REFLECTIONS ❞ sweet home fanf...

By rokuwriting

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Shin Yunji A life of a college student made her life a living hell, due to debts, studying, much worse; bully... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
. . .

Chapter 7

279 13 3
By rokuwriting

Eunhyuk rounded up three additional people,

Sangwook, Jisu, and Jaeheon.

The five of them teamed up to enter the basement. Eunhyuk was carrying his crossbow on which he had fastened a flashlight.

Sangwook used his regular hammer, while Yunji was close by him with the modified axe that Mr. Han had made specifically for her.

Jisu was following them with her metal bat and another flashlight, followed by Jaeheon, who was wielding a katana.

They looked all over the dark parking lot, it was surprisingly silent.

Until they heard a lot of metal clanking, 

When Yunji began to feel nervous, she made the decision to prevent Eunhyuk from walking any further,

"What? " he cast a quick glance her way, the others were wondering why they had stopped so unexpectedly.

Yunji turned her illuminated object towards the side of her and noticed a recognizable figure standing there suspiciously.

The others froze as they saw the figure,

it still had a bleeding foot, as well as its neck almost breaking into two.

While it was on guard, Jaeheon attempted to move ahead in order to kill it, but Yunji stopped him.

"I think it's asleep, let's not wake it up."

She muttered as she approached close to where Hyunsu may be.

They flashed with their headlights on a slimy cocoon that was dangling over the ground there.

Although, Yunji became aware that the slime covering Hyunsu was gradually drifting back to the vents, she furrowed her brows.

Yunji looked at the four behind her, and then at her axe.

The axe's handle was redesigned by Mr. Han into a sharp sword made of molten kitchen knives that could be separated from the axe, making it into a pair of separate weapons.

Jaeheon and Jisu braced for Hyunsu's fall as Sangwook and Eunhyuk kneeled to assist Yunji in freeing Hyunsu from the spider web.

Jisu and Sangwook supported him with his shoulders on theirs because he was knocked unconscious as she successfully cut the web off him.

Jaeheon, Yunji, and Eunhyuk were on the lookout. Keeping the three safe from any close threat,

Jisu touched her abdomen and whimpered in pain, and suddenly she dropped. 

Her metal bat makes a piercing noise that echoed throughout the room,

They stared at each other with pure fear,

realizing what's about to come next,

As soon as she needed help, Yunji stepped in and grabbed Jisu and her weapon. 

They all spotted erratic motions close by, and Yunji immediately recognized the monstrous creature.

The headphones they were wearing rang, detecting there were monsters close by.

But, they didn't know how many.

They felt as though monsters were swarming around them as they heard snarls and growls coming from all directions in the parking lot.

In a split second, that same monster shoved Yunji into a vehicle.

Her skull slammed hard on the concrete, and as she shrieked in agony, the vehicle alarm blared, garnering even more attention.

Her hip ached, she thought that it already healed by now...

Yunji looked in front of her and recognized the scars she had previously left on that being she had initially encountered.

It moved extraordinarily quickly towards her, but an arrow wounded one of its eyes, forcing it to fall back and stop.

Its large horse legs glowed as her eyes widened, and she felt something tug at her jacket.

Eunhyuk gripped her shoulder below the automobile. He heard the thing walk after turning to look at the blood that was trickling down her forehead.

As the thing moved closer to the car they were under, he gently removed the car keys from his chest pocket and pressed the alarm button of a random car key.

The thing moved towards the vehicle and shattered the headlights while it made an audible noise.

As soon as Eunhyuk and Yunji exited, he repeated his strategy while pressing the alarm button, which caused the monster to get preoccupied.

Yunji picked up her axe off the ground and started running alongside Eunhyuk before stopping when she spotted a suitable van for them to ride.

"Eunhyuk, keys! "

As the man approached the van and unlocked it, she gestured. They noticed four figures after hearing another automobile go off.

Eunhyuk took the wheel as they both hopped into the seats.

He drove the van and collided with the monster.

Yunji slid the door open and got out of the vehicle, clutching Hyunsu's shoulder to push him inside.

Sangwook was in the front seat, Jaeheon and Yunji were in the passenger seat, meanwhile, Hyunsu and Jisu were in the trunk.

"Do you have a license?!" Jisu asked,

"━I passed the written," Eunhyuk replied,

"━And the driving test?!" Yunji exclaimed, worried for their safety.

The car suddenly moved forward,

"Is this a literal ride-or-die situation? Because I do not want to die this way!" Yunji whisper-yelled,

"Do you really have to make a joke this time?" Jisu inquired,

"━Hold on tight," Eunhyuk spoke

When the vehicle's tire screeched, it hit some tiny objects, creating a significantly greater noise.

They were on the surface, and it IS an unpleasant path, that much is certain. Thus, monsters had to stand out.

They heard something thud on the van's top. As a monster's hand shattered the glass along Yunji's side and grabbed her by the hair,

She had been trying to get the hand off although her head was outside. 

Jaeheon cautiously buried his katana behind her ponytailed hair as Sangwook approached her and grasped her neck gently.

"Yunji, I'm sorry."

He then chopped off her hair and freed her from its grasp. The three-eyed monster had its hands on the shattered glass, and Yunji used her little blade to stab its two eyes.

Yunji just chose to smash the beast in the face with her fist to get it off the van, its loud cries drew once it fell.

By estimation, the vehicle contains four monsters hanging around it. One was in the forefront and covered Sangwook with its tentacle arms.

He attempted to fracture it with his hammer but was unsuccessful, so he decided to go for the head that was on the hood instead.

Jaeheon handled the hand that had penetrated the car's top, while Yunji used her half-axe to severe another beast that had broken the opposite windscreen.

The tires screeched as the van abruptly stopped.

Jisu and Hyunsu withdrew from the trunk, and as Eunhyuk opened the door, Yunji and Jaeheon followed.

Sangwook smashed the monster's brain with his hammer, and Jaeheon eliminated one with his sword, meanwhile, Yunji swung her axe at a female slender monster.

The sonic monster raced at her and it caught her eyes. Thankfully she shifted out of the way as Gilseop incinerated the creature with his flamethrower.

"I got you!"

He shot it everywhere, and when the surviving creatures caught fire, distorted voices screamed in agony.

"Where the hell did he get a flamethrower from?" 

In the meanwhile, everyone was deadpanning at Yunji when she inquired.

━° ⌜ 미지의 악마 ⌟ °━

"S-Shouldn't you go and help?" Seungwan stuttered,

"Why don't you go, then?!" Jaehwon retorted, barricading the door.

"Why aren't you doing as we practiced?!" Mrs. Hyein yelled,

"Shut up, you freaking dog! You're the same as your owner!" Byeongil exclaimed,

"Move aside," Yuri demanded, 

"You'll get us all killed!" Jaehwon reasoned, she rolled her eyes at him.

Eunyu threw the chair on the door, 

"What was all that practice for, then? Tsk, do you really want to live like this?" 

She shouted at the cowardice of people and immediately walked outdoors, followed by Yuri.

Mr. Han was on the ground, unable to save the girl because of his amputated legs, and the spider monster held Suyeong on one of its limbs.

He observed that the monster was simply held up by the rope; the screw that carried it was on the verge of breaking.

However, as soon as it broke. Suyeong fell with the monster. 

Mr. Han was about to pursue the girl as she fled to safety. However, his leg had been pierced by the creature's leg.

He reached for his improvised gun and attempted to shoot it in the head, but it also proved ineffective.

Due to the monster's weight, Eunyu tripped while dragging it up, but she immediately rose back and resumed. Yuri and Eunyu combined their might to haul the monster into their trap.

Mr. Han used his weapon to get its spider leg off of him, and it successfully worked.

The other ladies assisted Yuri and Eunyu in pulling when they nearly became the ones being pulled by the rabid creature.

Jinok, Jieun, and Seonyeong.

Together, they all tugged and brought up the beast. Giving him time to flee. Mr. Han crawled away as blood flowed down the floor,

Suyeong came back carrying a burning Molotov cocktail.

"Die, you monster!"

The creature tried to escape the trap, but she hurled the object into her hand and ignited it, the spider monster releasing snarls of anguish in the process.

The monster gained access to the floor when the ladies who were pulling on the rope fell.

Then, their eyes witnessed Sangwook escorting Suyeong to depart the area.

Because one of the spider monster's legs was scorched, it moved slowly. It approached Mr. Han on all fours and nearly stabbed him with its legs.

Jaeheon and Sangwook took the man away when Yunji, who had just emerged with her axe, placed the blade on its head.

Yunji then removed her axe from its head, avoiding the unpredictable strikes it launches, and swung it once more at its eyes.

The moment she heard Hyunsu's voice telling her to move aside, the body abruptly stood up.

Hyunsu used his weapon to strike the beast, electrocuting it.

The creature's razor-sharp spider legs repeatedly punctured the kid's skin while smoke billowed from its body as it struggled to fend off the electricity that was raging inside of it and kill the Hyunsu.

They observed Yunji collapse against the wall with her hands covering her mouth and hips as she vehemently coughed as they watched Hyunsu being crushed by the beast.

She was unable to help, glancing at her hand was blood, 

The monster on top of him was still being electrocuted by Hyunsu when his exposed legs abruptly stopped moving.

After a while, the monster no longer resisted. 

As she struggled to the scene, Yunji rose up with the assistance of the wall she was resting against, her hand on her hip.

She moved the creature away from the kid and breathed a sigh of relief that he was still alive.

"told you, I'll repay you."

He accepted her hand when she extended it to him despite his hollow gaze.

The youngster saw Yunji's eyes, and his eyes turned normal; following his reawakening to reality.

The girl almost collapsed as she took a small step back. When she took the hand off of her hip, she discovered that it was bleeding once more.

Hyunsu eventually staggered into the gaming area, where he was placed under quarantine.

Eunhyuk immediately came to her care, but, they still looked at him with pity.

"If you were going to lock him up, why did you save him?" Jaeheon inquired,

The residents followed after the teenager. Hyunsu took the key and opened the door, but he stopped when his name was spoken.

"Hyunsu, I'm sorry..." 

In response to Jieun's earnest apology, Hyunsu turned around to face them.

"...We made things more difficult for you,"

With Yunji's arm over his shoulder and his hand supporting her waist as she walked, Eunhyuk arrived.

The male glanced at her, and they both nodded before looking at Hyunsu.

"You can choose this time," Eunhyuk spoke,

He looked at them and then at the dark room, 

as he pulled the door back to close it.

━° ⌜ 미지의 악마 ⌟ °━

Inside the daycare, where the injured were being treated.

As Yuri took care of Yunji, she first cleaned the injury on her waist and removed the surrounding dried blood. Then put a gauze pad over it, binding it with a linen roller bandage.

Yunji bit her lip as she moaned in misery. She carefully pulled down her tank top and zipped her jacket back as she let out a trembling breath.

"...Thank you,"

"It's nothing, please make sure to get good rest."

After shamelessly observing Yunji being treated, Eunyu got up from the door handle she was perched on and approached the young woman.

And then, Yuri left.

Yunji helped herself up, carefully.

"Where's my apology?" Eunyu spoke, stopping her from walking out of the nursery.

"For what?"

"For slapping me in the face."

"I don't need to apologize for that, it isn't my fault that you crossed the line."

"Do you have siblings? Do you know what it feels like?"

"Yes, I fucking do, my sister is dead." Yunji snapped

Eunyu was surprised to hear her snap,

"She's dead because of me, because of me she fucking killed herself. She thought it'd be better for me to forgive her if she killed herself after I was done with working my ass off."

"You don't know how valuable you are to your brother, he speaks nicely of you to me every time but when I hear you, all the time you only ramble shit about him.

He cares for you deeply, he'd die for you because you're his sister, he loves you more than the entire world could possibly do."

Eunyu widened her eyes,

"He is your older brother, no matter what, your hatred for him isn't going to change anything. There's a time in the world where he or you could die at any moment because you don't know how dangerous our situation really is."

"Just go, talk to him. Apologize to him for all the shitty things you said, or done. Because no matter what happens, he'll find a way to go back to you and save you from anything else in this world."

"Because he loves you for being his younger sister."

A tear dropped from the girl's eye, as Yunji walked away from her.

Those were the words Yunji could've said to her own sister,

but it was too late.

However, at least she got to say it to someone who feels the same.

She couldn't bear to watch them lose themselves.

She wanted to protect those siblings, just like how she wanted to protect hers.

━° ⌜ 미지의 악마 ⌟ °━

Yunji tried skipping meals, she only ate two times a week. Figuring it would be best for the others to digest instead of her,

because of that, she lost her appetite and only ate twice a week.

The only thing she could do to spend her time is sitting there inside the management office,

"Nice haircut," A male voice echoed, catching Yunji's attention.

"Thanks, designed it myself."

"Have you eaten yet?" Eunhyuk asked, sitting down next to her in a chair.

"Yeah, don't worry." She lied,

An awkward silence passed between the two, the guy writing some stuff on some paper while the girl could only look at the monitors.

"Eunhyuk," Yunji called,









Yunji went silent all of a sudden, which confused Eunhyuk.

"What is it?"

"I'm... always here, you should go."

"Go where?"

"To her, your little sister."

He widened his eyes in surprise, putting the ballpen down and resting on the office chair.

"Why did you suddenly bring that up?" He inquired,

"Because I feel like she needs you, right now," Yunji answered.

The boy stared at her, suspicious of her as she chuckled and hit him jokingly on the shoulder.

"You think I'm lying? Go!"

She urged him to go, and then, he eventually gave up.

Fixing his eyeglass and left the room with a small smile.

Her smile descended after the boy left, feeling tired of the secret she was keeping already.

She was scared, knowing that at any moment, her life could either be spared and used, or killed and rot.



Yunji finished off her sentence, taking the bag on the ground and searching inside of it,

She held the covered gun in her hand, checking the bullets if they were full.

Yunji heavily sighed, not knowing what should she do...

Should she kill herself?

Or let the others kill her?

━° ⌜ 미지의 악마 ⌟ °━

"Come on, let's do it together!! Suyeong, you promised to play with me!!!" Yeongsu pulled on her sister's hand, wanting her to play hopscotch with him.

"Do you really want a scolding?" 

"You're a liar, just like Dad!!!"

"Go away!"

Suyeong pushed her little brother away from her, after hearing that statement. She snapped and unintentionally did that,


Yeongsu's tears dropped, until, she saw a silhouette of a familiar woman in a bloody jacket, crouching to the child on the floor, helping him get up.

The woman cleaned him and looked at the girl, 

"Play, it's alright for kids to play." Yunji smiled at her,

"Give me a gun instead,"

Her smile immediately dropped after hearing such words come out of a child's mouth, how can someone so young think about things like that?

"Give me something for killing monsters," Suyeong spoke, as the older girl in front of her sighed deeply.

"Later, when you're older."

"What if I die before that? If I die, Yeongsu will die, too. I'm all he has."

The child next to Yunji cried silently, listening to her sister's remarks. 

Until, the girl grasped her hand gently and kneeled in front of her.

"Tomorrow will be better."

"But what if it's not?!"

"Then, you say it again tomorrow. Because it might be, you never know, right? At some point, tomorrow will be better."

Yunji's smile remained the same, as the child in front of her had an angered expression that tears welling up in her eyes. Threatening to fall,

"These events... it made you more mature, more stronger, and more wiser. But, you didn't need to be stronger, you didn't need to mature at such a young age, and you weren't needed to be wiser either. You just needed to be safe,"

"You are a child, a child that deserves to be in a wonderful place, but you were that was forced to grow up.

However, breathe, it's okay. You're going to be okay, just breathe. And remind yourself of all the times in the past that you've felt this scared. 

All the times you've felt this anxious and this overwhelmed, all the times you've felt this level of pain and had to suck it in. 

But, also, remind yourself of how each time you made it through. Life has thrown so much at you, and despite how difficult things have been, you've survived.

Treasure, treasure the smallest things with everyone. Including your brother, who loves you as much as the whole world is worth loving."

Yunji wiped the tears falling from the girl's eyes, as she wept. Embarrassed to see her like this she tried covering her face,

"Let's go and play, do you want to?"

"...h-how can you be so sure I'll be safe?"

"I promise, with my whole life, I'll be there. I wasn't here before, but I'll always protect you both, whenever you need help."

The two cried on Yunji's shoulders, hugging her tightly and never wanted to let her go,

the world is fucked up.

it really is fucked up,

but we have to cover it, just to have a good time.

"Come on, let's play, the one who losses gets tickled for five minutes!" Yunji stated, feeling the fright from the two as the three played hopscotch.

━° ⌜ 미지의 악마 ⌟ °━

"The water tank's been contaminated," Eunhyuk informed the girl.

"I thought it'd last fifteen days if we save water." 

"...Water is the most important right now." Yunji panicked inside,

"How's your hip?" Eunhyuk asked,

"...It's fine, I've already changed the bandage. Don't worry about me," Yunji replied, 

"Seems like the talk went well," Yunji showed a small grin in her mouth. 

"It wasn't a talk... but, I'll cherish that moment." Eunhyuk smiled, 

"I told you,"

"Hey, is the van we used still compatible?" Yunji abruptly spoke,

"I don't know, what are you thinking about?"

"We don't have a choice but to go outside, or else, we'll die here from starvation."

"But, we don't know how many monsters we could withstand, it's risky." Eunhyuk reasoned,

"Still, no matter how, the people will automatically panic and force themselves to go outside. Whether we like it or not,"

Eunhyuk nodded in agreement,

"Let's go talk to Mr. Han, he should come to the basement with us," Eunhyuk spoke, earning a nod from her as they both walked together.

The three went to the basement, and Yunji brought her axe with her in case anything happens.

From a distance, they saw Byeongil peek out, and then stopped them from approaching, 

"Everything fine?" Yunji inquired,

"R-Right! Well... what are you three doing here...?" Byeongil spoke, and the three heard mischievous laughs from behind which concerned them,

"━Be careful."

They saw Mrs. Hyein and Seungwan brought out the packages, as the woman froze to see the three just watching them.

"━I bet everyone will like this! It's..."

"What's this?" Eunhyuk deadpanned,

"Y-You said the basement's safe now... some people said they were waiting for their packages, so..." Mrs. Hyein reasoned,

the duo, Eunhyuk and Yunji, glared at Byeongil and then at the two behind him.

"These people could not get any more stupider, than this, can they?" Yunji muttered under her breath, pinching the bridge of her nose in annoyance.

"You shouldn't do things alone," Eunhyuk remarked,

"Y-Yes, that's why we came together..." Seungwan pointed at Hyein and forced a smile, the woman beside him did the same and agreed.

"Just get out with your packages."

"━Yes ma'am."

Byeongil moved to the wall to let Eunhyuk push Mr. Han, followed by Yunji who trailed behind them.

He brought Mr. Han to the van they previously used before, flashing the light on the tire and hitting it with a wrench.

"It'll withstand some weight." Mr. Han stated,

"If you strengthen the windows and add weapons, it could withstand monsters outside. When can you finish it?"

They both looked at each other, then Mr. Han got back to inspecting the van whilst talking.

"So, you want it done soon, right?"

"Yes, we have lots of people and no time. At this rate, all of us will end up dying in here." 

Eunhyuk answered, he looked at the girl beside him, and then at the man.

"We have to leave before people start to panic,"

━° ⌜ 미지의 악마 ⌟ °━

In the convenience store, Eunhyuk, Jisu, Hyunsu, Jaeheon, and Yunji helped to check the remaining food, while Sangwook remained in his seat, guarding the others.


Seungwan entered, confusing the people inside.

"Did you think I wouldn't notice if you ran away? Give me my share!"

He rushed next to Yunji, getting his hands on the box of food. But, Yunji stopped him from taking it.

"Get your hands off me, you bitch! Fuck! I can't trust anyone anymore!"

Yunji pushed him away, but she felt a blade cut her arm, luckily, she wore a jacket. But he had it pointed at the girl,

"You shit, don't touch me! I'm not going to die here like this, I-I'm going to leave by myself!"

"You, give me the car keys." He demanded from Eunhyuk, as the four backed away slowly

he threw the goods down and moved forward with the cutter in his hand.

"Give me the keys, you asshole━"

A hand found its way to slap the guy in the face, as the cutter fell from his hand. Sangwook came from behind and pushed him onto a grid panel; punching him.

He groaned in pain as Seungwan fell to the ground, he then got dragged away by Sangwook again.

"I said, can people get any more stupider than this?" Yunji talked to herself, concerning the people with her.

He pushed him to the barricaded entrance, giving him a chance to flee.

"Why don't you go out there then?"

The man threw a tantrum like a child that didn't get what he wanted, 

"YOU DON'T KNOW HOW IT FEELS TO HAVE YOUR LIFE IN SOMEONE ELSE'S HANDS!!!" He yelled as the residents came to where the noise was from.

"What are you doing? Aren't you ashamed to face the kids?" Gilseop spoke,


"Hey, don't worry, he just wants his baby bottle," Yunji whispered to the kids, making them giggle.

The residents stared at the coward who lays there, as Gilseop stepped towards him.

"No, not all of us."

He crouched down at the grown man, staring him down as he gave his speech.

"People like you who act stupid out of fear are the ones who die first, Get a grip!"

"Take care of your own life,"

"We need to venture outside,"

The people of the apartment gathered inside the nursery, listening to Eunhyuk and Yunji's plan.

"We only have five days' worth of food, we'll search the nearest convenience store first," Eunhyuk announced,

"Isn't it too dangerous?" Jaeheon inquired,

"We made some preparations," Yunji answered for the guy,

"Mr. Ahn scouted the area and Mr. Han is working on the car."

"H-Hang on, brainiac, who's going, then? Are we drawing straws?"

"It's an important mission, so, the ones most likely to succeed will go," Eunhyuk responded,

the people looked at each other and then turned their heads down.

"So, how's the jacket? Comfortable?" Yunji spoke, entering the store where Sangwook was.

He hummed in reply and glanced at the girl approaching him.

"What are you here for?"

"To recruit you,"

"━Why me? " Sangwook asked the girl,

"Because you're in charge of the food, and you're the one most likely to succeed." Yunji reasoned,

"Do you know what kind of person I am?"

"Don't know, don't care."

"But have you ever━"

"saved someone's life? "

She removed her hand from her pocket, putting an unboxed cigarette pack, and slid it towards the male.

━° ⌜ 미지의 악마 ⌟ °━

Yunji went somewhere far, so people couldn't see her.

She unzipped her jacket, removing the wrapped bandages from her waist, as well as the gauze roll on the wound.

Her expression never changed once she saw the wound being halfway gone, only a scar remained.

She returned her top back to normal and sighed in anxiousness.

She closed her eyes for a moment, wanting to calm herself down.

She heard rushed footsteps close by, peeking out the wall she saw Eunhyuk walking fast toward her,

"Jisu passed out, I need you there," Eunhyuk announced,

Yunji wasted no time and joined him to go check on the girl,

Jisu was on the couch, her physique was pale, her lips almost had no red color, tiredness, and hard breathing.

"How long have you been hurting?" Eunhyuk asked the girl,

Eunyu, Yuri, Mrs. Hyein, Jaeheon, Jinok, and Suyeong were present in the room, looking at the girl's health.

"I'm fine..." Jisu muttered under her quivering breath,

Eunhyuk placed a hand on her abdomen with pressure, making her moan in pain. Concerning other people alongside him,

"Let's see if it hurts when you remove your hand," Yunji suggested, Eunhyuk did and it made her shriek,

"It's the appendicitis," Eunhyuk stated,

"Appendicitis?" Jisu struggled to talk,

"Your appendix," Eunhyuk answered,

"Are you sure?" Eunyu inquired,

"When we were in the basement, I recalled you having some sort of pain in your stomach, specifically you pressed your hand on the lower right side of your abdomen," Yunji informed, pointing at the location.

"From what I know, it typically starts with a pain in the middle of your abdomen that may come and go, and, within hours, the pain will travel to your lower right-hand side. Where the appendix is usually located, and will become constant and severe."

"━What do we do...?" Jinok questioned,

"━But, how do you know?"

"He should know that much, he got into medical school when we were so poor," Eunyu answered and glanced at the girl beside her brother.

"Same situation, three years of med school."

"Sister... what do we do?" Suyeong asked, and Jinok reassured her.

"The golden hour... is running out on both sides."

Eunhyuk, Yunji, Eunyu, and Jaeheon went outside to talk, privately.

"If her appendix ruptures, it'll become serious. She could get an infection in her peritoneum, and bacteria could spread throughout her entire body." The male informed Jaeheon, who was silently processing everything.

"Then she needs surgery?" Jaeheon responded,

"There's nothing we can do here," Eunhyuk informed him, as Eunyu scoffed,

"I'm not that capable, either."

"So? Are you saying you won't do anything?"

The two didn't answer,

"Just do something!━"

"I could do surgery, I know I'm capable. But, with a lack of surgical tools and information, we could be wrong about this." Yunji answered,

"Doing surgery here━ increases the chance that she'll die in the process,"

Eunhyuk and Yunji looked at each other, before facing the other two.

"We'll talk to her, see if she'll agree to do surgery."

They all agreed, but Yunji approached Jaeheon to talk.

"It's better if you stay here so that you can watch over Jisu." 

"Pardon?" Jaeheon inquired,

"I could tell, you acknowledge and admire her greatly, so it's best for you to stay back and watch her."

"Pray for her, Jaeheon."

━° ⌜ 미지의 악마 ⌟ °━

"...So I might die?" Jisu murmured,

"Yes, there's a higher chance of dying than surviving," Eunhyuk replied,

"Do you still want to do it?" He asked for confirmation,

"Yes, and, If I don't... there's no chance of surviving at all."

Eunhyuk got out of the room,

"I'll perform the surgery, I need anesthetics, antibiotics, saline, and surgical instruments."

"I'll go," Yunji offered,

"Are you trying to die?" A voice entered the nursery, he looked at the girl and then at her hip and bandages.

"You'll just be a burden in that state,"

"I'll go, too," Yuri spoke.

"No, you will not." Gilseop overheard her,

"There are dozens of different surgical tools, unless you're going to bring the whole hospital, someone who knows what you need should go,"

"You can't, it's too dangerous for you." Yunji talked to Yuri,

"It's too dangerous for you, too, Yunji."

"You're staying here, help Eunhyuk perform the surgery." She glanced at the old man, "plus, you still got a patient to take care of, right?"

Yuri sighed in defeat as she looked at Gilseop with sympathetic eyes.


Before going outside, the residents helped boil the surgical tools that Yunji brought from her room and disinfected the room with boiling hot water.

Eunhyuk and her discussed how the surgery will go using the medical books and example records that she brought,

 Jaehwon and Byeongil entered with the disinfected surgical tools, wrapped in plastic.

The duo came to an agreement, as they both looked at each other and nodded.

Yunji was about to walk away, but a hand touched her shoulder.

She looked at the guy in confusion, as Eunhyuk only stared at her before he leaned to her ear and spoke...

"If things go south, just go to the hospital. Getting food is the subgoal, saving Jisu is the main goal."

"Be careful, Shin Yunji."

"Good luck, Lee Eunhyuk."

Hyunsu and Sangwook were waiting in the van, as she got to the door, carrying her axe and Molotov cocktails in her backpack, as she felt something tug on her jacket.

"Sister... where are you going? Me and Suyeong are gonna play!" 

"━Yeongsu! Oh dear, don't go there without me." Jinok followed the boy, as he saw him and Yunji.

Yunji crouched down to reach his height and patted his head.

"We'll play, once we get back." She smiled at him,

"...But what if you won't? Just like dad..." The boy sadly muttered, getting shushed by the woman.

But, Yunji only smiled and said this...

"If I don't come back, I'll be sure to send you a sign that I'm always there to protect you, didn't I promise?" 

Yeongsu nodded and smiled back,

"You'll also promise you will come back! With lots of candy!" 

"Haha, sure, kid. Now go,"

"Yunji, be careful," Jinok spoke to the girl,

"I will, Mrs. Cha, please take care of the kids for me." 

The two left the basement, and Yunji entered the van. Looking at Sangwook and Hyunsu in the driver's seat,

"Ready?" Sangwook inquired for confirmation.

"Fifty-fifty," Yunji answered, as he started the van and drove to the parking lot entrance, which creaked when it slowly opened.

She glanced at the open bag, her gun placed on top of the glass bottles.

They saw the brink of daylight through the rolling shutter,

"If I could relive my life..."

"...I would've asked to not be born."

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