Winchestered 2 (Sequel)

By ShaYoongi

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One day Trisha magically appeared in a world were her dreams and fears came true. After love affairs and loos... More



159 9 1
By ShaYoongi

Deans POV


"Where is it!" I shout at the demons face as Sam stares in the background. "Where the fuck is it?" I punch the brown haired demon in his dirty face and pour holy water on his head.

He screams in pain but he knows nothing of it.

I finally know where she is and I am not quitting here, oh hell no I am not quitting here.

There's a gate to hell in a forest in Gothenburg, Sweden. And I am right beside it, but I need a key. I NEED A FUCKING KEY.

I flew all this way for a god damn door that won't open unless I have a key.

Death told me that I already had what I needed to go to Hell through this portal but for god sakes, he didn't mention a key!

"I.. D-DON'T HAVE IT SIR" The Swedish demon begs. Oddly, his accent wasn't the swedish english that I thought he would have. He had a british accent. "I PROMISE TO YA"

I turned the bottle of holy water upsidedown on his head and let the holy water shower his burning body. He screams yet again. Sam just turns around and sighs.

If I wasn't this angry and frustrated, I would have enjoyed this place. They've got hot chicks walking down every corner and Sam seems to enjoy it since he bloody looks like Thor.

But I don't even look twice, we went straight to this place when we landet. Yes we took a plane since neither Castiel or Crowley answers our calls. It's like they both took a trip to fucking middle ages where phones were but a fiction of their imagination.

I ask for Sam to through me the second bottle of holy water, he hesitates.

"It's our last bottle Dean" He sighs. I just glare at him, in silent for a few seconds and he tossed me the bottle. I open it with my mouth and the demon yelps.

"Bloody hell mate, I don't have the key, I swear on my life"

I look at him for a second. I guess he doesn't then. I loosen my grip on him and see how his face calms down. Though before he could go anywhere, I threw the first blade and it fit his shoulder. His body shone and he fell to the floor.

What now? I ask myself. I sit down on the cold, ground and dig my face in my hands. What the fuck now. I Just killed the keeper for the gate... he was supposed to be the only one with the key besides from Crowley.


"Shhh" says Sam while waving his hand. "There's someone here"

I stand up, pick my blade out of the keeper demons shoulder and walk slowly to Sam. We're both quiet, I hear it. There's someone here with us. And I won't say the whole 'It's quiet, too quiet' speech.

But whenever me and Sam feel like there is someone watching us, there usually is someone watching us.

A sudden burning sensation explodes on the mark on my right arm. I grip it tightly with my free hand but my legs get weak. As I fell on my knees, I saw a shadow on the left corner of my eye. Everything is slowing down, I can see how Sam slowly moves his way towards me.

Slow Motion. I feel so light... what is going on. I feel like I can move my head faster than Sam can move his arm. Everything is in slow motion but me. I stand up, I walk up to Sams body. He's still staring at the spot where I fell on my knees.

I wave my hand in front of his face, he doesn't react. His body moves slowly. I look at the trees surrounding us. The gate made a perfect circle in which we stand in, there's miles of forests in every direction from here. The full moon is shining brightly almost right above us.

I hear a branch snap. My head turns 180 degrees. The person or thing is still here. I walk to the sound but when I came to where the sound was heard, it appeared to be surrounding me. The sound of wind and branches breaking came from every where. As if someone is running around me in super speed.

I then see it, a shadow with glowing eyes. Though I couldn't keep my eyes on it. It's like it was making me not being to look directly at it.

It threw something right in front of me. Something metalic it seemed. Right then, when the thing made contact with the ground, I snapped.

When I opened my eyes again, I was on the ground, exactly where I was when my arm burned, as if I haven't moved the slightest bit.

"Are you okay?" Sam asks as he tries to help me up. But I push him away and starts digging.

"It has to be here" He threw it, I knew he did. It has to be here! I start moving my hands around in every direction, desperate to find it.

"What has to be here?" Sam asks, confused.

I FOUND IT! I knew it was it! The key!

"What the..." Sam curses.

I stand up with the old, but fancy metalic key and laugh. Finally! Sam snatched the key from my hand and inspects it. He turns it in every single way then looks up at me, nodding.

"It's legit" He says. "How did you know..?" He asks.

"I don't know" I respond. I don't even know myself...


Sorry for the short chapter guys! I just wanted to post something quick to get your hopes and mine up! I will have a lot of time to write now since I'm on summer break (2 months) Anyways, have a lovely day readers who stick by this and me and continue reading even thought you were without an update for months! I love you guys, dearly!

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