
By Mikayla14356

372 14 13

Frankie has been on this Earth for quite some time. Being a rare, one of a kind species has its perks. And i... More

Before You Start
Prologue: Frankie
Chapter One: Frankie
Chapter Two: Steele
Chapter Three: Frankie
Chapter Four: Steele
Chapter Five: Frankie
Chapter Six: Steele
Chapter Seven: Frankie
Chapter Eight: Steele/Frankie
Chapter Nine: Steele
Chapter Ten: Frankie
Chapter Eleven: Steele/Frankie

Prologue: Steele

38 1 0
By Mikayla14356

I slammed the rogue against a tree and growled in his face. With no hesitation, I snapped his neck. No mercy, no waiting. I wasn't wasting my time. 

I turned towards the rest of the rogues and growled loudly. They ran away, whimpering in fear. 

Weak bastards. 

I transport back to my house that was secluded from people.

I opened the door and closed it immediately. I leaned against the door and sighed. Another day has gone by.

Another day where I'm slowly losing myself and my wolf.

I started sliding down the door until I was seated on the ground.

I was just so tired. So tired of everything going on around me. I realized all the pain I was causing other people. I should feel guilty.

All I feel is that I'm not satisfied. I haven't done enough.

Enough blood has not been shed.

My wolf felt that by killing the bad, I was saving the good.

But where does that leave me? Am I doing good? Am I doing what my father wanted me to do?

He left his pack in my hands; he trusted me to keep them safe, no matter what the cost was.

And I have. I have protected them.

Yet, I destroyed myself in the process.

I walked up the stairs and into my bathroom. I rinsed the blood off my hands and started my shower. I showered for twenty minutes and after I was finished, I still felt dirty.

The guilt was starting to kill me.

What if they had a family? What if they had a mate and had people to protect and take care of? I just ruined that family.

Why should they deserve a family if you don't? Why should they be able to have a mate and love while we sit here in misery?  Sebastian, my wolf, snarled.

Everyone should have the chance to find love, Seb. Everyone should have the chance to stay with their family.

He just growled at me.

Shut up, you dumb human. This is a world of survival. The fittest survive, the weak die. It's simple. This is what you must do. Do you want to be the next one dead? Do you want to join your family?

Seb, it's not what Dad wanted. That's not who he wanted me to be.

Your father is DEAD! Your mother is DEAD!! Your brothers, your sisters, they're all dead! This is why we kill, this is why we are this way! They did this, the vampires and the rogues! We are avenging them! This is what your father wanted! He wanted you to protect the pack and you failed! You failed and your family is dead!

I sighed and walked into my office. I stared at the picture of my parents on the wall next to all my ancestors.

Ryland and Lela Blackwell-McDaniels.

They didn't deserve to go. It wasn't their time. They were great parents, it wasn't supposed to be this way.

The rogues and vampires killed the only things in this world that held my happiness.

I will show no mercy.

I will show no pain.

I will destroy who did this.

I will hunt them down and kill them.

It's my responsibility to them.




I heard pounding on my front door. I transported and opened the door, grasping my hand around their neck.

It was my beta, Garrett, my aunt's son. He started clawing at my hands but I wouldn't let go.

"Why are you here at such an ungodly hour?" I asked in a low, dark voice. He tried to speak but because I was choking him, he couldn't speak. I let go and he fell to the ground, gasping.

"I found a rogue who knows something about your family," he said after he caught his breath. I stepped over him and transported to the pack house. I started pacing on the porch, waiting for Garrett. He showed up ten minutes later, panting.

"Well, hurry up. I don't have time for this. It's only four in the morning," I said at him and headed inside. I looked back to see him looking at me like I had four heads before scrambling in after me.

I head downstairs into the basement. I stick my hand out, for which Garrett places the keys to the dungeon in my hand. I open the door and start walking down the long hallway. I use my nose to sniff out the rogue. I stop in front of their cell.

The rogue was crouched in the corner. By the scent, it was a male. They didn't look up when I approached.

"State your name, rogue, or I'll kill you in an instance." He started to laugh.

"You really don't recognize me, brother?" I narrowed my eyes as the rogue stood up and slowly walked out of the shadows. I growled at the person.


He smirked at me.

"Hello, brother."


Here's Steele's POV. I'm sorry I haven't updated, but this wedding ruined everything.

Anyways, love you all!! *insert kissy emoji*

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