She's Bad

By ItssMonicaaaa

196K 5.3K 222

Alicia Jones is 17, how does someone so gorgeous get treated so badly, is it jealousy or is the damage from h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 9.2
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
What's Next?
Book 2
Book 2 Chapter 2

Chapter 12

6.8K 254 15
By ItssMonicaaaa

Cali P.O.V

I didn't know how to feel. Of course I was heartbroken cause I lost one of my angels, but I still have one of them and it's a girl. It's truly bitter sweet and it's hard when you can't really be depressed or happy. I don't know what I'm gonna name her yet but I'll figure out, she has to stay here for the next 2 months since she was so early. I know I'm gonna visit her everyday until I can take her home.

Once again Alicia has been by my side the whole time I honestly don't know what I would do without her. She's the best bestfriend I've ever had. From day one she's been there and never judged me and that's something I have always appreciated.

Lately I been feeling lonely though. Ever since Michael passed I haven't talked to anyone but recently I just have this urge to get back out there. In the last dream I had about Mike he told me that eventually I'll have to move on but it still feels so wrong to think about it. But then I see Jay and Alicia and I'm just like I want that. I wanna be happy and love someone and sleep with someones arms around me. It's really hard to see what I'm worth and no one wants the girl who has a kid. I love my baby girl already and I wouldn't ever trade her for anything in this world but I'm being honest here. Dating is gonna be harder for me because I need to have someone who's gonna accept my daughter and everything I been through. I'm hopeful tho...very hopeful.

Jay P.O.V

Alicia wanted to go see Cali today but I'm pretty tied up at the trap and I think she got some interview at some office place or something. I don't want Cali to think that we forgot about her or nothing so I'ma send Greg up there with some flowers and her favorite candy and stuff. This nigga acting like he bouta die and shit.

"Man nigga why I gotta go up there I don't even know that girl" he been asking the same question and keep getting the same answer.

"Cause you the only one I trust with my personal life now shut the fuck up and go" This nigga acting like a big ass kid forreal.

"Man whatever you better not ask me for shit else for the rest of yo life nigga!" he said walking out with the stuff. This nigga funny, that's the homie tho. The only one who ever had my back through anything that's why he the boss, next to me of course.

Greg P.O.V

I can't believe this nigga got me doing his personal shit like I'm his maid or something. I hope he know that he owe me for this, I don't even know this girl. I'm just bouta stop in and leave I don't got time for some girl who probably got fucked up by some nigga she ain't have no business fucking with. These hoes stupid forreal.

When I walked in I didn't see no beat up girl. "Oh shit I must got the wrong room, I'm looking for a Caliana or something like that..." She was too pretty. No bruises or cuts or nothing.

"That's me, who are you?" She said as she looked up from her lap. She looked like she been crying.

"Oh my bad I'm Greg I'm Jay business partner. He asked me to drop this stuff off cause he had to take care of something and Alicia had an interview." I felt like I was talking too much cause she was just staring at me. Now it was awkward.

"You can just sit it down on that chair right there. I'll get it later." She just seemed so sad. I wanted to ask her what happened but I ain't wanna be all in her business, she don't even know me.

I don't know why but something told me to just chill there for a minute. She didn't tell me to leave or nothing and plus the hospital was busy today with visitors and I don't feel like waiting for the elevator. Fuck that.

I was watching the tv when I looked over and saw that she was crying. I ain't even hear her and I didn't know what to do either. "It's okay, everything will be fine..." I said rubbing her shoulder. It was awkward as fuck. I don't know what happened and I'm here saying it's gone be okay. Next thing I know she put her head on my chest and started crying harder. By instinct I wrapped my arms around her and I just let her cry. I didn't say nothing at all.

"Don't let me go" she said in between tears. I didn't. She was there until I laid her down on her pillow.


She was only sleep for about an hour before she woke up. After what happened I felt like I couldn't leave without making sure she was okay. When she woke up it was pretty quiet except for the tv playing.

"I'm sorry" she said "you didn't even wanna come here I know thats not what you came here for..."

"It's cool. You going through something it's better that you weren't alone." She just nodded. I kept having the urge to ask her what happened. But I wouldn't know how she would react and she hispanic and emotionally fragile I don't know if I would make it out this hospital...but shit I'm already here if I need help it's some down the hall. "So...what happened? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to..."

After a long pause she told me. "Well I was pregnant with twins and in the middle of the night I woke up cause I thought I had to pee....I was bleeding a lot and I passed out. When I woke up I was here and I had figured out that I miscarried on of my babies. To save the other baby they had to remove her from the womb too...she'll be in the NICU until its safe for her to go home."

"Damn that's crazy I'm sorry to hear that." That's definitely wasn't what I was expecting but I can't judge her. Everybody got they own story.

"Yea it is. The worst part is that I don't know how to I'm sad because I lost one baby but I'm happy because I still have one and I'm still here too....and I have Alicia and jay but I also don't have anyone that belongs to me its just...a lot."

"Well what about the babies' father?" I was probably being too nosey but it kinda just slipped out.

"He passed away when I was 2 months pregnant...I haven't really wanted to talk to anyone else because I feel like that would be betraying him, but at the same time I'm 18 and I don't wanna be lonely for the rest of my life. It's hard though cause no one wants the 18 year old who has a baby with a crazy past."

"Well anyone who can't accept who you are and what you bring to the table don't deserve you. Everyone has a past and some baggage so we're all equals. Don't ever feel like your not good enough because you are. Your strong to make it through all of this without going off the deep end and I respect you for that. If some nigga don't see what your worth than that's his loss. It's okay to be sad about the baby you lost but it's also okay to be happy about the one you still got, and you still being here is a miracle itself. Your strong and beautiful everything will fall into place just be patient baby girl." Damn I felt like Dr. Phil after that.

"Thank you Greg. I really needed to hear that." She said with a slight smile.

For a while we just chilled and talked. She was actually a cool person not to mention she was gorgeous. I might like her but I know she's not ready... Maybe I'm willing to work with her until she is. I'm not the player type or the relationship type either but I don't think I would mind having this girl around forreal. We'll see...

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