Growing Up - Jenna Ortega x F...

By jennaloverz

42.5K 1.5K 326

You and Jenna, separated by a 6-year age gap, grew up together like two parallel lines. She was once the anno... More



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By jennaloverz

Smut warning

After going to visit Jenna in North Carolina you guys never talked about what it meant to your friendship the fact that you kissed in private now.

You didn't act like dating, but you definitely didn't act like just friends anymore. It was weird, yet good.

You both didn't feel the need to talk things through. Why make easy, light things, heavy and complicated by labeling it?

You spent a couple of days with her over in North Carolina. Every night having a make out session like the first one. Once she wrapped up shooting, you both headed home to LA for a couple days of rest before Jenna would head to New Zealand to film a new movie called X.

You took the plane back to LA with Jenna beside you. You kept holding her hand all the way back on the flight, you listening to your own music and hers to her own.

Once you arrived in the city of Los Angeles, at around 7 at night, you grabbed your car you left it parked in the parking lot, and helped Jenna with her bags. A couple of people asked to take pictures with the beautiful brunette you were accompanied with.

You just smiled and waited politely, even offered to take a couple of pictures for them. You could see Jenna was exhausted, she has been working none stop for a couple of months now.

Once you guys made it to your car, you put all the suitcases inside the trunk, and got in the driver's seat.

"Can you take me to your house and then I'll ask my mom to pick me up there?" She asked smiling.

"No, I'll drive you to your house, and then I'll go to my parents house there." You placed a kiss on her cheek and reared the car into the street.

"It's a 2 hour drive you crazy." She grabbed your hand that rested on the armrest.

"I don't care. I'm not gotta make your mom drive 4 hours. Also God forbid you take an Uber there. Told you I'm here for you, anytime." You watched as she leaned over her seat and pouted her lips together while looking at you.

You met her halfway and pecked her lips.

Jenna put her playlist on your radio and reclined her seat a little bit. 30 minutes into the highway, she was fast asleep. Apart from Jenna's deep breaths every now and then, and the music playing very low on the stereo, the 2 hour drive was silent.

By 9:15 pm you pulled up on Jenna's parents driveway. You debated between waking her up or bringing her up bridal style to her own bed. But then you realized you guys stayed on a flight full of people for more than 6 hours, and airports were dirty as fuck and well COVID.

You brushed the hair that had fallen over her face, and called out her name very lowly. "Jen, we have arrived. Do you want me to carry you inside?"

She yawned, rubbed her hand on her eyes and just nodded. You laughed softly, getting out of the car and opening the passenger car door. You placed your chin on her shoulder, wrapped her arms around your neck, placed both your arms tightly around her waist and raised her up. As soon as her weight left the car seat, she helped you by hooking her legs around your torso and arms around your neck tighter.

It was like she was a baby gorilla, holding on to dear life. She was so precious, you just wanted to put her inside a jar and protect her from all harm in this world.

You rang the door bell twice and Natalie opened up soon enough.

"Oh my God. Hey guys. My baby girl. Y/n/n. How are you? I thought you were only coming tomorrow." You stepped inside, took off your shoes by kicking on the heels, and turned to Natalie, Jenna's mother.

"Yeah, she wanted to go to my house in LA, and then she said she'd ask for you to pick her up. I told her no way. And here we are, but this little nugget fell asleep on the drive here. I guess I'll take her upstairs to her room so she could get washed up and cleaned and wake up."

Natalie just laughed softly and patted you on the shoulder, taking a look at her daughter whose head was resting on your shoulder and hair all over the place.

You walked upstairs to Jenna's room which she shared with Aaliyah. You knocked on the door before getting in. The younger, but already taller sister opened the door and greeted you happily.

"Hey y/n/n, how are you? What a baby Jenna. Wake the hell up." She slapped Jenna's butt and her sister jumped on your arms.

"What the fuck Aaliyah." She first dropped her legs and then her arms, landing perfectly on the floor.

They greeted, hugged and exchanged a few slaps on the shoulder.

"I'll go shower so I can hug everybody else." Jenna said looking at you and walked into the bathroom, shutting the door behind her.

You sat on the computer seat right in front of the double beds.

"So, how's life Aali? How's school?" You asked the younger girl, who now sat on her bed.

"Fucking sucks still. Not completely back to normal, but better than just online classes."

You guys kept talking for 15 minutes, about life, school, work and Aaliyah's love interests. She was like your own little sister, so it was your job to mock her and also protect her.

Through the middle of a conversation, Jenna stepped out of the bathroom, hair dripping wet, falling over her shoulders, towel wrapped around her tiny body, her shoulders bare and with water droplets all over them. Gosh, she's so perfect.

You were staring, and if you right now were a cartoon, there would certainly be a drool falling from your lips, and stargazed eyes.

"Yoooo what's up?" Aaliyah teased, and threw a pillow at your face.

You looked quickly between Jenna and her sister, lost for words.

"I'ma just head home for the night, ok? I'll see you girls tomorrow." You stood up and Jenna walked up to you. She placed the most teasing kiss on the corner of your lips and turned around in slow motion almost. You looked from her shoulder, down to her covered body, to her tight ass in that towel and those legs. God, those legs.

"Oh my god Jenna. What the heck? Spill out." You heard the younger in the room gasp and whisper. You just walked out and headed downstairs.

"Hey Natalie. Jenna's coming down to see you finally, and I'll just head home okay? I guess I'll see you guys tomorrow." Natalie nodded and gave you a tight hug.

"Thank you so much for bringing my baby girl home. Drive safely, and let me know when you make it home ok?" You nodded, walked to your car and drove home, which was fast.

Arriving at your parent's empty, lonely house, you let Natalie know you were home safely, like promised. All you could think about was Jenna. In those towels.

Those beautiful brown eyes, that wet brunette hair, those shoulders with water on them, that butt wrapped around the towel, but not leaving much room for imagination.

You showered, still the same thoughts in mind. You were friends with benefits with the prettiest, most amazing, most talented girl in the whole world.

You went to bed, still caught in those thoughts, also the memory of you guys making out back in North Carolina. How she would bring her body closer to yours, how she would thrust her hips against yours. Those perfect lips, how they tasted, how soft they felt. Fuck.

Tonight was the first time in a while you had to relieve some sexual tension, and the only girl you had in mind the whole process, Jenna Ortega, the girl you grew up with and was now your biggest crush. How the world turns around. Thank God for clit sucking vibrators for making an effortlessly job to relieve that built up tension. You slept like a rock.

Next morning

You woke up the next morning, got out of bed, wearing an Lilo and Stitch themed shirt and black boxer that made your butt look good. You put on some music through out the house and walked to the kitchen.

This house was way too quiet when your parents were away, so you used to fill the silence with music most of the time.

You grabbed a mug, filled with freshly brewed coffee, and grabbed a toast. You were leaning on the kitchen island while going through your social media absentmindedly.

You passed a couple of pictures of Jenna and fans yesterday on the airport. You didn't appear in any of the photos, so mission accomplished. You hated taking pictures or even just appearing in pictures on the background, it made you uncomfortable.

You were so distracted on your phone, and humming to the songs playing that you didn't hear the front door open and close.

Suddenly a pair of arms wrapped around your waist from behind and gave you a little heart attack.

"What the fuck." You yelled and turned around quickly.

There she was, looking as pretty as ever, wearing her black Chucks, some black jeans and white themed shirt, Jenna. Yup, she knew the front door's password, it has been the same for the longest time.

As soon as you saw it was her, you relaxed and hugged her back, resting both your hands on her waist.

"Hey Jen. How did you sleep? I gotta change my front door password. What if you caught me red handed?" You both laughed and pulled away from the hug, Jenna sitting on the counter and taking a sip of your coffee.

"I slept like a baby, after explaining to Aali what was going on between us, since she obviously caught on yesterday, cause you couldn't keep your eyes off of me."

"What? Me? What the hell did I do?" You gasped nervously and avoided her stare.

"Don't pretend like you didn't check me out the whole walk from the bathroom to right in front of you." She sounded amused, and you had your cheeks burning red.

"I definitely don't recall that. Sorry." You said and took the last sip of coffee before placing your dish on the washer.

"Yeah yeah, whatever you say." She laughed at your terrified look.

"I'm gotta go get changed okay? So I don't stand here in my undies." You made a straight line from the kitchen to your bedroom and then your closet, Jenna following you close behind.

"So my mom told us to have a barbecue today, and I was wondering if you wanted to come. Also I went for a walk this morning and ended up here as well." She sounded excited.

"I'd love to have barbecue with your fam." Was your only answer while searching for comfortable clothes to put on.

Jenna jumped on your messy bed to lay down, kicking her Chuck off. Blankets were all over the place, pillows on all the wrong corners of the mattress. A literal mess.

"Ouch. There's something in here." Jenna started patting the messy blankets, feeling something underneath it.

"It's nothing probably." You shrugged and continued your clothes search.

"Y/n/n what the actual fuck is this?" She held a small purple device in her hand, looked pretty much like a skin care product.

FUCK. You started panicking.

You literally ran from the closet to your bed and jumped on top of Jenna, trying to get the device away from her hand.

You always kept it hidden inside the nightstand drawer, but yesterday you simply forgot, cause you fell asleep so quickly.

"Nothing. Just give it back." You were completely embarrassed, this is not something for a visitor to find so easily. By now you were on top of Jenna, still only in boxer and a shirt. You put your weight on top of her so she wouldn't move and tried to take the purple thing away from her.

"Is this what I think it it? Is this a vibrator y/n/n?" You could just see she was enjoying herself by mocking you. She clicked the little round button and it started making a repetitive sucking noise.

"Just give it back please. This was not supposed to be there." You said it, you could feel your cheeks burning up with embarrassment.

"Only if you tell me what it is."

"It'saclitsuckingvibrator. Theresaidit. Givemeback." You let out in one single breath.

"A WHAT? A lit sucker?" She now was enjoying herself way too much, you could tell. She had a dark sense of humor.

"A fucking clit sucking vibrator. Jeez Jenna. This is so disrespectful." She handed it over to you and you ran back to your closet, just hiding it anywhere you could find easily.

"So what was it doing in your bed y/n/n?" She had the biggest smirk on her face. Gosh, that smile, those teeth. Was there anything not perfect about her?

You gave her the silence treatment, and she asked again 3 more times, trying to annoy you.

"Not hard to connect the dots Jenna. I used it, to...." You stopped mid sentence, looking at her.

"Oh so you WERE checking me out yesterday." She got up from the bed and walked your way slowly. Eyeing you from head to toe.

You didn't know where else to hide. She was getting closer to you by the second. Your whole body was on fire from embarrassment. Why would you forget to put it inside the nightstand like every other time?

"I was, so what? What is there not to check out about you? You are the most amazing, beautiful, hot, literally perfect girl I know. Your body gives me chills. Your smile gives me butterflies down my spine. I'm just so glad to call you a friend and even gladder I get to kiss you every now and then."

Let's be honest then, right? What else was there to embarrass you more than Jenna finding your fucking vibrator.

Jenna was now standing right in front of you. She placed her hands on your shoulders. You could smell her delicious scent. Oh yeah, she always smelled good. You rested your hands on her waist, one hand on each side, and you pressed her body against yours, not one inch available between you both.

She smiled sweetly and leaned in slowly. You looked down at her soft lips and waited for her to kiss you.

When she was almost touching her lips on yours, she held back and whispered teasingly and sort of mocking.

"And what specifically were you thinking about while doing it?" You pushed her away gently and just laughed.

"Get out of here." You said and just walked over to your bathroom to get ready, shutting the door behind you. This girl will be the death of you.

You took your time getting ready, Jenna was just laying on your bed while jamming to some music.

You got out of the bathroom ready, with baggy jeans, your black classic Vans and a gray sweater, your hair up in a bun, and some mascara on.

"Let's go?" You asked the tiny brunette and helped her get up from your bed.

"Hey you look good." She said and smiled sweetly to you.

"And so do you." You gave her a kiss on the head and turned around to walk downstairs, but Jenna grabbed your forearm and held you back.

"Wait." You turned around to look at her again, your eyebrows frowned together.

"What is it?" You said concerned and she kissed you while tip toeing.

You wrapped your arms around her torso and raised her up, Jenna wrapping her legs around your hips, you supporting her weight while placing your hands under her butt.

She instantly brushed her tongue on your bottom lip and you started to make out, tongues caressing one another.

Your hand on her butt gave it a soft squeeze and she thrusted her hips against you. Fuck.

You backed up to the bed, pushed all the blankets away and gently lay her down, getting on top of her, still kissing.

Jenna had her nails scratching your back gently from underneath your sweater. This alone gave you goosebumps, you were a very sensitive person. And the kiss gave you butterflies. She was probably the best kisser you've ever had in your entire life.

You respected her so much and wanted to make sure she was fine with everything. She did say she was testing the waters after all. You gently broke the kiss and rested your forehead on top of hers, breathing heavily.

"What was that for?" You asked her.

"Because we haven't kissed in a while and because we are staying the whole day with my family, and Aaliyah will be teasing us the whole day cause she's a pain in the ass, but I haven't told my mom yet because I was so tired yesterday, and then we won't be able to kiss for the rest of the day." You laughed lovingly at her.

"You are way too perfect you know that?"

"Yeah I know." She teased you and smiled, kissing you again.

"Maybe." Peck. "We." Peck. "Should." Peck. "Get." Peck. "Going." Peck.

She smiled as you kissed her one last time, feeling that smile against your lips.

"No, let's just stay here a little longer." Her hands cupped your face and turned it to the right. She placed a kiss on your neck and you felt the goosebumps go everywhere.

"Hum, maybe we can stay a couple of minutes longer." You whispered and kissed her neck as well, giving it a sweet bite and earning a gasp from her.

She pushed your right shoulder back and knocked you out of guard, making you fall back on the bed, with your back against the mattress.

Jenna quickly got on top of you, straddling your hips and leaned down to kiss you again. Your hands instantly went to her hips, going under her shirt and feeling her soft skin.

The making out now was on a different level. Jenna would only break apart from you to lean her head the other way and then she would kiss you again, tangling her tongue with yours, moving around in circles.

Your hands were sliding between her hips and her lower back. You could feel the goosebumps on her skin.

Suddenly Jenna thrusted her hips against yours, making the kiss turn deeper and your hands immediately slid to her butt and squeezed it and pulled it closer to you.

She broke the kiss just to let a soft moan escape. You could feel the temperature rising, both your breaths were fast and out of pace.

You kissed her again, once again holding on to her butt cheeks. God, that ass, so round, so firm, perfect, amazing.

You felt every now and then Jenna would thrust her hips against you, so you raised your right knee slightly and bent it, keeping your foot on the bed, just enough to come in contact with the brunette's core, making her suppress a moan.

Somewhere between the make out session, both your shoes were kicked off.

You now held her hips and helped her rub herself against your thigh. You pulled away to look at her and propped yourself up on your elbows, making Jenna sit up.

Her eyes were different, they looked darker and she was looking very fixedly into yours. For a second you didn't recognize the girl in front of you, but as soon as you smiled at her, her eyes broke that intense stare and you knew it was her.

She kissed you again while you were still propped up on your elbows. Your leg went back to laying flat on the bed, but you could still feel Jenna against your right thigh.

Your tongue fought for dominance as you both kissed. She was biting your bottom lip a couple of times, and she definitely was rubbing herself against your thigh. It was very subtle the movement, but you could feel it.

She pulled away and her lips met your earlobe, where she bit it softly. "Tell me what you were thinking yesterday." She whispered, her voice was lower, a little raspy and a little out of breath.

"About what?" You asked back.

"While you were using your purple toy." There she went again, but now it seemed different from earlier. Your cheeks burned but you replied anyway when she kissed your neck.

"I thought about a 5'1" Latin girl, with the most amazing body I've ever seen. Those legs, I could just stare at them forever. That ass, gosh," You gave her ass a squeeze, thrusting it forward into you, Jenna biting your neck to keep in a moan that you felt against your skin.

"Those lips, they could keep me busy for a whole day. That brunette hair, so soft, so beautiful. And most importantly, the butterflies I get every time she smiles at me or kisses me. This is what I thought about."

Jenna now looked deep inside your eyes, your vision now was a little blurred from all the lust that built up. Her lips were a darker shade of pink, and a little swollen, from all the kissing. Her cheeks were blushed intensely. She whispered something you couldn't make it out cause it was too low, so you asked her to repeat it.

"Can I try it?" She repeated while looking down at the hem of your sweater.

"Are you sure?" The tiny brunette nodded shyly.

"Let me go get it, cause I hid on the closet." Jenna got out from top of you and lay flat on her back on the bed.

You made it to the closet and back on the bed in literally 5 seconds, and you lay down beside Jenna, on your side, propping your head with one hand.

"So here you go. Just gotta press this button. Do you want me to just go take a walk?" You could see Jenna debating inside her head if she wanted you to be there or not, but then she shook her head and smiled.

She unbuttoned her jeans and took it off, standing there by your side with a black lacy underwear. The temptation.

You weren't sure what to do, where to look. You knew if you held her gaze for too long it might make her uncomfortable, or if you looked down at her body, you guys haven't established the terms or conditions of this "relationship". When too much is too much?

You placed a hand on her flat tummy, caressing loving with you thumb going around in circles. Very suggestive, yeah you knew it.

You watched as Jenna turned on the sucking device and held her gaze as she put it inside her underwear. You watched her face as she struggled to find THE place with a very serious, concentrated face on, and you watched as she grew impatient and let out a sigh.

"Can I help you?" The brunette was hesitant at first to respond, you could tell, she was a little insecure. You understood, she was a little shy.

"I'll just hold it, you won't even feel my hand touch you, I promise." You smiled at her and she agreed with a nod, handing you the purple sex toy.

She held her underwear for you so you could put the palm sized toy there. It was already turned on, but you put it on level 3, this was the best to get it starting.

Once you found the right place you watched in amazement as she gasped and rolled her eyes back, her back slightly arching.

"Shit." She gasped.

You just held it in place, and circled around slightly. Jenna wrapped her hand on your sweater and made it into a fist, wrinkling all the fabric.

Jenna had her toes curled up, back arched and was suppressing a moan in by biting her bottom lip. You leaned down and kissed her, the moan coming out inside of your mouth.

This little purple beast here made miracles, just 5 minutes on the right place and you're done.

You could tell Jenna was almost at her climax, and right before she came you upgraded to level 4. That was it. She was forced to stop kissing you, her mouth shaped like an O, her head back into the pillows, her hands clutching anything it could find, her back arched up and her eyes shut firmly closed, her body shivered for at least 5 seconds, and then she started to come down from her climax.

You were in love, just having experienced this with her, made you realize she wasn't just a crush, you were in love with Jenna Marie, and you wanted to experience everything with this women from now on.

Just watching her slowly come down and regain some attention to her surroundings, it warmed your heart.

"Are you okay?" You asked lovingly, taking out from inside her underwear the purple toy and placing it on the nightstand.

You lay down on the bed again and pulled Jenna to lay on top of you, she was still trying to stabilize her breaths, yet she had the biggest smile on her face.

"Y/n/n, that was.... something..." she whispered and hid her face on your chest.

"You are something. Gosh, I think I might die just from watching you."

"Thank you for helping me. I've never done anything like this."

"Like the toy or the act of doing it?"

"The toy. I only ever rubbed myself against the blanket cause sharing a room is fucking annoying. So that was all I could ever do. But this is so much better."

"Definitely. The real thing is even better." You both laughed and just let the comfortable silence fall upon you.


After driving to the Ortega's house, you helped Natalie prep evert hung up for lunch. You endured heavy teasing from Aaliyah, she would give you funny looks, she would poke you, she would make some smart ass comment that only you would get the reference.

You just laughed and ignored her, after all she was kind of like a sister to you. Jenna would just apologize any time Aaliyah would tease or mock you, but you were fine with it.

Whenever Jenna would approach you while the whole family was outside eating barbecue, Aali would look directly your way and mention with her hands that she was watching you and you just laughed it off.

After you all ate you took Jenna's nephews, DJ and Cash to play with them. You were running around the backyard playing catch. Jenna was sitting with her mom and her sisters just watching, you felt them watching you sometimes.

You loved kids, you loved to entertain them.

Jenna was talking about something with her mom, Aaliyah and Mariah, you couldn't make it out the subject, but you saw that every now and then all four of them would look at you.

You let it go of the thought of what they could be talking about when Isaac and Markus came over to you and the younger boys with a soccer ball.

You loved soccer, you grew up playing it with your dad, and you even made it into the school team, but once you were around 15 you gave up after a lesion on the field.

"So let's divide in two teams." You told them.

Two teams were Isaac and Markus against you and the two kids. You started off winning, one kid was 8 and the other was 3. You told Cash, the younger one to stay on the goal and DJ, the older one, to help you kick the ball to score.

But then Markus just decided to mess with you, obviously you had the weaker team, and they decided to score 5 consecutive points.

You looked at Jenna and opened your arms in disappointment while shrugging. She smiled sweetly at you and got up from her seat.

"Let's win this guys." Her nephews ran up to her laughing and instantly she was game on.

You both instructed the younger boys to protect the goal, while you two would try to score.

You dribbled the ball, made a pass to Jenna and she scored a goal. You both screamed in union and she jumped on you as you caught her and spun her around.

You celebrated all other 4 goals the same way. The game was tied now, and you told them that last one to score would win.

Isaac and Markus were trying hard, but thankfully you and Jenna made one hell of a great soccer team. After many passing and dribbling you scored the winning goal.

The brunette ran up to you and jumped on your back, her nephews also ran up to you and you picked both of them up.

You were a little sweaty and your cheeks were red, but it was the most fun you've had in a while.

"Great job guys." Markus told you while heading back inside.

Natalie, Jenna's mom, took a picture of you holding on to everybody. You put the kids down and then instantly ran to their mom to celebrate.

Jenna was still pigbacking you, and she placed a kiss on your cheek from behind and then hopped off.

"Get a room you two." Aaliyah yelled and all the girls laughed as you felt your cheeks burn up even more as you looked at Jenna with eyes wide opened.

"I told them kind of what is happening." She smiled at you and bit her bottom lip.

"Shit Jen." You were not prepared for this now. You weren't even sure what you had with this beautiful girl in front of you and now you had the pressure of everyone of her family knowing.

"It's okay. Don't stress about it. My mom was totally chill about it, my dad even more, and my sisters were just 'eww' cause they said you babysat us." You both laughed and joined the ladies back on the porch.

"Girls, can I have a chat with Jen and y/n/n real quick? Go inside cause it's getting cold and we can watch a movie with the kids or something." Natalie told Mariah and Aaliyah to join the boys inside, making them close the back door shut behind them as they entered.

"Girls, I'm really glad you told me baby girl. You know I'm always supportive of you and I love you no matter what, right?" Jenna nodded and smiled sweetly.

"As a mother and mostly as a mother of someone who's on the public eyes I just need to warn you both to take care. As you told me, you are testing the waters and you're not sure yet. So just keep it between friends and family until you are very sure. I know you already don't like to post many things and like to keep your private life private. But people see you in public and take pictures, so just be safe, okay?" Jenna nodded again, Natalie just looked directly at you now, making your heart beat increase its pace.

"Y/n/n you know I love you right? And as someone who basically grew up around the house I worry about you as well. Don't forget you are 6 years older than my baby girl. There are things in life, experiences you already went through that she may not have experienced yet. She travels a lot, we miss her most of the year. She has a lot of fans who love her and would do anything for her. Just, please keep her safe and don't break her heart. I know you guys are just having fun, but just please don't forget you were really good friends before this feeling developed, just don't let it go to waste, okay? And give Jenna some time, to understand and to label it." Natalie whipped one single tear from the corner of her eyes and smiled very sweetly at you and the brunette beside you. Your heart was warm and joyful.

She got up and motioned for you both to hug her, and you did. You could feel her love on that embrace. She was just worried about her baby girl and you completely understood.

Just then you promised to yourself you would never do anything to hurt this girl.

After she broke the embrace, you looked at her and smiled widely, and looked at Jenna.

"Oh and you are so cute together." Her mom said it and you all went inside to watch a family comedy movie.

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