The Dragon and the Rose // Ae...

By 01elissa

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Viserra Targaryen was born with death. With her birth causing the death of her mother Queen Alicent Viserra h... More

Cast and Characters
Act I: Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Act 2: Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 4

288 14 0
By 01elissa

Viserra woke early the next morning, she wanted to explore the seaside castle before everyone else woke up. She dressed herself in a soft blue dress and quietly left her chambers. She walked down the corridors silently taking in the various decorations and portraits adorned on the stone walls.

 She came across a family portrait of the Velaryon's that made her pause. It was a portrait of Lord Corlys and Princess Rhaenys sitting on a chaise with Laenor and Laena standing beside them. They all looked so happy and carefree, a true family Viserra thought. Not like hers, cracked and as rough as the Narrow Sea. 

Viserra continued walking through the halls and corridors hoping to find some kind of secret entrance or false door that would lead her to some magical place. She'd always read stories about girls falling into the most magnificent and beautiful of places. 

Once she'd read a story of a girl names Deanna who found a long lost sword in a secret garden and then slayed a great beast with it. Viserra sometimes found herself wishing that she could leave her life and enter a new one filled with beautiful places and good food. 

Soon enough Viserra decided came across the vast library in Driftmark and nearly fainted. As she entered in she basked in the scent of parchment and ink and she looked up at columns and columns of books, each of varying sizes and shapes. The library's roof was arched and Viserra could see the beams that held it in place. While the rest of Driftmark was a rather cold palette of colors, the library was warm and felt like home. A large hearth burned logs, making the place the perfect temperature for someone to sit comfortably. 

"Do they not have good libraries in the Keep anymore?" Prince Daemon asked out of the corner where he was sitting with a book in his lap as she watched Viserra. His voice made her gasp in surprise before she quickly recovered placing a smile on her face. 

"Good morrow Prince Daemon" she said warmly, the man laughed at her formality. 

"Answer the question" he urged her. "Well" Viserra began "The Keep dedicates more space to other things which is unfortunate. This place is..." she trialed off "Magical?" Daemon completed for her. 

"Yes" Viserra affirmed "It is".

 The Prince smiled at her "Well if you think this library is grand then I'm sure you'd love the one on Dragonstone. It's double this size" he claimed proudly. 

Viserra grinned, already thinking of it she didn't even notice herself sitting down beside Daemon. 

"Tell me more of it?" she asked. Daemon obliged happily, they spent the rest of the morning talking about Dragonstone and its history. 

Viserra found Prince Daemon to be nothing like how he was rumored to be. He was always painted as a violent and ruthless man but the Daemon she spoke to was charming, quick witted and intelligent. Though she supposed that those traits were not mutually exclusive. 

Viserra barely noticed that the sun had already risen by the time the two made their way to the dining rooms to break fast. She realized how long they'd been talking when they came into the dining rooms while everyone was already seated. All eyes turned their way as Viserra and Daemon took their seats. Viserra made eye contact with Aemond, and they both blushed profusely. Aemond gave her an apologetic smile to which Viserra simply nodded. 

The mood was grim. Nobody truly spoke, any silvers of conversation quickly faded. Lady Laena's death was felt exceedingly. There were two empty chairs beside Luke, Baela and Rhaena had chosen to stay in their rooms. Viserra's heart ached for the girls. Her own mother died yes but Queen Alicent had died when Viserra was born, she could not miss someone she did not know. But Baela and Rhaena lost their mother only so recently, and now they were expected to sit amongst others and pretend that they were alright. Viserra felt like an intruder in their home despite how much she liked it.  She would make it a point to visit them soon.

Breakfast ended promptly, Viserra and Helaena walked down the beach collecting seashells and chasing down the sea gulls. 

"I've got another pink one!" her sister claimed excitedly, Viserra had her own little collection. Both girls had stuffed their pockets with shells and other rocks planning to make an extensive collection of necklaces and earrings. 

The girls sat on a rock, Viserra's head lay on Helaena's lap as the older girl braided the shells into Viserra's hair. "Do you think Rhaenyra would like one too?" Viserra asked her sister. Helaena hummed in thought. 

"Yes I'm sure she would" Helaena replied softly. Viserra closed her eyes and let out a happy sigh as her sister's gentle fingers caressed her hair. 

"Can I ask you something sister?" she asked her sister quietly, Helaena gave a confirming sound "Mhmm". Viserra sat up and looked at her sister "Do you think I'll ever have a dragon?". The question had been plaguing her mind for a while now, seeing Prince Daemon with his mount filled Viserra with a deep envy. Helaena was silent for a while before she spoke up again. 

"You would have to claim one I suppose, though there aren't many adult dragons in King's Landing". She thought again for a while, "Maybe you could ask our sister to allow you to visit Dragonstone, there are many unclaimed dragons there". 

Viserra barked a laugh "And what then Hel? Will I claim the Cannibal? Perhaps before he burns me to cinders". Helaena laughed with her, "Well your always welcome to ride on Dreamfyre with me". Viserra loved spending time with Helaena, she was such a pure soul. They spent more than a few hours on the beach as they did each other's hair. By the time they headed back to the castle it was well past afternoon. Viserra decided to see Baela and Rhaena in their chambers. 

She stood outside their chambers hesitating to knock, what if they didn't like her? Viserra knew that Aemond did not like her very much and Aegon hated everyone. She really was only close with her sisters and Ser Tristane was too polite to say anything ill about her. She swallowed thickly contemplating what to say to the girls, they had just lost their mother they probably didn't need another person coming to bother them. 

Viserra straightened and knocked on the door thrice waiting with a warm smile for her cousins. The door opened slightly, with Rhaena the younger one of the two peeking out from the gap. Viserra smiled wider.

 "Hi cousin!" she said cheerfully, Rhaena's eyes widened in shock taking in Viserra's jovial mood so much unlike everyone else who came to visit them thus far. 

"Um, hello Viserra" Rhaena said politely. Viserra took a slight step forward, "Would it be alright if I came in"? Rhaena quirked a brow at Viserra's boldness before nodding and opening the door completely letting Viserra pass. 

Viserra marveled at their chambers, the room's walls were a soft blue with flower patterns on them and the beds were large and spacious with white sheets. The window to the balcony was open leaving a lovely view of the ocean and the crisp smell of sea salt. 

"What do you want"? Baela the elder sister barked at Viserra. Viserra raised her hands in a peaceful gesture "I just came to-" she didn't get to finish before Baela cut her off "Let me guess you've come to offer your condolences. Well you have now you may leave". 

"Baela", Rhaena said sternly. Viserra rolled her eyes "If you'd let me finish you'd know that I came to see if you would like some company, perhaps we could go on the beach I'm sure you can show me the crystal grottoes that everyone gushes over" she said expectantly. 

Both girls seemed visibly surprised but to Viserra's shock Baela stood up and sighed "Well then we better get going". 

The girls walked for gods know how long. They went to the foot of the cliffs, the sun beating down on them and the sand ruining their clothes, or rather her clothes Baela and Rhaena walked across the sand as if it were solid ground. Viserra supposed that for them it was, they might have grown up in Pentos but they were of Velaryon blood and the Velaryon's were of the sea. 

The silence between the three of them was rather uncomfortable. Usually Viserra loved to fill the void with her endless chatter and small talk, but thus far all her attempts to make conversation were quickly shut down by Baela who seemed to be in no mood for speaking. Viserra told herself to be patient, the girls just lost their mother she should be grateful that they were speaking to her at all. 

They reached the caves eventually and when they went inside Viserra gasped. The caves were dark indeed and yet it was perfectly illuminated. The stalactites were shone with a beautiful white light, it was as if the very stars were in the caves. 

"It's...magnificent" Viserra exclaimed, her eyes not leaving the wondrous cave, "It is isn't it, whenever we visited Driftmark we would always hide here" Rhaena said wistfully. Even Baela smiled before saying "Our mother used to bring us here, there's a little pool if we go deeper Rhaena and I used to play there all the time". 

Viserra turned to them with a mischievous look in her eyes before lifting her dress and walking deeper into the cave. 

"Where are you off to"? Baela asked worryingly, Viserra looked back at her "Well I want to see all of it". Baela raised her eyebrows before breaking off into a hearty laugh. "I was hoping you'd say that". 

Soon enough all three girls sat in the pool, their clothes laid closely beside them as they splashed water onto each other and giggled. 

"Moondancer is growing rather well, but I want her to be larger than Vermax" Baela said, proudly. "Is that part of some weird competition you have with Jace"? Viserra asked her. 

Baela rolled her eyes dramatically making Viserra and Rhaena laugh "You and Jace make a fine couple" Rhaena jested. 

Baela gasped dramatically splashing her sister, "Keep going Rhaena and I'll tell everyone how big of a crush you have on Luke". 

Rhaena turned red a tomato and Viserra shrieked with delight and laughter "Fancy being the next lady of Driftmark do you Rhaena"? Viserra jested. 

Baela laughed with her but Viserra turned to her as well "And you, future Queen of the Seven Kingdoms huh"? she asked sarcasm dripping from her voice. 

"I suppose Queen Baela Targaryen has a nice ring to it.". Baela said confidently, to which Viserra nodded, "Indeed it does cousin you would make a lovely Queen I'm sure". 

"What of you Viserra"? Rhaena questioned both girls' eyes turned to Viserra, she paused to consider. 

"Well I suppose I'd be content staying at the Keep but I would love to live on Dragonstone with all the other wild dragons and just be free.". She sighed wistfully. 

"Do you not wish to marry"? Baela asked cocking her head to the side, incredibly similar to her father. "I am not averse to marriage but I would like to marry for love not just for duty".

Both the girls nodded in understanding. Viserra liked having more girls her age to talk to, Helaena was betrothed to Aegon and was often caught up in a world of her own. Viserra never asked her sister about her betrothal since neither Aegon or Helaena wanted the marriage. 

She also felt too awkward to ask Rhaenyra, as the heir to the throne Rhaenyra had much more of a choice than anyone else, she married Laenor of her own volition and it was clear by her son's births that it did not stop her from seeking pleasure from another man. Viserra knew of the rumors surrounding Jace, Luke and Joffrey. She chose to ignore them, surely her sister had a reason for why things were as they were, Rhaenyra was not the type to forsake her duty and vows on frivolous things. 

Soon enough the girls headed back to the castle hand in hand laughing and smiling. Viserra knew that it wasn't permanent. When they would arrive at the castle the girls would remember why they all were here in the first place. But still Viserra was happy that she got to bond with her cousins and give them some comfort during their mourning. Just before they entered the dining rooms for supper Viserra paused placing each hand on the girls. 

"Should you ever need anything, even just a friend to talk to I am always here". She shook their hands firmly before pulling them into a warm hug. 

"Thank you...for today. We needed a break from all this" Baela said softly. 

"Will...will you be joining us for supper this evening"? Viserra asked them. 

"We-" Baela began, "Yes we will" Rhaena cut in earning a glare from her sister. Viserra chuckled "Well then lets head in". 

With that the three girls went into the dining rooms sitting down beside one another, the only people in the room were Daemon, Rhaenyra and Lord Vaemond. Lord Vaemond's face was twisted into a sneer but as soon as the girls came in his eyes warmed and his face bore a smile for his nieces. Daemon stood up and approached his daughters silently. Viserra moved to sit next to Rhaenyra as Daemon and his daughters had a private conversation. 

"Were you with them Viserra"? Rhaenyra asked looking at her youngest sister. Viserra beamed "Yes we spent the evening together by the beach". Rhaenyra smiled at her sister's kindness. 

"I'm proud of you sweet girl for taking that step. The girls seem to be in much better spirits". 

Then Rhaenyra herself stood up and approached the girls embracing them just as Viserra had moments ago. It was then when Viserra realized where her longing for physical affection came from. Rhaenyra always hugged her and held her hand or patted her back. 

Viserra tried to be affectionate with Helaena but she didn't like to be touched a lot. Aemond seemed to be allergic to her presence and Aegon was...something else. Perhaps that was why Viserra enjoyed flowers so much. Just like her, flowers needed warmth and love to survive she wished her family were more affectionate. 

Soon enough the others came in, Jace and Luke sat beside Viserra while her Helaena and Aegon sat across from her. Her grandfather came in, his lips twisted into a frown as he saw Viserra sitting beside Rhaenyra and her children instead of with her siblings. 

Once they were all seated and the food was brought out, Viserra dug in realizing how hungry she was she was enjoying herself until her grandfather decided to make a remark at her. 

"Viserra you ought to eat slower" he said sharply. 

An odd silence descended upon the room. Viserra went red with embarrassment before muttering a small apology. Everyone looked at her with pity, Aemond in particular and that hurt more than her grandfather's words. But it was Daemon who seemed irritated and spoke on her behalf. 

"Last time I checked Princess Viserra is of a higher station than you, Hand. It is you who ought to address her with more respect." he spat at her grandfather. 

Viserra felt a little better having Daemon defend her but she still hated the look of pity on everyone's eyes. Aegon was on his third glass of wine, why hadn't anyone reprimanded him? Even her own father did not object to her grandfather's remarks, and it wasn't the first time her grandfather had said such a thing. But for some reason, she had the urge to constantly defend him. He was her family after all. And he seemed to be the only person who gave her the attention that she always wanted. Even if it was only for himself. 

Viserra knew that her grandfather was playing some kind of long game, and everyone in this room was caught in his web of manipulation. But how could she disentangle from the web that had kept her warm from the icy depths of the world. That held her close when storms raged on. Even if the miniscule threads and silk pierced her and cut her she could not leave them. At least not in one piece. 

Ok so Viserra knows that Otto is a master manipulator and that he's doing...something but what????? 

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