|| Gamble ||

By DeadMind505

8.5K 309 92

Chishiya x Niragi Welp imma does this when I've done a few chapters so that I can make a better description. ... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 20

140 8 2
By DeadMind505

Chishiya POV

"I think the Witch is Momoka." I said making Kuina look puzzled, "So she killed herself?" Looking at me, "It's either her or one of the executives." She nodded. "Wait, why do you think it's her?" She asked, "She is already dead, yet not been thrown on the fire, but again. Because of the power, it could also be an executive." I expected. "Oh!" She said looking at me, "I will find Ann!" I gave her a puzzled look, but nodded, she smiled and ran away.

People had started to run back into the main lobby, soon after Kuina had left to find Ann. Aguni and his lackeys were ready to shoot the people in the lobby, "kill 'em all." He said in a cold tone, but for once they didn't do as he said, they were hesitating.

"I-" one of the militants started, he looked like he was on the verge of tears, "I can't do this anymore.." he said as he started to cry, tears streaming down his face. The guy beside him in a green T-shirt quickly responded to him. "We've got no choice." And the other continued sobbing. The green T-shirt guy took a moment to breathe before continuing. "We'll never be the same again after killing so many people.." his voice was breaking, but Aguni had enough, he kicked him in the knee making him collapse to the ground. "Did you hear me?." Aguni continued in a threatening manner, pointing his gun at the guy on the floor. "JUST SHOOT ME THEN!" He screamed.

Arisu POV

"THATS ENOUGH!" I shouted grabbing everyone's attention, I had my arm around Tatta and Usagi made sure I didn't trip. I started to walk further, Tatta following making sure to keep me up, I quickly scanned the room, since I felt a pair of eyes on me and I couldn't pinpoint from where, I quickly chose to ignore it for now. "This ends now," I said, people moved to make room for me. "You... You had me tied up the whole time" I said somewhat not believing it, I was breathing heavily, and I removed my arm from Tatta and continued walking a bit. "When the murder happens, that's where I was. So that means that you know that... That I can't be the witch" I was still breathing heavily, Aguni didn't respond he just stared at me, I started to walk closer up to him continuing to speak. "And if you aren't the witch, you don't need to kill me. Just work with me and we'll find the witch!" I said trying to convince him.

He didn't say anything and started walking up to me, suddenly with the hand he held the gun with he hit me making me groan, and not having time to react he hit me again making me almost fall. "ARISU!" I hear Usagi until I feel a force pushing me to the ground, Usagi ran up informing trying to stop Aguni from coming closer "Stop it!" she said before she let out a weak ish screen as she was pushed to the ground, Aguni grabbed me and dragged up back up and let out a grunt. "I KNOW EVERYTHING!" Usage yelled grabbing Aguni's attention "You're going after Arizu even though you know he didn't do it." she took a break before continuing, "And that's... Because you're the witch!" Aguni was quiet for a moment before hitting me again in the head making me stumble over to Usagi. "Arisu!" she quickly grabbed onto me, "are ya... The witch?" a guy asked, and the guy with the green striped T-shirt was helped up, and everyone was waiting silently for a response "Yes." he paused "I'm the witch," he said, no one said anything, but you could hear the breathing.

The militants quickly pointed their guns at him. Aguni turned to them and slowly started to walk toward them, he let go of the gun. The gun makes a thud on the floor. Once Aguni was close enough, the guy with the striped shorts held the gun to his head. The guy who was crying is pointing it at his chest. "Go ahead" When they didn't shoot quickly got impatient. "DO IT" he shouted the time. "Well, Shoot him!" but before anyone could. I spoke up. "AGUNI IS NOT THE WITCH" I shouted getting everyone's attention "It's a ten of hearts game! It plays with you're feelings and you're emotions! You're not gonna win by killing Aguni, that's not the way this game works." I said, making Aguni turn to me. I still laying down holding myself up with my arms with the help of Usagi.

"I know you're not the witch so why then?" I asked starting to realize the pain in my nose, I put my hand to my nose quickly feeling the liquid on my hand, and after looking at it, and seeing the blood, I let out a sigh. "You gotta have another reason." "what are you saying..." Usagi started. "The one that you killed wasn't Momoka. It was Hatter. When those words left my mouth everyone started to murmur, whispering, and getting nervous. "What?" the guy with the green stipend T-shirt said, still pointing the gun at Aguni. "I could see it right away in you're eyes. It was as if you lost all hope and... Just gave up." I paused remembering the scene that happens at the 7 of Hearts game. "I had the same feeling... When I killed my friends." all the talking a second ago had stopped. "You're not dumb. But as soon as you took over, you wanted to kill everyone. And that's not like you. So you..." I said slowly getting up, "... Had to have another motive" I quickly got up again, and continued with what I was saying. "Ever since I came to the beach, I couldn't quite figure it out. If you had possession of all these guns, why didn't the militant corps take over a long time ago?" let out our pants as I continued to talk.

"That never happens until now. Because in the end, you weren't against Hatter at all. Didn't you help each other out? You wanted to make sure that... Scary people like Noravi don't go ballistic. You tried to hold them back. As I spoke most of the guns were lowered. And that's when I spotted someone in the corner of my eye. It was Chishiya, he was on the second floor. Scanning everything, analyze, and made strategies while I was here. I started walking towards Aguni knowing the risk of it. "I know... How close you and Hatter we're. You were best friends, weren't you? Then, why did you kill him? I'll tell you why." everyone was quiet, and tension was high, I swallowed the lump in my throat that was forming because of nervousness. "Because you could never forgive him for what he did. You wanted it all to stop, but it was too late." I was right in front of him at this point and he just stared at me. "You didn't recognize him anymore, isn't that right?" as I was about to continue another voice joined in. "That's true, you caught Hatter had murdered some of the beaches members because they refused to give their cards."

I turned my head to see Chishiya walking from the stairs.

Chishiya POV

"You didn't know anything!" Aguni shouted grabbing Arisu by the collar of his shirt, before pushing him lightly and throwing a much at his face making him fall back, Aguni didn't stop him, he continued to go punch him, which made Tatta react and charge at him grabbing him around his torso trying to push him back Usagi joining a few seconds after, Arisu was on the floor now, getting kicked, but before long Aguni grabbed Tatta and pushed him away harshly, and Usagi doing the same, as they both fell to the floor. He walked over to Arisu and grabbed him by the collar and lifted him. Blood was running down his face, from the punched Aguni had thrown at him, I was standing by a pillar leaning agents it. "You know nothing." a small broken voice from Aguni was heard. "I know what it feels like to see your friends die. To kill them, I see it. you killed your friend. I see it in your eyes, and now you just wanna kill everyone here, because they were the ones who made your friend crazy." he took a short break, but when Aguni didn't say anything he continued. "These painful feelings of yours, the game master is using all of them. That's why it's a game of Hearts. Don't you get it!" he said, but instantly Aguni reacted, "SHUT UP!" he shouted and threw Arisu to the floor. Making him let out a grunt.

"Arisu?!" his friend Usagi started, Tatta following her up to Arisu. "so if all of this is true, then... Aguni wanted to kill everyone no matter what the game was." a guy with a blue robe thingy started, he got a point, either way, he was gonna kill everyone, the game just gave him a better excuse. "He had you do it..." A guy with a white T-shirt started. "And we said nothing and went along with it all." one of the militants started, looking like he was in

shock. "So, who here is the witch then?" Usagi said, with a shaky voice

I let out a loud sigh and started walking toward Arisu, he looked up at me with an unsure expression, yet mine didn't change. I reached my hand out for him to grab, he was hesitant, but eventually took it. I leaned closer to his ear and whispered something he only could hear. "Momoka" and he instantly nodded, meaning he figured it out as well, I gave a nod, and moved away. "I know who it is," He said in a convincing tone, Usagi quickly got up and sent me a glare, "I know who the real witch here is, and so does Chishiya." he said making me look over at him, giving him a nod, Usagis face turned int confused, "A game master... uses similar characteristics in every game." he stopped to breathe for a second and continued. "in a game of hearts, They usually makes a fool out of everyone." he stopped, Usagi laying an arm around him, yet he didn't continue he looked at me, making me raise an eyebrow, I did get the hin, I just don't understand why he doesn't continue it. "Witch means, there was a way to end the game without having to kill everyone." I paused, only for the dramatic effect, yet I grabbed everyone's attention and for them to wait for me to continue. "A solution where nobody has to get hurt or die." I finished making a girl speak up, "But... That's impossible" She stopped for a second to collect her thoughts, it was easy to see, "We have to hunt down the witch and burn them in the Fire of Judgment, right?" she said fast yet understandable.

"No, the witch could be right here and no one dies. Because it was Momoka, she was the witch," I said in a calm yet monotone tone, making everyone look in her direction and small talk started. "So, wait. She stabbed herself in the chest" A girl with a striped shit started, "Semes so." I said finishing, making Arisu speak up again. "If I were the game master... that's what I would come up with." as Arisu finishes, I feel a tap on my shoulder, and as I look I see Kuina with a smile, and suddenly a thud making me look back, Arisu was once again back on the floor, "You're full of shit!" Aguni said in a harsh tone, breathing quickly, "I AM THE WITCH!" he shouted out loud, starting to walk towards the militants, "You all wanna kill me, right?" as he said that he stormed over to one of the militants grabbing his hand where he held a gun and mostly everyone started running at him to get him away, before moving backward and punching the guy, and then that once act got up to everyone that went in his way. "Aguni's trying to take everyone down with him" I hear over from Arisu, that's when I felt an armrest on my shoulder making me look at Kuina, her smile never leaving." so, what happened here?" she said with a smile, "Aguni is laying about being the witch, when its Momoka who is the witch and well, here we are." I simply said making her let out a sigh, "that does not surprise me that it ended out like this," she said with a soft chuckle.

My attention was brought back when a girl names Asahi shouted "EVERYONE!" which made everyone pause and look at her, "I'M THE ONE! THE DEALER OF THIS GAME!" and as that sentence ended a red leaser flew from the sky and straight through her head making her go limp and collapse to the ground, making everyone freeze, I raised an eyebrow, I didn't expect that.

"It was a reverse grip!" Ann came running in "Fingerprints with reverse grip were found on the knife" Ann said holding up the knife showing the reverse grip of fingerprints. "that means, that Momka grabbed the handle of the knife and stabbed it through her chest." Ann paused for a second before continuing, "She was the witch." Ann said confirming what me and Arisu said. "But why would she do that?" a girl said with a pink cardigan. "it couldn't have been just for the game." she continued before another girl started to speak. "So Moomoka was really... the game master after all?" a girl said with a white cardigan. "that girl said she was the dealer, So they were just toying with us the whole time, then?" a guy said with a white shite.

"So there was ever any high power doing all this?" Tatta asked making the attention go to him. "They were just human?" Tatta finished, Making Usagi start up again, "But it's possible that they could have been controlled by somebody else." she finished making everything silent again. After a few minutes Arisu spoke up, "Aguni" Arisu said making panting, "we need to stop this. No more innocent people have to die. Too many people have already. " he took a break to make sure he wouldn't get interpreted. "I understand how it feels... To kill your friends. But we can't take it out on.. people who are still alive" Arisu said slowly making his way up and standing again. "We are still alive! We're all in this together... And we have to fight to end it all!" finally standing up, he Looks at Aguni, " I don't want anyone else to die!" he said panting again, probably from the yelling, and the pain from the punches.

"THE FIRE IS SPREADING!!!!" A guy shouts making everyone go into a panic, "RUN!" the same guy screams and everyone quickly complies with it. " Hurry'Put her in the Fire of Judgment!" someone screamed Thats when the guy in a striped blue shirt ran over to Momokas body, about to lift her so they could get her out, but as he was about to, a loud bang was heard and the man screamed as he fell to the side, blooded poring out from a now visible gunshot wound making everyone quickly back away, until multiple gunshots were heard, and multiple people collapsing to the ground.

That was when I saw movement in the fire, which caught my attention "That hurt." I hear a voice full of hatred say, and I fell my body freeze to the floor, as he stepped closer I could see him better, it was Niragi who somehow survived. the big crowd of people looked at the person with fear. "If I could do it all over again," he paused to take a breath before continuing. "Id use the Fire of Judgement to burn the whole place down!" he shouted, his eyes scouted the place and soon enough they fell on me, my face was still as emotionless as ever, but I felt the anxiety build up, the fear, I took a breath quickly repressing everything, every single emotion, but one of them stood out, it was hard to ignore, it was the same feeling id get whenever I was close to him, the tickling feeling, the butterflies in my stomach, I took another breath once again repressing everything. "Niragi..." someone in the crowd said, "Niragi?" someone asked more as a question. "And that will make me the winner!" he shouted before throwing in a stick with fire making people scream and start running, I finally felt myself being able to move again, I turned to Kuina who quickly grabbed my wrist and started to drag me further away. With my back turned I heard screaming and gunshots, while he was laughing maniacally. He was shooting everyone in his way, I looked around for an exit when in the corner of my eye I see a guy collapse, I wouldn't be surprised if he tried to hit me.

Everything went on for a while body collapsing blood spattered everywhere, and Niragi's laughter only got more manic, until Usagi got up and started to charge at Niragi, while me and Kuina were safe behind a big pillar. Usagi jumped on him from behind she was holding on to him, keeping herself in place on his back, "GET OFF ME!" he shouted, soon enough Arisu ran up grabs the arms where he has a gun, Niragi having enough of this, he started punching Arisu's back, hard and continuously making him lose his grip on Niragi pushes him away, "IM GONNA KILL YOU!" he shouts as he swings Usagi off of him, and landing on Arisu. Niragi let out a grunt of pain, as he pointed his gun at Arisu who had moved in front of Usagi. "You are dead. I'll kill you all!" He shouted, as he pulled the trigger Aguni ran directly in front of him taking the bullets, Aguni quickly charged at Niragi, and as Niragi continued to shoot him, he kept running, the bullets hit Aguni so many places, and the blood was running down the marks as he began to shout.

As he got close enough he grabbed Niragi lifted him and sprinted into the smoke with him, as the last few gunshots were heard. for a good two minutes, everyone was quiet trying to take in what just happened. "Aguni..." Arisu said with a confused tone, he was the first to break the silence, everyone kept staring into the smoke that was building up because of the flames, and their trance was broken when the all too familiar AI voice spoke up.

"Three minutes remaining in the game." Making Kuina grab my wrist and drag me out from behind the pillar. "We need to hurry!" she shouted getting everyone going, as we all approached the body, She was lifted from the ground and quickly carried out into the yard where the Fire of Judgement was standing. Quickly enough they threw her into the fire, but just before we left the building, I snuck off. I had to get the card.

And soon enough, as I kept away from the hot flames I heard the phone. "Congratulations"

I looked around for the white table where the card was normally placed, and soon I found it, a small smile was put on my face as I walk up to it, grabbed it, and let out a weak humph. "You never quit, do you?" I hear the all too familiar voice of Kuina, I glance at her for a quick moment before bringing my attention back to the card. "I was starting to think collecting these cards was pointless," I say casually, making Kuina chuckle. "And what do you think now?" she asks, "Im thinking that... we still haven't seen any of the face cards," I said taking a short break before continuing "And so what is it the game controllers want us to see?" I said making Kuina nod, "But first let's get out of here before the building collapses." I said making Kuina nod, "I like that idea, Or we become toast," she said with a laugh making me chuckle.

As I and Kuina had gotten away from the breach rather quickly we were looking for supplies, "Hey, Shiya!" I heard the familiar of Kuina say, I looked at Kuina to see her with a white zip hoodie like mine, which made me let out a weak laugh, "How can you survive with these on all the time?" she lauded while taking it off and throwing it away, to gods know where. As we were walking past a metro, I randomly looked at the mad and stopped in my tracks making Kuina stop as well. "hey, what are you looking at." she asked I didn't respond for a solid minute until it came to me, "I got it.." I said and started walking down the stairs to the metro. Kuina quickly follows me, "hey, where are we going?" she asks again. "I remembered something" taking out the piece of paper in my pocket with Scrabble on it. and gave it to her, she took it and raised an eyebrow, "huh?" she said giving it back. " I got this from a body in a game, and I found this, now it makes sense it's the map ever the subway," I said as I pointed to a map over the metro. "OH! That makes somewhat sense. "

Soon enough we found a door, and I walked up to it, opened it, and walked down. Soon we were met with a giant room, that looked like tall buildings made of screens all turned off, as I and Kuina made our way around. soon enough we heard someone else in there and I followed the voice only to see the Arisu and Usagi, "So you found this place." I say as they turn to us and as we walk out from the darkness of another room. "I expected no less from you," I said as I started making my way over to him. "Long time no see." Kuina said also making her way to the pair. "what's going on?" Usagi asked, confused about what this whole thing is.

"Thanks to you two, I have all the numbered playing cards right here. Thank you," I said with an actual smile on my face still weak but it was visible. "How did you find this place?" Arisu started, making me show the peace of paper. "It took me a while, but I figured out that this is the map of a subway station.." I said as I opened the paper for him to see the scribbles. "So what happens when we collect all the cards?" I said making a dramatic pause cuz I mean why not, before continuing I took a few steps closer to the pair in front of me "I thought coming here would provide me with an answer. But I gotta tell you, I only know one thing." Arisu quickly took the word "These people aren't the game masters, are they?" he asked already knowing my answer. "Right." was the only thing I said. "what's pretty clear is, they were all killed after our victory. They are just humans like us, and the kicker is... there's someone above them." I finished making everything silent for about 10 seconds until Usagi spoke up "So, then... Who could they be?" Usagi started sounding uncertain and so did the look on her face. "Who knows? Maybe aliens." I paused making Arisu glance at me with a weird look, I turned my head towards him finishing what I said. "Maybe god." as soon as I finished my sentence every screen turned on.

A flashing bright white light, Suddenly text reading on the screens in the middle. SPECIAL URGENT BROADCAST, and some sort of victory music playing. And then an all too familiar woman was shown on the many screens. "Congratuæations to all players." it was Mira. I made my way over to Kuina, Arisu, and Usagi quickly followed along. "Huh?" Kuina started looking quite confused. With me following along, "Oh, Mira" And she quickly continued. "Except for the face cards, you've all completed the numbers games and emerged victoriously" she took an omnibus long break, "And the prize of these sweet victories was the sacrifice of many lives." once again she took a break as the recording angle changed. "I wonder... Just how many of your close friends have died?" she took another break before standing up, "Do you remember?... the ones that were shot in the head?... That girl you burned alive... the ones struck down by lasers... or the ones who drowned?" she paused as a recording of a man screamed "HELP ME!" and she continued. "The ones whose heads were blown off?... you're friends." All different clips were playing of people dying in horrible ways by the games as she continued. "All that despair you felt... those gruesome scenes, you'll never forget them. And that... touches me," she said clearly facking it, as she removes a fake tear from her eyes.

"To all surviving players, we just wanted to give you a present" making Kuina asks the thing she wants as tho she gets an answer. "Going back to our world?" she asked knowing she does not get an answer. Soon after Mira gave us the surprise,m "There will be new games! Let's all play, and this time with all the face cards!" she exclaimed in an exciting tone. "New games?" Kuina asks disappointed. "I don't hate that idea," I said calmly, as Mira launches and continues talking. "We've got so many more wonderful and exciting games in store for you all, so be prepared. "so, then is she the game master?" Usagi asked making Kuina speak up once again. "I think id rather see an alien up there," she said as Mira starts talking again. "The next stage starts tomorrow when the clock strikes noon. Let's have some fun, all together!" "So we have to fight once again," Usagi says not liking that idea. "Yeah" Arisu replies. "but there is one difference" he took a break making Usagi look at him. "Now we know what our target looks like," he said.

We quickly made our way up from the Subway or metro, to see fireworks exploding in the sky in the middle of the day, once we got up we are in Shibuya center street, and a big sign turns on. White background with the text saying. "Next stage." as big air balloons start floating holding a face card. "that's where we'll find our answers. Arisu said, making us all look at him. "welp bring it on, then!" Kuina says confidently.


HELL YEAH! now onto "season 2" more descriptions it's gonna be a pain, BUT WORTH IT! I hope you enjoy this chapter it took forever to write, I finished this at like 05:05 am, and only just edited it XD welp have fun!

Word counst: 4552

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