Fathoms Below Progress Log

By Not_Tireless_158

190 8 45

I'm writing this so I don't get off-track in writing Fathoms Below. I'll be posting rough drafts, notes, logs... More

Merpeople Fun Facts: Part 1
Vigorous Spring
So I lost my previous save and had to make a new one...
This is my fix-it for Tauriel and Thranduil's argument in The Hobbit
My Fix-It for Thranduil's and Tauriel's conversation near his jacuzzi
Twisted Wonderland
⚠️Random TWST Brainrots & Headcanons
⚠️Leona Kingscholar
⚠️Vil Schoenheit
⚠️Fathoms Below History & Lore: MAJOR SPOILER WARNING
⚠️Fathoms Below (Twisted Wonderland): Grim's Origins
⚠️Fathoms Below (Twisted Wonderland): Crowley's Backstory
The Fallen Rose Society/The Order of Sibusiso

Previews: Part 1

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By Not_Tireless_158

This is a page where I'll post some previews of Fathoms Below. I'll fully introduce you to the cast later.

"You don't like them very much, do you?" The pointed ears of a petite young man perked up at the question of a taller, older woman's question. The man had straight ebony hair streaked with crimson stripes and the young woman had coiled, crimped hair that was a much darker, richer shade of onyx. He had piercing acorn brown eyes while she had warm chestnut brown eyes, and her ears were pointed like his. He was alabaster with a rosy sheen while she was copper-tinged with the flush of amber. This was Calemir Nirphen Orn and Lilia Vanrouge.

Calemir is the crown princess of Greenwood The Great and a noblewoman from the fallen Kingdom of Doriath, she was a beautiful African elven woman of Berber and Russian descent. Lilia is the ex-general from Briar Valley of Twisted Wonderland, another dimension created during the first age when Calemir's younger brother Thranduil was still a teenager and Lilia was a stunning Chinese-French bat fae. "Humans, that is." Calemir finished her sentence and smiled a bit sadly, her pointed ears twitching a bit as her rounded nose reddened from the coolness in the air as they watched the sunset together by the pond. Calemir was draped in loose, flowing green robes and decked out in simple yet opulent jewelry, her posture laidback and casual in contrast to Lilia, who was wearing his armor and his posture was upright and a bit awkward despite trying to relax.  

Lilia's eyes met Calemir's as she took his hands in hers, the breeze sweeping past them. He shrugged in response to her question. "There was a time I thought, but my opinions changed due to spending time around Levan. I told you about him, right?" Lilia asked. "Yes, he's the raven fae that's the son of Mulan, the legendary female warrior from the far East and a fellow raven fae soldier who was her lieutenant before he was Mulan's husband," Calemir recalled fondly.  "That's right. I couldn't very well hate humans because Levan is half-human. I don't even hate people. It's just...people are strange, and I don't trust most of them as far as I can throw them, and I can throw things very far. We both know this. I've also spent a lot of time around you, so your influence affected me as well. Being around you caused me to develop a soft spot for not just humans, but all living beings." Lilia paused. 

"As for what and who I hate? I hate Stefan's father Richard for what he did to Maleficent, his bigotry against the faeries, and for the war he's waged that took millions of lives on both sides because of said prejudices, and how he mercilessly slaughters my people and thinks of us as monsters. I hate Henrique Istovan for having those same prejudices and viewpoints, for allying with Richard because they think alike, for how he treated his foster son and younger sister and forced them into doing his bidding, and for how he wanted Meleanor's egg just so he can have the unborn prince for a mount. I don't hate all the humans that follow them both as not all of them are in agreement with them, many were forced into it and some just don't realize what's going on and follow their kings blindly, something every person, human or otherwise, is guilty of, but I hate the humans that are in agreement with them and share the same sentiments, knowingly massacring the fae without remorse due to their negative sentiments against them. Yet I also hate The Senate of Briar Valley for how they abused me, for how they unfairly jumped at the chance to use any excuse they could to have me exiled and used Meleanor's death as their excuse to banish me, thereby disrespecting her memory, for their blatant prejudices and how they treat those they are bigoted against, their allies, and even those they favor and worship just as horribly as they treat me, and all the members of Briar Valley's senate are fae. I hate Thingol for his prejudices against humans, dwarves, and even other elves and how he acted similarly to The Senate. I hate the Feänorians for the horrific war crimes they've committed and for their prejudices. Yet out of all the people I've met, I trust...five, and you're one of them. I like you." Lilia nestled closer to Calemir as he said this. 

'I like you more than I thought I ever would, and it frightens me more than anything. Oh, how Maleficent would laugh at me if she heard about this. The ruthless ex-general Lilia who can kill you with a mere glance taken down by the smile of the most beautiful elf maiden in all the land.' 

"To be honest, I'm in agreement with you on that. People are complex and strange, but they aren't all bad nor are they all good, or even neutral. They're just people, and goodness, wickedness, and neutrality exist in all of us, even you and me. You just have to know who the good ones are, people who could have been vile but chose, and continue to choose, to be anything but that, and how to find them, and I found you, Lilia."  

Lilia lit up at Calemir's words as he smiled even wider and leaned in closer, shining brighter than all the stars in the sky. "Calemir? I'm glad you found me. You're good and kind where not many are, you're smart, funny, and skilled at politics, diplomacy, strategy, and combat, so much so that I mistook you for a queen when we first met, and while you have your faults, you acknowledge your flaws and still try to do good where others would refuse to acknowledge them and pretend they don't exist and that they're flawless. What's more, you bring out a humorous, playful, teasing side I didn't even know I had, and I find that I enjoy this side of me along with the time we spend together. You also make me smile and laugh, and I haven't done in a long time. You're special." 

Calemir flushed at Lilia's earnest praise and compliments, melting from the sincerity behind his words, but still getting used to his genuineness in a world where she had to scream just to be heard, where people would kiss your boots if you were royalty, nobility, or worked for a family of royals or nobles, even if the people groveling beneath you themselves were royalty, but they'd only do so to get what they want from you, usually political power and influence, along with wealth and prestige. Their intentions and their willingness to sacrifice their morals to achieve their objectives are clear to Calemir and Lilia because even though they think they're being discreet, they're not subtle at all. 

Life might be against them, but they have each other, and in the face of all that's going on in their lives, that's all that matters. They wish it could stay like this forever.

"Oh, don't tell me Eric is still going on about this girl who rescued him." Former Queen Selina complained. "I'm afraid so," Grimsby tutted. "I propose we at least try to find her." Queen Helena suggested, "Surely that will put Eric at ease either way, whether she exists or not." "I'm with my daughter on this one, if Eric is anything like his grandma, it'll work." Anja, The Queen Mother of Denmark, agreed with her daughter. Magnus, The King Father, nodded in agreement, being a mute individual. "I don't think that's wise, considering the shipwreck. While we're on that topic, were there any casualties?" Former King Fjord II inquired, worry lines forming on his brow. "None, your majesties." Adelaide, the captain of Eric's fleet, confirmed. "Well, thank goodness no lives were lost." Selina sighed in relief. "Indeed," Grimsby replied to murmurs of agreement.

"This restless nature of his concerns me," Selina admitted. Helena coughed and muttered something under her breath, to which Lady Pauline, the farm girl turned noblewoman who raised Helena for most of her life after being separated from Anja and Magnus, asked: "Are you saying that for a reason other than the losses of King Maximillius and Sultan Raymundo after they went on a voyage?" and quite boldly at that. "It's not just that, but Aamir as well. He was lost to us on the very beaches Eric once played on." Selina admitted as Fatima's and Helena's expressions soured. Helena's late husband was a sore spot for several of the people at the table, and the fact that his death was brought up regarding Eric's restless, adventurous nature left a bad taste in everyone's mouth.

"These are ringwraiths, my friend, you don't stand a chance," Aragorn told Legolas, concern laced in his voice. Legolas only laughed, and responded with: "I'm Legolas Nirphen, and I have a plan." When Aragorn muttered. "We're doomed." under his breath, this worried the remaining three hobbits. According to Aragorn, Legolas's plans are almost always effective, but always reckless, even when planned out. Legolas was something of a daredevil.

The ringwraiths had parked their horses, discussing what they found on Frodo and planning their strategy to regroup after being bested by Frodo, Arwen, and Glorifindel, until they were interrupted by a voice not their own. "Excuse me, master Ringwraiths?" This was Legolas Nirphen, the son of Melkor's Bane, King Thranduil, and his casual tone threw them off guard. "Yes, you. All of you. I have a question: Is it that your bodies are too massive for your teeny-tiny heads or is it that your heads are too teeny-tiny for your big fat bodies?" This enraged the Nazgul, and their leader, The Witch-King of Angmar flew towards him angrily. "I'll teach you a lesson, Thranduilion!!!!" Legolas waved him off dismissively, baffling the Ringwraiths because of his apparent lack of fear. "Yes, yes, I'm sure you will, but before you do, I have one more question," Legolas did a flamboyant backflip onto one of their horses after saying, "Is this yours?" The Ringwraiths all drew their blades. "Why you little-" The Witch-King started, but was cut off by Legolas. "The only way to stop me is to catch me~! Hiya!" Legolas galloped off with the horse in question, to draw the Ringwraiths away from Aragorn, Samwise, Meriadoc, and Peregrin. It worked.

Swift as lightning, Legolas galloped further into the forest, the Nazgul on his tail but just narrowly missing him when they got close enough to ensnare him, the witch king sharing a horse with another Ringwraith. "Try and get me!" Legolas called and barely escaped before they could even land a hit. "Ooh, so close!" He said mockingly, laughing at them. Legolas appeared to be reading a book while riding his mount. "Stop running and fight, you coward!" One of the Nazgul roared. "Oh? We were fighting? Why didn't you tell me? I would have put my book down. I thought we were getting warmed up." Legolas tossed his book behind him and bonked one of the Nazgul on the head with it. Soon enough, they came to a thick glade, lush with plant life, Legolas dismounted, seeming to think he lost them, but then the Ringwraiths surrounded him. They dismounted their horses and drew their blades. "Now we've got you right where we want you." They sneered menacingly. "And I've got YOU right where I want YOU," Legolas responded cheekily and raised his hands, chanting in some ancient elvish tongue, glowing green as he did so. Immediately, plants shot up from the ground and ensnared the Ringwraiths, trapping them in their tendrils and vines.

Legolas immediately whispered an Elvish prayer and set the horses free. "Tch. Piece of cake." Legolas satisfactorily said to himself, made a gesture at the Nazgul that was very rude indeed, and summoned his horse and rode the rest of the way to Rivendell, only to faint once he dismounted to take a bath in the river before reaching the destination.

"Damn it all," the distressed voice of Ayanda vented in the distance, "I can't believe how today's meeting went. The other government officials just argued like children throwing a tantrum over a toy, behaving with pomp and circumstance without actually accomplishing anything," Ayanda then sighed in tiredness as she rubbed her aching temples, "Yet why am I not surprised? This happens almost every day. Those dumbasses run randomly in circles, progress nowhere, and arbitrarily adjourn without any clear conclusion. It's been like this since the days of early civilization. If people did their job and accomplished things in politics and governing, we wouldn't be in such a terrible state." Ayanda continued to rant about today's meeting with her grand-niece. "While I know not all people are like this, those clowns are on thin fucking ice. What idiot decided to put them in charge? Who decided they were qualified for this?"

"Probably someone just as stupid," Marian answered, in agreement with her grand-aunt and just as tense, "Honestly, I wish we could throw the damn towel in, but we can't give up because if we don't do something about this, who will?"

"Certainly not the idiots that would remain if we quit, that's for sure. Yet even so..." Ayanda mused to herself as she unlocked the door...

"Kyyyyyyyyyyaaaaah~! Marian, you're back~!" Vil practically squealed like a high schooler at seeing Marian entering the front door. He squished Marian in his arms before peppering her face with kisses and nuzzling his face against hers.

Thranduil, by contrast, gave a calmer but just as passionate reaction to Ayanda. "My dear, welcome home. How are you today? Would you like dinner? A bath? Or perhaps...me?" As he kissed Ayanda's face much more tenderly before they were all bombarded by the smiling faces of their excited children.

"This. This is why we do this." Marian sighed in bliss as she kissed and hugged Vil back. Ayanda was practically bathing in the soft warmth of the kisses Thranduil gave her. "Yes. Yes, it is," Ayanda responded to Marian's statement warmly, "Nothing has changed, yet at the same time, everything's changed. You're right in that if we don't do something to change this pointless, endless caucus race, the corruption that started it all, and the situation we're in, along with other issues relating to this that I'm too tired to name presently, things will continue as they are or worsen until there's nothing left because while several people care enough to make a difference, it's difficult to speak out. It shouldn't be, but it is. And yet when all is said and done, it's all worth it to see their smiling faces," Ayanda looked at Marian and smiled as Marian smiled back at her grand-aunt.
"It's good to be home," they both chorused.

Eric looked at his friends in surprise: "I've...I've never been treated as an equal before. I've always been looked up to as a leader, people only see me as a prince, they never saw me as a human." "Is being royalty that bad?" Barnacles asked.

"Um, YES!" Legolas shouted while gesticulating wildly as he started to rant. "You constantly have to be the best version of yourself and anything less won't do, and this only gets worse if you live in a performance-based society! You have to be this perfect, tireless vessel all the time!"

"You have no freedom outside your title and are responsible for a whole country or more, and you have to bear burdens that no living being is meant to burden, carry baggage no living being should have to carry, and live up to expectations that no living being can live up to. Not only are those expectations completely unrealistic, but they are impossible for anyone to live up to, and things you wouldn't ask of your friends or some random you'd find on the street." Eric added with a frown.

"There's too much pressure on you to not make mistakes either because the fate of your country and the people rest squarely on your shoulders, or you are related to the person who bears such a burden. You'll immediately be ragged on for screwing up, and you'll be given a harder time for it and won't be as easily forgiven. This is because when you are royalty, you can't afford to make mistakes. Any mistake you make reflects on not only you, but it reflects on your family, jeopardizes your people, and costs the entire kingdom, and the effects of any mistake you make could have permanent (or even fatal) consequences." Coraline continued, a scowl forming on her face.

"In Denmark specifically, the royal family constantly is representing their nation and people, so this amplifies the things my sister already stated, making it much, much worse, and you know how the British royal family is." Lorenzo looked crestfallen as he said this.

"Not to mention, you have to produce an heir to the throne to secure the monarchy, and by extension, the future of the country even if you don't want to get married or have kids, and if they're not considered worthy, it's over for you," Maya and Mikkel spat with a glower.

"You're constantly looked up to as a leader and not seen as anything outside royalty, even if you have a parliament and prime minister or other people to look up to for leadership alongside you." Divinia, Abel, and Amir spoke these words with gritted teeth and clenched fists.

"All of this is doubled if you are the monarch yourself, and some monarchs, and even some nobles, have gone insane or became the bad guy or a terrible parent because they couldn't handle the pressure and cracked, like my father," Thranduil noted as his voice cracked, "And me," he added with a pained expression.

"Honestly, being royalty is much harder than it looks or seems," Ayanda spoke solemnly. "Too much power, wealth, and influence corrupts. Add trauma and all the other burdens of being royalty, and you have a recipe for disaster. Even those that start with the most benevolent and noble intentions can become corrupt individuals, if you're not careful, the power can get to your head. In addition, most of the money you get comes from unethical sources, namely from oppressed minorities."

"Also, people complain about how monarchs and politicians just sit on their asses all day and do nothing while living in the lap of luxury, but monarchs and politicians work, even the corrupt ones, but people tend to associate hard work with other things. It's harder to lead than most realize, and I was already a politician before I became a queen, and that was hard enough as it is. Politics are way too complex, especially when it comes to issues like racism or the crimes of our ancestors, Being royalty is something I wouldn't ask of even my children. I only took up the crown because the former royal family went missing and my family were the last remaining members." Helena uttered softly and took her crown off reluctantly, looking at it with tear-filled eyes.

Ryuto Kinoshita put a silent hand on her shoulder, just as sad. "The court is full of scheming, corrupt, wicked individuals, well-intentioned extremists, and stupid people from all kinds of backgrounds, many of them being politicians, government officials, nobility, and other members of the royal family. Some of them are figuratively, or even literally, crooks. For the most part, the well-intentioned extremists have a goal that many can agree with, but their methods for achieving such a goal are vicious and cruel, and too wicked and amoral to be used, even in times of desperation. The twisted, corrupt people just want power, money, and prestige, and won't listen to reason because they just want to see their vile, sickening agendas come to fruition. The stupid people are just that, stupid. The main thing that they all have in common is that they think their actions and policies are justified, no matter how unethical or cruel they are, and some people are incapable of being pleased or satisfied, no matter what you say or do to help." He mentioned quietly.

"And everything you accomplished to better your country and the world as a whole can be reversed." Leona, Malleus, Maleficent, and Mushu added.

"All in all, not a pleasant experience. I don't recommend it." Gimli finished, but he seemed more exasperated than stressed. "I can relate to my twin, Alvis, and Ryuto at this point: I'm surrounded by idiots. Though, I guess there are positives." He smiled a bit. "The relationships you build are lasting, and it's worth all the questioning regarding them in the newspapers, that's how I found Legolas." Gimli pulled Legolas in for a hug and Legolas grinned and nuzzled him.

"It feels good when someone is understanding of your situation or when your attempts to do the right thing and better the world succeed, especially if they work out in a way you weren't expecting," Eric remarked as glowed with pride.

"The parties are legitimately fun sometimes, and they're a good reason to boost morale and get people to donate to charities. I tend not to stay at them for long because I tended to party too hard in the past, and it caused a lot of problems, but I love being seen on the arm of my beloved Ayanda and socializing with all my friends and family and occasionally meeting new people." Thranduil smiled.

"Aw, Thrandy," Ayanda gushed, calling him by that cute nickname he both loved and despised. Thranduil turned cherry red and smiled. "Normally, I'm such a pessimist that it's hard for me to find a bright side to much of anything, but there is a better view there. I second the former 3 statements, and there are moments of pride in being a monarch. I become proud when I see my kingdom and people prospering because I contributed to their well-being and did right by them as their monarch. I ended up crying because that was the happiest moment of my life, a national leader and government are only as good as their people because we wouldn't exist without our civilians, and we shine brighter when we stand with them."

Helena smiled sadly. "It's true. Adding onto that, most of the politicians that you have to deal with are just schlubs trying to do their job like you, even the extremists, corrupt people, and stupid people, so it's nice when you get through to them. Legolas, Gimli, Thranduil, and Ayanda have been around since ancient times, but their great-grandparents were some of the first monarchs to give back the money their ancestors, or even more direct relatives, took from the people they harmed and oppressed, apologized, and ruled their kingdoms how they saw fit and did what was best for their people. It's not that other monarchs don't do that. There's just a long history of prejudice and corruption in several royal families if not all of them, and it affected their family lives and how they ran the country."

Malleus agreed. "I mean, Leona and I were both overblot victims because of this paired with our trauma and look where it got us. Lilia also knew Oropher. Allegedly, he was a nice person, but he was not a nice parent at times. He wanted what was best for his kids and was one of the few monarchs alongside Calemir's mom, Calemben, who did what Helena described. He wanted what was best for his family and his people, but he went too far and hurt them instead. However, he recognized this and in the end, he did the right thing and stood with them, and when he died, he was mourned by all, including Calemir. When she talked about him, though her expression was pained, she spoke of him with pride when she wasn't feeling conflicted. It's also nice when you succeed at doing the right thing, even if it can be reversed."

"When you do the right thing and if someone tries to reverse it, sometimes it causes an uproar and the public will be on your side, and in any scenario where the public is on your side feels amazing and freeing, as your burdens have been lifted, if only temporarily." Coraline beamed like the sun.

Vil and Rook were fast asleep in bed, snuggled up to each other. Vil had his arms around Rook protectively, as though shielding him from harm. Despite being in one of Rook's many villas, the furniture was matted and in disarray, as though The Hunts were having money troubles (or maybe were a dysfunctional family who couldn't manage their finances or kids). Yet things seemed peaceful in the Hunt Household despite the state of the furniture, when suddenly... "WAAAAAAHHHH!!!!! WAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!" Vil and Rook bolted awake with a scream to the loud crying of two babies, sitting up instantly and hitting their heads against each other. "Not again," Honoré and Jambon lamented as Jacques covered his ears. "Rook, your baby sisters are going to kill us all, and when they do, it will be on your parents' heads," Vil seethed. "I'd be disappointed if it wasn't, Roi de Poison, but I'm not going to let you die." "Louise, Lianne, for the love of-IT'S ALL OVER THE WALLS!!!!!" Valérie's voice echoed throughout the house as Victor came rushing in. "Boys! It's a level three! Backyard, now!"

"...Lilia..." Malleus murmured. "Hm?" Lilia asked Malleus, having been lost in thought before Malleus got his attention. "Schoenheit's condition was due to the "exhaustion" he experienced after getting too close to the Underworld. Thankfully, we were able to resolve it with the combined efforts of his and my magic, but do mortals change that drastically in more or less a hundred years? How fragile..." Malleus mused to himself before Lilia confirmed his question.

"Yes, indeed. Mortal life is thin and fragile like the threads on a spindle. They are weak on their own, but for countless eras, they have sought companionship in each other to make themselves stronger. We are creatures of the night, and we share our worlds with these wonderful people." Malleus was silent before Lilia spoke again. "And I came to see that thanks to your father and...her." He said to himself.

Vil took note of their conversation before noticing Rook looked dizzy. Suddenly, Rook cried out and fell to his knees, clutching his stomach. "Rook! Are you okay!?" Vil's eyes widened as knelt to his knees before taking Rook's hands away from his midsection, only to be horrified when he saw a gaping wound on Rook's abdomen that was gushing out blood. "He's wounded! Get help!" Vil ordered, his tone sharp. Everyone immediately came to the huntsman's aid, including the parents and siblings of Rook who helped to save everyone at STYX.


So begins another day of university. I hurried down the street, not wanting to be late. My name is Yuuken Enma, and while I'm young enough to be in high school, I skipped a few grades and now I attend university early, albeit through a program in my old high school. I'm still a part of the kendo club at Ouran Academy. Though most just stay on the average getting by, I wake up to the sun, sea, and sky. People bid me good morning as I pass by, almost like the start of a video game, but I pay it no mind. It's nice attending university in the city, especially on a morning like this, but before I can continue on my way, suddenly, I spot a familiar annoying, albeit sweet girl waving her arms at me and shouting, not caring about any attention she drew to herself. That's Marian Caroll, a foreign exchange student at the university I attend through Ouran, she's 22 years old and from Denmark. She has crimped ebony braids, obsidian skin, and jet-black eyes. You'd think with The Law of Jante, she'd not draw any attention to herself, and it's honestly a surprise she's acting like this in public. She must have something important to say so I head in her direction.



TW: mentions of groping

Leona glared at Faith Najm after he was woken from his nap by her stepping on his tail. He didn't know it was an accident and jumped to conclusions because touching a beastman's ears or tail without permission was the equivalent of groping them. "Hey! You got some nerve steppin' on my tail and just walkin' away!" Grim, who was in Faith's arms, immediately worsened the situation with how he responded to Leona. "Are you the groundskeeper? Not sure you oughta be talkin' to students that way, pal. Especially not my partner in crime here." Leona narrowed his eyes at that statement. "Ain't nothin' worse than bein' in the middle of a good nap and havin' some pervert step on your tail." What Faith wanted to say was: "I am so sorry!" but what came out of her mouth was: "Then maybe don't leave your tail on the path...?"

Then Leona's eyes widened. "You... I know you. You're one of the herbivores from orientation, and you're among the herbivores who couldn't use magic." Leona then eyed her up and down. "I dunno what's up with this guy, but when he looks at me, it makes every follicle of my fur stand on end..." Grim blurted out as Leona stared Faith down. "Huh. It's true. You don't have a lick of magic on you. Well, can't say it'd be much fun to hurt someone so helpless. Still gonna do it, though. No one gets to stomp on my tail and just walk away without payin' the price. I'm in a bad mood on account of bein' woken up from my nap, too. That's gonna cost you a tooth."

Faith freaked out immediately. "Please! I don't have dental insurance! I can't afford to pay anything!" Grim puffed up his fur and prepared to fight Leona. "Faith! Cheese it!" Leona prepared to attack them both before he was intercepted. "Leave them alone!!!!!" Fatuma Najm, Faith's aunt, showed up and had come to rescue Faith and Grim. She threw dirt in Leona's eyes and knocked him off his feet in one sweeping motion. Leona glared as now he had dirt in his eyes, and his body, pride, and ego had been bruised and banged up. He took a nearby bucket of muddy water and threw it at Fatuma just as Fatuma took another bucket of muddy water and threw it at him. Fatuma and Leona were both filthy and soaked now.

Leona got up, now he was mad. "WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM!?" Leona yelled at Fatuma. "WHAT'S *YOUR* PROBLEM!?!?" Fatuma shouted in return as she grabbed Leona by the collar of his uniform. Fatuma was beyond mad. She was furious. Before they could continue arguing or get into another physical confrontation, someone else interrupted them. "Leona! There you are!" It was Ruggie Bucchi.

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