Through It All(PTX)

By musiclover017

6.7K 432 292

What happens to Pentatonix when Avi's life takes a turn for the worse? More

5-No Cheating
6-Scott vs. Avi
10-Fix You
11-I Warned You
13- Shards of Glass
14-Let Me Go
15- Pouring Rain
16-The Bachelor
17- Need to Get Better
18 - Suicide Watch
19- Broken Hearts
22- Action Movie
23-Bullet Wounds

8-Great Escape

298 17 7
By musiclover017


When we got back to the house (with Scott and I in separate cars) there was a note on the table.
It was in my best interest to leave. I'm sorry Avi, I really am. I love you and I know I'll regret leaving you but it's what's best. Sorry I had to leave so quickly without any goodbyes. I hope this note makes up for it. Good luck on the rest of your tour. -Brinley.
The amount of fakeness in that letter was unreal. She never cared about any of us. I bet she was using me to get to Scott in the first place. She can have him.

All a sudden my ring tone started blaring.
Kyra- Hey Avi! Are you alright?
Avi- Hey. I'm hanging in there.
K- I saw Brinley's tweets.
A- I'm just glad she's gone. She can make up all the stories that she wants.
K- Now people are going to think you abused her!
A- Then I'll tell them my side of the story. They deserve to know!
K- I just want you to be happy.
A- You barely know me, yet you are so lovely.
K- I think you're a great person. Please hang in there.
A- I'm trying. Let's get coffee sometime, okay?
K- Deal. Good luck with the press!
A- Thanks, bye!
"Who was that?" Kevin asked.
"The girl I sang with the other day."
"She sounds nice."
"She's lovely."
"Mitch and Kirstie told me what Brinley did to you." Kevin frowned.
"I'm just glad she's gone. I couldn't take it much longer."
"I'm proud of you Avi. But I wish you didn't have to put up with that."

***one week later***

You'd think without Brinley everything would turn into sunshine and happiness, right? Well I could not shake the negativity from my head and I'm just getting worse. I've never received this much hate on media before and I can feel myself slipping further and further underneath. Everyone thinks I was the abuser and that Brinley is the sweetest girl in the entire world. I want to tell everyone the real story but they probably won't even believe me. I don't even want to leave the house.

For the past week I have avoided Scott at all costs. By now he's probably hooked up with Brinley and I'm sure he can't wait to start another fight. I just wish someone would cut me a break! I am just a person and I have feelings like everyone else. I can't just pretend the hate doesn't get to me because I still have that razor in my hands. I've considered killing myself because no one would really care, right? But that is impossible because Mitch, Kevin, and Kirstie won't leave me alone! There is always one of them with me at all times and I'm about to go insane.

Kevin has already caught me cutting myself three times this week. I think it hurts him more than it hurts me because everytime I watch him wipe away his tears as he helps me clean up. They took the lock off of the bathroom door so they don't have to break in to make sure I'm not doing something suicidal. They tried to take away the razors but with four other people living here, it's not hard to find one.

It's currently 3 am and I'm making my escape. I managed to stay quiet enough that I didn't wake up Mitch by packing my bags. I stole the keys and drove away in one of our cars. I can't do this anymore.

Kirstie POV

I woke up to the sound of the garage door opening. I glanced at the clock- who goes driving this early. I was about to go back to sleep when I realized it could be Avi. I'm so tired of chasing him around.

I ran into his room to find Mitch asleep on the ground.
"Mitch!" I shook him agressively.
"God, Kirstie what's wrong?" He moaned.
"Avi is gone!" Mitch's eyes grew wide and he was up in an instant.
"This is horrible! What if he does something?"
"He have to find him. Go wake up Kevin?"

I ran back to my room and changed my clothes. If Avi does something I need to be prepared to help. I grabbed some medical supplies and met Kevin and Mitch at the door. Out of our three cars, two were gone. Meaning both Scott and Avi weren't here. Now I'm just preparing for the worst.

At around 4 am it would be easy to see any cars driving around but the boys and I were having no luck.
"Where do you think he could've went?" Kevin asked.
"He could be anywhere." He could be dead by now. No... I shook that thought from my head. He knows how much we care about him, right?

We were left with one option. I called Brinley but Scott answered the phone.
"Uhh hello?" He didn't sound tired at all...
"HaveyouseenAvi?" I said really fast.
"Avi is missing and we can't find him!"
"I don't know what to tell you."
"You don't know anything?"
"Sorry Kirstie. I don't know why you're even looking for him though. He's not a good person."
"Whatever Scott." I hung up the phone. He is so aggravating.

"I don't know what to do!" I complained.
"We could try tracking his phone." Kevin suggested.
"You can do that?" Mitch asked.
"Of course." Kevin punched some numbers into his phone and came to a devastating conclusion.

"His signal is off. He doesn't want to be found."
"What if he gets kidnapped?"
"Or jumps off a bridge?"
"We can only hope we'll find him before anything happens." Kevin hugged my side.

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