wildflowers | ot6 + yoongi

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Min Yoongi gets into his dream university after being homeschooled his whole life. Because of Yoongi's natura... Higit pa

Chapter One - The Music Club
Chapter Two - Newfound Friendship
Chapter Three - The Dance Captain
Chapter Four - The First Clash
Chapter Five - An Angel With The Piano
Chapter Six - Hair Clips, Dance, and Some Revelations

Chapter Seven - His Muse

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Taehyung spends a lot of his time in the courtyard. It's his favorite place in the university because it's a lot quieter there than the hallways or the classrooms. Taehyung has always valued these quiet moments because it gives him the time and peace of mind to think about many things going on in his life, and sometimes, if he's lucky, he even gets inspiration from those moments of silence.

Another thing that he loves about the courtyard is that it's just a beautiful place to be in. As someone obsessed with photography to the point where he even decided to study it in college, the courtyard is an excellent place to take beautiful photos. Most people there are just minding their own business and not staring at Taehyung with judgment in their eyes as if he's doing something illegal in public.

The scenery is gorgeous. The lighting is excellent. The colors are pleasing to look at. Taehyung loves every single part of it.

So today, because he has some free time for an hour and a half between classes, he decides to go to the courtyard and stay there for a while, maybe even take a few pictures if he's inspired enough.

Thankfully, the sun is out when he gets there. He always fears that it would rain and he would have to be stuck indoors with way too many people who are clearly agitated by the bad weather, talking loudly and making Taehyung's head hurt.

But that's not how it is today.

Today, it's a good day, and Taehyung will make the most of it - at least until he has to leave and attend his classes again, and in this case, one that he doesn't particularly enjoy because he shares it with some cocky people who always unintentionally ruins Taehyung's day just by existing.

Taehyung sits on an empty bench, away from the most crowded part, where a group of friends seems to be gathered. Taehyung is a bit annoyed that they're here and being loud when Taehyung considers this place as his safe haven in the university, but it's not like he can tell them to leave. He doesn't own the place. He's not authorized to do that. The best he can do is just ignore them and try to focus on his own thing, which is taking photos and admiring the view.

And that's precisely what Taehyung does. He tunes the loud conversations out and focuses on his camera, which he loves so much and is probably his most prized possession. He bought it himself because he wanted to study photography - he knew his parents wouldn't buy it for him. Taehyung had to work part-time during his last year in high school just to save up for this camera, which seemed stupid to his high school friends because Taehyung came from a moderately wealthy family who could definitely buy that camera for him without him having to lift a finger. But they were never supportive of the path he wanted to take, so Taehyung stubbornly did it himself. And he managed just fine. He's studying photography now, and he has the precious camera in his hands.

Taehyung sees some birds perched on the branch of a tree across from him, and he quickly snaps a few photos of them, smiling fondly as he looks at the pictures he took. They're not the best. He's not the best photography student, but he likes the photos, and that's what matters to him right now. This is not for homework or a project, or his portfolio. This is just for himself. He only has himself to please - this is what he reminds himself of every time so he wouldn't have any negative feelings upon seeing the photos he takes, which is always less than satisfying.

Taehyung lifts his camera again, trying to drown out his thoughts by focusing on the task at hand, and as he looks through the viewfinder, he realizes that his camera is still focused on the tree in front of him, but this time, he's not looking at the birds. No, this is very different from the birds. His camera is pointed at a man under the tree. The man is crouching and smiling softly as he pets a stray cat in front of him.

Taehyung pulls back from the viewfinder and looks at the man with his own eyes instead. He watches as the man reaches for his bag, rummages through it, and his eyes light up as he finally finds what he's looking for. The man takes out what seems to be his lunchbox, opens it, and takes the scrambled egg before placing it on the ground in front of the cat. The cat doesn't hesitate at all, feasting on the food generously given to it, while the man smiles fondly as he watches the cat eat.

It's a strange sight to see. Taehyung has definitely never seen a man in the university feed a cat so happily before. Sure, Taehyung can imagine some people giving their leftovers to strays, but this man in particular is sharing his untouched food with the cat as if it's his friend and not just a random stray cat he happened to stumble upon. Based solely on the clothes he was wearing and the way he looked, Taehyung could already guess that the man came from a wealthy family, so the fact that this guy was just casually touching stray cats and looking at it so lovingly as if its mere existence is enough to give him immense happiness is a bit weird for Taehyung. But the guy being rich might explain why he's generous with the food. If he's rich, then there's no problem with him giving the cat even his whole lunchbox because he can probably afford something better.

It's a pleasant sight to see, though. It's definitely better than watching those noisy students banter and play fight with each other. At least this scene is wholesome, and the guy - he's very easy on the eyes. Taehyung finds him interesting to look at. Too interesting, in fact, that Taehyung couldn't stop himself from lifting his camera again, turning off the flash not to startle the guy, looking through the viewfinder, and taking a picture of the man looking fondly at the cat.

Taehyung instantly feels like he's doing something wrong as soon as he takes the photo. Isn't this kind of considered stalking? But Taehyung doesn't have that intention, so it doesn't count, right? It's not like Taehyung deliberately came here because he knew the guy would be here. He doesn't even know his name! It shouldn't be considered stalking if Taehyung didn't do it intentionally. He just took a photo. A simple, innocent photo. It's not something inappropriate that he should feel guilty about. It's just a man with a cat. And he's a photographer, so it makes sense that he would take photos of anything that can be a good subject, and this man just happens to capture Taehyung's interest. That's all. Taehyung isn't doing anything wrong.


When Taehyung gets home, he lies on his bed and looks at all the photos he took for the day. There isn't much. He was pretty busy with attending his classes, so he didn't have enough time to walk around and take a lot of photos he'd be satisfied with. There are a lot of pictures of nature, animals, and buildings, and then Taehyung suddenly stops at the picture of a man, the only person he photographed in the college of his own will and not just because he has to do it for a project.

Taehyung stares at the photo and belatedly realizes how adorable-looking the guy in the picture is. Taehyung didn't notice it right away when he was looking at the man with his own eyes earlier. Sure, he saw the clothes and even concluded that he came from a wealthy family, but Taehyung didn't really look at his face that much, mostly because he felt weird staring at a stranger's face - it would feel like he really is a stalker, and Taehyung is trying really hard not to associate himself with that label.

It doesn't feel as weird now because Taehyung is just staring at a photo instead of the man himself. Taehyung doesn't have to fear being caught and being called a creep, so he can stare as much as he wants right now and properly observe the man's features. He seems pretty small, based on the photo. Taehyung does remember thinking briefly at that time that the guy seems to be a lot smaller than him. He also has very soft features - even his hair looks really fluffy and makes Taehyung feel the urge to touch it if only he could.

Taehyung couldn't help but let out a small laugh as he realized that the man's features hilariously resembled that of a cat, too. Very fitting considering his hobby of playing with stray cats.

And he's attractive.

Very attractive.

Taehyung doesn't think he's ever seen a man with such soft and pretty features. Taehyung doesn't even feel awkward admitting that despite never, ever considering that he'd find any man attractive in this lifetime. Taehyung was never interested in people. He's too busy engaging in his hobbies and doing things that make him happy to pay attention to people and make friends and struggle with trying to understand how to deal with them. He doesn't think he's ever even had a crush on anyone before. It's not that he was actively trying to stop himself from liking anyone - it's just that it never really entered his mind before. It was never that important to him. It's not like he'll die if he doesn't feel attraction for anyone. He's happy with simply surrounding himself with art. Art is beautiful. Its beauty never fades. It remains that way forever. It's so easy to love and adore.

This might just be the first time Taehyung ever found himself being interested in another human being, and it's something truly bizarre and unexpected. But also very interesting. He had heard his favorite artists and even his peers talk about finding their muse so many times already, but Taehyung never clung to that topic because he never found it interesting, but now, as he stares at the photo he took of a man he doesn't even know and might never see again if fate truly hates him, he couldn't help but wonder if it would be possible for him to find his muse when he wasn't even looking for it in the first place.

Maybe it's him.

Taehyung would really like to take a photo of him again.


Taehyung goes to the courtyard the very next day at the exact same time in hopes of finding the man again and maybe getting inspiration from him, which can lead to Taehyung taking beautiful pictures that he can be proud of. But as he arrives there and sees the cat walking around the exact spot where the man was yesterday, Taehyung's hope comes crashing down.

He's just like the cat. Lost and longing for something that he might never be able to see again.


Taehyung doesn't give up. He comes again the day after, only to wallow in disappointment and self-pity as he's greeted with a not-so-empty spot where the man was before, but this time, it's not him - it's occupied by two girls who are engaged in a very loud conversation that Taehyung couldn't care less about.

He sulks on the bench, glaring at that specific spot under the tree and cursing fate for introducing him to someone who piqued his interest and haunted his mind every single day, only to take him away when Taehyung starts longing to see him.

Taehyung's glare must have been intimidating because the girls who were previously laughing and giggling as they gossiped about something ended up looking at him with fear and moving to another spot in the courtyard away from his sight.

Taehyung sighs. This is it, then. Maybe he'll never see that man again. He should've asked for his name. He shouldn't have been such a coward because sometimes, there is only one chance to get what he wants, and it seems like he lost that chance already.

Just one more day, Taehyung tells himself. Just one more day of trying and waiting, and if Taehyung still doesn't see him, then that's a sign that he has to give up. Just one more. After that, Taehyung will stop desperately looking for him and stop allowing him to occupy his mind day and night. If Taehyung doesn't see him tomorrow, then maybe it just wasn't meant to be, and Taehyung has to accept that.


Taehyung goes to the courtyard one last time, not expecting too much this time to minimize the possible disappointment he'd feel once again when he sees another empty spot where he desperately wants to see the man just like before.

But as soon as he sets foot in the courtyard, his eyes widen in surprise as he sees the familiar figure from afar. It's him, once again, crouching under that tree and playing with that cat. Taehyung couldn't contain his excitement. He rushes towards the bench he always occupies whenever he goes to the courtyard, clutching his camera tightly in his hands and almost tripping on his feet due to his uncoordinated running out of pure excitement.

He tries not to let it show, though, not wanting to seem even more like a creep than he already does now as he stares at the man he doesn't even know and who doesn't even know him. He calmly sits on the bench, eyes not moving away from the man as if he will disappear if Taehyung even as much as blinks.

Taehyung watches as the man smiles gently while feeding the cat again, this time with an actual can of cat food. He sure likes that cat a lot if he's even buying specific food just to feed it. The smile on his face makes Taehyung stare at his lips for a while, admiring how beautiful that smile looks on his face.

And so Taehyung lifts his camera again, wanting to take another photo to remember the man with, just in case Taehyung never sees him again. He's been scolding himself for days now for not approaching the man the first time and losing his only chance, but now that he has that chance again, Taehyung finds himself too scared to actually do anything. What is he even supposed to say? Should he just go and approach him and then tell him that Taehyung has been waiting for him for days now? Taehyung would look like a creep! So he chooses to settle for the photo for now, just until he gains enough courage to actually talk to him with a better excuse that won't make him seem like a stalker.

Taehyung presses the shutter button once he finds an angle that is good enough to capture the man's features properly. Then he flinches and almost drops his camera in horror as the flash of the camera startles the man, making him look directly in Taehyung's direction. Fuck, Taehyung curses in his mind. This is it. He just ruined his chance of getting to know the man better because he was stupid enough to take a photo of someone without turning the flash off!

He gulps and watches in fear as the man stands up from his crouching position and slowly walks to where Taehyung is. How is he even supposed to explain this? Would the man believe him if he tells him that he's not taking a picture of him, and he just happened to be included in the frame when Taehyung took a photo, but it's not intentional?

That sounds stupid, even inside Taehyung's head. There is no getting out of this. He has to face the man and confess his wrongdoing and apologize. Hopefully, he won't make a scene and call Taehyung a creep in front of everyone in the courtyard because that would be so humiliating for Taehyung, and he will probably never show his face in this place ever again.

Taehyung watches as the man finally stops right in front of him. He prepares himself for the curses and accusations, but to his surprise, the man only smiles at him and offers his hand to Taehyung. "Hello, my name is Yoongi. And you are?"

Taehyung hesitantly takes the hand, gently shaking it. "Taehyung," he says. "Kim Taehyung."

Yoongi. That name suits him perfectly. Taehyung didn't expect that this would be how he would finally get his name. It's less than ideal, but he'll take it. He just hopes Yoongi won't suddenly scream at him for being a creep after their introduction.

"May I take a seat next to you?" Yoongi asks, gesturing to the empty spot on the bench next to Taehyung, and Taehyung nods eagerly, shifting to one side to give Yoongi more space to sit on. Yoongi takes a seat, staying silent for a moment, and Taehyung is just completely frozen, not knowing what to do. But it doesn't last long as Yoongi starts speaking again. "You took a photo, right?"

Here it comes. He'll surely confront Taehyung about being a creep and taking photos of strangers, and then he'll tell Taehyung to delete it and never show his face here again.

"Can I see? I think I was accidentally captured in the frame, and I'm afraid I might look stupid," he says with a giggle, making Taehyung realize that he's even cuter than he thought. Now that he's this close to Taehyung, Taehyung can see his features properly, and the photo didn't give him any justice; really, it's nothing compared to how he looks in real life. Taehyung doesn't know if he should start questioning his abilities as a photographer for not capturing the photo in a way that gives Yoongi's appearance justice or if it's entirely out of his control because nothing in this world can properly capture just how beautiful this man is. "It's okay if you don't want me to see it," Yoongi adds after a few moments of silence, noticing that Taehyung isn't responding and is just staring blankly at him.

Taehyung blinks a few times to clear the fog in his head caused by Yoongi, and only then did he understand what Yoongi was saying. He thinks it's an accident. He thinks Taehyung is trying to take a photo of something else, and he was just accidentally included. That's why he's not mad at Taehyung. And it would've been good for Taehyung, but his conscience is telling him to come clean - to let Yoongi know about the truth.

"I took a photo of you," Taehyung bluntly says. "It's not an accident."

"Oh," Yoongi says, looking surprised. Taehyung prepares himself for the curses, knowing that it's really coming this time, but Yoongi just looks at him curiously, with no negative emotions showing on his face at all. "Why?" he asks, sounding genuinely curious.

"I just thought it would look really good," he simply answers, knowing that if he rambles on and on to try and find an acceptable excuse, he'd probably dig his grave deeper. He's never been good with words.

"Did it meet your expectations?" Yoongi asks with a laugh. Taehyung nods frantically, and Yoongi smiles wider upon seeing that. "This is weird." Taehyung's heart stops. He knew it. He knew this was coming. He knew Yoongi would find him weird. "You're the first person who took a photo of me aside from my parents." If Taehyung could let out a sigh of relief without looking stupid in front of this beautiful man, he would let out the biggest and deepest sigh ever.

Yoongi is not mad at him. That's a good thing. Taehyung still has a chance to get closer to him.

"I don't understand why. You look really good in photos, though personally, I think you look better in person."

Yoongi looks at him fondly. "It's a long story, but thank you for saying that." Taehyung wants to say that Yoongi can tell him about it as long as he wants to, and Taehyung will willingly listen just so he can stay right here with him for as long as possible. But he holds himself back. He knows Yoongi wouldn't feel comfortable enough to tell him about something that seems so personal. They barely know each other, after all. "Can I look at the photo now? You don't have to show me if you don't want to."

Taehyung nods this time, now feeling no fear or intimidation. He hands Yoongi his camera, which shows the photo he took of Yoongi earlier, and Yoongi takes it from his hand, staring at himself in the picture and smiling fondly. "Oh, you included the cat, too. That's really cute," he comments, giggling softly as he looks at the cat in the photo. "You like photography that much?"

"I'm studying photography," Taehyung answers. "So I take a lot of photos to try and improve my skills. And, uhm, I really enjoy taking photos of you. I think I can do it better with more practice."

Yoongi looks away from the camera to look at Taehyung. "You took a photo of me before this?"

Taehyung curses himself inwardly for being so careless with words and getting himself caught. "Yeah, I saw you here before, and I took a photo of you. I'm sorry - I'm sure this sounds really weird, but I swear I don't have bad intentions-"

"It's okay," Yoongi cuts him off, laughing softly and looking amused by Taehyung's rambling. "I'm just flattered that you think I'm a good subject to photograph. That sounds really good coming from a photography student." He then turns to look at the camera once again, not making a big deal out of Taehyung's confession. "Can I look at the other photos?"

"Sure. That's the least I can do for you for taking photos of you without your consent," Taehyung guiltily answers, and Yoongi just shakes his head and laughs once again, telling him that he shouldn't worry about that anymore because Yoongi doesn't mind.

Yoongi looks at the other photos he took, and Taehyung nervously waits for feedback. He's never been the best student. He's not really expecting much from Yoongi because the pictures he took aren't that good, but still, he wants Yoongi to like them, at the very least.

"Wow, you're really good at this," Yoongi says as he proceeds to look at even more photos. "You're really talented! Now I'm feeling proud that you took a photo of me." He sounds so genuine, with no hint of mockery in his voice at all, and Taehyung feels warmth spread inside his chest as the comments sink in. Yoongi thinks he's talented. Yoongi thinks the photos look good. And that's a lot more than Taehyung expected.

He's not one of the top students in photography. He doesn't have the natural talent to do it like them - all he has is passion. His parents wanted him to study medicine and become a doctor someday, but Taehyung knows that that's not who he is. He'll never be able to study medicine properly, and he will never like it, either. That's why he took photography, only to be disappointed when he realized that he was just not as talented as his peers. In the end, he made a decision for himself by choosing photography over medicine and disobeying his parents, only to fail miserably in proving them wrong.

Taehyung settled for not being the best. He thought it was fine. He just has to graduate and keep doing photography even if he's not one of the top students. It's better because at least he's happy.

This is the first time someone has complimented his photos. While Taehyung thinks Yoongi probably just hasn't seen a lot of professional photography before to make this comment about Taehyung's photos, it still feels nice to hear it from him. For the first time, someone is proud of him, and Taehyung will surely remember this moment for the rest of his life.

"Thank you," Taehyung says, smiling fondly at Yoongi.

Yoongi smiles back in return. "I was just making an honest comment. No need to thank me."

Taehyung smiles wider. Yoongi is really nice. It hasn't been long, but Taehyung feels comfortable with him already. "Are you coming back here again?"

Yoongi nods. "Yeah, I can't come every day, but I'll be here during my free time if the music club is too crowded."

"Okay," Taehyung replies, taking his camera, which Yoongi is giving back to him. "Because I really want to see you again. I'll come here and wait for you tomorrow if you're coming."

"Yeah, sure. I'll be here."

Taehyung sees the cat from before now making its way to Yoongi, probably upset about being abandoned by its favorite human in the middle of its meal. Yoongi giggles as he pets the cat again, and Taehyung just watches the interaction fondly and, weirdly enough, relates deeply with the cat. Yoongi might just be his favorite human too.

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