By dreamerinmaking

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"I DO LOVE NOTHING IN THE WORLD SO MUCH AS YOU...." Their love was inevitable. Her heart belonged to him and... More

Chapter 13 (B)


73 11 28
By dreamerinmaking

This chapter dedication is to my amazing friend @flawlessscream

Thank you for all your love & support.

And don't forget to check out her work. She's a really awesome writer.

The song above is just so perfect and I couldn't think of better one for this chapter.


Enjoy the chapter Folks.


My head is throbbing. This is what happens when you have too much to drink. After Cole had left, I had stopped keeping a count of all the champagne I gulped down. I remember David carrying me to my room. Ugh.....

This is the worst hangover I've ever had.

I get up from my bed. My head is still feeling heavy. I swear that I will never ever drink like this again. I quickly brush and head downstairs. I will need an Advil to make it through today.

David doesn't look any better than me. It looks like a truck ran over him. His hair resembles a bird's nest. And I mean literally.

"Good morning Beautiful." I smile at him showing all my 32's.

Do you even have all your 32's?

Good morning to you too. My inner voice always has the best timings.

And I'm always better at things than you are. You are just the less intelligent version of me.

Seriously! I wish I could murder her, but unfortunately it's my voice.

"Good morning. How many eggs did the bird lay today?" Yes. I did mean his hair. He looked at me first with a very confused look but then he realized what I was talking about.

"It laid... Wait. Let me count." He pointed his finger towards the top of his head and acted like he was really counting.

"Four. What about you?" This is why we are best friends. He always has fun with me and gets me.

"Unfortunately, today there were no eggs, but tomorrow there sure will be." We both burst into laughter.

Will was looking at us with a very confused look. I'm sure the old man didn't get what we were talking about. He must be thinking that I am still drunk from last night.

"Here are the Advil's, Sir." Will keep two Advil's in front of us and poured us water.

"This is exactly what I needed." I picked up my glass and gulped down the tablet. This is going to get me much better.

We have cereals for breakfast.

"So what are the plans for today?" I ask David.

"I have to go to work. There are a lot of things that I have missed out."

"Okay. Can you drop me to the nearby market when you'll be heading to office?"


We both head to our rooms. It is chilly today so I decide to put on my coat. After getting ready, I go downstairs and wait for David. I take out my phone and I have a few text messages .Some are just from the companies and there are two from Cole.

"When are you free?"

"Where are you staying? I want to meet you. Text me soon or just call me."

I'll call Cole when I will go to the market.

David comes downstairs, dressed in his suit and tie. He does look good in formals.

He looks good in everything. You just can't make out handsome guys.

What is it with her? I mean I can't believe that my inner voice is like that.

C'mon now. Tell him that he looks good. Don't be a pussy,

No. No. I'm not telling him anything.

"Kate. Kate." David waves his hand in front of my face.

"You're zoning out again."

"You look really hot." Shit! That came out really wrong and at a very wrong time. This is so embarrassing. I am sure I am really red right now.

"Thank you." David smirks. What is it with him? He knows I am embarrassed and he wants to make fun of it.

"Now let's go. You will be late for work and I will be late for shopping." I literally drag David to the car.

He drops me near the local market. I don't really have to shop. I just want to look around. It has been a long time since I was here.

I go to this nearby café and buy donuts. I love donuts. I can actually eat them all day. And this place sells the best donuts. I'm not really hungry right now so I'll save these babies for later.

My next stop is to my favorite accessory shop. They keep everything and I get to pick out, whichever I want. I used to spend a lot of time here. Everything gets my attention and I always used to end up buying whatever I liked. And that means a lot of things.

I enter the shop and that's when I remember that I have to call up Cole. I take out my phone and dial his number.

"Hello My darling." Cole is always flirting with me. He just can't resist my charms.

"Hello Coleyyyyy." And it's time for payback.

"Kate don't you start with that." Cole despised this name. All those clingy girls call him Coley. And if you really want to annoy Cole then just say this and the job is done.

"Okay Coleyyy. So, you wanted to meet me right?"

"Yes. Where are you right now?"

"I'm at the jewelry shop. The one I used to always drag you to." I used to always drag Cole with me. And he's such a sweetheart that he always came along, even though he despised it.

"I'll be there in 10. Don't get lost okay."

"Yes Sir."

I keep the phone away and start looking at the rings. I wish I could take all but I really can't. I roam around the shop and select a few things. 10 minutes have already gone by and Cole isn't here yet.

My eyes land on this beautiful bracelet. It has different charms on it and all of them are made from different gem stones. I pick it up and try to clasp it around my wrist.

"Here, let me help you with that."

I knew who the voice belonged to. I turned around to meet those arresting black eyes. They were the rarest I had ever seen. I handed him the bracelet. He gently put the bracelet around my wrist. Those feather touches made my heart flutter. I could feel the goose bumps rising on the back of my neck. I look down at my wrist and the bracelet looks really beautiful.

"It looks really good on you." I looked up to meet his gaze. I wish I could just turn the clock around and go back to our time.

"Thank you." I made my way towards the counter and paid for all my things. I could see him standing near the door, waiting for me.

I walk to him and we both leave the shop together.

"Cole couldn't come. He got some work at the last minute. And he didn't want to leave you alone so he sent me here." This is the great excuse which Cole had to make.

"It's alright. If you want to leave, then you can. I won't really mind it." Deep down I didn't want him to leave, but I knew that all this will end badly and it is better that I keep my distance.

"No. I'm fine with it. But if you want me to leave, then I can."

"You can stay." We both walk towards a park. I take a seat on a bench under a tree and he sits right beside me.

We both don't speak anything. The silence doesn't feel awkward like it does with other people.

"I'm sorry Kae." He tells me. I look at him and I know that he means it.

"It's okay. It's not all your fault. I'm to be blamed as well." I knew that he had spoken a lot before and it did hurt my feelings but I was at fault too.

"Do you want to have Donuts?" I offer him the bag which I had got packed.

"Sure." He picks out one of the chocolate ones.

"These are from your favorite shop." He states it. He knew that I loved the donuts of the café.

"Ya." He takes a bit of his and I take a bite of mine.

We look at the children playing. I remember all the time we both used to come to this park. He used to always make me chase him. I really miss all that.

It's like he read my mind and he speaks.

"I miss all our times." There was sadness in his voice.

"I miss it too, Drew." We both look at each other. I can sense the longing in his eyes.

"Kae, can't we start everything again. I miss you. I miss you so much."

"There's too much already gone and I don't think I can go through all of it again."

"Kae just listen to me. Let me in. Tell me what is wrong? I'm always there with you. Just let me in. Please."

I knew that he really wanted me to talk to him but I didn't know what to do? How could I tell him what had happened? If I tell him then he might just hate me for it. I would just hurt him more. I didn't want him to go through unnecessary trouble because of me.

"Drew I can't let you suffer because of me. I can't do that. You don't deserve it. I deserve all that. Please just go. Stay away from me." My words were breaking. I knew that the tears would soon make their way out.

"No. I won't leave you. I let you go once but not now. Just tell me. I will understand Kae. Try to tell me."

"I don't know Drew. I can't let you in all this. Please, just go. You deserve so much better." I get up and start walking away. I don't want him to see me cry.

"Every passing minute I would think of you. I recalled all the days I had spent with you. They seemed like a distant memory. I would take a step to grasp them but then they would just disappear. I thought again and again about where I went wrong. What did I do to push you away? I tried to look for you. I tried. But every time I would fail. I knew that I couldn't give up. You were and always will be the best thing that ever happened to me. I never stopped loving you, Kate. Though it broke me from inside but the love always stayed. Always!"

I turned and looked at Andrew. Tears were running down his face. And at that time I never thought of anything. I didn't care about anything. I just ran into his arms.

His lips found mine and we kissed like it was for the very first time. I could feel the adrenaline rushing. I tugged at his hair and he deepened the kiss. I could hear the loud thump of my heart. We slowly pulled away and

I rested my head on his chest. I could feel his long breaths.

He held me like there was no tomorrow. He held me like he never wanted me to leave. I stayed there and heard the frantic beating of his heart. There, in his arms, I realized that no matter what happens. I will always love him. He will always be the one for me. There was nothing in the world that could change the way I felt for him.

"I love you Kate."

"I love you Andrew."

A/N Bring out your firearms and shoot me with them.

I know that there should be more of Andrew-Kate time but sadly this is all for this chapter. You will be seeing more of this ahead so spare me for now.

So, what do you think about this chapter?

Who are you shipping for? Andrew or David?

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Remember all your suggestions count.



Lots of Donuts & kisses from Drew :*

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