Ugly Perfections

By avxleawrites

1.9M 40.5K 55.2K

Vulnerable and grieving after the death of her father, Adeline Ross blames herself. How could she not? Everyo... More

Strange offer from a strange man
Lurking in the shadows
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42

Chapter 33

36.3K 860 961
By avxleawrites

I glance at the list of orders, making sure I have everything organized. As I start preparing a latte, I carefully measure the coffee grounds and pour the steamed milk, creating a perfect layer of froth on top. The rich aroma fills the air.

Amidst the sounds of milk frothing and coffee machines hissing, I can't help but be distracted by Rick and Cody. They're being quite loud, but it's hard not to eavesdrop when they're practically shouting.

Glancing back, I notice the impending storm brewing on Rick's face. He looks like he's just about to burst. And Cody seems to be well aware of it, relishing in it in fact. He was grinning

Cody's mischievous eyes shift towards me, and he says with a grin, "I think I broke your boss." 

"I still can't believe he's your boss," he continues, looking genuinely confused at the thought. 

Rick's face darkens with a mix of irritation and suppressed anger. It's like he's on the verge of committing a murder, but he manages to keep it in check, at least for now.

Rick's phone rings, interrupting the moment. His glare shifts from Cody to me, a silent warning not to let anything escalate further. "Hey, Mum," Rick answers the call, his voice strained.

Cody snorts a laugh "Of course, it's his mum. As if any other person would call him." 

 I quickly clamp my lips shut, trying to stifle a laugh.

Rick's eyes dart towards Cody, shooting him a death glare. But Cody remains unfazed, flashing an innocent smile in return. "Just pointing out the malfunctions in your social life," he adds, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes.

I hear Camille chuckle from behind me "I think we should keep him around."

Her chuckle falls into a whisper "Now that's what he gets for trying to fire you" she says "Karma's a bitch. And in this case it's name is Cody."

"Well that was poetic" I whisper back

Rick might as well have had steam coming out of his ears.


 I slip into the seat next to Naomi, trying to put on a reassuring smile. "Hey... I've called Sam," I tell her. "She actually picked up, you know." I force a laugh, trying to lighten the mood. "She's coming to pick you up. She'll be here soon."

Naomi turns to me with a nod. She looked so sad, so scared. And it hurt my heart seeing her like that.

"Okay," she says softly, her voice shaky.

"I-I know you must be scared and shocked... and you must be freaking out," I breath out a sigh "And I'm sorry you got dragged into it."

Naomi just nods, her eyes still wide with worry.

Trying to shift the focus to something less overwhelming, I continue, "I finally get to work at the bookshop. It took quite a few emails." I hope that talking about something else will distract her from the current situation.

But I notice Sam's car pulling up outside the cafe. Naomi clearly notices it too, her eyes darting towards the window.

Naomi is quiet for a moment before speaking "Good luck" she finally says "We'll talk later."

I stand up to let her out of the seat, and with a slight smile she turns away towards the door.

 "Don't tell Sam yet." I force out

Naomi doesn't say anything, but as she reaches the door, she turns back to look at me. "I'll wait for you," she says and I know I probably shouldn't believe her, but for some reason I did. I always did.

Maybe that's my problem.

And the worst part is that I'm fully aware that my sisters maybe didn't deserve it. But I can't bring myself to stay angry as much as I wanted to. That just isn't me.

I guess that makes me pathetic, but it also makes me wonder. Maybe not being me is exactly what I need.

I've always hated the idea. Hated everything about myself so much that I would just wish- I would beg to be anyone other than me.

Beg to what? I never knew.

Just anything. Anyone. Because anything and anyone was better than me. 

Me. Adeline.

The name rotted in my mouth.

And every single time I said something. Anything. Every time I said something stupid or embarrassing and totally unnecessary. In those moments I despised myself. I cursed myself, and my mind and my stupid inability to say something useful. 

Because I found that everything that left my mouth was useless and disappointing. 


Perhaps that was letting other people's opinions and perceptions of me win. But after a while of people saying the same cruel judgments. You tend to start believing it.

And unfortunately, that's exactly what I did.

And I hated myself even more for it.


It's starting to get dark.

 I couldn't help but feel a bit uneasy about walking around by myself, especially after what happened just an hour ago. But I knew I needed this job. I needed it more than anything else. My hands tightened into fists in an attempt to stop them from shaking. 

But they just wouldn't stop.

 Gripping onto my jumper to steady myself, I continued to walk towards the bookshop.

 An old-looking woman was sitting behind the desk, her eyes peering over a pair of glasses as she looked up from her bookkeeping. The sight of the beautiful bookshop instantly brought a smile to my face. 

I had always loved books. Reading was a gift, an escape to different worlds, and I could finish just about any book in one sitting if I really wanted to.

It's really amazing.

Summoning the brightest smile I could manage, I walk up to the woman behind the desk. "Hello, I'm Adeline Ross," I introduce myself. "I sent you a few emails." And by a few, I meant a lot. There was nowhere else. The last resort would be to work at a strip clu-

 I stop myself before completing that thought.

The woman looks at me with a stern expression, raising an eyebrow at my introduction.  More like an inbox flooded with messages," she replies curtly. "Your persistence is quite overwhelming."

I chuckle nervously, feeling slightly embarrassed. "I-I'm sorry um...madam."

The woman's face twitched, clearly irritated. 

Just wonderful

"Sorry" I quickly apologise, sensing her annoyance " should I call you?"

The woman doesn't lift her gaze from the paper she's writing on. "Ma'am?" I add, hoping for a response.

Finally, she looks up again, her expression stern "Edna will do." 

"Oh, well, okay then. Edna," I reply, trying my best to sound composed "What should I do for you?"

With a no-nonsense tone, Edna continues, "There are some new book arrivals that need to be shelved. Take those crates over there," she points to a stack of boxes near the counter, "and organize them on the shelves. Fiction is on the left, non-fiction on the right. And mind the alphabetical order."

"Got it" I say with a smile

I make my way towards the crates, the very stacked together crates.

I tug at them with all my might, but they remain stubbornly stuck. As I strain to separate them, I realize just how heavy they are. Edna clearly failed to inform me of the weight of these crates.

Grunting with the effort, I attempt to lift one of the stacked crates. It feels like I'm trying to move a boulder. I look around for help, and my eyes land on Edna, who is still engrossed in her paperwork

"Um, Edna?" I call out hesitantly.

She glances up, her expression unyielding. "Yes?"

"These crates are... quite heavy. Could you lend me a hand?" I ask, hoping for a little sympathy.

"You realize you're asking an old woman to help you with that," she retorts, without an ounce of humor.

Feeling a bit flustered, I mumble, "Fine. I'll do it myself."

Edna merely mutters, "You got this," and returns her attention to her work, offering no encouragement whatsoever. I roll my eyes at her response.

I so not got this.

I grip the edges firmly and pull with all my might. 

I need to join a gym.

With a final, forceful yank, the crates finally give in and separate. However, the sudden release of resistance causes me to lose my balance, and I find myself flying backward. "Whoa!" I yelp as I tumble to the ground, my back landing with a sharp thud.

"Thanks for the help, Edna," I mutter sarcastically under my breath, rubbing my aching back.

Edna, seemingly unfazed by the spectacle, casually remarks, "Perseverance, Adeline Ross. Now you have to separate the other crates."

Internally, I grumble at her comment. Clearly, Edna was enjoying watching me struggle. "I thought elderlies were supposed to be nice," I mutter, this time loud enough for her to hear, though I'm not sure she bothers to listen.

Edna was really a delight.

I continue wrestling with the stubborn crates, my determination unyielding. As I struggle, Edna's voice breaks through my concentration. "Could you struggle quieter? The sound effects are very unnecessary," she comments with a hint of annoyance.

I pause for a moment, taken aback by her bluntness. But I can't help myself from replying with a touch of sarcasm, "Oh, my apologies, Edna."

I'll make sure to dial it down for your convenience. 

Of course I don't actually say that part.

Edna doesn't seem amused by my retort. 

I stay completely focused on my task, when I hear the doorbell chime and the soft murmur of Edna's voice. My efforts to stay quiet were in vain, as the strain of moving the crate made me let out a little grunt. My face flushes in embarrassment, but I dare not turn back to see if anyone noticed.

Edna's voice cuts through my struggle "Adeline"

"One second," I quickly reply, my determination fuelling me to yank off the last crate with all my might. As I do, I end up falling back again, but at least the crate finally separates. I scramble to my feet, wiping off the dust from my clothes, and finally turn to face Edna and the customers.

And, well, let's just say my jaw nearly hits the floor when I see who's standing there. Christian Ryder and Kai Seele, looking like they don't quite fit in this quaint bookshop with their towering figures and all their glory. It's like giants in a teacup.

A momentary sense of panic courses through me as I wonder if they saw my little crate-moving spectacle. But I quickly push the thought aside and attempt to regain my composure. My cheeks are still flushed from the exertion, but I try to offer a friendly smile.

"Hi," I say, trying to sound as casual as possible, despite my heart pounding in my chest. "Can I help you with something?"

Edna, ever the stoic presence, nods towards the two gentlemen. "These fine young men are looking for some books."

I nod, but I don't move.

"Now would be good, Adeline" Edna adds

I quickly snap out of whatever trance I was in "Right sorry. Right this way." I gesture for Christian and Kai to follow, leading them towards the shelves

Trying to shake off my nerves, I finally turn to them with a smile. "So, what kind of books are you guys into?" I ask

I knew Christian always buried himself in a book. But Kai? I never would have thought.

And I also knew Christian was more into the classics.

Maybe Kai needs a book on 'How to be a nicer human being'

I'm sure that would really help him. 

It's just a silly thought, but it brings a smirk to my face.

I glance at Kai, I notice his expression darkening, and there's an unmistakable edge to his usual demeanour. Christian, on the other hand, just raises an eyebrow.


I did not just say that out loud.

My cheeks flush with embarrassment, and I quickly avert my gaze, pretending to be engrossed in a book title. "So...the classics" I let out an awkward, forced laugh in attempt to try and change the topic.

It doesn't work.

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