Titanic - The story of Thomas...

By yasserbasser

10.8K 318 13

In the grandeur of early 20th-century Belfast, a timeless love story unfolds between two extraordinary indivi... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Author's note
New story!

Chapter nineteen

583 17 3
By yasserbasser

Thomas and I found ourselves wandering the halls of the Titanic, our translucent forms gliding effortlessly through the once bustling corridors. The ship, frozen in time, bore witness to our eternal love.

Hand in hand, we roamed the decks, reminiscing about the magical moments we had shared during that fateful night. The echoes of laughter and music resonated through the air, a haunting reminder of the vibrant life that had once thrived on this vessel.

"We were so young and in love," I whispered, my voice carrying across the spectral night.

Thomas smiled, his ethereal gaze locked with mine. "And we still are," he replied, the warmth of his love reaching me even in this otherworldly realm.

As we continued our journey, we encountered the other lost souls of the Titanic—passengers and crew who now roamed this ghostly ship. Together, we found solace in each other's presence, united by the shared bond of tragedy and the hope that love could endure beyond life itself.

Among the fading memories of that fateful night, we found pockets of joy and laughter, the echoes of our love reverberating through the vessel's spectral remains.

And though we were trapped in this eternal embrace, we were content, knowing that we would be together for all time, transcending the boundaries of mortality.

In the ballroom, we watched as spectral couples danced gracefully, their ghostly apparitions twirling in an eternal waltz. Amidst this ethereal scene, Thomas took my hand, and we joined the spectral dance, our ghostly forms flowing in perfect harmony. The faint scent of roses lingered in the air, as if the memories of the ship's former splendor had been preserved in this spectral space.

"We'll dance forever, my love," Thomas said, his eyes gleaming with an otherworldly light.
"Together for all eternity," I whispered, the joy of our eternal love filling my spectral heart.

With each step, we seemed to float, our ghostly forms moving in perfect harmony to the haunting melody. Our feet barely touched the ground as we twirled and swayed, lost in the eternal dance of our love.

As the music swelled and faded, we held each other close, our ghostly forms blending together as if we were one. In this spectral world, we were free from the constraints of time and space, and our love knew no bounds.

As the night wore on, we found ourselves on the deck, gazing at the stars that had witnessed our love in both life and death. In this ethereal twilight, we shared stories of our time together, basking in the warmth of our eternal bond.

As the moon cast its silvery glow over the haunted ship, we shared a tender kiss, our love shining like a guiding light in the darkest of nights.
In the realm of the departed, we found peace in our eternal love story, forever entwined as ghosts on the grand Titanic.

As we settled into our cabin, we exchanged tender kisses, sealing our hearts with a promise of love that would endure any storm. In the embrace of each other's arms, we drifted off to sleep, knowing that we had found the greatest treasure of all—our love for each other—on the grand Titanic. Being forever united in a timeless embrace

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