The Chameleon: The New Avenger

By Nobody00xx

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Rebekah Kuznetov aka The Chameleon lives a double life that only Nick Fury (and a select few others) know ab... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapter 1

542 12 0
By Nobody00xx

Beep. Beep. Beep. I open an eye and look at the clock. 3:30am. I grab my phone and answer the call. "Nick what the fudge do you want at 3am?!!" I yell into the phone. "I need you to come in Agent Kuznetov." Nick replied in his calm voice. No dip Sherlock. "Why?" I ask agitated. "Barton's been compromised." was his reply. "I'm on my way." and with that I hung up.

I went into the closet and grabbed my emergency bag. Which included fake I.D.s and passports, a couple thousand dollars in different currency (Yens, Pounds, U.S. dollars, etc..), three shirts, two changes of undergarments, two pairs of pants, toiletries, my S.H.I.E.L.D. Cat suit, and finally my Chameleon suit. With my emergency bag in hand I went into the bathroom, showered, and put on my cat suit. The tight suit was fireproof, water resistant, and made with flexible fibers for easier fighting and also makes it tougher to get cut or shot. My suit had holsters all around so I slid in four guns (one on each hip, one in the small of my back, and one on my right ankle) and 10 throwing knives into them. I grabbed my laptop that I made myself and my earpiece. I left my apartment and hopped on my motorcycle. Don't take it lightly it's fully loaded with a machine gun, grenades, and an RPG.

Now while I ride to the pick up site let me tell you my life story. I basically became a S.H.I.E.L.D agent the moment my eyes opened. My parents were also agents but were killed shortly after I was born. I was taken in by Fury, Hill, and Coulson and trained to be the best spy there was. By the time I was 3 I could talk, walk, and most importantly lie. I was Fury's secret weapon no one suspected a toddler knew how to talk much less hack. On a mission in Russia I was abducted by some not so friendly men. They interrogated me for information on how to take down S.H.I.E.L.D for weeks but being the stubborn toddler I was I didn't even open my mouth to exhale. After some time they decided beating would work better. I ended up with bruises all over my tiny body but I never screamed or even let a single tear fall. I kept my face stoic and void of emotion.

After exactly 4 months 2 weeks 5 days and 14 hours the leader of the group grew tired of me and pointed a gun at my head. Little did he know of an ass kicking 6 year old behind his back. "Do you know what this is little infant? This is your doom." the man I call evil Steve for lack of a real name said. The girl judo flipped him and pinned him so he was lying on his back. I stood up and grabbed the gun he left on the floor and said "You know what this is grown man? This is your doom." and I shot him straight in between the eyes. My first kill but it didn't affect me, I didn't let it. "Thank you, my name is Rebekah Kuznetov. Don't tell me yours or else the people I work for will want to track you." I tell the girl we shake hands and became sisters. After a few weeks I finally found a S.H.I.E.L.D base and said goodbye to my sister who I called BlackWidow as joke from her fear of spiders. Little did I know the cruel irony of her being in the Black Widow program.

A few years passed and at the age of 12 I became a level 10 agent along with Fury and Pierce. That day Clint Barton who was like a brother to me was sent to kill someone called Natasha Romanoff. He came back with the news that he spared her. After she was thoroughly interrogated she became a S.H.I.E.L.D agent. When we met again we were inseparable she was 15 while Clint was 18. We became known as the three musketeers. Now that's basically my life story.

Back to reality... I had arrived to the pick up site and was greeted with a jet. I carefully strapped my motorcycle in the jet and got inside to the seats in the back. There Nick Fury was waiting for me with a blue folder. A mission. "Director Fury." I said with a respectful nod. "Agent Kuznetov." He replied. "We're making the Avengers Initiative come alive." and with that he handed me the folder. Apparently I (the Chameleon) am teaming up with the Hulk, Ironman, BlackWidow, Hawkeye (if he comes to his senses), and Captain America to defeat an Asgardian called Loki who stole the tesseract. "So... You want me to suit up and keep my identity a secret?" I ask Nick after I finish reading. "Yes." He replies with a nod. I sigh and run a hand through my thick brown hair. "I accept." I answer after deciding 'screw it' and risk revealing my identity. You see only a handful of people know my identity. My cousin, the Fantastic four, The Green Arrow aka Oliver Queen, Batman aka Bruce Wayne, the justice League,and Nick Fury. How I know all these superheroes you may ask. We team together once a month and do a patrol around our cities. Last month we did Gotham city this month we're doing Starling city. The only person who knows we meet is Professor X since you know he can read minds and stuff. "You're recruiting Mr.Stark while I handle Captain Rogers." Nick said bringing me back down to Earth. Great. Stark. Note the sarcasm. I was dropped off right outside Stark tower. I left my bag so they'll take it to my room on the helicarrier. I only took my earpiece, phone, my laptop, and Tony's folder. "Hello Miss. May I ask why you're here?" Asked a robotic voice. ah Jarvis. "Hello Jarvis. I'm Agent Kuznetov. I need to talk with Mr.Stark thank you," I reply holding my badge out to the nearest camera. "Give me a moment." Jarvis replies.

A few seconds later a hologram of Tony appeared. "Mr.Stark we need to talk." I tell him. You see I called him first but he hung up so now I hacked into Jarvis. "You have reached the life model decoy of Tony Stark. Please Leave A message." the billionaire replied. "This is urgent." I say with a stoic expression. "Than leave it urgently." Tony retorted annoyed. Ok then. I hacked the elevator and got onto Tony's private floor.

Once the elevator doors open and I step out to see my friend Pepper Potts and Tony Stark. "Security Breach!" Tony yells. I raise an eyebrow as he whispers something to Pepper. "Mr.Stark." I say standing right outside the elevator. "Rebekah! Come in!" Pepper says. "Uh Rebecca (don't ask how know he spelled it wrong internally, I just know)? I believe her first name is Agent." Tony says with both eyebrows raised. "Pepper." I say acknowledgieng her presence. "Come in. We're celebrating." Pepper says peppily. That was punny. Ok back to earth. "Which is why she can't stay." Mr.Stark said. insert eye roll here. "We need you to look this over as soon as possible." I say handing the file to Pepper because I know the billionaire doesn't like being handed things. "Official consulting hours are between eight and five every other Thursday." the pompous superhero says. another internal eyeroll. "This isn't a consultation." I answer looking at him dead in the eye. I swear I saw him squirm under my glare. "Is this about the Avenger Initiative. Which I know nothing about." Pepper added quickly. "And the Doctor isn't from Gallifrey." I mutter under my breath. But apparently they heard because Tony chuckled and Pepper turned bright red. "The Avengers Initiative was scrapped, I thought. And I didn't even qualify." Tony said. "I didn't know that either." Pepper added. Mhm sure you didn't. "Yeah apparently I'm volatile, self-obsessed, and don't play well with others." Tony stated. Yep pretty much. "That I did know." Pepper said. Who doesn't? "This isn't about personality profiles anymore." I informed Stark. "Whatever. Miss Potts you got a minute?" Tony asked Pepper. They were probably gonna have a mushy couple moment. blech. Pepper and Tony (from now on to be called Pepperony) kissed. I ship Pepperony! "Study hard!" Pepper calls over her shoulder to Tony as she walks into the elevator with me. "So... how's the love life." Pepper asked me with a smirk. "Non existent." I answer with a smile. I was proud of myself, I plan on being a erm 'good girl' until I'm married. "What about these new 'Avengers' any hot guys." Pep asked wiggling her eyebrows suggestively. I made a gagging sign. "No thank you. Co workers are co workers." I answer. Pepper chuckled. We got into the jet and caught up with each other and then dropped her off at the airport. Next stop the helicarrier.

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