What A Time

By Krystelkoh0

5K 120 13

May goes on her well deserved trip to the Bahamas for a whole week and Tony has to babysit Peter. And the who... More

Meeting The Avengers
Just Another Bored Day
Sensory Overload Is A Bitch
Field Trips Suck. Especially When You Have An Embarrassing Dad.
A School Field Trip's Chaotic Hours
This Is What Parental Love Feels Like
We Forgot To Tell Peter...

Last Day

410 13 3
By Krystelkoh0

Peter Parker Protection Squad

Yesterday, 19:34 PM


My friends call me MJ: We saw the news.

My friends call me MJ: And you better answer our texts Parker. 

GuyInTheChair: i don't think he's awake. 

IamIronMan: He's not. After dinner he already went to sleep. 

GuyInTheChair: ohhh. thanks for tellin us mr stark. pls tell peter to answer us plsss. 

Today, 08:26 AM

Yeeter Parker: Hi guys. 

Yeeter Parker: I'm okay. And alive. :) 

Yeeter Parker: And now I fear heights and have PTSD. 

My friends call me MJ: I bet you had a nightmare. 

Yeeter Parker: .... 

IamIronMan: He did. 

GuyInTheChair: no surprises there. 

GuyInTheChair: but are you like, okay? Cos you fell like 102 stories.

IamIronMan: He's mostly okay. Right? 

Yeeter Parker: Yep. Totally okay. 👌

My friends call me MJ: Did you call May? 

Yeeter Parker: Immediately. Tony called her immediately when we reached the tower. 

IamIronMan: Thank whatever gods that are out there that she did not kill both our eardrums Pete.

Yeeter Parker: 🙏

GuyInTheChair: 🙏

IamIronMan: 🙏

My friends cal me MJ: ...... 

"And MJ is now offline." Peter announced, dragging out the 'n'. 

"I like her. She's not so much of a dork, unlike you and Ted. Gives major Pepper vibes tho." Tony replied. 

"Ned. Stop pretending like you don't know how to say his name." Peter corrected, "Also, I thought you liked dorks, since you're kinda one yourself."

"Yeah but I'm a cool dork. You're probably one of those dorks that have made a whole group chat just for playing Monopoly Go or something." Tony added.

Peter stayed silent. 

Tony burst out laughing. "No. Way. You actually did?" 

"What?! It's fun!" Peter defended, turning scarlet, pouting when Tony didn't stop laughing. "Stop making fun of me dad!" Peter whined. 

Tony may have calmed down from laughing but he was grinning like an idiot as he ruffled Peter's hair fondly, causing the teen to squawk indignantly like usual. 

"I'm so glad I saved you yesterday."

"You're not the only one you know." Peter admitted. 

Smiling till the sides of his eyes were crinkling, Tony wrapped an arm around Peter's shoulders and dragged the boy closer to him, chin resting on Peter's soft curls. Basking in the fact that Peter was here with him, alive and not buried somewhere underneath dirt. 

"It's not your fault I nearly died either." Peter murmured, smiling as Tony huffed. "I know you're thinking about it cause Rhodey keeps telling me about your immense guilt complex."

"Traitor." Tony said, letting Peter go. 

"But you know it's not your fault right?" Peter asked. 

"It kinda is kiddo." Tony sighed, "They were after me. Not you. But, they saw how close you were to me and targeted you. Just to get their revenge on me. And you nearly died in the process." Tony explained slowly.

"I can't let that happen." Tony whispered. 

Peter bit his lip, not liking how Tony was blaming himself for everything but nodded anyway. 

"But no apologising for what happened yesterday. Okay?" 

"Aright. I won't apologize for what happened, yesterday." Tony answered, "Anyway, you're the one who always apologizes for no reason." 

Peter gently slapped Tony's arm in for that comment. "Not my fault I'm so good hearted."

"Spider-Man? Really?" Nat asked when she bumped into Peter on the top of the tower, who was dressed in his suit ready to swing. (Peter pretended to not notice how she was in her full suit as well. Telling him it might not be a coincidence that he bumped into her) 

"Umm, yeah?"

"You literally nearly died yesterday. And Tony agreed to this?" She said skeptically, gesturing at Peter's suit. "Don't you have a fear of heights now? 

Peter shrugged. "The heights isn't super bad, i mean I do feel like a little scared when I look down but it's mostly okay. And Dad said I could go, reluctantly. Cause it would seem suspicious that Spider-Man hasn't really been patrolling lately. Gotta keep the image y'know?" 

Nat uncrossed her arms and let them away at her side as she started thinking. 

"Mind if I come with you?" She asked. "I'd like to actually see you in action so it'd be easier to teach you how to fight properly." 

"Okay!" Peter immediately answered, eyes lighting up. Very thrilled that Nat would be coming along with his patrol. "But you can't intervene with me unless I tell you to. And you can't show yourself, if not the muggers would just run away." Peter added as he jumped off the side of the building and shot a web to one for the lower bulidings.

He didn't really worry how Nat was going to follow him. She was the Black Widow after all. Infamous/famous ex-russian spy who now works for SHIELD and is an Avenger. She would find a way to follow him, maybe she has some high tech grappling hook from movies.

"I expected you to just let some of them go." Nat commented. 

"I do." Peter replied, asking Karen to scan for some activity. "Depends on the crime honestly. Bank robbery? Jail. Stole a bike? Maybe."

"So you judge them by the crime they committed? They should all be fined or jailed either way if you ask me." 

"Yeah well I'm not like that." Peter cheerfully answered, swinging away go another building.

"There seems to be a kidnapping going on at East 55 street." Came Karen's voice. 

"In board daylight?" Peter exclaimed, swinging in the direction towards 55 street. "Those kidnappers are crazy!" 

Peter hopped down onto one of the nearby buildings when he reached 55 street, there he could see two men attempting to kidnap a boy, and from the boy's young appearance, he seemed to only be 7 years old. 

"Bastards." Peter murmured as he jumped down  into the alleyway and between the kidnappers and the boy. 

"Hey guys! What're doing here in broad daylight trying to kidnap a kid?" He asked, dodging the lunges from the kidnappers easily. Shooting a web to stick one of the guys hands onto the brick wall. 

Nat watched from above, mildly impressed. Peter was talking way too much and leaving many open gaps to be hit on but it worked for the young vigilante. And to be honest, she found the quips endearing. 

No wonder Tony loves this kid. 

She's gone soft for this kid. Softer than she's ever been since her childhood with her sister Yelena. 

"Hey don't cry!" Peter murmured, when he had webbed the kidnappers onto the wall, squatting to meet the boy's eye level. "You're okay now. They didn't hurt you right?"

The boy shook his head but didn't stop crying. 

"What's your name?"

"Luke." The boy, Luke, answered, sniffing. 

"Hey Luke! That's a cool name! Like Luke Skywalker from Star Wars. Ever heard of it?" 

Luke nodded fervently, mood slightly brightening. "Star Wars is so cool!"

"Right?!" Peter agreed, taking the boy's little hand and scopping Luke into his arms. "Do you know where your home is? I'm sure your parents are worried sick about you." 

Luke nodded slowly pointing in the direction which indicted where his house was. 

"Well lead the way Captain." Peter exclaimed, saluting the boy in his arms while giggled. 

He's good with kids too. Nat realised as she watched the interaction. 

"Left or right?" Peter asked Luke. 

Luke looked at his hands trying to remember which direction was left or right. Eventually coming to a conclusion and pointing right. Nat following the pair from above, jumping from building to building, and running to keep up with Peter's speed. 

"Is this it?" Peter asked after five minutes of walking. 

Luke nodded. 

Peter knocked several times on the wilderness door and rang the bell at least twice before two people emerged from behind the door, the woman looking hopeful while the man was talking on the phone with someone. 

"Spider-Man!" The woman exclaimed. 

"Yeah it's me. And is this your child?" Peter asked, gesturing at Luke in his arms. 

"Oh my god. Sorry. But Spider-Man just found my child." The man murmured into the phone, causing Peter to suspect that he was calling the FBI. 

"Yes. Yes he is." The woman confirmed, taking her child into her arms. "We can't thank you enough Spider-Man. Thank you."

"You're welcome Ma'am, Sir. It's in my job description." Peter replied as he swinged away and onto the building Nat was standing on. 

"Well that's that."

"You're good with kids you know that?"

"I know." Peter simply said before he swung to another building.

"Boss, it seems Peter is having a code red."

Tony immediately dropped whatever he was holding in worry, cause this wasn't just any code, it was code red. And there isn't enough damn colours in the god damn rainbow for whatever shit Peter can get up to during his patrols. 

"What's the injury FRIDAY? A broken bone? A few broken bones?" Tony asked with urgency. 

"A stab wound that has caused a laceration." 


Then his watch started to ring. 

'Natasha Romanov' It said. 

"Tony. Do not get mad."

"I already know Agent Romanov."

"Peter is bleeding a lot. Should I wait for you to come here? I need instructions Tony."

"I'll go there. Just stay where you are and try to help Peter." Tony replied before hanging up on her. 

"Deploy Mark LIX now." Tony ordered as he dashed out of the lab, "Tell Dr Cho to get to ready when me and Nat bring home a bleeding spider-child."

"Alerted boss." 

Tony was already flying towards Peter's location in a blink of an eye.

"Peter I just called Tony okay? Hold out for little while longer." Nat murmured as she tore off a piece of her clothing to wrap around Peter's torso. 

"Don't worry Natasha. This has happened many times." Peter tried assuring. 

"I legitimately feel slightly bad for Tony." Nat grunted, tightening the cloth around the wound, causing Peter to hiss in pain. 

"He's complained to me about how I'm worsening his heart condition every time this happens." Peter grumbled. 

"And my hair is turning to grey for my liking." 

Tony then landed in the middle of the tiny alleyway behind Peter and Nat. 

"Took you long enough.* Nat commented. 

"Two minutes is fast okay?" Tony retorted, gently scooping Peter up into his arms. (well technically the suit's arms) "You are also not riding on my back. Use some of the sky shut you got and grab onto my leg." Tony added towards Nat. 

Nat shrugged as she pulled her hook, tossing the string around the Iron Man suit's leg. Not in theeast surprised when Tony suddenly took off with zero warning. But nonetheless commented on it. 

"A little warning would be great Stark."

"Nothing takes you by surprise Romanov."

Peter suddenly closing his eyes shut and going limp drowned out whatever snarky reply Nat had come with. 

"FRIDAY, bring up Peter's stats."

"His blood levels are dangerously low due to the stab Boss. He will most likely need to have a blood transfusion despite his healing factor still trying to quickly close up the skin to stop blood flow." 

"What's his blood type?"

"Blood type A. Same as you."

"How much blood type A does Dr Cho have stored?"

"Not a lot Boss. Lesser than the amount needed to get Peter stabilized."

"Get Dr Cho to pull up the equipment needed for a transfusion." Tony ordered quickly when the tower was in sight. 

"My type is A too." Nat added, causing Tony to turn to her. "And I'm willing to give some of my blood to Peter. Don't need you to be all tried because our gave your kid too much blood."

Tony knew Nat couldn't see his face, but he had a feeling that she knew nonetheless that he was smiling under the gold titanium alloy. 

As they reached the roof, they could see Dr Cho with a few of her nurses with a stretcher along with what he could see were blood packs. When he landed Dr Cho and her team immediately took Peter away to the med bay, while Tony immediately walk out of his suit. Natasha having already gracefully landed in a elegant pose, flipping her hair as she stood up. 

"This is going to be a problem." Nat murmured. 

"The team is bound to find out he's Spider-Man." Tony added, catching on quickly to what Natasha was mentioning. 

"Steve is mostly the problem. He's the one who's most likely to give you and maybe Peter a lecture." 

"Like he didn't sign up for the army when he was weak and frail in the past." Tony complained as they walked to the Medbay. 

"He'll be fine. He has his enhanced healing right? He'll be up and about like his usual self in, what a few hours?"

"Yeah probably." Tony said as he shook his head, "But still, it better if he didn't get stabbed when he went patrolling." 

"He told me to not interfere unless he said so. I didn't step in until I saw him get stabbed." Nat added, still staring forward and not looking at Tony. 

He could hear the message underneath her statement clearly. 

Sorry I couldn't protect the kid. 

Nat always coded her statements when her feelings were involved, ever since the Red Room, feelings was something that was a very foreign to her, so expressing them was... hard.

"Not your fault." Was all Tony said before he walked into the Medbay with Nat. 

Dr Cho looked up from where she was hooking an IV into Peter's arm and hand, relief on her face when she recognized the two. 

"Your both Blood Type A am I right? Cause we're low on that type of blood, not enough to stabilize Peter." 

"We know that." Nat replied, "How many pints does he need?"

"We need two pints from each of you. It'll make you slightly dizzy but the effects would wear off in a few days or so."

"What are the effects? A little lightheadedness and some minor bleeding or bruising." 

"Nothing we can't handle." Tony assured. 

Anything for Peter. 

"What happened? Tony?" Said a muffled voice. 

"Before you say anything Spangles-" 

Oh it's dad and Mr Rogers. 

"- I have a very valid reason."

"Don't blame anything on Tony, Steve." Said a more feminine voice. 

Wait, that was Natasha. 

What were they all doing here? Where even is 'here's? He could feel himself lying down on a comfortable bed, on that could only be as comfortable like the Medbay's. 

Oh. Oh.

I got stabbed. 

Peter then bolted ho into a sitting position scaring nearly everyine in the room for his sudden movement, Clint even let out a high pitch scream which was even better. 

There were so many people. Tony, Pepper, Rhodey, Natasha and the other Rogues except Wanda. And if he remembered correctly, Tony had said Wanda had left to visit Vision and still hadn't come back. 

He then looked down to see that he was no longer in his suit but was suspicious in the Medbay with a stab wound on the side of his torso. And why, you might ask, would an innocent high school student get stabbed out in the middle if no where? 

Seems pretty suspicious. 

And Peter had absolutely no back up excuse to get out of this one. And he was sure Tony, Pepper and Rhodey did not have one either. 

"Peter. Can I ask why you have a stab wound?" Steve asked. 


"No point trying to hide anything now kiddo." Tony added, from next time him. 

Peter sighed, he really didn't want all of them to know. Especially a specific Winter Soldier but answered anyway with much reluctance. 

"I'm Spider-Man." He mumbled as softly as he could, but in this room where the damn acoustics are so good, it was clear as day. 

"What?!" Steve exclaimed. 

"Don't pretend you weren't already suspecting that when you saw the stab wound Steve." Nat cut in. 

"Still, he's too young." Steve said, trying to be calmer. 

"I have a kid nearly Peter's age Tony." Clint continued, "To be fighting crime out there? Where there's so many unimaginable things?"

"Don't think I've never thought about this. I've always thought about this." Tony replied, "Everytime when he goes out to patrol, everytime I receive a call from him or his Aunt or the school? I freak out."

"And to be frank, I know what those unimaginable things are about. I've seen enough till the point where I've had a building fall on top of me once."

"A building?!" Sam exclaimed. 

"Yeah. That's wasn't fun at all."

Tony rolled his eyes and added, "And when I learned about it, I had a panic attack."

Peter ignored that comment, "But yeah Mr Rogers, having a buliding fall on me might not be responsible, but in the end, I saved all of Stark Industries' gear and tech. Causing Dad to decide that moving everything to the compound would be too much if a hassle."

"Still, was it just that one time?" Steve asked. 

"Uh no?"

Did Steve really think that was all that he had experienced?

So he tried again, "Mr Rogers, you might be able to hear the interns 36 floors us, but how distinctly can you hear them? What're they saying? Cause I can here this particular intern right now by the name of Martin, who's trying really hard to figure out this equation, all because by the sound of it, he wrote one wrong digit."

"FRIDAY alert Martin Fernandez that he wrote an 8 instead of 3 in the first step." Peter asked. 

"Alerted. Mr Fernandez wishes to tell you that he is extremely thankful." 

Peter then continued, "And right now I can hear a hot dog seller 5 blocks away, handing change to a man who had just bought one hot dog for his daughter."

"FRIDAY?" Tony prompted. 

FRIDAY then pulled up security footage of a hot dog seller giving change to a 40 year old man who was currently carrying his 4 year old daughter in his arms, said child snacking hungrily on her food. 


"And with enhanced sense like mine? I can hear a group of muggers trying to kidnap a lady. You think I can just sleep when I know this type if things are happening? I can't! I just.. can't. I can't have that, on my conscience. That's why I do Spider-Man."

"And I don't care if I'm too young. I have these powers, and when I can do something and I don't, and then the bad things happen. They'll happen because of me."

Peter totally did not just say an iteration of what he had said to Tony when he first met him. And when he looked up he was expecting some neutral or skeptical faces but what he wasn't expecting was proud looks shot at him. 

Tony the proudest of course. 

"Sounds awfully familiar Pete." Came Tony's fond statement. 

Peter smirked. 

"And Tony just allowed you to go out as Spider-Man? What was his reaction?" Clint asked. 

"He was mad. Very very mad. He did not take it lightly. Since I've been sneaking out so often and coming back with bruises. I'm surprised I even managed to keep him in the dark for two weeks."

"Two weeks is too long." 

"Oh come on. I didn't even get hurt during that time." Peter protested. 

"You were swinging around the city, fighting crime with a hoodie. I at least gave you protection, like a suit that alerts me when you're in danger, a heater, tracker, et cetera et cetera."

"If he's going to fight crime, he'll need training." Steve said. 

"I've been doing that." Nat deadpanned.

"How come she gets to know about Peter being Spider-Man before us?" Clint complained. 

"I think she found out by herself." Sam muttered. 

"I did. Along with some other things."

Whatever that meant, Peter didn't really care. She could've found out that he and Tony were really biologically related, and he wouldn't really mind. 

He really wouldn't mind them knowing the truth. 

They're there.

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