In a New School chapter 4

By team-EWP-lyliana

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We had a great, summer at Stampy's Lovley World. But it's almost the last day of Summer. Uncle stampy, took u... More

School Shopping Chaose
Nap from Purple Syndrome
Strange Dream of the Hero and the Unicorn
Studieng Math for School
Studieng Science for School.
Studieng History for School
First Day of School

Gratitudes to Zoo

25 0 0
By team-EWP-lyliana

We were on the couch, watching a movie.
We ate some popcorn, and ice cream, to enjoy the movie. Until Stampy came into the room, and told us to pause the movie.
We are going to talk about what we did this summer, this is our gratitude paper for 1988. And we will be righting down every good thing that is in our happy memories. Said Stampy.
Now, here is how to do it! First I will teach you. You need to grab a pencil, right down your name, on the name area. Wright the happy things down on the big space. Now here is an example. I will right down..

Name/Stampy Date/8/14/19

Shopping at the mall/Check
Going to the zoo that we haven't done yet. We will go to the zoo today, after we go school shopping.
Hero lessons/Check
Meeting the new ones/Check
Spending time with my dogs/Check
Sing the kids to sleep/Check

Now. It's your turn. Who's first? Said Stampy. Can I go first? Said tony. Okay I'll go second. Said talia. And I'll go third. I said.

Name/Fawnie Date/8/14/19—————————Name/Talia Date/8/14/19——————-Name/Tony Date/8/14/19————
Moving in/Check ——————————-Moving in/check———————————-Moving in/check—————————
Going to the zoo/ ——————————-going to the zoo/———————————-going to the zoo/—————————
Meeting new people/ ——————————-Meeting new people/—————————-Meeting new people/——————-
Playing with miku/check———————————Beach/check—————————————-Beach/check———————————
Beach/Check—————————————————watching movie/check————————-watching movie/check——————
Watching movie/check————————————animating/Check———————————playing with dogs/Check—————
Playing with new dogs/check—————————playing with new dogs/check—————meeting new family/check————
Playing with my toys/Check—————————-meeting my new family/check————-getting trained to be a hero/check-
Meeting my new family/check————————-getting trained to be a hero/check——-nice sleep/check—————————-
Getting trained to be a hero/check——————-nice sleep/check———————————-saving the city/check———————
Nice sleep/check———————————————-saving the city/check—————————Saving the city/check———————
Looks like you had great memories good job kids!

It appeared that we almost, had the same things on our gratitudes. But we still had 2 more things to do on our list.
We did meet new people by the way, but not new friends. After watching the movie, we packed some things for our trip, and
Jog/raced eachother to the zoo. The zoo was not that crowded, it was just a line with 9 people. I could hear animals growling and making noises out there. It's okay fawn, these animals are locked tight shut, but they are well trained for being peaceful to guests. Said Stampy.
When we all went in the zoo, we saw a peacock taking a stroll, by the tour train, that was in repair for now. Aww. But I wanted to ride the train. It would've been lots of fun! Said talia. I can't believe you actually have peacocks there! I said. Yep! We feed them, and fill up their water, three times a day, so they can be healthy. Said stampy.
First, we walked by the lions, They were sleeping happily.
Alright kids, be quite, only I can feed thouse big cats. Do you under stand? Yes sir. We all nodded.
Rafiki! Philis! Wake up! It's time for lunch! Stampy threw over two pieces of stake for the lions.
They chowed down on it, so deeply like zombies, eating a human being.

After Stampy fed the lions, we went to see the tigers. They had black stripes on there fur, and some white on there face and bellies, Some tigers were were also white. Dude how many stripes do you have on your back? Asked Tony.
They have over 100 stripes tony. Said Stampy. Rufus! Rose! Lola! Time to eat! Stampy, threw 3 pieces of stake
To the lions.
After seeing the tigers, we went to see the antelope. The antelope reminded me of some goats I saw during trips.
Did you know that 14 species of antelope habitat the entire continent of Asia? Said talia. I didn't know you were
A smarty talia. I said. I read the word circle of life, on a sign, the sign said that the antelope is a prey animal.
Excuse me, I asked the zoo keeper. What does the circle of life mean?
It's meaning means birth, survival, and death. There is a song about it in a Disney movie called the lion king. Said the zoo keeper. By the way, my name is Ancopla, and I am an okapi, if you know what me species is.
An okapi.. I used to love thouse kids of animals. I said. Speaking of okapis, should we see some? There right there by bounding with an antelope heard. Said tony.
Oh my gosh! They look like zebras! But, if a zebra, and a deer, had a relationship? Said talia.
Silly talia, these pretty animals, and no. Nobody had a relationship. These okapis live in there own habitat.
I said, I used to learn about okapis since fifth grade.
After we saw the okapis, and antelope, we went to see the elephants. Back in years they used to be circus animals, (laughs.)
Hey, somebody record me! I need to film something for the memories! Said tony. Fine, I got my camra. I said.
Alright here we are at the elephants, and the reason they are so cool, is because they have these really, really, long trunks. Which is really, really, cool. Okay stop! (🐘Gave some Credit to Jawed for this Lovely Letter❤️💜🪐🐘)
Alright! Alright kids! Who's ready to see the giraffes? My most favorite animal! Said Stampy.
ME!!! We all shouted.
When we went to see the giraffes, it was my dream, to go back riding on one of these awesome animals.
Stampy can I ride that giraffe for my dream birthday? I said. Yes dear, but I'm gonna have to train her, while your at school, her name is Chloe, she is the tallest giraffe. Said Stampy.
(🦒💜in loving memory of Chloe my fave girrafe💜🦒)
Giraffes are also friendly to humans. want to feed her? I'll call her over here if you want. Said Stampy.
I said Yes in an exiting way! Chloe come here sweetheart! Time for lunch! Said Stampy.
Chloe ran to the dock, like a rushing zebra, and sticked her head into the dock for food. Then, she sticked out her long, tongue
For the food. Agh! I yelled. Careful fawn, chloe has a very long toung. Try to keep a very good distance.
I tried my best, not to get that big, slimy, tongue on me, as I fed chloe the girrafe. We each took turns feeding her.
After we met chloe the girrafe, we saw some kangaroos. Kangaroos are my favorite Australian animal.
We enjoyed acting, and jumping like kangaroos. Then, we went to ride a Zebra!
Okay kids! I have a big surprise for you! We are going to be riding on a zebra for the first time!
We were shocked, and surprised. People can ride zebras? Said talia.
Yes you will be! Let's just wait our turn, because this is an long, line. Said Stampy.
Oh come on. It's just 4 people. Said tony.

We waited for 5 minutes until the big family was gone. Okay everyone, meet Jerry, her species is a meerkat, She is the one who trains the zebras, and the girrafes. Stampy introduced the zookeeper to us.
Hello children, this is joma the zebra, She is one of the sweetest zebras. Would you like to ride on her?
Mrs Jerry asked. Oh yes I totally would be cool with it! Said tony.
We all took turns together, tony was first, talia was second, and I was last.

Before we left the zoo, we had goodbye hugs, and we went to the gift shop, to get a souvenir.
After we left the zoo we checked down zoo on our gratitude lists. We though of everything that happend
Today. We saw lots of animals, fed a girrafe named Chloe, and road on a zebra named joma.

Shall we go there next summer or what? Asked Tony.
We all laughed with joy. Yes dear, but let's think about school shopping for tomaro.

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