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By Dapheynah

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In which your best friend's older brother has a tiny, little crush on you (he's obsessed). "Only the moon se... More

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583 10 43
By Dapheynah



The walk of shame. Moderne dating made it seem as a real nightmare. The act of leaving a place after spending a night, if you could consider ten minutes a night, of torrent. It was supposed to be the walk that made people feel shame. The walk going home missing your panty but carrying deep regrets in your half empty purse. Y/n has never done the walk of shame.

Y/n had never done the walk of shame.

Until now, all your knowledge concerning the famous walk of shame came from when Nobara. Your best friend showed up to your house at least once every two weeks after spending the week-end missing in action. Nobara had her phases during which she disappeared and didn't even tell you where she was. She said she was meeting her special friend who wasn't in town very often. You weren't dumb, the way she walked in wobbling was a clear sign of what she had been doing during nighttime. Nobara didn't want to alert Mr. Ijichi, the butler, about her whereabouts, so she pretended she spent the week-end at your place.

You didn't mind as you had no one over. You spent most of your time alone. You were mainly studying or... spending time... which what most of your activities consisted of.

As best-friends Nobara and you shared a lot  together. You were more reserved than her, more of a listener than a talker. An attentive listener at that because you had noticed how silent she was when she came from her special 'self-care' week-end. She came back relaxed, calm and glowing. You would not have believed in the after glow myth if you hadn't seen it on Nobara, since you never experienced it... yet.

You did now.

You hadn't even noticed you fell asleep and when you woke up, your duo of a moment was nowhere to be seen. You took the chance to flee. The other side of the bookshelf was a regular door, you managed to open it and find your way back to your assigned room. It was dark outside when you were running through the corridors, the sun long down. How long had you spent in that secret office? Difficult to tell and your mind was too hazy to check your watch.

You hastily sprinted to your joint bathroom, loudly closing each door you passed through, you couldn't be bothered with paying attention to that. You locked yourself in the bathroom, your heart beating faster than ever when you backed yourself against the door. You were panting, not accustomed to the physical effects of running down at least 4 stairs, going from one wing to another.

Perhaps it was the shame and guilt you were supposed to feel that made your heartbeat spike. The internal reaction would then be the only sign conveying that sentiment. Because when you stood up and dusted your ruffled skirt, slightly wobbling towards the mirror you did not see either of those feelings.

You felt warm. Not an awkward warm but a buzzy one. A warmth that felt like a breeze. Soft inside you, hugging you, embracing you. You felt lightened. Was it in your gaze or your weight. You felt like exhaling a breath you didn't know you were holding. You felt ecstatic. You felt good.

Nothing of what happened was good. But the words to describe what you felt couldn't be find in the haze of your mind. You couldn't explain why it felt so... right.

"Y/n, is that you, are you in here?" Nobara knocked on the bathroom door. You hadn't heard her breach the first door, captured by your reflection. "Y/n? Hey, are you upset about something?"

"Wha-what do you mean?" You were breathless coming back to reality.

"I'm sorry I ruined our evening because of my absence. My brother caused some trouble with the elders, my presence was requested." She knocked at the bathroom door again when you didn't reply, "Yn?"

"Yes," you replied your voice hoarse, your throat ached a bit. Greatest luck. "Yes! I'm in here, I just have a--" think, think, "an upset stomach! Yeah."

"So you're not mad at me?" Nobara's voice held some relief to it. "You don't have to give me any excuses if you're upset. I came home a first time but my father called me back. I tried to inform you on my second departure but you were nowhere to be found. The boys said you were taking a walk."

You shook your head only then reminding yourself she could not see you and you were thankful for that. Puffy and bruised lips, dried tears highlighting certain parts of your foundation, your lip combo out of sight, dissevlished clothing— fucked out. You looked fucked out. And you didn't look ashamed or upset about it, you were sure you couldn't even pretend to be.

"N-no, I'm fine. It's only a stomach bug. I actually think you should be mad at me." Guillt boiled in your stomach like a hot volcano, feeling bad wasn't even the word for what you felt. "I'm sorry Nobara,"

"Why, silly, for having an upset stomach?"

No, for fucking one of your staff members.

Nobara had a clear rule, she wanted her staff to feel as respected as possible. Her parents weren't at home very often and when she was left alone, they took care of her. She considered them more as family than simply staff members. And here you were, screwing one of them after breaching Nobara's family's privacy.

"Sorry," you couldn't help yourself to say again.

"Babe," You heard her laugh from the other side of the door. "Do what you have to do and join us later. Chef is making some pizza dough with Yuuji and we will watch a movie after that. Megumi wants to watch the new spider-man."

"He told you that?"

"Well no, but I saw him staring at this poster in the theater room. You know how he is. Do you want us to wait for you?"

"It'll be fine," you cringed staring at the dozen visible hickeys— you were so screwed. "I will join you guys in a bit!"

"Okayyy, call me if you need anything."

"I will!" You listened to the sound of  her footsteps recede as she closed the door behind her.  You almost collapsed on the floor, leaning against the counter. You rubbed your eyes trying to wake up from this dream. What had you done? It all felt like a fever dream.

Taking your clothes off, you traced each new found mark on your body. Hickeys and violent scratches were covering your body. Your stomach, your collarbone, it was a mess, hand prints could be found all over your thighs, nail traces had left bumpy missalined lines over your skin. One person did this, in a small span of two hours... two hours? You were horrified.

Maybe if you took a shower some will wear off? At least the aphrodisiac smell of sex will fade. You took your make-up remover and cleaned your face. Your full face hadn't moved an inch if not for your lips and you should remember that for the next time you were hesitating between different setting sprays. This one was the best, for obvious reasons you were supposedly very ashamed of.

Each step you took ached and you cursed yourself as you went to pee before stepping in the shower. You scrubbed your body several times and the marks succesfully became lighter which was better than the dark purple spots they first were.

Look at you trying to sound optimistic.

You got out of the shower dressing up in a large black sweatpants set. Under the jacket you wore a simple tank top, it was warm enough to leave the vest but you had to hide your misery. It also accured to you that you hadn't brought any of your concealer since you were only spending one night over. You definitely had to keep the vest on.

You put your sleeping bonnet on and then the hood of your jacket. You tugged at the laces, tying a tight knot. You tried to reassure yourself that this was going to be enough.


It was, in fact, not enough.

You were currently in the kitchen being brutalised by Nobara as she was screaming at you, shaking your shoulders.

"You let him what?! Are you insane?!"

All because Yuuji wanted to play fight, the physical game revealed a mark you hadn't even seen; a bite mark on your calf.

Your three best friends stared at you for a second in silence before freaking out. All of them, including Megumi who was slightly disgusted by the idea of you (all three of his friends) having any kind of intimacy. Yuuji applauded, crying that even his last wild ride didn't end with such "trophies", promising he would beat you next time.  Nobara felt the urge to drag you to her bright kitchen and see for herself what happened to you.

"THERE ARE MORE?! Oh my God, what are these!?"

The staff were sent to their quarters, a building on the other side of the estate behind the tennis court. They wouldn't hear Nobara's screams. You hoped nobody would have to hear of Nobara's vile descriptions seeing each mark. Especially not the white-haired man who gave them.

"This is crazy, you are crazy!" Yes, yes you were. You stood speechless whilst Nobara tried not to die. You died of shame.

"When?" She asked digging for the only bottle of wine she knew wasn't in the cellar.

"Earlier today," you vaguely answered.

She choked on your words, "I need a drink." You were a bit startled by how she drank from the bottle instead of having a glass. This was serious.

"Before I arrived?"

"When you arrived?" You repeated her words not quite understanding her. Your mind was a haze.

"Yes, y/n," she nodded her eyes bulging out. "Did this happen when you were 'taking a stroll'," she said between air quotes.

"... yes?"

Nobara groaned, swallowing another load.

"So he drove here while I wasn't home and took his chance. I should put him on fire."

"What?? Firing him??" 

He would lose his job over something like this?

"I need him gone, I'm so sick of that fake blond!"

Fake blond? You would describe him as white-haired more than blond. By the sight, you would say it was a sign of albinism. If it indeed was artificial you had to admit that the colour and care were very well done. You could still recall the silky texture of his hair, vividly feeling it between your fingers, mind traveling to when you wandered through his locks. You should be much more ashamed than this.

"Are you having flashbacks right now? Y/n!" If you weren't ashamed, you were surely embarrassed. "I will call him right the fuck now," the curl rollers in her hair fell on the ground as she screamed.

"Nobara, no, God no, it is late. Don't bother!"

"I am going to bother! Who does he think he is?! Coming on my grounds and taking advantage of my best friend's vulnerability? He is out of his mind if he thinks I won't end his miserable, inconsequential life this instant!"

You didn't expect her to react so vehemently. The intention was there as you were confirmed that Nobara cared for you. Her passion didn't seem to falter when she chugged a load of wine down and reached for the land phone. You were resigned to recognise what you did with anticipation in your stomach. You could not let this man take all the blame.

"Nobara please," you rested your hand against hers as you thought she was about to summon the staff.  "Let it rest. I insisted. I wanted this. I encouraged this to happen."

"You just broke off your first-ever relationship that lasted 3 years! I know, I know we all have been vocal about disliking your ex-boyfriend but it was in no intention to minimise your feelings. It is alright to feel something, you are not a robot. It is alright to be upset and to go through emotions." Nobara seemed very frustrated but you weren't sure if it was towards you or herself. "He took his chance because he's a sore bitch! That's what I think!"

"I didn't bring the break-up up. He has nothing to do with that--"

"Naoya has everything to do with that!"

... Naoya?

"He was a plague to you for years and when you finally decide to do something for yourself, he ruins it! I'm so, so, sorry, I should have been there for you. This is your first break up, I should have warned you about boys being clingy and sly like that. 'Having sex to fuck the last feelings out', those are tactics to keep you hung up over them."

Confusion crept up your body when you realized she didn't know you had screwed a member of her staff. She took your hand, caressing your fingers and locking eyes with you.

She thought you fucked Naoya!

You weren't sure whether to be relieved or to feel offended.

"I love you, y/n. I should've been a better friend instead of chasing my brother around. I should have been there to support you." She sighted and you too as some weight dropped off your shoulder. You could work with this, if she thought you had 'goodbye' sex with Naoya in his car that won't be as bad as screwing her staff. Even though you would never consider having sex with your ex-boyfriend ever again. You had seen enough of Nobara's suitors begging her to take them back. You don't think it would be in Naoya's favour to act in such an undignified manner.

"I promise not to do it again," you said hugging her. Nobara held you tighter against her. You caught her stealing glimpses at your bruises.

"I guess even the smartest girl I know has her moments," you both laughed.

"It happens to the best of us."

"He didn't go easy on you either, the man was desperately clinging on to you! Look at these, oh my god," she took a step back and lowered your zipper. She could see the ones on your breasts, your belly, your collarbone-- it was a mess. But you had to admit, they felt good against your skin, some even looked pretty to you.

'I thought Naoya was boring, classic one round missionary vanilla typa boy." Nobara nudged you, "I think I understand why you stayed with him for so long then." She laughed and you went to serve yourself some water from the fridge. You could finally calm down and enjoy the rest of your night.

"I'm never seeing him again, so this won't happen again."

"You better not. It is for the best. No matter how good he could be, he's an ass. You deserve better. The man never even went down on you."

"I know, I know." You shrugged, leaning against the counter. "So, tell me, what did your brother do this time?"

Nobara grunts infuriated, "That asshole! He was supposed to meet with the elders but he vanished."


"Yes! It has been 48 hours without seeing him, my parents stayed there to calm the situation. They will be back tomorrow."

"Wow, that's a shame. Do you think he's okay?"

"He could die for all I care."

"You don't mean that."

A silence installed itself in the room.

"I'm sorry," she muttered realizing what she said was very insensitive. "No, I don't mean that. It's just frustrating, seeing him do whatever he wants because he's their real child, you know? I feel like an intruder sometimes."

"Nobara, you are their family, their child." You caressed her forearms, tugging a strand of hair behind her ears. "You were chosen to be a part of this family, your adoption is something they looked forward to, I'm sure. I mean that you are theirs, biologically or not. Your parents had you since you were a toddler, they brought you up, they cherished you and had done their best loving you."

"It's just that sometimes I have the impression I have to prove myself worthy to be a part of the Gojo family, to be my parents's best child, to not be a waste. Whilst my brother disappears whenever he feels like doing so, rarely visits and barely acknowledges any of us."

You hugged her, trying your best to listen, "I'm sure your parents and even your brother wouldn't willingly put that pressure on you. You should speak to them. And for your brother... what is his name?"

"Satoru." You chuckled at her strange tone, she shivered from disgust saying her brother's name. For some reason, the Gojō clan had a strict rule that prohibited the divulgations of their family members's names. You assumed it was because they were heavily involved in politics. Nobara however had revealed her brother's name to you, breaching those rules, proving her trust in you. 

"You were right when you said I had to face my emotions. I will work on that. But you should work on accepting that you love—"

"—don't push it."

You ignored her intervention, "—and miss your big brother Satoru."

"I will," Nobara said after a moment. "I love you. Thank you for being my friend."

"I love you, too. Thank you for trusting me."

The next weeks flew by and summer vacation was a time for amusement as well as rest. Yuuji was visiting his family in Japan. Megumi and his sister spent most of their time with their father. They were his first supporters when it came to his MMA career. They were currently touring around the United States where the current UFC tournament was held. Nobara was like an arctic tern, she flew from one country to another continent. It helped when you took in she had a diplomatic passport. Usually, she sent you vlogs of her adventures but she had been silent for a week.

You couldn't feel the absence of your friends since you were keeping up with your studies. You had to prepare for your first year of university as you aimed to be the best student in your major. You were an honorary student in high school. You were set on only making bigger accomplishments. That wasn't enough. Everyone could have done that.

Perhaps then your parents would show up to your graduation. You had not even expected them to come and they didn't, why would they? You had to be better. You were still lacking.

"Why haven't you been answering my calls?!" A boy shouted interrupting your self-loathing. His voice resonated more than he intended in the silent half empty library.  "I'm talking to you! Don't ignore me, hey!"

You exhaled annoyed, why could people not keep their business to themselves? Why would you be so inconsiderate and ruin other people's study time?

"Zachariah. Keep it quiet for me, will you?"

That sentence alone shook your entire nervous system. You had heard it before. The tone was not the same, this time holding anger and much more cockiness. His voice was direct but not harsh, very far from affectionate. He sounded courtois, which had to be the worst sound you could hear simply because the tone did something to you.

"B-but Kakashi, you promised to call me and it has been a week. You blocked me everywhere but you said we would talk it out." The man, Zachariah, was sobbing loudly. You tried to discreetly look towards them under your book.

It was him. On the other side of the collective study room. He wore glasses, that was the first thing you could notice. You could tell they were thick as they were slipping off his nose. He arranged them with his elegant finger, placing his hoodie on his head. It was as if he was trying to hide but you could clearly notice the longer strands of white hair. How had you not noticed him before?

He mumbled something under his breath and stood up. People's eyes were already on them, curious. He kept his eyes on the exit and Zachariah followed behind, clutching his tote bag.

When they both left, the library regained its usual silence but your heart was beating so loud, you thought your seating neighbour could hear it. After so many weeks, you had not forgotten about him. Saying otherwise would be a huge lie. You tried to concentrate on reviewing your medical study program but everything brought you back to him. How tall he was now that you took a good look at him, how lean but fit he seemed. How slender his fingers were, fingers that you had tried to replace to no avail. His pants fitted him well, clutching his bum with each confident stride.

He was too noticeable.
He was unforgettable.

Perhaps you couldn't blame Zachariah for clinging on to him. Though making a scene in public seemed like pushing it.

You exhaled again, persistent in pretending everything was alright. As if the person you have been thinking about for weeks had not emerged from nowhere and wasn't in the same building as you. You weren't even close to your home city. You came on campus during the summer vacation so you would have easier access to your school books and essentials.  Was he only a part-timer for Nobara's family?
Not a full-time resident? Kakashi was it? He never told you his name but you would've imagined something more impactful.

That didn't matter. You shook your head trying to concentrate. Eventually, you did manage to highlight what you would be focusing on during your next study session, tomorrow. You packed your bags and stood up ready to leave the library. On your exit you felt the urge to go to the toilet, you wouldn't usually go but your period was close.

After you were done you waited for the elevator to reach your level. But you thought about taking the stairs. One step after the other you descended admiring the library's architecture to the steady sound of your heels. Although compared to the old artistic and authentic common study rooms, the staircase was very modern and standardised.

You looked through the window, admiring the campus. Read some posters along the way down and even tried to pretend not to see Kakashi kissing Zachariah with very much reciprocated vigour.

Keyword: tried.

Because as soon as you were on top of the stairs, Kakashi stopped the kiss and met your eyes.  He didn't seem surprised you were there. Something else was in his eyes, something you couldn't decipher and didn't want to. You were no mind reader and what he was doing was none of your business. You tried, as in failed yet again, to quickly go down the staircase. Your steps were loud. You heard some mumbling and then a presence following behind you.

"Cat stole your tongue, pretty? Or did you try to ignore me right now? Because if that's the case," he put a hand over his heart. "I might be very hurt."

You briefly crossed his gaze, he was wearing a softer look giving you a lopsided smile. He took his glasses off and slid them on his head. His hair reached his shoulders as he had cut them in a wolf cut.

"I don't have anything to say to you."

"You don't?"

"No," you quivered but held your ground when you saw him lean against a wall after stepping closer to you. "I haven't seen anything."

"You haven't seen me kissing a boy right now? Haven't heard him begging me to fuck him and take his pathetic self back?" His crude words made you cringe.

"Who you kiss is not my business." Zachariah was also nowhere to be seen and there were no traces of the kiss on his demeanour.

"Then why were you spying on me, again? If the only info you got was that I enjoy kissing boys too, I'm sorry to tell you they already know."

Who is they? "I haven't— forget it. Let's pretend we haven't crossed paths, please. You will do us a favour."

"I have considered myself cursed a great number of times but meeting you again... it must be my lucky day." He tried to play with the curls framing your face and you took a step down. He cringed but covered it. "Why are you running away, pretty?"

You tensed, "I'm not running."

"Well no, you can't in those apparently." You were sure he was eyeing your dark purple strappy heels under your long jean skirt. His gaze was burning you and you couldn't stand it.

You descended faster. Not a logical reaction some might think. But there was no time to think or at least you were left with none.

"Would you stop that before you hurt yourself?"

"I'm not doing anything. You can go now," you tried to dismiss him. Two steps at a time felt like fast enough, didn't it?

"Be careful they just cleaned the floor, just stop. Slow down!"

"I'm good!" You waved, letting the stair railing go.

You tried a lot of things today. Perhaps it was time to stop. Because even getting down the stairs seemed impossible.


You had slipped. Yes. Was it embarrassing? It could have been more if Kakashi hadn't stopped your fall by tugging you against him. Now you were both falling. Ah! What do the French say? Camaraderie or something of that sort.

You didn't have any time to register the warmth exuding from his body, he held you tighter as you were rolling down the stairs. He held your head against his chest, protecting your head. Once the tumbling and tussling around over, calm was restored. You preyed an eye open, trying to check your surrounding.

"Hello?" He didn't answer, you could hear his heartbeat but he wasn't responding. "Can you let me go now, sir??" You tried again. You tapped his chest but he didn't either.

"A concussion? Did you hurt yourself?" You sounded panicked. You couldn't see if he was injured but the person under you wasn't reacting. "Kakashi!" You tried to free yourself from his vice grip but he held you tighter.

He grunted and chuckled light-heartedly. "It's not Kakashi."

"What do you mean?" You said confused.

"My name, my name is Satoru."

"But Zachariah—"

"I still have all my head, pretty. Pretty sure it's Satoru." He winced when you tried to get off him again, "You might want to be careful about moving me around. Repeat after me."


"Repeat after me. S A T O R U," he spelled out. "Repeat after me," his voice seemed breathless as the colour drained from his pale face. What was happening?"

"S A T O R U," you said this time freeing you from his hold.

"Good, you'll need to know how to spell it out when they arrive."

"When who arrives?" When you straightened your back you saw specks of blood coating certain strands of his hair. "YOU'RE BLEEDING!"

"For someone that wants to study medicine, you're sure more sensitive about that information than your peers."

"Satoru, you are bleeding!"

"Oh, so that was the dizziness? Silly me thank you for the enlightenment, Dr. L/N."

"I have to call an ambulance, my phone!" He held you back when you wanted to reach for your phone which slid under the stairs.

"Y/n, it's nothing I can go to the emergency myself. I was joking about calling them."

"Stay down!" his grip around your wrist faltered. "You can't move, I'm coming back. I'm going to be quick."

You detached his hands with a slight pain inside. You left him on the ground as you crawled toward your phone and called an ambulance. You screamed for help several times but no one heard you in this soundproof staircase. You came back to him, holding his wrists, taking his pulse.

He laced his fingers with yours and asked his eyes dropping, "Are you okay?"

The pool of blood kept oozing out of his head and you screamed for someone to help you, anyone as you felt incapable to do anything. You felt useless unable to do anything.

"You don't seem okay," he said exhaling a hurt grunt.

"Speak for yourself." His eyes seemed lighter than usual the colour slowly draining from his irises.

"I'm not feeling so bad myself actually, thanks fo-for asking." He stuttered slurring on his speech.

"What is there to feel good about."

"I'm holding you closer than ever since 26 days ago."

"Stop saying nonsense, silly," you frowned shocked.

"My name is not Silly, it's Satoru. S A T O R U, you said you would spell it right."

"I didn't mean silly as in your name but you're saying silly things," you couldn't believe you were arguing with someone losing that much blood right now. You yelled for help yet again but it seemed as if the reception was empty.

"What would make you feel good, y/n?" He said staring at your face above him. You avoided eye contact.

"Why are you asking me this? I mean, it's you that needs to stay awake. Tell me about you."

"But when I tell you about me, you tell me to stop saying silly things."

"Because you are saying silly things. But I can't have you losing consciousness, keep talking. What is going through your head, tell me what you are thinking of right now per example?"

"You," he closed his eyes. "Whenever I closed them the last 26 days, I counted every instant and you have been in my every imaginary scenario."

You said nothing, listening to his delusions. There was no way what he was saying was true. It could not be and you won't entertain his antics.

"You look like you're ready to faint any moment from now, can't risk that, can I?"

"Your eyes are literally closed." He might have been imagining your deadpanned face because his smile was familiar to you. The annoyingly handsome kind of smile.

Come to think of it, perhaps he said it on purpose. Just to get something out of you.

"Come on think, what would make you feel good?"

"A trip." You blurted out.

"Where?" He said intrigued.


"Nigeria? I have been there."

"Portugal," you paused. "But anywhere would do, honestly."

"You want to escape." He stated.


"From what, y/n?"

"I don't know," you knew but you didn't want to reveal that to him. This conversation was already absurd enough. This was a session of group therapy.

"Can I come with you?" he smirked but you saw the pain in the movement.

You ignored his question, you were sure he was joking.

"That's a very pretty necklace," he complimented staring at your pendant. Then touched the intricate garnet heart pendant you never took off. "Gem of faith."

"Do you believe in litho therapy?"

"I have some notions here and there," he touched the golden necklace complimenting your complexion. His fingertips brushed against your skin, "do you believe in fate?"

"I have some thoughts here and there," you said copying him. You needed to create distance otherwise you would do something you would regret. "Satoru, stop staring at my breasts."

"Can't promise that, they are actually staring at me."

At this point, you knew he would find a joke around everything you would say. The conversation went back and forth until help burst into the staircase.

"Miss we have him from here. Please take a step back," one said to you after they quickly pulled out a stretcher.

You tried to stand up but Satoru was still holding on to your hand. "Let go, they're going to take you to the hospital."

"Don't wanna," he said plainly. The medical staff looked at you urging you to find a solution.

"We need to transport you to the hospital as soon as possible, Sir. Please let go of her hand and we will be able to do our duty."

Satoru didn't reply to them and only looked at you. He still had a spirited glint going on, you could feel his hand hold you tighter.

You sighted.

"Can I come with him?"

The medical staff nodded reluctantly, one giving you your bag while others put Satoru on the stretcher. Once in the ambulance, the doctor spoke to Satoru trying to get as much info out of him but Satoru was being complicated, again.

"Kakashi," he said.

"That's not his name, his name is Satoru." You interrupted gently stopping the man from writing it down.

"Could you spell that one out, please?"

"S A T O R U." Satoru didn't even hold back his smile when he heard you jump around his vowels and consonants.

"Family name?" You shook your head, you has no idea. Even that basic knowledge was out of your mind and Satoru did not help you either. "Workplace, perhaps?"

"Your," the white-haired man said fake groaning.

"Your?" Only one out of the two staff with you got the joke and was holding back their laugh while the other fell into the trap. You on the other hand were embarrassed when Satoru finished his sentence.

"Your momma."

You frowned and fought the urge to pinch him.
He was insufferable.

"Sir, it will immensely help us if you told us what your name is. The hospital could be very crowded at this hour, save us some time to help you as best as we can."

"That won't be necessary, will it? Just bring me to the hospital, I will wait for my turn there." Satoru said lifting his oxygen mask. You put it back against his face.

"You are being unreasonably complicated and a total pain to the medical staff. Either help them or shut up, Satoru."

Your voice was harsh, you were scolding him and he was perplexed. He stared at your eyebrows, the crease between them deepening. Your eyes were wary but so warm. Your lips, perfect, perfect lips speaking to him with the most directness he has ever been addressed to. He was light-headed, everything was a haze around him but you, you were real. And if you weren't, that was alright, his eyes had taken you in enough to create an identical copy of you.

"Bring me to the G.K Health Center," he said still lost in your eyes.

The staff collectively choked, they waited on you for confirmation. What confirmation could you give them?

You nodded to the staff. Satoru was gently caressing your hand, happy you believed him.

"B-but if he is serious then— Sir! Please, show us!" The silent one panicked. Satoru sighed and turned his head to the side, under his ear was a symbol.

You took some time to recognise the crest.

But you eventually recognised it.

Your first instinct was to let Satoru's hand go, it was as if you were burned.

The medical staff told the driver to change route and alarm extra help, not even a minute after did you hear police sirens following the ambulance. They yelled 'code Alpha' into the phone and the air shifted. The medical staff who were already polite showed him over exaggerated care. They asked you if you were lacking anything and if their services were up to your desires.

Satoru didn't seem phased by their change. His eyes, as always, were on you. He could see the fright in your gaze, the slight tremble in your body, and beyond all, he felt the instant rejection.

"Mr. Gojō, we are honoured to serve you. Please be merciful of our ignorance."


The next update will be in a few days since I forgot to update last week (but this is the longest chapter yet + manchild flirty Satoru content 😼). It's still summer 2013 here 😗 July 19th 2013 to be precise heehehehehe

Also, dunno if u noticed but the chapter titles are game names. I could explain in so many details why that was such a cool idea of mine to include but that would spoil the book a bit.

Lots of love,

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