Ultimate!M!Reader x Danganron...

By NagitoKomaeda6

11K 344 91

"There were 17... then 16... then 14... then 12... then 9... then 8... and then 7... Even if a tragedy were... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5 (2/2)

Chapter 4 (1/2)

407 22 12
By NagitoKomaeda6

[3rd Person POV]

"Ahh... There's nothing happening right now..."

Y/N lay face down in the middle of the floor in his home, the boy had been bored out of his mind for the past few days, having nothing of note happening right now.

Although Kirigiri suggested Y/N that they go shopping before the school semester at Hope's Peak starts, it was months away before just that, so the Information Broker had ample amount of time to do absolutely nothing. All the excitement of everything that's about to happen on that same school year just has to wait, which left Y/N finding the need to do something else.

He rolled and tossed around the floor, just to keep himself from dying out of boredom, when a voice very familiar to him suddenly spoke from above.

"Is that why you have resigned yourself to being a floor mat?"

Looking up, Y/N was met with Celestia Ludenberg's red eyes. She was in a crouched position just above his head, with her cheek resting on her hand, and her elbow resting on her knee. A tender smile was gracing her face as an expression, which might not mean much to others, but just that simple genuine gesture meant the world to the two involved.

"Being floor mat is leagues more interesting than living right now."

Celestia gave a small giggle.

"Mhmm... Then I assume you won't be able to accompany me, then?"

Y/N immediately sat up, and turned to look at the gambler, his eyes already sparkling with interest.

"You're gonna scam people!?"

"That is rather uncouth of you to call it that. There are just a few people who would like to try their luck against me."

"Ooooohhh! When? When?!"

"Tonight. So make sure to dress formally."

The Broker lay back on the ground and stretched both his arms and legs with a happy smile on his face. A simple declaration of victory over his boredom.

Celeste was reminded of their cat, Grand-Bois Cheri Ludenberg, who is currently asleep on the couch nearby.

Y/N stood up from the ground and dusted himself off.

"Must be a pretty dangerous place that you're asking me to come along."

"I have yet to ask, dear. Of course, you are welcome to invite yourself."

"Sneaky. But you already know I'm coming with you either way."

Celeste looked content with Y/N's response and simply hummed a tune.

"Now that I think about it... It's been 4 years, huh?"

Y/N suddenly spoke, Celeste knew exactly what he was talking about, and it's a topic they seldom talk about, although she doesn't mind it coming from him, it's something she prefers to never see the light of day.

"Now what got you reminiscing about the past, dear?"

"I mean, it's a night where you're gambling against dangerous people that got us introduced, right?? Not only that, but we effectively killed someone too. That someone being..."

"I know. Vividly so. But you know how much I detest speaking or being reminded of it."

"Yeah, but look what came out of it! Everything you have now is simply because of that very faithful meeting and the events that unfolded after..."


*3 years ago...*

"I certainly have done it now..."

A young girl walked through the bustling city, her jet black hair and piercing red eyes serving as an irresistible match that brought about awe and fear.

This girl's name was Yasuhiro Taeko, a name she had grown to despise as with time, believing it to be unfit of her grace and royalty...

...at least, that's what she's led herself to believe. The girl had always dreamed of a lavish life complete with all the "necessities" that would serve as marks of her desired lifestyle; a mansion, handsome vampire butlers.

As delusional as it seems, nothing seemed to deter Taeko from her goals, and she would do questionable means to achieve it, such as involving herself with underground activities such as gambling her life in order to earn a large sum.

But as expected, this would get her tangled up with some dangerous people; even though she served under a fake name, it didn't take time for some of the dangerous people she played and won against to find out her identity, therefore threatening her life. They also threatened her family, but she didn't really care... She saw them as nothing more than obstacles holding her back from achieving her preferred lifestyle and had since detached herself from them.

She never learned to love them, and she knows as much that they reciprocated that feeling.

The reason for her fast-walking under the city is due to having only won another battle with a rich man who had ties with the Mafia, she believed it was a distraction tactic until they flat out whispered her identity in her ear, causing her to almost lose, but thankfully she was able to save face and achieve a victory.

Now she was faced with another obstacle, a threat against her life. Obviously, the man did not take the loss kindly.

And as an effect of that threat, Yasuhiro had felt nothing but eyes on her ever since she left the place where she gambled at.

This was something Taeko always hated in settings like this. You go underground to conduct illegal activities, but get mad when you lose to someone against said illegal activity. Then again, taking someone's life is also an illegal activity, but it isn't explicitly said to be allowed underground. It may be just a tactic to discourage anyone from doing so, but not to completely bar someone from doing it. Especially if the ones doing it may be highly influential on both status and financial.

Taeko shook all the unwanted thoughts in her head and instead tried to think of something to do. She has no qualms setting up a murder, but how exactly would she do it? Sure she has influence, but it's not at a level where anyone would be willing to kill for her, or would she be able to commit herself and have people look away. There's also the fact that touching people who have connections is one way to have other people also gunning for your life, she already has enough on her plate.

Going to the authorities is also a no-go, the simple reason being they can be paid hush money, or they may find out about her too.

Taeko ultimately stopped her walk by a station at Shinjuku, attempting to catch her breath as she did so, and while eyes were still on her, she felt as if she was somewhat safe for now, although she couldn't point out why.

"I'm surprised. I knew lots of people online who would claim to have the world against them. However, people who actually are, are quite silent about it and prefer an impromptu plan like, to make haste as far away as possible."

A voice of a rather young boy laughed, he was leaning on one of the posts with his arms inside his pockets.

The boy that caught Taeko's attention was someone of no high stature, she's probably taller than him by an inch; he wore a long hoodie with a shirt inside, pants whose edges are tucked inside his long boots that reached under his knees.

Things to immediately take note of is his good looks countered by his weird way of talking, but he carries himself charmingly which led Taeko to believe that he probably is aware of his good looks and how it could be used to affect others.

"Ah, people really exceed my expectations. It seems like You're the type to dream about escaping everyday and mundane life, hmm? But don't you think there's a stopping point as to where the supposed interesting life becomes routine for you too? Maybe in about six months or so."

This person was talking a lot, but he was able to pick out what she was trying to avoid the most, being mundane. She wanted to be unique, special, which is why she pursued royalty.

"Don't you think the only trick is to just be satisfied with the way things are? Life does have it's ups and downs after all, so maybe find thrill in that. Then again, it's entirely human nature to find exciting things. But the question is..."

The boy hopped off the platform that he was standing on to approach Taeko.

"How much do you hate your life, I wonder? Would it be enough that you would want to gladly die for it?"

He handed Taeko a piece of paper after the question to which she hesitantly took. She had said nothing to him, finding no openings to speak her mind, not only because he was babbling so much, but because she was thinking that he was one of those after her. Though it was a first for her to have seen someone who's as young as her in the scene.

Taeko read the paper, and on it was written a link, presumably to a chat room with the way the link is presented.

On top of the link was a single word written...


a name.

There are many things running across her mind, but she ultimately decided to continue her walk, she had stayed in one place for too long after all.

A while later, Taeko had arrived at where she was staying at currently, but judging by today's events, she may need to move soon, and as far away as possible, but that would also mean giving up her dreams which would ultimately lead her to having nothing.

It's such a wake-up call that having someone powerful decide on her life just like that is enough to ruin everything for her. She lamented her powerlessness at the situation, although she could attempt at doing something, there was no merit in doing so, as the chances of anything working were low or none at all. Nothing good ever comes out of some people knowing who she is, she loses all leverage from that, although not everyone uses fake names and identities, it's the only advantage she has in order for her lies to work.

If only there was a way... to change everything about her...

If only she could be reborn as someone else entirely... After all, just pretending to be someone else is never enough.

No, do not think that way. It's avoiding that kind of thinking that has led her this far. It's as if she's gambling again, her life as the bet she uses as always. It's not ever until all her cards are exhausted.

She clutched the paper she had dropped on the table near her, staring at it briefly before moving to her laptop and typing in the necessary information into accessing the link provided to her by the strange boy.

As the page loaded, she had second thoughts about her decision, but the moment the chat room showed is when she finally made up her mind to go all-in. She may as well win or die trying.

A simple "Hello" was all she sent, and it didn't take long for her conversation partner to come online and reply.

"You must be in deep trouble to have accessed the invite so quickly."

The reply under the name "Kurome" had an extra effect on her pride, but she needed to swallow that for now, she still has yet to know the services this person may offer her.

"So, what seems to be troubling you? Anything you need done?"

"What exactly do you offer? What do you do?"

"I'm an Information Broker, but there are things outside of my job description that I do."

Taeko's thoughts ran with questions, but also desires... How legit was this person? Most importantly, are they truly able to do things that she wants done? This seemed too good to be true if so. But there isn't much option that she could do. As far as she knows, her life is on a countdown.

With a breath, she typed...

"Are you able to completely change someone's identity?"


A simple response, not giving out too much info. Such a response was a tactic to prompt the receiver into probing more answers out of the sender or... more requests.

Taeko was well-aware of this and her curiosity peaked even further, but the danger she put herself in also dawned on her.

"How about protection?"

"Protection on those who would find out your former identity? Or those who are after you now?"


"That can be arranged."

"How much is this going to cost?"

"Rather than a simple transaction, let me ask you a question."

Seeing this made Taeko feel a sense of dread at the same time made her feel somewhat... comforted? No... It's as if something is becoming a turning point in her life, but she's not sure what, in any case, Kurome didn't take a while before replying...

"You see, I am absolutely fascinated by how people act in certain situations, so seeing you develop like this is enough for me. After all, the fun is priceless."

"Now, for the question, and you need to answer quickly, time is rather valuable..."

Right then and there, a pit on her stomach was made as Kurome asked a simple question.

"Are you willing to die for this?"

A question that ran and repeated inside her head.

This was an "all-or-nothing" situation for her. As she had done prior to starting this conversation, Taeko took a deep breath and replied...


"Alright. I look forward to it."

Kurome is now offline.

Taeko stared at the screen, she doesn't know what will happen next, nor does she have the same excitement as her conversation partner potentially possessed.

Minutes turned into hours, and Taeko was unable to rest easy, although she had long changed into something more comfortable, her sleepwear, despite the fact that she would be unable to sleep due to everything that had happened.

If she were really to get past this, it'd be a learning experience, she'd find out how to handle herself better to avoid situations like this.

First thing to note is immediately trying to find out about the person she's against and immediately playing into their weaknesses. The human mind is very complex and she can use her ability to lie and manipulate, a skill she has much pride on, even if she had to play the damsel in such scenarios.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a simple knock on her door. Immediately she felt her stomach turn, and nervousness set in, but she was able to appear convincing that nothing bothered her at all.

She went on to reach the doorknob, and before she could open, it was broken down and immediately she was held and a cloth placed on her nose.

Just as she was about to pass out, there she saw him... The rich man responsible for all of this.

It seems that whatever she tried to do had failed, and she ultimately fell into the hands of the person she was trying to avoid.

A single thought was made before she fell unconscious...

...how were they able to locate her so quickly?


Celestia and Y/N's past 1/2, this was set in were Celeste had only recently started as a gambler, and it had been a while since Y/N made his start as a broker, this was also after he had met Kyoko.

I also wanted to humanize Celeste a bit, since our Celeste here is the type that overthinks when she's alone, that's where our Broker comes in!

Also, it's been a while! Hope everybody's doing okay! I'm really sorry for the inactivity, it's just that time's are tough and College is even tougher :(

-Mod Ibuki

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