The Journey of the Illusory S...

By PulgaSenpai

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Warning - Blood scenes In a fantasy world filled with magic and dangers, our protagonist, a young swordsman n... More

Chapter 1: The Swordsman's Promise
Chapter 2: Destiny's Threads
Chapter 3: The Deserted City: Dark Tunnels and Treacherous Confrontations
Chapter 4: The Fiery Battle
Chapter 5 : The city - Excalibur
Chapter 6 - Future Plans
Chapter 7 - Emerald Cave
Chapter 8 - The Night City
Chapter 9 - BERE
Chapter 10: The Battle of Illusions
Chapter 11 - Goodbyes
Chapter 12 - Mizugameza
Chapter 13 - Wisdom Pages
Chapter 15 - Dream
Chapter 16 - Past
Chapter 17 - Hi
Chapter 18 - Sacrifice
Chapter 19 - The Funeral
Chapter 20 - Kingdom of the Elves
Chapter 21 - The Mask of Hikari
Chapter 22 - The King's Festival
Chapter 23 - The Final Journey
Chapter 24 - The Demon King
Chapter 25 - The Rebirth
Thank you

Chapter 14 - Aquarius

9 3 0
By PulgaSenpai

Hiro, with a sense of urgency in his eyes, hurriedly exclaimed, "We have to go now! This noise...!"

He quickly closed the book and started running towards the library's exit. Hikari, grabbing him by the arm, halted his rush and asked with curiosity and concern, "What's going on, Hiro? Why is this noise getting you so agitated?"

Hiro looked at Hikari, took a deep breath for a moment, and responded, "This noise... it's familiar to me. I've heard it before when my father disappeared, and it's also like the noise Arthur described... We have to uncover it's origin and take action."

Understanding the gravity of the situation, Hikari nodded and firmly squeezed Hiro's hand. "Then let's find out what's happening together, Hiro. We're by your side."

King and Ace, sensing the tension in the air, approached the group, ready to face any challenge that lay ahead.

Draco, with a determined look that left no room for doubt, said, "I'm going with you all!"

Hiro nodded and they hastily left the library, following the deafening sound and the trembling that shook the ground. As they approached the flight track, it became increasingly clear that the source of the noise and tremors was at the foot of the mountain.

Hiro quickly turned to Draco and asked, "Draco, what's the fastest way for all of us to descend to the source of the noise?"

Draco, with a serious look, responded, "The fastest and most efficient way would be to use the wings. However, you would have to carry your animals, and that can be dangerous. Are you prepared for that?"

King and Ace, looking directly at Draco, affirmed with determination, "We trust you."

With this mutual trust established, Hiro, Hikari, King, Ace, and Draco prepared themselves for a high-speed descent. Draco instructed them on how to securely hold onto his wings and ensure everyone's safety during the descent.

They launched themselves into the air, flying with speed and agility. The wind whistled in their ears as they cut through the air towards the source of the noise. Adrenaline surged through their bodies, propelling them forward.

As they descended at high speed, the surrounding landscape unfolded rapidly. Trees, rivers, and mountains passed by as blurs. The feeling of freedom and power was indescribable.

As they quickly approached the location of the noise, a surprising sight unfolded before them. It was a vast army, with warriors wearing capes adorned with the symbol of the Signs of Light.

Hiro, Hikari, King, Ace, and Draco observed the Signs of Light army with caution from the air. The presence of these individuals wearing capes adorned with the symbol of the Signs of Light left them apprehensive and curious about their intentions.

While observing the army's movements , Draco approached Hiro and asked in a concerned tone, "Who are these people, Hiro? What do they want?"

Hiro looked at Draco, pondered for a moment, and replied, "These are the Signs of Light, a group seeking power and domination. They want to conquer this city as they have done with others."

Draco furrowed his brow, understanding the gravity of the situation. He knew that Hiro's journey and that of his allies would not be easy, but now, with the threat posed by the Signs of Light, the mission became even more dangerous.

"We must be cautious, Hiro," Draco warned.

When they reached the ground, Hiro looked at the leader of the group and was impressed by their imposing appearance. The leader, whose armor shone with a bright blue color, exuded an aura of authority and power. Their piercing eyes reflected the determination of a true warrior, while their bearing was majestic and confident.

The leader's armor was adorned with aquatic details, such as stylized waves and symbols related to the water element. The polished metal plates reflected light, creating an intense gleam.

Beneath the armor, the lines of the leader's body denoted strength and agility. Their posture was upright and dominant, with a serene yet resolute expression.

But Hiro, not letting himself be shaken, firmly said, "I already know what you want. You are here to try and dominate the city in the mountain. But I won't allow it."

The leader of the Signs of Light group displayed a sinister smile. "You know more than you imagine, Hiro. You are correct in stating that we seek to dominate this city. And now that you and your friends are here, it will be easier to achieve our goals."

After that figure uttered those words, Hiro couldn't help but feel intrigued and cautious. He stared intently at the leader and, with a determined expression, asked, "How do you know my name? And how did you know that I was here?"

The leader smiled ominously and replied, "He has been watching you since Ares, ahahah. He knows all your moves."

The response left Hiro perplexed, and he asked with confusion, "He? Who do you mean?"

The mysterious figure answered with an enigmatic tone, "Apologies, Hiro, I misspoke. It is no longer a 'he' but rather a thing. A force beyond human comprehension."

Hiro refused to accept the vague and provocative answers from the leader. With determination, he stared at him and demanded a direct answer, "Stop beating around the bush and tell me! And who exactly are you?"

The figure, with an arrogant smile, introduced himself, stating, "I am Aquarius, the next leader of this city! And the 'thing' I speak of, you know it, ahahah."

The tension in the air was palpable. Aquarius extended his hand, ordering his army to annihilate Hiro, King, Ace, Hikari, and Draco. The imminent confrontation was about to begin, and the battle for control of the city promised to be intense.

As Aquarius reached out his hand, Hiro felt adrenaline rushing through his veins. He knew he was facing a formidable adversary, someone who possessed mysterious abilities and powers. The impending confrontation would not be just any battle but a test of courage, skill, and strategy.

Hiro looked at Hikari, King, Ace, and Draco, finding in their gaze the determination and confidence necessary to face the challenge. They knew they were about to confront a numerous and powerful army, led by Aquarius, the man who claimed to know Hiro's steps since Ares.

Aquarius's words echoed in Hiro's mind, further arousing his curiosity and suspicion. Who or what was this "thing" to which Aquarius referred? And how did he know about it?

With determination in his eyes, Hiro did not back down. He was willing to face any challenge to protect those he loved and to uncover the truth behind the unfolding intrigues. He raised his sword, ready for the impending battle.

The battle commenced with intense ferocity. Hiro, Hikari, King, Ace, and Draco fought side by side, demonstrating impressive skill and teamwork. They faced waves of enemies, each showcasing their strength and determination, while Draco utilized his mystical powers to aid in defense.

As the combat unfolded, Hiro kept his eyes fixed on Aquarius. He knew that defeating this leader was essential for the city's fate. Every strike, every strategic move, was executed with the intention of weakening and subduing Aquarius.

The battle dragged on for hours, each moment testing the resilience and courage of the combatants. Hiro and his allies did not retreat, even when the situation seemed grim. They found strength within themselves to resist and fight with all their might.

Until Aquarius, the powerful water mage, emerged before Hiro and his companions, ready to confront them. Hiro looked determinedly at Hikari, King, Ace, and Draco, conveying his clear instructions for the impending battle.

"I'll take care of him," Hiro declared confidently, pointing at Aquarius. "You handle the army. Make sure no one climbs or breaches this mountain!"

His comrades responded in unison with determination and commitment. They knew that protecting the mountain was crucial to maintain the strategic advantage in the fight against Aquarius' army. Hikari, King, and Ace prepared to face the hordes of soldiers, ready to defend the mountain with all their might.

Meanwhile, Hiro focused all his attention on Aquarius, the powerful mage standing before him. He knew it wouldn't be an easy battle, but he was willing to face any challenge to protect his team and uncover the hidden truth behind the events that surrounded them.

Aquarius raised his hands, summoning a waterstorm that materialized around him. Heavy raindrops fell from the sky, and the mage's power deftly manipulated the water currents. It was an impressive and dangerous spectacle at the same time.

Armed with courage and determination, Hiro advanced against Aquarius. He skillfully dodged the mage's attacks, sliding between the waves of water that formed in his path. With each move, Hiro tried to find an opening to strike and weaken the enemy.

Meanwhile, Hikari, King, Ace, and Draco fought bravely against Aquarius' army. With their skills and teamwork, they kept the enemy soldiers occupied, ensuring that the mountain remained protected against any invasion.

The intense battle between Hiro and Aquarius reached it's climax. Hiro delivered precise strikes against his opponent, but something unusual happened with each hit. Aquarius' body transformed into water, dissipating Hiro's attacks without suffering significant damage. It was as if the mage could merge with the element he so masterfully controlled.

Realizing the ineffectiveness of his conventional attacks, Hiro briefly stepped back and looked at his sword. With renewed determination, he ran his hand along the blade, invoking a fiery flame that engulfed the weapon. Now, his sword had transformed into a blade of fire, ready to challenge the very water Aquarius controlled.

Hiro advanced once again, wielding his flaming sword with mastery. The blazing blade cut through the air, leaving a trail of flames in it's wake. Each strike Hiro delivered against Aquarius was now more powerful and penetrating, the fire consuming the water that tried to reform.

Aquarius, surprised by Hiro's new strategy, struggled to contain the flames that threatened to weaken him. The water mage cast defensive spells in a desperate attempt to resist the fury of the fire. The battle intensified even further, with the collision between opposing elements.

On the other side of the fight, Hikari, King, Ace, and Draco continued to face Aquarius' army with courage and skill. They worked together, delivering precise attacks and protecting the mountain from any invasion. Their loyalty and determination were an unwavering force.

The confrontation culminated in a decisive moment. Hiro, with his flaming sword, delivered a final blow against Aquarius, taking advantage of an opening in his weakened defense. The blazing blade pierced the water mage's body, dissipating his liquid form and weakening his power.

Aquarius, now unable to resist, as he fell defeated before Hiro, managed to utter with his last strength, "I know... what happened... to your father."

Hiro entered a state of uncontrollable rage, his emotions fueling the fiery blaze on his blade. His eyes gleamed intensely as he let out a primal scream, the flame growing in intensity with each passing second.

Hikari, alarmed by Hiro's transformation, shouted to him, "Hiro, what's happening?" She was deeply concerned about what was unfolding. Draco, realizing the imminent danger, quickly intervened and grabbed Hikari, King, and Ace, leading them away from the area, leaving behind some remaining soldiers.

Hikari struggled to break free, knowing they couldn't leave Hiro alone facing the enemy. The light emanating from Hiro's blade continued to grow, almost blinding, and in a final desperate cry, Hikari called out to him, "HIROOOOOOO!"

At that moment, a devastating explosion erupted from the spot where Hiro stood, sweeping everything around and launching Hikari, King, Ace, and Draco into the air. The force of the explosion was overwhelming, leaving a crater in the ground and debris flying in all directions.

As the fire and dust slowly dissipated, Hikari, King, Ace, and Draco recovered from the impact and stood up, looking incredulously at the site of the explosion. The destruction was immense, and there was no sign of Hiro.

Worried and filled with uncertainty, they began searching for Hiro among the wreckage, hoping to find him unharmed.

Until Hikari found Hiro and with tears in her eyes, approached him. He was lying on the ground, his clothes torn, and his body covered in blood. She embraced him and called his name desperately, pleading for him to wake up. However, Hiro didn't respond, appearing lifeless.

Draco approached Hikari and placed his hand on her shoulder, offering comfort. With a serene voice, he said, "I'll take care of this, he fought like a true warrior..." But Hikari, consumed by anger and grief, lunged at Draco, striking his chest and accusing him, "It's your fault! We could have saved him!"

Draco, understanding Hikari's pain, remained silent, respecting her anger and sadness. King, as he approached, was shocked by the sight of Hiro injured and motionless on the ground. Meanwhile, Ace, inconsolable, cried and licked Hiro's face, repeating in lamentations, "Master... This can't be real..."

What happened to Hiro in the end, and is this truly the end for Hiro?

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