I NEED TO STUDY (a Calum Hood...

By dem5sosfeels

952K 20.4K 4.9K

BOOK 1 Jess is a 15 year old who isn't the smartest person in the world at school, and she needs a tutor and... More

I NEED TO STUDY (a Calum Hood fanfic)
This Is Ashton
You look beatuiful
Dat cute date*
you're safe with me*
What happens now?*
I will never leave*
its just the truth*
It Was a Mistake*
The devil is back*
Birthday Girl*
A Fairytale Night*
Cute Couple*
Pizza Night*
Adventure Time*
2 People, 1 week*
I Loved You*
2 Sides to Every Story*
All at Once*
Just Because*
Its a Date... With Luke*
The Night*
Another Mid-Night Getaway*
Off to London*
The Return...And The News*
Telling Him*
Sorting Things Out
The Getways*
Good-Bye For Real This Time*
Blah Blah Blah

Getting Ready*

20.9K 493 52
By dem5sosfeels

Once lunch was over, and we were home, I went up to my room and logged onto Facebook. I thanked everyone who said happy birthday, just before Beth called me, “hey birthday girl!” “hiya” I smiled into the phone, “can I just pop in and say hi?” “Sure, hurry up though!....Oh actually stay for a bit longer, I need your help for tonight” I said, “oh is your boyfriend taking you out?” she laughed, “maybe, I’ll really not too sure” I explained, “I’ll explain once you get here” I continued. “Oh okay, well maybe you could let me in” she said. I quickly hung up and ran downstairs to the front door, where Beth was, “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” she yelled hugging me, “oh wow that was loud… sorry” she laughed, pulling away from the hug, “thanks” I laughed. “Come on lets go up to my room” I said closing the front door. Once we were in my room we sat down on my bed and she handed me something, “open it up” she smiled at me, I opened it up to find some photos of us, and a journal with “LONDON” written on it. “How did you know?” I asked, looking up at her, “Sarah told me, I asked her if she had any good ideas for your birthday, because knowing you, you wouldn’t tell me, and plus you are impossible to buy for. You know that?” she laughed, “I love it” I hugged her “thank you”.  “So what are you doing tonight? With Calum?” Beth asked, “I don’t know… all I know is that Michael is picking me up at 7, and then he’s dropping me off somewhere, then Ashton is going to make me get changed into something, I don’t know… and then… actually they didn’t get that far… I don’t know what’s going to happen after that” I shrugged, “oh my god! That’s so cute” she paused, her smile quickly fading, “what’s wrong?” I asked, “What’s the time?” “4.30” I said, looking at my phone, “oh thank-god we’ve got time, okay I quickly need to go to mine, and then I’ll be back” she said getting off of the bed, “really? You too?” I laughed, “everyone knows what’s going on” she said walking out of the room “apart from you that is” she said popping her said though the door way before leaving.

I slowly made my way downstairs, “hey mum?” I asked, she was in the laundry, doing some ironing, “yes?” she asked looking up, “when can I do my driver’s test?” I asked, “When do you feel ready to start driving” she said. I really wasn’t looking forward to learning how to drive, I just wanted to skip the “L’s” and start on the “P’s” straight away. “Can we do it in a next week? I’ve been studying like crazy for it” I said leaning on the bench. “Sure” she smiled, going back to the ironing.

I went into the lounge room and just watched some TV, waiting for Beth to come back, when Sarah came over and joined me. “ready to see what’s in the bag?” she asked me, pulling the bag the Tim gave me before, “oh  my god yes” I said crossing my legs, turning so I was facing her, she handed me the bag and I opened it up. “Oh my god” I whispered, there were a pair of shoes. The shoes had a bit of a heal, but Calum’s always liked that fact that I was much smaller than him. They were black, and the had some straps across the foot and then a strap around the ankle. “They’re gorgeous” I whispered, “they really are, can I have your boyfriend?” Sarah asked, “oh my god no, firstly he’s too young for you and second…” I paused “he’s mine”. I like saying that Calum was mine and that I was Calum.

A few minutes later Beth arrived back at my house with a bag, “please don’t tell me that that’s another surprise” I complained, “no its just some things I thought you’d like for tonight” she laughed, “oh okay”. I let her in, “okay so now its 5.15” she said looking at my side table clock, “which means we have under 2 hours! Go have a shower now!” she pushed into the bathroom. I washed my hair this morning, so the shower only took 5 minutes. When I came back into my bedroom, with only a towel, Beth left some clothes on my bed. It was a skirt and a top. I sighed, wondering what was going to happen tonight. I quickly got changed and yelled for Beth, trying to find her in the house, “there you are!” I laughed; she was in the lounge room, watching some TV, with Ben. “Come on help me get ready” I dragged her back up to my room. “Okay lets curl your hair” Beth said. I went into the bathroom when Beth started curling my hair. “Don’t move” she said, “I’m trying” I laughed, I couldn’t stay still I was too excited. “Okay finally” after 25 minutes of curling my hair it was finally perfect. “Okay now make up” I said going to my bedroom. I sat on my bed while Beth helped me with my make-up. “Okay I can do the eye liner” I said taking it from her hand, “fine” she said packing up the rest of her make up. “What time is it now?” I asked, “6.40” Beth smiled at me, “use this bag, it matches what you are wearing now and what you are wearing later today, and the shoes wear them too” she passed me the bag, “really I thought those shoes were just for show” I laughed. “Okay so you’re all ready?” she smiled at me, “yes” I laughed, sitting on my bed. “All ready for your date tonight?” my mum asked walking into the room, “ready as I’ll ever be” I smiled at her, “come on let me take a photo” she said, taking out her phone, “mum it’s just a date” I sighed standing up, “I know but you look amazing.” I stood up and smiled while mum took the photo, “Beth come here” I said, mum took some photos of the both of us before Beth left. “Have fun!” she said as we were walking to the front door, “I’ll try” I laughed, “and use protection” she whispered while I was hugging her, “oh my god Beth” I said shaking my said, “tell me about it tomorrow!” she said walking away, “I will!” I waved to her, closing the door.

I went back up to my room, waiting for Michael to come and pick me up, I looked at the time, 6.55. “Okay breathe” I whispered to myself taking my bag and going back to the bathroom making sure I looked okay. I went down stairs to see Sarah, Ben and Mum watching TV. “Oh you look gorgeous!” Sarah said coming up and hugging me, “you look really pretty” Ben smiled hugging me as well, “thanks, how long are you here for?” I asked Ben, “10 days” he smiled, “yay” I said hugging him again. Then the doorbell went off, “ready?” Sarah asked, I slowly nodded my head, “bye! Have fun!” everyone yelled as I was walking to the front door. I opened up the door to see Michael standing there, with some flowers, “Calum wanted me to give you theses” he said smiling, handing me the flowers, “thanks” I smiled talking the flowers, I walked back to Sarah and told her to put the flowers in some water. I quickly came back to Michael who was on the phone to Calum. “Yes I’m with her right now… yes I know…. We’re leaving now… 10 minutes… okay calm down… yes…. Okay.. Okay… okay shut up now…. Bye” he laughed hanging up when he saw me. “The things this boy makes us do for you” Michael laughed, “well I’m sorry” I laughed as well, “as long as you make him happy” “I try” I said as we were walking to the car. “Let’s do this” Michael said as we got into the car, driving out of the drive way.

15 minutes later, Michael parked the car and we were at this hotel, “what are we doing here?” I asked him, “you are just going to go up to the 10th floor, Ashtons waiting for you” he said opening up the door for me. “You’re not coming” I asked as I was walking to the elevator, while Michael just waited there, “nope, I’ll see you later” he said waving and walking back to the car.

Once I was at the 10th floor, Ashton was waiting outside one the rooms, “finally” he said looking up from his phone, “go and get changed,” he said opening up the door. I walked in to find a beautiful dress on the bed, “wow” I whispered, walking up to it, “gorgeous isn’t it?” a voice behind me said, “Calum” I said as he walked up to me and hugged me, “shhh… they don’t know I’m here” he whispered before kissing me. “Then what are you doing here?” I asked, “I just had to see you” he smiled, “okay so get changed, Luke will be waiting when you’re done” he whispered before kissing me again and then walking out of the door.


what do you guys think? i don't know about you, but Sarah is kind of annoying me right now.... and the one that made her up.... anyways..... let me know what you think and i'll try to have the next chapter up soon :D- pip

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