The Reluctant Heroes | ʙɴʜᴀ...

By DQuietBanshee

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⫸ MAKE A DECISION: ⌌ ⌍ ◇... More

Welcome Readers!
Chapter 2: Transportation
Chapter 3: Shopping Adventure
Chapter 4: Lost and Found
Chapter 5: Fight or Flight
Chapter 6: Small Talk
Chapter 7: Search
Chapter 8: Safe
Chapter 9: How To Spend The Time
Chapter 10: Valuable
Chapter 11: The Meeting
Chapter 12: The Eighth

Chapter 1: Big News

306 21 4
By DQuietBanshee

A few months have passed;

Heroes - Villains - Quirks

The Symbol of Peace against the evil people called All For One.

And of course school and it's students - heroes-to-be, appearantly.

It was a trip certainly none of them expected, but if they had to tell the truth, they enjoyed it. Sure, they found it more than annoying to spend time with them - but at the end it was all worth it when they saw eachother for the last time.

So much fear and betrayal badly hidden in the eyes of what that world called the next generation of those wannabes.

It was a refreshing change of pace.

Oh, and not to mention their quirks.

Fire quirk - Shadow quirk - Invisibility - Poison - Rock manipulation

It. Was. Great.

It's to be expected that the users of said powers missed them - some more than others. Of course without them they were still very capable of handling their own in a fight, but their quirks gave them more joy and entertainment.

Not to mention taking someones life was easier.

As the days rolled by, slowly but surely, they stopped their silent hoping for their powers to return and went back their ''normal'' lives. A mission or two took their minds off the matter real quick.

But some thought the missions were a little too much.


"He can't give us a break, I swear"

"Right? We just got here from a week long mission. I mean come on!"

"And now I have to spend more time with you"

"Exactly, how am I supposed to keep the little bit of sanity I have left?"

"I'll have to start going to therapy after this"

"Too late for that"

The red haired woman faked a disappointed sigh, her hand on her chest to exaggerate her act. The other person next to her chuckled at her antics, slightly hitting her friends arm, making the red haired woman smirk.

"But seriously, what's so special about this one that we have to get ready for another mission this quickly" The black haired woman scratched the top of her head, adjusting the porcelain-like mask on her face in the process.

"I'm interested in that myself. I hoped to have at least few days free. To just lock myself in my room forgetting about every responsibility I currently have"

"You already forget everything, Scar"


"You know I'm right"


"Am I right, Sky?"

'She's right'

The black haired woman looked at the other expecting an answer, though she probably already knew it. Scarlet, raising her arms up in defeat, sighed.

"Yes, yes, she says you're right. Happy, Jane?"

"Yup" Jane smirked in the small victory, now both of them resuming the walk to their bosses office.


Five minutes or so later, they were finally at the door. Scarlets hand rose up to knock, before a low voice resonated all around them - in their heads, to be more specific.

'You may come in'

Both of the women looked at eachother before opening the door. The room was clean, kept dark and only iluminated by a lamp on the desk opposite the door. A window was placed right behind it so you could clearly see the usually quiet and *some might say* unsettling forest, that was currently veiled in the moonlight. The walls were lined with bookshelfs filled with whatever literature the boss enjoyed at the moment.

Speaking of the boss, he was sat right behind the desk, patiently waiting for the duo to come closer to him, his pale hands placed under his chin.

'I have a mission for you two'

They just nodded and waited for him to continue.

Placing his hands on the desk, he pushed his chair a bit away, before reaching to one of the many drawers he had. Then he pulled out something. It was small - hidden in his fist.

'And I have a feeling you will be excited upon hearing the details' he nodded slightly towards them. Stepping even closer, Jane stretched out her hand and waited for the faceless creature to drop the item into her palm.

Never she had expected to see two, very familiar silver rings with raven, rectangular jewels.

Their eyes widened, immediately recognizing them.

"But- these are-"

"Do you mean-"

'Yes. It is exactly what you think'

They both looked at eachother, their eyes widening with the excitement building withing them, grins making their ways to their faces.

"But - why? I thought we were done with that place" Scarlet raised a brow. There was no mention about it from their boss after they got back; so why now?

'It is true that I kept quiet about my curiosity, but it has reached it's peak. The concept of quirks is still in the back of my mind. I am interested to know more'

The duo nodded, Scarlet taking one ring from Janes hand and automatically putting it on; Jane waited, holding it between her fingers. But then they noticed the small change in the bosses mood.

'There is also one other, and to be honest the main reason, for my decision' he rubbed the space where his nose would've been. The duo raised a brow, when a new voice popped behind them.

''Is it happening? Is it finally happening?!" A small girl circled in excitement around them before settling her wide emerald eyes on the faceless man behind the desk. The women weren't as surprised by her sudden appearance - they got used to it.

'Sally, please. How many times have I told you to knock?'

"But it's an emergency! I had to come quick! No time for knocking, right, Mr. D?'' she smiled down at the stuffed teddy bear she always carried around.

The man let out a sigh while the little girl giggled, standing between the somewhat confused duo.

''So; why is Sally here?'' Scarlet looked at the girl, then back at their boss.

'To put it simply - she wants to see more of the world you've lived in. From that one time she saw you use your quirks, she became enamoured by them; by her words-'

''Flashy and Amazing and Cool!'' the girl jumped up with a huge smile on her face.

'-Exactly that. Thought, to be completely honest, I can understand her fascination' a small chuckle resonated through their heads, before the man cleared his throat, placing his hands back under his chin.

'As this is a sudden mission request, I'll give you time to prepare. Three days from now I will expect to see you in my office, ready to leave. Sally that goes for you too. Scarlet and Jane will help if you need. I will specify the time the day before. That is all. You're dismissed'

The two women nodded, poorly hiding the building excitement, while Sally cuddled her stuffed toy, jumping with happiness. Afterwards, Jane and Scarlet turned to leave, Jane holding the door for the ball of joy that followed behind them.

''I'm gonna go pack!'' and with that she sped off, leaving the two on their own.

''She always has so much energy it's admirable'' The red haired woman chuckled, earning a small smile from the woman next to her. The said woman stared behind the running girl, before looking down onto the ring that was given to her - a grin slowly spreading on her face. Scarlet noticed her expression and mirrored it.

''You're gonna have your quirk back!'' Her hands flew to the other womans shoulders, shaking her body as Jane laughed, sharing her feelings.

''Right?! I'm so excited!'' The black haired woman chuckled, doing the same action.

''We won't be stuck in school anymore!''




'Though I understand your enthusiasm, please refrain from screaming your lungs out in front of my office'

The women chuckled, quieting down and muttering an apology, before leaving to Scarlets room to relax.

They had three days to pack, so they don't need to rush.


''Do you wanna brag about this mission like I do?'' Jane asked out loud after what was 10-15 minutes of complete silence; it was quite relaxing that way.

''I thought you'd never ask. I think Jeff is in the living room''

And with that, the duo left the room with a glint of mischief in their eyes.


Jeff was right where the two thought he would be - lying on the couch in the living room, listening to BEN, who was playing a video game per usual.

Scarlet nodded at the dark haired girl, who, with a smile, put on the ring. Immediately, her appearance began to change.

She took off the mask that was on her face 24/7, just for Scarlet to see her scars disappear and the colour of her skin mirror a healthy tone, though still a little on the paler side. The long, black wig she learned to wear fell on it's own, caught by Janes arms as new, dark brown strands began to grow from her scalp. The badly healed Glasgow smile filled out as if she never had it in a first place.

Soon, she looked like a normal, beautiful, young woman you'd see in your neighbourhood and think nothing of.

"I'm ready"

With a chuckle, the two stepped into the living room, leaning onto the backrest of the couch, looking down at the man.

"Guess what we got for a mission, Joker" Jane spoke first. The man just scowled upon hearing her voice, not bothering to turn to them.

"Hopefully picking up shit in a ditch"

"No, but he said he would leave that one for you"

"You fucking bit-" he turned, ready to cuss the woman out, but stopped when he saw her changed looks. The cogs in his head visibly turned as he soon came to a conclusion.

"You're kidding" the duo grinned, showing off the jewelry when his expression showed the jealousy that quickly began to grow in him.

"Nope, it is exactly what you think it is. Guess who's gonna have their quirk back, bitch" her smirk only grew when he gritted his teeth, turning towards the male playing video games.

Speaking of which, he just noticed the commotion.

"Can you guys keep it dow-" but he stopped when his eyes landed on Jane. Only then the two realised - no one besides the ones that were in Musutafu saw hers or Jeffs normal appearance. So, to say he was confused, was an understatement.

"Scar, who's this?" He raised a brow, pausing his game, his attention now fully on the "stranger".

"What do you mean, BEN? You don't recognize me? I'm hurt" Jane put a hand on her chest, faking a frown. The male only looked more confused.

"You sound like Jane, but - who the fuck are you?"

"This is Jane!" Scarlet chuckled, putting the mask she was given by the said woman in front of the, now brunettes, face and then away.

"Don't you see the resemblence?" She laughed as Janes arm flew up to catch hers, stopping her motion, adding a quiet 'stop it'. BEN didn't look impressed.

"That's a bad prank, Scar. Does the boss know about this?" He mentioned towards Jane.

"Believe them, it's Jane"

"Not you too, Jeff! You ganged up on me or something?"

"Don't accuse me of working with those two. See the ring that idiot has?" Jeff lazily pointed at the jewelry that was visible, since Jane was holding onto the backrest of the couch with said hand.

"Yeah, and? It's a big fucking ring"

"Slender gave those to us for that mission. It changes ones looks" BEN seemed to be thinking after that. Jeff mumbled something after;

"Now she looks even more hideous"

"Oh, you're one to talk, Joker-reject. Not like you'll be modeling anytime soon" Jane slapped the top of his head, jumping back when he tried to stab her, only to laugh at the measly attempt.

"I think that's enough, Jane. BEN is already confused as hell; take it off"

With a last small chuckle at BENs expression, she did as Scarlet said. Her skin soon began to turn paper white, the scars becoming more and more visible. The red haired woman handed her the mask. Her long, dark brown hair started to fall and before they hit the ground, every single strand evaporated out of existence. Scarlet helped her adjust her wig, before the both of them turned to BEN, who looked like she grew a second head.

"Vóila, it's Jane!" Scarlet grinned, doing jazz hands as if she just performed a big magic trick.

"Well.....fuck me, it is her" he slowly scratched the back of his head.

The duo just laughed it off and decided to leave, feeling accomplished in pissing off Jeff and confusing BEN, which was an added bonus.

On their way back, they quickly checked on Sally, who was heatedly deciding on what to pack. When they asked if she wanted help, she 'shoo'ed them out, saying that Mr.D is helping her.

And with that, the two went back to Scarlets room to do whatever; but not pack, they were currently too tired and lazy to do any work.


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