain of his wound. Blood soaks through his shirt when he grasps at his torso, his eyes full of tears while he looks into mine, sharing the same fearful expression; he's actually shot and its bad. 

My sweet Jay, the love of my life, the father to my child, my everything. 

"NO!" Ward yells, "Rafe what did you do?"

He laughs, "Now she will have no choice but to chose me." 

I want to scream at Rafe but I can't, all I can focus on is my handsome amazing boyfriend fighting for his life in my arms. The same boyfriend who just sacrificed himself for me, who just proved how much he loves me. 

"Fuck," Sarah grabs his other arm, helping me get him to his feet, we shuffle over to the passenger door of the truck and struggle to lift him inside, "push him from lower down."

"Go to that doctor I told you about." Cleo yells in my direction, I nod before focusing on JJ.

I hold back my tears and squat down, grabbing his ass and shoving him upwards while he starts to pass out, "Jay, please stay awake, baby, please." I climb into the truck and push him towards the middle seat while Sarah jumps into the drivers seat, "JJ," My hand lightly slaps his cheek when his eyes close, "Jay, open your eyes, please." 

He smiles and weakly grips my thigh, "I'm good, Princess, lets get out of here."

"Sarah, type this address in the gps," I hand her the paper I had tucked into my pocket, she whips out the burner phone Cleo gave us and gets the doctors place pulled up on the screen while I explain who it was, "Jay, I love you."

I can't lose him. I can't.

"I.. love you too, Princess." He mutters in a daze, "More than you know."

My hands press as hard as I can onto his lower abdomen, causing him to yell out in pain, his hands grabbing at the seat. My heart breaks into a million pieces watching him be in pain because of Rafe. 

How could he be so delusional to think I want him, especially after shooting my boyfriend. No way in hell would I ever go for Rafe after all of this. Not that he had a chance before today but this was too far. 

Sarah quietly cries while she navigates us down the bumpy road, I cringe every time JJ cries out in pain, the road making us shift around. I keep my hands on his bullet wound, tears streaming down my face, "Just hold on, babe, we'll get you help. I promise."

JJ rolls his head to look at me, "Show our baby the world, Willow."

A sob escape's my lips, "Don't talk like that, you're going to travel with us, Jay, you'll be there too."

He weakly shakes his head, a single tear slips down his dirt stained cheek, "Nah, I don't think I will."

"Stop," I cry, "you're going to make it, JJ, you HAVE to make it. I need you. We need you." I place his hand on my baby bump, letting him rubs small circles into my skin. 

"She's going to be the most beautiful little girl." He weakly tells me, smiling when I cup his face, "She will have your nose and my eyes, curly blonde hair and a smile like yours." 

Sarah sobs next to him, "You'll be alive to meet her, JJ, we're almost to the doctor."

"Okay. I want to marry you, Willow." He whispers, at least that's what I think he said.

"What?" I ask, my eyes glued to his while he starts to fade, "Jay! JJ!" 

"We're here." Sarah screeches to a stop and turns the truck off, "Fuck, he's passed out." 

"I know," I blubber, "Help me get him." 


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