What A Time

By Krystelkoh0

5K 120 13

May goes on her well deserved trip to the Bahamas for a whole week and Tony has to babysit Peter. And the who... More

Meeting The Avengers
Just Another Bored Day
Sensory Overload Is A Bitch
Field Trips Suck. Especially When You Have An Embarrassing Dad.
This Is What Parental Love Feels Like
We Forgot To Tell Peter...
Last Day

A School Field Trip's Chaotic Hours

582 12 0
By Krystelkoh0

They were headed for lunch at the moment. Everybody was still giving him stares, except Ned and MJ cause they already knew. But he still felt uneasy, he wasn't really one for attention if you didn't know that by now. He hated it when all eyes we're on him. It's just embarrassing. 

'But not as embarrassing as what you're putting me through dad' Peter thought sourly, knowing Tony was probably cackling away somewhere in the tower. 

"I'll watch the table you go get what you want to eat," Peter muttered to Ned and MJ as they reached the cafeteria. 

"Do they have pizza? I wonder if they have pepperoni, you ham and cheese, or bacon." Ned excitely murnured. 

"They have all three on one. It's number 15 at Stall 5." Peter told him, sitting down on one if the metal seats that surrounded a table in a corner. 

He was looking around the place when he spotted a familiar male figure seating a few tables away, trying to hide his face in the pretense of reading a newspaper. 

Who even reads newspapers nowadays? 

"Uncle Rhodey is that you?" Peter called to the man with the unmistakable leg braces. 

"You found me!" He said sarcastically as he put the newspaper down. "And before you ask, Tones put me up to this." He added as he walked over to Peter seating next to him. 

Peter sighed, "Next thing you know Mr Rogers, and Mr Wilson are gonna be at the Avengers museum we're gonna visit later."

The Avengers Museum and the History of Stark Industries Museum was a must go when your taking a tour of the tower. And since Peter's team hasn't been to either yet, he's sure they're going to them sooner or later. But when he saw Rhodey's impressed face, he knew that he and his classmates are going to see Captain-fucking-America and Falcon when they're going to Avengers Museum later. 

Peter knocked his head on the table and groaned. (And it's not because of the pain when he hit the table) Rhodey laughed at his antics, patting his back lightly as he continued laughing. 

"You're no better than Tony, Uncle Rhodey." Peter murmured. 

"I think you'll change your mind at the end of the day." Rhodey added with a smirk. 

"Peter is that War Machine next to you?" Ned exclaimed as he saw the famous figure sitting next to a grumbling Peter. 

"Hey. Your Ned right? Peter's talks about you a lot."

"Oh my god War Machine knows my name."

"Have fun talking with him. I'm gonna get food." Peter mumbled as he walked away, already hearing Ned ask an amused Rhodey a bunch of questions. 

Peter walked along the long aisle of stalls, not knowing what to choose, finally deciding on the Shawarma shop he has fallen in love so very fortunately fallen in love with. 

"Hey Mr Ibrahim. The usual please." Peter ordered. 

Mr Ibrahim nodded before going to the tall tower of meat. 

"Shouldn't you be in school kid?" Mr Ibrahim asked. 

"Yeah. But I've got a field trip to the tower today." Peter replied, leaning onto the front desk as he breathed in the delicious smell of Shawarma. 

"Imagine that. Field trip to your own home. Stark's probably going to embarrass the heck outta ya."

"Oh he's already doing that." Peter deadpanned as Mr Ibrahim handed him his piping hit Shawarma. "Thanks Mr Ibrahim." Peter added as he paid for the food with his incredibly stocked Stark Industries credit card that Tony had given him. 

"No problem kid. Have fun."

As Peter walked away mumching on his Shawarma, he heard someone follow him from behind, and he could tell it was Flash. Can't the guy just give him a break to enjoy his food? 

"What do you want Flash?" Peter asked, absently taking another bite of his food. 

"How do you know that at all owner? Or Black Widow and Hawkeye? There's no way you, Puny Parker can beat Black Widow." Flash taunted. 

"There's a lot of things you don't know about me. Or you just don't want to believe." Peter replied, sreadily walking towards his table where Ned and MJ were now conversing with Rhodey. 

"Oh like your stupid internship you've been trying so hard to prove is true?" Flash retorted. "You probably never even been in the same vicinity as Tony Stark. You probably paid them all to recognize you."

Then Peter saw from the corner of his eye, Flash smirking. And Peter knew he wasn't going to like what Flash was going to do it out of his mouth next. 

"Or have you become Stark's new boy toy hmm?" Flash laughed. "You know how Tony Stark used to be in the past."

"Excuse me?! What did you just accuse Peter of?" Rhodey exclaimed loudly, having overheard Flash's last sentence. 

Flash then now realised that he was facing the War Machine, someone who has served the army and has taken down plenty of enemies. And could definitely kill him. 

Again, illegal. 

"U-um. Nothing! Pe- Parker and I were just fooling around!" Flash answered. "Right Parker?" Flash added, with a threatening edge in his voice as if saying 'you better go along or you're dead meat'. 

"I think that's a bit too far for just playing around." Came a more female voice from behind Flash. 

Peter immediately snapped his head at the new person who has intruded into the conversation. And of course, Peter saw Wanda looking a little angry. 

"Please Miss Maximoff." Peter begged. "Don't do anything. He's just a kid."

Wanda seemed to deflate at Peter's statement before nodding at him and Rhodey, giving a little wave as she walked away with food in her hand. 

Rhodey turned to Flash who was looking a little frazzled, "Now why don't you go back to you table and stop bothering Peter?" 

Flash nodded and walked away quickly to his table at the other end of the cafeteria. 

"Why didn't you tell Tony he's bullying you?" Rhodey questioned. 

"There was never an opening to say anything." Peter shrugged. 

"Tony needs to know this is happening Pete."

"Ya I know. You can tell him. It's fine. Wasn't planning on hiding it." Peter replied. 

With a final pat on his shoulder, Rhodey bid him, Ned and MJ goodbye, no doubt going to Tony to address the matter. 

Peter sighed as he sat down next to Ned and continues eating his now warmer Shawarma. 

"Mr Rhodes is cool." MJ admitted from across the table. 

Peter smiled as he replied, "Yeah, he is."


"Okay Midtown's AcaDeca Team!" Kemp called as they were going down the elevator to the 20th floor. "We're going to the see the History of Stark Industries Museum. Where we'll take you back in time to see how Stark Industries became what it is today. After that we'll go to the Avenger's showcase room."

Peter watched as his classmates cheered at the idea if going to see the Avengers showcase room. Little did they know that the Stark History museum was just as awesome. He's only been there once, that was when he had first stayed over at the tower a few months back. It was awesome. 

They reached the 20th floor where there was an old fashioned wooden door right outside the elevator door. 

"Okay everyone. I need you to keep it down when we enter the museum okay?" Kemp instructed. 

Everyone nodded. 

Kemp slowly opened the wooden door and they stepped into a seeming black and empty room. Then suddenly dim lights were turned on at the corners of the room and the walls glowed a bright blue. 

"Welcome to the History of Stark Industries Museum." FRIDAY announced. "Where we'll take you back in time with the use if holographic projections."

His teammates gasped as a projection of the old building version of Stark Industries appeared before them. 

"Stark Industries has been passed down for generations. From Howard Stark's father to him and from Howard Stark to Tony Stark. And now the CEO of Stark Industries is Pepper Potts. The first ever non-Stark to run the Industry. However Tony Stark stills owns the company. " FRIDAY began. As holographic projections of Howard, Tony, and Pepper appeared with then signing ownership of the company. 

"If you would follow the light," FRIDAY said, and the team followed the dim lighting in awe as they watched from side to side, projections of different weapons, people and what not appeared. 

"At first, Stark Industries was a company that manufactured weapons for the US military." Missiles were showed before the AcaDeca team with the name Stark Industries imprinted on them. "But after a series of events following the kidnapping of Tony Stark, Justin Hammer and a few others. Stark Industries has became a company that is trying to help the Human Society with clean green energy powered by a huge arc reactor hundreds of feet in the ground."

A huge hologram now showed a minature sized version of Stark Industries and the arc reactor beneath it.

"Then of course Stark Tower was then renamed Avemger's tower after the attack of New York, and was now a tower where the Avengers stayed in, and where a company runs." FRIDAY continued. 

"As I'm sure you know, Stark Tower was nearly sold, but in a last minute decision, Tony Stark had decided not to sell the tower and instead kept it. Stark Industries has continued to be the top grossing technology company in the whole world." FRIDAY announced, and when the projections stopped, everyone found them selves in the same room where they all entered. 

"Cool isn't it?" Kemp asked. 

"Yes!" Most of the class seemed to scream in unison. 

"How does the projections work?"

"How does everything work in there? 

"Was it expensive to do this?"

"How big actually was the place?"

Kemp laughed as he quietened the group, "Okay one at a time."

"The projections were made by Tony Stark and a few others after a bit of tweaking from someone special," Kemp winked at Peter who flushed, "The museum became something much much different from your normal history museums." Kemp answered the first question. 

"I think I had also answered the second question I heard which was how most things work in here. Yes it was quite pricey to make this floor, at least to me it was. To Tony Stark he probably recovered the money he spent on this floor in about a day."

"How much was it?!"

"Over a few hundred million." Kemp stated simply. 

Jaws were dropped in shocked and whispers emerged, "He's that rich?" "Holy shit."

"The level is as large as any other level. It's just the wire work and coding take up some space hence it feels like the level is much smaller." Kemp replied, "Now if there aren't any questions. Let's go to down a floor, to the Avengers showcase museum."

Everybody chattered excitedly on what awaited them a floor below. 

Peter knew what awaited him. A boat load of embarrassment. 

He his behind Ned and stood next to MJ. Ned seemed just as excited as the rest to see the Avengers showcase museum, MJ just seemed imapssive as always. 

"Hey loser." MJ whispered to him, "When Kemp said that a special someone had tweaked the projections, was it you?"

"Oh you realised that?" Peter asked in surprise, "Tony had asked me to check the coding and after a did a few adjustments, we finally tested it and it worked."

"Sometimes I forget how kuch of nerd you are Parker." MJ muttered. 

And coming from MJ that meant that she was impressed. And to Peter, that meant a lot. 

"Okay everyone! We're here. You have about 25 minutes to look around. On this level you're allowed to take pictures. Have fun." Kemp announced as he clapped his hands. "I'll be waiting outside if you need anything." He added as everyone walked into the museum. 

Peter looked around, noticing how it was different from last time. Immediately he saw the Iron Man section which Ned and him ran towards, MJ shaking her head as she followed them. 

"Holy shit, Peter do you know what Mark this is?" Ned asked. 

"Umm," Peter started as he looked at the side of the right leg. "Mark XLII (43)."

"Oh my god. Selfie!" Ned exclaimed as he held out his phone. 

Ned tugged MJ into the picture much to her protests, Ned put an arm around Peter as he held the phone up high, making sure all three of them were in frame. Peter held out a peace sign as he stuck his tongue out, and MJ out on a reluctant smile as Ned took a photo of the three of them. 

"Cool! I'm gonna send it into the Peter Parker Protection Squad Group Chat." Ned exclaimed. Peter groaned at the group name he definitely did not like. 

Peter Parker Protection Squad 

GuyInTheChair: *Photo*

My friends call me MJ: Cool

Yeeter Parker: @GuyInTheChair, you could have sent it to the group chat where Tony isn't in it. 

IamIronMan: Hah, too late Pete. FRIDAY save to Spider-baby file. 

My friends call me MJ: Haha lol. 

GuyInTheChair: Sorry Peter. 

"You know saying sorry to me verbally is more sincere right?" Peter deadpanned at Ned. 

"I find it hilarious that Tony Stark has a whole file of pictures of you to use as blackmail material." MJ stated, "Maybe I should ask him to give me some of those."

"MJ!" Peter whined. 

"Too bad loser."

"Hey Peter?" Ned called. "Am I seeing what I think I'm seeing?" Peter followed Ned finger in the direction he was pointing at. And there, he saw a Spider-Man section. 

Peter's jaw nearly dropped open but he was to busy walking over to the case. He saw a replica of his homemade suit where there were little panels of information surrounding the suit. 

"Hmm. Spider-Man is afraid of spiders." MJ said, and Peter could hear the smirk in her voice. "More blackmail material."

"Hey you try getting but ten by a radioactive spider and then get a freaking fever and vomit for three days straight and tell me spiders don't scare you." Peter retorted. 

"Whatever loser."

"Hey, Peter look at this." Ned softly said. 

Peter looked over at what Ned was pointing at. To any other person, it seemed like another piece of useless information but it meant the world to Peter. He never knew that. Tony had never ever told him that. 

Iron Man's Favourite Superhero. 

Peter would be lying if he said he isn't crying from joy. 

"That's sentimental of Tony Stark." MJ commented. 

"Who knew right? Definitely not me."

Peter groaned. 

"Sam, we were supposed to be undercover!" Steve scolded, from a corner Peter was surprised he could fit in with his broad shoulders. 

"Hey would you look at that. It's Captain America and The Falcon in horrible disguises." MJ deadpanned, "I mean you guys are 'Earth Mightiest Heroes' and you can't even find a suitable disguise?" MJ questioned. 

"We had to make due with what we had." Sam shrugged. "Honestly, kid. Are you shocked that you're Stark's favourite?"

"No?" Sam quirked an eyebrow. "There's just so many other heroes out there!"

"Who did you think Mr Stark would like anyway?" Ned asked. 

"Can we not talk about this? Yeah, we are not talking about this." Peter quickly said. 

Over in the corner, Peter could see how one of his teammates, Abe (was it?), turn to look at Peter and the group before gasping incredibly loudly, pointing a finger at Steve and Sam. Abe wasn't stupid, those were the absolute worse disguises on the planet. 

"Holy fucking shit! It's Captain fucking America and The fucking Falcon." Abe announced, with a bunch of unnecessary swear words in between words. 

"Language son." Steve chided, casting Sam a sideways look as said person doubled over in laughter. 

"Language he said." San muttered, seemingly unaffected by the stares from nearly all the students (and one teacher). 

The rest of Peter, Ned and MJ's teammates immediately rushed over and bombarded the two heroes with their endless strings of questions. MJ rolled her eyes at the excitement her other teammates seemed to have over the two recently pardoned heroes, sighing when she saw Ned in the crowd. 

Peter just ducked away from the scene, following MJ to the Black Widow showcase. 

"I can't believe you know Black Widow personally." MJ commented as she read the information on Natasha's Widow bites. 

"It just sorta comes with the lerks of knowing It Iron Man I guess." Peter replied. 

"I didn't know Natasha's name was actually Natalia Alianovna Romanova..." Peter murmured. "Or that she was in a relationship with Bruce Banner!"

"Only uneducated people don't know that." 

"I wasn't that huge of Black Widow fan to know that!" Peter defended, as he continued reading, "Natasha's biologically enhanced and was born in 1928!?" 

What the fuck? 

"Yep. She's so awesome. Just as awesome as Pepper Potts." MJ stated, not caring about Peter's shocked tone. 

"That's means she's...  90 years old?!" Peter calculated. 

"Yea. I didn't know it too." Came another voice, but from above. 

Peter quickly looked up while MJ couldn't be bothered to care. 

There, his face obvious to recognize, was Clint. 

"What the fuck." Peter cursed, surprised that he isn't surprised at Clinics antics. 

"Oh my god. Did you just swear?" Clint laughed, "Wait till Stark hears that his precious cinnamon roll isn't all that precious after all!" He added, jumping down from the vents. 

"Yeah, you'd all be surprised." MJ continued. 

"Hey! I'm not that bad!" Peter retorted. 

"Keep telling yourself that."

"Also, where's your other friend? Ted was it?" Clint asked. 

"He's over there," MJ pointed, where the crowd still was, with Mr Harrington trying to quietn down the students, and failing to do so. (Also failing to hide his own excitement) "Fanboying with all the other fans."

MJ now stood up, having finished reading about Natasha. 

Kemp had also seen the excited teenagers and has now rushes over to pry the teenagers from the two heroes. Honestly, it was funny to watch. 

Two of Earth's Mightiest Heroes being taken down by a bunch of teenagers with bombarding questions, and a teacher and Stark Industries employee trying to calm said teenagers. 

"Let them suffer." Clint said, putting a hand on Peter's shoulder as Peter had made a move to help Steve and Sam. 

"You're a great teammate to have on the battlefield I see. Very fantastic. You will definitely have your teammate's backs in a fight." Peter uttered sarcastically. But honestly, he can't help but smirk at letting Steve (not so much for Sam, cause he liked Sam Wilson okay?) suffer. 

Soon after a good five minutes, with Clint grinning widely like an idiot if not laughing, Steve and Sam were saved and Peter's teammates looked disappointed that not all they're questions got answered. 

"Oh come one guys!" Kemp encouraged, "What if you get to meet Tony Stark himself?" Nearly everyone perked up, save it for Peter and MJ, at Kemp's comment. "Though we may not necessarily be meeting him." He added. 

May not? That's about a 65.43% chance if meeting his dad mentor. Do not ask why he had the specifics. 

Peter sighed as he heard Clint giggle at Kemp comment from the ceiling vents which he had climbed back into quickly when he saw the teenagers approaching him. 

Never mind. Make that 80.74%. Again, don't ask about the specifics. 

"Okay, since your your is about to end with two final stops on our trip here at Stark Industries." Kemp announced, snatching Peter out of his thoughts as he took the students along with him. 

"We'll visit the PR department, before we head to see something most your groups don't even get to see!" Kemp continued, passing for (stupid) dramatic effect. 

"One of Tony Stark's personal labs!"

Well Fuck.

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