By Rellashire

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Shirazaki Y/N, childhood best friend of Uchiha Sasuke, has a complex and conflicted journey ahead. United by... More

[PART 2]


754 19 0
By Rellashire


As Y/N made her way to the arena, a cloud of smoke materialized, indicating the arrival of two more individuals.

With a leap of exuberance, Naruto bounded down from his vantage point, his trademark enthusiasm on full display. "You're late!" he exclaimed, unable to mask his mixture of excitement and frustration.

Beside him, Shikamaru trudged down the steps with an air of reluctance, his usually calm expression tinged with annoyance. It was evident that Naruto had somehow managed to coerce him into joining the impromptu expedition.

Kakashi scratched his head sheepishly and mumbled, "Could Y/N and Sasuke have been disqualified?"

"Your habit of being late seems to have spread," Genma remarked indicating the tardiness of Y/N and Sasuke.

Y/N cast a sidelong glance at Sasuke, her eyes narrowing slightly, and quirked an eyebrow, "Did the two of you plan this dramatic entrance?"

Sasuke smirked and replied, "Just trying to make an impression, Y/N. We can't let Naruto have all the fun, can we?"

Y/N rolled her eyes, knowing Sasuke's competitive nature. "Well, just remember that flashy entrances won't guarantee victory," she said with a confident tone.

Naruto, unable to contain his excitement, happy that his two teammates arrived. He interrupted, "Come on, you two! Let's get this show on the road! I've been itching to see your fight!"

Kakashi chuckled and added looking at the proctor, "So, what's the plan, then?"

"Don't worry," the proctor assured them. "We will now witness a fight between Y/N and Shingen."

"Ah, that's great," Kakashi's lone visible eye crinkled at the corners, his signature closed-eye smile emerging as he responded to the situation with his characteristic nonchalance.

The proctor then started talking and deciding with the match as the two contestants have arrive


Naruto narrowed his cerulean eyes, fixing his gaze on Shingen with an intensity that carried a mix of determination and warning. "Don't you dare lose to that guy, Y/N," he declared, his voice laced with a fierce determination.

Y/N's expression shifted from surprise to mild confusion as Naruto's words registered. His exclamation seemed to hold a layer of context that she wasn't immediately grasping. "We haven't had our fight yet," Naruto shouted, his words carrying a sense of eagerness and anticipation.

Y/N observed Naruto's animated reaction with a bemused expression, her calm demeanor unaffected by his outburst. She took a moment to process his words before a self-assured smile played on her lips. "Indeed," she responded, her tone carrying a subtle hint of amusement and a quiet confidence.

Sasuke, who had been silently watching the interaction, couldn't help but let his concern show. His usual composed façade faltered as a faint frown tugged at the corners of his lips, though he preferred to keep things light between them.

"You know, Y/N, I can't help but worry about you. You've got a habit of getting yourself into trouble," he teased, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Y/N rolled her eyes, feigning annoyance. "Oh, please, Sasuke. I've got this under control. You worry too much."

Sasuke crossed his arms, a smirk playing on his lips. "Well, someone has to keep an eye out for you."

Y/N smirked back, a playful glimmer in her eyes. "Are you volunteering for the job? I didn't know you had such a soft spot for me."

Sasuke chuckled, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "You wish, Y/N. But hey, if you need any advice, just ask. I'll make sure to give you some tips on how to keep up with my level of awesomeness."

Y/N smirked, her competitive spirit ignited. "Awesomeness, huh? Well, I guess I'll have to show you what true awesomeness looks like when I win this match."

Sasuke crossed his arms, a feigned nonchalant expression on his face. "Well, let's just say I don't want you tarnishing our team's reputation. I can't have you losing to Shingen and sulking about it for weeks."

Y/N chuckled, not missing a beat. "Don't worry, Sasuke. I won't let you down. After all, someone needs to keep you on your toes and remind you who the real prodigy is."

Sasuke's playful facade cracked for a moment, a hint of a smile escaping. "Alright, Y/N. Just promise me you'll be careful out there. I don't want to see you getting hurt."

A faint smile tugged at the corner of his lips, a fleeting expression that spoke volumes about his underlying care for Y/N. His concern for her safety was something he couldn't easily mask, especially when they were engaged in such a lighthearted exchange.

Y/N's expression softened, her playful tone giving way to sincerity. "I appreciate your concern, Sasuke. But trust me, I've got this. I'll make sure to give Shingen a run for his money."

"Hn, you better."


Sasuke, Kakashi, Naruto, and Shikamaru made their way back, the group forming a rather diverse collection of personalities. Naruto's chatter filled the air, his animated storytelling captivating everyone's attention. Shikamaru, on the other hand, strolled with his hands in his pockets, his half-lidded gaze suggesting a half-hearted interest in Naruto's words.

Sasuke, however, walked in relative silence, his thoughts preoccupied with Y/N's upcoming match. His concern was palpable, casting a subtle shadow over his typically composed demeanor. While Naruto's voice continued to regale the group, Sasuke's mind remained tethered to the arena where Y/N and Shingen stood.

Kakashi glanced at Sasuke, his single visible eye catching the furrowed brow and the tense lines etched across Sasuke's forehead. Kakashi's keen observation skills rarely missed anything, and he could sense the undercurrent of worry emanating from the Uchiha.

"Sasuke," Kakashi's voice was measured, his tone inviting Sasuke's attention. "You're thinking about Y/N, aren't you?"

Sasuke's gaze remained focused on the path ahead, but he didn't attempt to deny it. "No... hn, yeah" he admitted quietly. "I can't shake off the feeling that something's not right."

Kakashi nodded, his visible eye crinkling with understanding. "It's natural to be concerned for a teammate, especially in a situation like this. But Y/N is strong, Sasuke. She's proven that time and again."

Kakashi's expression concealed his deeper awareness of the situation's intricacies. He was well-informed about Shingen's allegiance to Yatsuragi's faction, and he had taken appropriate measures to station ANBU operatives for any unforeseen developments. The shadow of Orochimaru's looming presence had further heightened his vigilance.

Sasuke's jaw tightened, a conflicted expression crossing his features. "I know she's strong, Kakashi. But this match – it feels, it's different, unsettling. I can't ignore the feeling that she might be in danger."

Naruto noticed a subtle change in Sasuke's demeanor as Y/N prepared for her battle. His usually stoic friend seemed a bit more tense, his eyes following Y/N's every move. A mischievous grin spread across Naruto's face as he nudged Sasuke with his elbow.

"Hey, Sasuke, what's with that worried look on your face?" Naruto teased, his eyes glinting with amusement. "Could it be that you're actually concerned about Y/N?"

Sasuke's usual composure faltered for an instant, his onyx eyes narrowing at Naruto's playful taunt. A subtle twitch in his brow revealed a hint of annoyance. 

He let out an almost inaudible sigh, a faint but genuine exasperation lacing his words. "Naruto, you're delusional," he retorted, the sharp edge in his tone giving way to an unexpected note of resignation.

Naruto's grin only widened. "You're a terrible liar, you know that?"

Sasuke's jaw clenched, his irritation growing. "I'm not lying."

Naruto chuckled softly, a knowing glint in his eyes. "Right, you're not concerned. Just like how I'm not dying to eat ramen after this exam."

Sasuke's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What does ramen have to do with anything?"

Naruto shrugged nonchalantly. "Nothing, nothing. Just making a point. We all have our little secrets, don't we?"

Sasuke's annoyance deepened, not quite understanding Naruto's cryptic statements. "Cut it out, Naruto."

As Y/N's battle began, both Naruto and Sasuke watched her intently. Naruto's expression grew more serious, mirroring Sasuke's concern. "You know, Sasuke, Y/N's a tough one, but battles can be unpredictable."

Sasuke's jaw tightened, his gaze fixed on the arena. "I know that, Naruto."

Naruto's gaze remained fixed on the battle, his tone casual. "You know teme, sometimes it's the ones we care about the most that worry us the most."

Sasuke's irritation flared again, and he shot Naruto a sidelong glance. "I told you, I'm not worried, dobe"

Naruto's laughter rang out, the sound carrying a sense of camaraderie that only close friends shared, though it remained unspoken. "Deny it all you want, Sasuke, but it's written all over your face."

Sasuke's gaze flickered momentarily to Naruto, a mixture of irritation and exasperation etched in his features. He sighed, a resigned undertone in his voice. "You're impossible."

Naruto chuckled softly. "Sure thing, Sasuke."


"Hey, look! That's the Shirazaki prodigy," a voice whispered, the awe evident in their tone.

"The fight is about to begin," another voice chimed in, the anticipation palpable in their words.

"Hey, move from my seat!" a frustrated voice demanded, the tension in the air adding to the impatience.

"No way! This seat has the best view," a determined voice countered, refusing to budge.

Murmurs erupted from the surrounding spectators, creating a buzz of anticipation and curiosity as all eyes were fixed on Shirazaki Y/N, the prodigious figure who had captured their attention.

Hinata hushed, filled with admiration and excitement, whispered, "Y/N is an elite Shirazaki. It seems like everyone is thrilled about this match"

Kiba, seated beside her, nodded in agreement. "Yeah, Y/N is definitely someone to watch out for," he acknowledged.

"Heh, finally," Orochimaru smirked, his anticipation evident.

Saija stood beside Enya, noting his unusually quiet demeanor. "You seem unusually silent," Saija remarked.

"Well, this is a completely new side of Shingen," Enya muttered. "I've never seen him so excited."

Kakashi and Sasuke decided to ascend to the spectator area, leaving Naruto and Shikamaru to settle down near the stairs. Shikamaru, displaying his trademark indifference, casually took a seat, his demeanor reflecting a lack of enthusiasm for the upcoming match.

Sitting beside Shikamaru, Naruto's thoughts transported him back to the moment he initially came face-to-face with Shingen.



Deep within the shadowed forest, Naruto and Shikamaru cautiously approached a clearing. As they emerged, their eyes widened in shock at the sight before them.

Shingen stood amidst the wreckage, his body covered in blood-soaked garments. His once-human eyes now gleamed with a sinister crimson glow, reflecting a twisted thirst for violence.

The ground surrounding Shingen was littered with broken trees and lifeless bodies, evidence of his destructive power. The air crackled with an eerie energy, as if the very atmosphere trembled in the wake of his presence.

Naruto's heart pounded with a mix of fear and determination. He had witnessed battles and encountered dangerous adversaries, but the malevolence emanating from Shingen was on a whole new level.

Shikamaru's usually composed expression betrayed a flicker of concern. "Naruto, this is beyond anything we've seen before. His madness surpasses that of any other opponent."

Naruto nodded, his voice filled with a mix of awe and apprehension. "Shingen... He's..... We have to be careful."

Shikamaru had swiftly guided Naruto away from the harrowing sight, quietly remarking, "I believe he's even more deranged than Gaara."

Their eyes remained locked on Shingen, who seemed completely consumed by his bloodlust, his sanity shattered beyond repair.

Suddenly, Shingen's gaze shifted towards them, his bloodshot eyes locking onto their presence. A malicious grin spread across his face as he slowly started to approach them.

Naruto's grip tightened on his kunai, his body tense with anticipation. Shikamaru's mind raced, calculating the best course of action in this perilous situation.

Shingen's voice, laced with madness, echoed through the clearing. "Ah, look who we have here. Two little lambs wandering into the lion's den. How delightful."

Summoning his courage, Naruto took a cautious step forward, his voice steady but edged with a touch of uncertainty. "Shingen, do you comprehend the gravity of your actions? We won't allow you to inflict further harm."

Shikamaru, his rationality prevailing even in the face of danger, couldn't help but interject, a note of exasperation in his voice as he shot a sidelong glance at Naruto. "Oi Naruto, seriously? Do you have a death wish or something?"

Shingen's laughter filled the air, a chilling sound that sent shivers down their spines. "Oh, how naive you are. Do you honestly believe you can stop me? You're nothing more than insects in my grand scheme of chaos."

Naruto's resolve hardened, his voice carrying a hint of defiance. "We may be small, but we have something you lack—heart and the will to protect others."

Shingen's face contorted into a twisted expression of rage. "You dare challenge me? You will regret crossing my path!"

"Shingen" A booming voice echoed through the clearing, calling out the name

"Master," Shingen mumbled, his voice cracking slightly.

Naruto and Shikamaru turned their attention to a tall, red-haired ninja who had appeared on the scene.

"Stop this," Yatsuragi, declared firmly, his gaze shifting to the two young shinobi. 

A semblance of a smile tugged at the corners of Yatsuragi's lips, though the authenticity of the gesture remained questionable. "It seems my student has gotten slightly carried away."

'Slightly' Naruto's eyes widened comically at the understatement.

Relief washed over Naruto and Shikamaru as they realized they might have a chance to avoid a direct confrontation with Shingen. 

However, their guard remained up, aware that they were still in the presence of powerful individuals who could potentially pose a threat.

Yatsuragi's eyes narrowed as he continued, his voice laced with authority. "Shingen, stand down. There will be no more bloodshed today."

Naruto, filled with a mix of anger and disbelief, pointed his finger accusingly. "And who the hell are you? Do you see how many people he killed? Aren't you going to reprimand your own student?"

Yatsuragi tilted his head, feigning innocence. "So?"

Naruto's frustration grew, his voice taking on an edge. "So? So you're just going to let him walk away after all this?"

Yatsuragi's gaze hardened as he stared back at Naruto. "You don't understand, do you? Shingen's actions are not my concern. My only interest lies in nurturing my students power, regardless of the consequences."

"You?..." Naruto's anger flared, his fists trembling with fury. 

Shikamaru quickly stepped forward, placing a hand on Naruto's shoulder, holding him back.

Yatsuragi's voice dripped with false surprise as he addressed Naruto. "Ah, the notorious Nine-Tails brat."

Naruto's eyes narrowed, his tone filled with defiance. "Yeah, how do you know? And what's it to you?"

Yatsuragi's lips curled into a sly smile. "Oh, nothing in particular. Just thought it would be interesting to meet the infamous jinchuriki."

Naruto's fists clenched, his voice edged with suspicion. "Shut up!! What are you really after? Why are you defending Shingen?"

Yatsuragi's smile widened, his eyes glinting with intrigue. "Defending? No, no. I am merely observing the potential chaos and power that lies within him."

Naruto's eyes burned with defiance as he glared at Yatsuragi. "No matter what his intentions are, it doesn't give him the right to slaughter innocent people! And it certainly doesn't excuse you for disregarding his atrocities!"

Yatsuragi's lips curled into a cold smile. "Innocence, justice... Such idealistic concepts. In this world, power is what determines everything. Shingen's strength is my priority, and I will do whatever it takes to cultivate it."

Naruto's voice was filled with determination. "You may be willing to sacrifice others for the sake of power, but we won't stand idly by. We will stop Shingen, with or without your help."

Yatsuragi's expression turned colder, his voice dripping with disdain. "Foolish children, clinging to your hollow ideals. You'll soon learn the harsh reality of this world."

Shikamaru looks at the scene thinking 'Why do I always find myself in the midst of such troublesome situations?'

Yatsuragi's smile twisted into something more sinister. "Ah, yes. Your friend, Y/N, is set to fight Shingen in the next match. It will be quite interesting to see how it unfolds."

Naruto's eyes narrowed, suspicion creeping into his voice. "What are you planning?"

Yatsuragi chuckled darkly. "Just a little experiment, to test the limits of your friend's abilities. Shingen's power knows no bounds, and it will be fascinating to witness the clash of strength between them."

With that enigmatic statement hanging in the air, Yatsuragi pivoted away, leaving Naruto and Shikamaru with a sense of intrigue and uncertainty. However, as Yatsuragi began to depart, Shingen's footsteps paused, a brief interruption in his retreat.

Shingen's eyes gleamed with a malevolent intensity as he directed his gaze towards Naruto and Shikamaru. "You two will pay for daring to stand in my way. I will crush Y/N and make sure she never pose a threat again."

"Hah" Naruto's eyes squinted with determination "Y/N-chan will never lose to the likes of you"

Shingen let out a chilling laugh, his voice dripping with malicious intent. "Oh, how confident you are! Y/N's fate is sealed."

Shikamaru's mind raced, trying to formulate a plan to protect their friend from the dangerous situation that Yatsuragi was orchestrating.

In that moment, Naruto and Shikamaru understood the gravity of the threat they faced. Shingen's monstrous nature sent chills down their spines, forcing them to confront the harsh reality that they would need to summon every ounce of their strength and cunning to stand against this formidable foe.


With a shudder, Naruto affirmed, recollecting the horrifying depiction, "Undoubtedly, Shingen is an utterly monstrous being."

"Hey Guy and Lee-kun! Your injuries have healed," Kakashi greeted as he and Sasuke joined the group on the spectator's side.

"Sensei!" Sakura's exclamation held a mix of surprise and frustration. Kakashi had disappeared without a trace for a whole month, and now he was strolling in as if nothing had happened.

Kakashi quickly realized his mistake and offered an apology, realizing the worry he had caused. "Oh, I apologize. I'm sorry for not contacting you and causing you to worry."

'She is totally pissed' Ino couldn't help but notice Sakura's visible irritation, a small bead of sweat forming on her forehead as she observed her friend's reaction. Nearby, Sasuke stood with his usual stoic demeanor.

"That doesn't matter now," Sakura replied, her attention shifting towards the arena where Shingen and Y/N stood, her determination shining through.

Sakura attempted to catch a glimpse of Y/N's neck, but her dress concealed the curse mark. "I can't see it from here," she murmured to herself.

Guy, ever vigilant, noticed the presence of more Anbu members than necessary, raising an eyebrow in suspicion.

Shikamaru's expression turned serious as he observed Naruto trembling, his gaze fixed on Shingen. A wave of concern washed over him, his worry extending to Y/N. 

"Naruto," Shikamaru called out, his voice filled with a mixture of caution and care.

At the sound of the signal, they lunged at each other without delay, their clash instantaneous and fierce.

The battle casted an intense aura over the arena. As the crowd held its breath, the clash of their skills and the weight of their determination filled the air.

The clash between Y/N's calculated finesse and Shingen's relentless brutality created a mesmerizing spectacle. Sparks flew as their techniques collided, the ground trembling under the weight of their power.

Y/N unleashed her taijutsu skills, a display of calculated precision and fluid movements. Her strikes were executed with a combination of speed, agility, and accuracy, leaving no room for hesitation. Y/N's demeanor translated into her fighting style, showcasing a composed and focused approach.

However, Shingen proved to be a formidable opponent, countering Y/N's attacks with his own mastery of taijutsu. His movements carried a raw and brutal force, fueled by his monstrous nature. Each of Shingen's strikes resonated with an overwhelming power, challenging Y/N to defend and adapt.

"Woah, none of them is backing down," Shikamaru remarked, his voice filled with astonishment as he observed the relentless battle.

Lee's expression mirrored his surprise. "The two haven't used anything except taijutsu," he noted, his voice brimming with awe. "Their speed is remarkable. It's becoming increasingly difficult to track their movements with the naked eye."

Curiosity got the better of Lee, and he turned his gaze towards Sasuke, only to find him watching the match with his Sharingan activated. 

Meanwhile, Kakashi and Guy continued to follow the intense exchange of blows without the aid of any special visual prowess. Well they are seasoned shinobi with sharp instincts, relied on their experience and keen observation to keep up with the lightning-fast combat.

The crowd watched in awe and anticipation, their breaths held, as the battle unfolded before their eyes. Each moment was marked by intensity and the clash of two formidable forces, as if destiny itself hung in the balance.

Each strike, dodge, and counterattack unfolded in a blur, leaving onlookers in awe of the combatants' mastery over their bodies and the art of taijutsu.

The battle between Y/N and Shingen reached a fever pitch, captivating the spectators who were drawn into the mesmerizing display of skill, speed, and determination.

Ino couldn't help but feel inspired by Y/N's prowess. "Her technique is flawless," she whispered to Sakura, her voice filled with admiration. 

Sakura nodded in agreement, her eyes fixed on Y/N's impressive display of skill. "Y/N was always like that," she replied, a hint of pride in her voice. 

"Y/N's mastery of taijutsu is truly remarkable."

The clash of their taijutsu techniques came to a sudden halt as both Y/N and Shingen realized they were standing on even footing. 

A brief pause ensued, filled with tension and anticipation.

"Playtime is over," Shingen declared, his voice filled with a sinister edge.

Y/N's smirk widened as she replied, "Indeed."

Choji watched the match unfold in disbelief, turning to Ino with wide eyes. "They were just playing? That was just the beginning?"

Then, in a swift and synchronized motion, they simultaneously began forming intricate hand signs, their fingers moving with precision and speed. 

The shift from taijutsu to ninjutsu marked a new phase in their battle, introducing a whole new layer of techniques and strategies into the already intense confrontation.

Gusts of wind swirled around Y/N, creating a tempestuous vortex. The air crackled with the force of her jutsu, a testament to her mastery over the Wind Style techniques. Y/N's control over the element manifested in the form of razor-sharp blades of wind slicing through the atmosphere, aimed with precise accuracy toward Shingen.

Shingen's fire-style techniques, on the other hand, embodied raw power and aggression. His flames engulfed the battlefield, creating a fiery inferno that threatened to consume everything in its path. The heat and intensity of his fire attacks added an element of danger and chaos to the confrontation.

In the midst of the fierce battle, Shingen couldn't help but comment, a hint of intrigue in his voice, "Not using lightning style, eh?"

Y/N narrowed her eyes, a determined glint shining through. "Push me enough, and you'll see," she retorted, her words laced with a silent challenge.

Shingen smirked confidently. "Oh, I definitely will."

The clash of wind and fire created a spectacle of elemental power, the arena engulfed in a fierce exchange of forces. Each technique aimed to overpower the other, the mastery of their respective elements on full display.

Spectators watched with bated breath, their eyes fixed upon the intricate dance of wind and fire. The clash of these opposing elements created an awe-inspiring spectacle, filling the arena with a volatile energy.

"This battle is truly on a different level," Shikamaru grumbled in a mixture of admiration and concern.

He turned to Naruto, who watched the match with a serious and focused expression. Naruto's eyes gleamed with admiration, yet an underlying seriousness was also present. 'She has gotten stronger'

"They're still not going all out," Naruto mumbled, recognizing that Y/N and Shingen had yet to unleash their full potential. 'I have to train harder more but......'

The gravity of the situation was not lost on Shikamaru or Naruto, their shared understanding fueling their anticipation for what would come next in this fierce and captivating battle.

Shingen extended his hands, channeling his chakra to conjure an armor-like structure that swiftly formed a protective shield, warding off Y/N's formidable attack.

Y/N's eyes widened in surprise, momentarily caught off guard by the sudden appearance of the defensive shield. 

"A weapon, more like a shield," Y/N pondered, her mind racing to unravel the mystery of Shingen's defensive technique. "Is it merely an ordinary weapon, or is there something more to it?"

'He's more dangerous than Gaara. Otherwise, Y/N will be in grave danger,' Naruto thought anxiously. 'He killed people for fun, and he'll do it again.'

Driven by his concern, Naruto rose abruptly, startling Shikamaru. "Shikamaru, I'm going to find Kakashi-sensei."

Shikamaru's brows furrowed as he tried to comprehend the gravity of the situation. "What are you planning to do?" he asked, concern lacing his voice.

"Hey!" Shikamaru called out, watching Naruto dash away.

As the battle raged on, Y/N's analytical nature took over, her sharp intellect dissecting the situation. She carefully observed the shield conjured by Shingen, searching for any subtle cues or indications of its true nature and capabilities.

"He never utilizes that," Saija commented, her voice tinged with surprise and curiosity, as she observed Shingen's defensive shield in action.

Enya, his brow furrowed in deep thought, nodded in agreement.

Y/N's eyes flickered with a mix of curiosity and determination. She meticulously studied the shield's composition, its structure, and the chakra patterns surrounding it, seeking to uncover any hidden secrets or vulnerabilities.

"Kakashi-sensei!" a voice exclaimed, cutting through the tension-filled air.

"Naruto-kun!" Lee greeted, a smile spreading across his face at the sight of his friend's arrival.

Kakashi turned his attention to Naruto, noticing the urgency in his expression and the sweat on his brow. "What's going on?" Kakashi inquired, his gaze shifting between Naruto and Shikamaru, who followed closely behind.

Breathing heavily, Naruto wasted no time. His voice carried a sense of urgency as he pleaded with his sensei, "Sensei, you need to put an end to this fight right now."



The area around them fell into an uneasy silence as Naruto's words hung in the air, leaving the others puzzled and concerned.

Kakashi's visible confusion mirrored the puzzled expressions of the others. "What do you mean, Naruto?" he asked, searching for answers.

Naruto's eyes widened with a mixture of worry and determination. His voice rang out, filled with a sense of urgency and conviction, "He is completely different from us. He's not normal."

"What are you talking about, Naruto?" Ino asked, her voice tinged with confusion and curiosity.

Naruto's gaze swept across the group, his eyes conveying a deep sense of worry and concern. "He's like a machine, existing solely to kill others and finding pleasure in it," he urgently conveyed, his voice trembling with the weight of his revelation. "At this rate, Y/N-chan will..."

"Shingen's resorting to it," Enya's words carried a mix of surprise and concern, his eyes widening in realization. 

'He's reached his limit and has no choice.' Enya's gaze bore into Y/N, his anger palpable.

Saija's expression grew concerned. "This is problematic. It will obstruct our plan," she remarked, widening her eyes as well.

"Kakashi-sensei!" Naruto shouted, his voice filled with urgency and concern.

Kakashi turned towards Naruto, his expression calm and composed despite the intensity of the situation. "Well," he replied, his tone reassuring, "Don't worry."

Naruto's brows furrowed in confusion, his worry evident. "But, sensei, we can't underestimate Shingen! He's dangerous!"

"Shut up, dobe," Sasuke muttered with his characteristic aloofness, unable to hide his exasperation. "I didn't realize you had such little faith in Y/N."

'How ironic! That he's the most concerned,' Kakashi thought with a faint chuckle, his visible eye crinkling in amusement.

Naruto stammered, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "But Sasuke..."

Sasuke's gaze turned stern, cutting off Naruto's attempt to speak. "Just stay quiet and watch the match," he commanded firmly, leaving no room for further discussion.

Kakashi nodded, acknowledging Naruto's concerns. "We didn't arrive late for no reason," he calmly stated

Sasuke's stoic expression matched Kakashi's calm demeanor, his eyes focused on the unfolding battle. Y/N, too, wore a serious expression, her determination shining through.

Enya and Saija exchanged glances, realizing that their plans were at risk of being exposed. Enya clenched his fists, his expression twisting with frustration.

"We must prevent Shingen from disrupting our plans and revealing our intentions," Saija whispered urgently to Enya. "We need to strategize and find a solution."

Meanwhile, in the arena, Shingen's aura grew darker and more menacing. The amplification of his power was evident, and the crowd could sense the impending danger.

Y/N took a deep breath, observing Shingen as he prepared for his impending attack. The shield in his hand transformed into a chakra-infused sword.

"Damn it," Y/N smirked, a glint of excitement in her eyes. "But this is a perfect opportunity to put it to the test. I hope my plan works."

In the midst of the unfolding battle, Naruto's impatience grew. 

He couldn't contain himself any longer and pestered Kakashi, desperately seeking his attention. "Look, sensei, we don't have time for this. We need to help Y/N!"

"Quiet down and watch," he replied in his usual deadpan manner. "Trust me, Naruto. You'll be surprised."

Y/N swiftly darted to the edge of the arena, while Shingen positioned himself in the center, preparing to launch his attack. Y/N, with a burst of speed and precision, moved swiftly across the arena. As she ran, sparks of lightning crackled around her fingertips, creating a dazzling display of power and control.

In a split second, she reached the edge of the arena, opposite to where Shingen stood. With a confident smile, she snapped her fingers, releasing a surge of electricity that traveled along the ground towards Shingen.

The lightning traveled in intricate patterns, forming a complex web of electrified threads. Shingen's eyes widened in surprise as he realized the trap he had fallen into.

Y/N had strategically positioned herself, anticipating Shingen's attack, and used her lightning chakra to create an intricate lightning trap. As Shingen stepped forward to attack, he unwittingly triggered the trap, causing bolts of lightning to surge towards him from all directions.

The lightning threads coiled around Shingen, immobilizing him within the electrified web. The crowd watched in awe as Y/N demonstrated her precise control over her lightning chakra, showcasing her mastery of the Shirazaki clan's unique abilities.

Y/N snapped her fingers, her eyes widening, a smile gracing her face.

"No way," Guy exclaimed in disbelief, his eyes widening. "Is that...?"

"Yes," Kakashi confirmed, a smile forming on his lips. "She's not just trapping Shingen, she's absorbing his chakra."

On the other side, Asuma and Kurenai exchanged glances, their eyes reflecting a mix of surprise and admiration.

"Is she trying to drain him completely?" Asuma speculated, trying to make sense of the unfolding events.

"What's happening?" Sakura asked, puzzled. "I can see chakra emanating from both of her hands. It's truly incredible."

Shingen blasted his sword, creating a momentary distraction that caught Y/N off guard. The force of the attack pushed her back, momentarily disrupting her concentration.

However, in a display of lightning speed and agility, Y/N swiftly recovered and repositioned herself, appearing in front of Shingen in an instant. The suddenness of her movement startled him, freezing him in his tracks.

"You're more formidable than I anticipated," Shingen grumbled, his voice laced with begrudging respect.

Y/N's lips curled into a confident smirk. "Likewise," she replied, her voice dripping with determination. "But I won't let you stand in my way."

Shingen chuckled darkly. "You're a fool if you think you can defeat me. I am unstoppable."

Y/N's eyes gleamed with defiance. "We'll see about that," she retorted, her words carrying a quiet confidence.

Meanwhile, Orochimaru, disguised as the Kazekage, observed with great interest. He recognized the technique Y/N was using and marveled at her ability to execute it flawlessly. "She has truly surpassed my expectations," he whispered to himself. "The power of the Shirazaki clan is formidable indeed."

"What technique is this?" Ino questioned, astounded. "And her speed, I can't even follow her movements."

Lee, known for his own exceptional speed, gazed at the match with a mix of admiration and envy. "Her speed... It surpasses even mine without my weights," he mused, his voice filled with a tinge of longing at the sight of his unusable body. "To move with such grace and swiftness, it's truly remarkable."

Yatsuragi smiled in delight. He couldn't help but relish in the knowledge that his plans were proceeding just as he had envisioned, with Y/N's growth exceeding all expectations.

Guy expressed his surprise, his eyes wide with astonishment as he looked at Kakashi, who smiled in return, acknowledging the incredible display before them.

Guy observed intently, his gaze never leaving the battlefield. "It's that technique," he said, his voice filled with a mix of awe and admiration. "A technique specifically designed for assassination. Mastering it within just one month requires exceptional skills and chakra control."

Filled with admiration, Guy directed his gaze at Y/N. "Truly, she possesses the qualities of a genius."

Guy proceeded to explain, his voice carrying a note of excitement. "The technique she's employing was originally developed by Kakashi's former teammate, who also possessed the same chakra nature."

Kakashi nodded, affirming Guy's statement. "That's correct. Remarkably, Y/N was able to recreate the technique simply by mentioning it."

Guy's astonishment grew, and he marveled at Y/N's achievement. "To create such a technique without any guidance from the original source is truly exceptional."

"The technique is called..." Guy's voice trailed off for a moment, building suspense.

"Raigekishō (雷撃衝)," he finally revealed, the words carrying a weight of significance.

"Raigekishō," Sakura repeated softly, her eyes widening in recognition interpreting "The Lightning Barrage."

Kakashi nodded, his gaze fixed on Y/N. "A fitting name for such a formidable technique," he remarked, his voice filled with admiration.

Guy, noticing the young genin's intrigue, took a moment to collect his thoughts before continuing. "Yes, Raigekishō, also known as 'The Lightning Barrage,' is a potent technique derived from the realm of ninjutsu. It harnesses the raw power of lightning and channels it into a concentrated assault."

He glanced around, meeting the curious gazes of the genins, who all appeared intrigued by his explanation.

He gestured animatedly, conjuring a mental image of crackling electricity dancing across the battlefield. "Imagine bolts of lightning raining down upon your foes, electrifying the very air around them. Raigekishō is an artful blend of speed, precision, and overwhelming force, capable of incapacitating multiple opponents at once."

Sakura's imagination ran wild as she envisioned the destructive potential of such a technique. She couldn't help but wonder about its origins and how it was executed. "Guy-sensei, how is Raigekishō performed? Is it a technique that requires special training or unique abilities?"

Guy nodded, appreciating Sakura's enthusiasm. "Indeed, Raigekishō demands both exceptional skill and a keen affinity for lightning-based chakra manipulation. It requires the user to gather and shape their chakra into the form of lightning, condensing it to a concentrated point of energy."

"As for the execution," he continued, "the user typically channels this condensed lightning chakra into a specific weapon, often a blade or projectile, enhancing its speed and cutting power dramatically. When the weapon strikes its target, the lightning energy is unleashed, surging through the opponent's body and wreaking havoc on their nervous system."

Guy paused, gauging their understanding before adding, "It is a technique that necessitates immense focus and control, as the manipulation of lightning chakra can be highly volatile. Mastery of Raigekishō requires years of training and an unwavering resolve to overcome its challenges."

Naruto couldn't help but mutter, observing Y/N performing the technique after only a month of learning. "Years of training? Y/N learned it so quickly..."

"Yeah, this shows Y/N is truly a natural born prodigy" Guy, ever the optimist, beamed with pride as he nodded in agreement. 

"It's clear that she have a unique aptitude for mastering complex techniques like Raigekishō at an accelerated pace."

Kakashi, with a discerning gaze, chimed in to provide a balanced perspective. "That's true, Guy. While natural talent can provide a head start, it's the combination of her talent and relentless effort that leads to true mastery."

Y/N swiftly maneuvered through the battlefield, her focus unwavering as she aimed her Raigekishō at Shingen's sword. With determination in their eyes, she clenched the sword tightly, resisting Shingen's attempt to push him back.

Shingen's eyes widened in surprise as a crack appeared on his once formidable sword. The realization of Y/N's power and the strength of her technique struck him, momentarily throwing him off balance.

The spectators leaned forward, their eyes fixed on the dueling combatants, eager to witness the outcome of this intense showdown.

The crack on the sword grew wider, spreading with each passing moment.

Y/N's grin held a touch of mockery as she spoke confidently to Shingen. "This is where your resistance ends."

The crowd watched in anticipation, their breaths held, as the clash between Y/N's Raigekishō and Shingen's sword intensified.

Yet, in an unexpected twist, the very fabric of reality seemed to warp and bend around Y/N and Shingen.

Y/N's eyes widened in surprise as a black mass suddenly enveloped her and Shingen, shrouding them in darkness and rendering them invisible to the spectators. 

An enigmatic force materialized, a swirling vortex of darkness that spiraled around them. This shadowy maelstrom seemed to consume the light, casting an eerie gloom that contrasted starkly with the bright arena.

The audience gasped as this mysterious occurrence unfolded before their eyes. Murmurs of confusion and astonishment swept through the crowd, the atmosphere heavy with uncertainty. Whispers of speculation and theories abounded as everyone tried to make sense of the inexplicable phenomenon.

Kakashi's singular eye sharpened, his gaze piercing through the obscurity as he attempted to discern the nature of this unsettling development. 

The proctor's stern expression reflected his concern, his fingers tapping rhythmically on his chin as he analyzed the situation.

The ebony vortex, with its swirling tendrils of inky blackness, seemed almost sentient. It pulsed and undulated, as if it had a mind of its own. The edges of the vortex rippled, revealing glimpses of a distorted reality within—a world that seemed detached from the arena, a parallel dimension shrouded in obscurity.

Sakura's hand instinctively clutched at her chest as a sense of unease settled upon her. "What is happening?" she murmured, her voice trembling with a mix of trepidation and fascination.

Kakashi's eyes narrowed as he closely observed the situation, his mind racing to decipher the nature of this mysterious occurrence. "What is this? Some sort of jutsu?" he speculated, his tone laced with curiosity and concern.

Sasuke's sharingan gaze remained fixed on the swirling darkness. "It's a jutsu," he stated with certainty, his voice laced with a sense of caution. "But not just any jutsu. This level of manipulation... it's on a different scale altogether."

The black mass swirled and pulsated with an ominous energy, casting a foreboding atmosphere over the arena. Onlookers exchanged worried glances, their anticipation giving way to a sense of unease and confusion.

Kakashi's visible eye held a reflective gleam as he analyzed the situation. "Indeed," he confirmed. "This jutsu seems to distort the fabric of reality itself, creating a parallel dimension of sorts."

Sakura turned to Kakashi, her voice laced with worry. "Do you think Y/N-chan is okay? What could have caused this?"

Kakashi's brow furrowed as he searched for answers. "It's hard to say," he replied, his gaze fixed on the swirling darkness. "But we need to stay alert. There may be more to this than meets the eye."

As the vortex continued to pulse and writhe, a muffled hum resonated, almost like a haunting melody that vibrated through the very air itself. The darkness seemed to warp and distort sound, creating an eerie symphony that echoed through the arena.

Shikamaru's brow furrowed, his analytical mind working overtime. "This is more than a mere diversion," he mused. "It's a calculated maneuver, designed to create confusion and disarray among both the participants and the spectators."

Ino's eyes widened with a mix of apprehension and curiosity. "But where did they go? How can they just disappear like that?"

Kakashi sighed, his expression filled with a sense of urgency. "We won't know until we find out. Keep your guard up, everyone. We can't afford to let our guard down."

Naruto, unable to contain his frustration, clenched his fists. "Damn it! We were finally getting somewhere, and now they're gone!"

'She is gonna be alright, believe it' Naruto repeatedly chanted in his mind. His baby blue eyes wandering to Sasuke.

Sasuke's usually composed exterior held a visible edge of tension, his obsidian eyes narrowed at the swirling darkness. Yet, beneath that veneer, a turmoil of emotions churned within him. His concern for Y/N was profound, an unspoken understanding that transcended their roles as mere teammates. Every pulse of the dark vortex echoed his worry for her safety.

As the vortex of darkness continued to pulse and swirl, he couldn't shake the unease that settled in his chest. Every fiber of his being was attuned to the mystery that unfolded before them, and yet his thoughts kept circling back to the safety of his friend.

Unconsciously, his fingers curled into a tight grip on his sleeve, a physical manifestation of his need to protect. 

Sakura, keenly observant as always, caught the shift in his posture and exchanged a knowing glance with Naruto. The bond between Sasuke and Y/N was undeniable, a connection that had weathered countless challenges and grown stronger over the years.

The proctors and officials, alerted by the sudden disappearance of the contenders, sprang into action. Their voices echoed throughout the arena, attempting to ascertain the situation and ensure the safety of everyone present.

Kakashi's gaze shifted from the now empty battleground to the concerned faces of his comrades. The unexpected turn of events had left them all on edge, uncertain of what would unfold next.

The disappearance of Y/N and Shingen left a void in the arena, leaving the crowd anxious and yearning for answers. Whispers filled the air as speculations and theories began to circulate, but the truth remained elusive, hidden within the enigmatic darkness that had swallowed the two combatants.

As the tension grew, the arena awaited with bated breath, eager to witness the resolution of this perplexing turn of events and uncover the fate of Y/N and Shingen.


In the midst of the suffocating darkness, Y/N and Shingen stood like two lost souls adrift in an abyss of uncertainty. 

The air was heavy with an eerie stillness, broken only by the soft rustle of fabric as they moved cautiously through the obsidian expanse.

The shadows seemed to writhe and twist around them, taking on a life of their own. Whispers of chilling winds brushed against their skin, carrying with them an unsettling sensation that crawled down their spines. 

The very air seemed to vibrate with an otherworldly energy, an unspoken malevolence that lingered like a sinister fog.

"What's this?" Y/N muttered softly, her voice barely audible amidst the void.

As Y/N's footfalls echoed faintly against the emptiness, Shingen's turmoil manifested itself physically. He crumbled to his knees, his movements a convulsion of pain and inner conflict.

The darkness seemed to cling to him, embracing him like a cloak of despair. His ragged breathing echoed through the void, creating an unsettling dissonance against the backdrop of silence. The intensity of his pain reverberated in the desolate space.

Y/N, although wary, couldn't help but approach him with a mixture of concern and trepidation. The dim light that seemed to emanate from her being cast eerie shadows that danced like specters along the edges of their world. Her features were illuminated in an otherworldly glow, a contrast to the consuming darkness that surrounded them.

Concern etched across Y/N's features, her curiosity compelling her to approach Shingen cautiously. She were driven by a genuine desire to understand and offer solace.

"Don't," Shingen warned, his voice tinged with irritation. "Don't come near me," he muttered, his words laced with both irritation and a desperate plea for solitude. The conflicting emotions in Y/N's gaze irked him, disrupting the fragile balance he sought.

His unspoken intentions seemed to linger in the air like a venomous fog, seeping into every crevice of the void. The juxtaposition of his vulnerability and the ominous air added a layer of unease, a clash of emotions that created an atmosphere of impending doom.

The space itself seemed to pulse with an otherworldly energy, a manifestation of the hidden currents that flowed between them.

Y/N halted in her tracks, her eyes reflecting a mix of empathy and acceptance.

Shingen remained silent, his anguished cries intermittently breaking the stillness of the darkness. Yet, amidst the turmoil, Y/N's eyes widened in surprise as she caught sight of Enya's presence.

Y/N glanced between Shingen and Enya, a mix of confusion and concern clouding her features. Enya's stern tone conveyed a message of reprimand, highlighting the gravity of the situation.

"You are tampering with our mission, Shingen," Enya asserted, his voice firm and unwavering.

Mission?  Y/N's thoughts raced

Y/N's mind raced with confusion at the mention of a mission and the sudden appearance of Enya. The pieces of the puzzle seemed to be falling into place, but the picture remained elusive.

Saija's unexpected presence only added to the intrigue, and Y/N couldn't help but feel a mix of curiosity and apprehension. She looked at Saija, her expression a mixture of surprise and inquiry.

Saija's smile appeared almost forced, devoid of the warmth and sincerity that typically accompanied such gestures.

"Sorry, Y/N, but Shingen won't be fighting," Saija's voice held an almost mechanical quality, lacking the usual human inflections.

Her words struck Y/N like a jarring note in a dissonant melody. The implications hung heavy in the air. 

"But don't worry, the victory is yours," Saija assured Y/N, her words carrying a hint of reassurance.

Y/N's anger flared at Saija's words, her frustration boiling over. "Don't you dare patronize me!" she snapped, her voice laced with indignation. "I didn't come here for an easy win handed to me on a silver platter. I came to face Shingen and prove my own strength. If he's not fighting, then what's the point?"

Saija's smile faltered momentarily, taken aback by Y/N's outburst. The silence stretched between them as Y/N's anger pulsated in the air.

Finally, Saija composed herself, her tone shifting to a more serious demeanor. "Y/N, I understand your frustration, but there are circumstances that prevent Shingen from continuing the fight. It's not about underestimating your strength or offering a handout. There are bigger forces at play here."

Y/N's brows furrowed, a mixture of concern and curiosity clouding her expression. "What do you mean? What's going on here?" she questioned, their voice tinged with apprehension.

Saija's smile widened, but it held a hint of mischief. "You see, this tournament serves a higher purpose, a mission that Shingen has inadvertently disrupted. We can't allow it to proceed."

Y/N's mind raced, trying to grasp the gravity of the situation. She could sense that something much larger was at play, but the specifics eluded her.

Saija's palm made contact with Shingen's forehead, exerting pressure as his yells intensified. 

Y/N's voice echoed through the dark void as she confronted Saija, her concern and confusion evident in her tone. Her eyes remained fixed on Saija's actions, unable to comprehend the purpose behind her actions.

"What do you think you are doing?" Y/N's words carried a mix of urgency and frustration, seeking answers amidst the unfolding chaos.

"For the sake of our Master, I must ensure he stays in his designated role," Saija murmured, her voice imbued with an enigmatic certainty.

Enya scoffed, his expression filled with skepticism as he listened to Saija's unwavering loyalty to their master.

"Is blind obedience all you're capable of, Saija?" Enya retorted, his words carrying a hint of defiance and questioning.

Saija's gaze grew more intense as she locked eyes with Enya.

Y/N's brows furrowed, her gaze unwavering. "Master?" she repeated, seeking further clarification. The puzzle pieces of the situation slowly began to fall into place, but many questions still remained unanswered.

Her thoughts drifted to the red-haired ninja who had confronted her when Shingen fought against her before the preliminaries.

Saija's gaze briefly shifted towards Y/N, a glimmer of intrigue dancing in her eyes. "I am severing his power," she replied cryptically, her voice laced with an enigmatic tone.

Shingen's anguish grew more intense, his yells echoing through the darkness, a testament to the turmoil he endured. Y/N's heart ached at the sight, torn between compassion for Shingen and a growing mistrust towards Saija's intentions.

Saija's lips curved into a faint smile, her eyes holding a glint of admiration. "You're a formidable shinobi, Y/N. Your strength is undeniable, and so is your determination to carve your own path. Our paths may cross again, and when they do, I hope you'll remember this moment."

Soon, Shingen's cries subsided, his body going limp in Saija's grasp. With a mysterious determination, Saija carried Shingen's motionless form and disappeared from the darkness, leaving Y/N behind.

Before Enya vanished into the shadows, he turned back and glared at Y/N, a fierce and determined expression on his face. "Just you wait," he declared, his words laced with a promise of future confrontation.

With those words, Enya vanished into the shadows, leaving Y/N alone in the darkness once more.

Left alone in the abyss of the pitch-black darkness as Enya vanished, Y/N's face contorted into a scowl of frustration. The feeling of anger surged within her, directed both at herself for allowing her opponent to escape and at the circumstances that led to her isolation.

With a heavy sigh, Y/N shut her eyes, attempting to shut out the all-encompassing darkness that seemed to swallow her whole. Her mind was a storm of questions, each thought a bolt of lightning striking at her resolve.

Now what should I do?

How do I escape from here?

Y/N's mind buzzed with urgency as she pondered her next move. With her mirangan spinning wildly, she opened her eyes once again, determined to navigate her way through the pitch-black void.


Pitch black

But the darkness remained relentless, an inky sea that swallowed her attempts at escape. The weight of her own thoughts pressed upon her, memories and doubts intertwining in a complex web of emotions.

Overwhelmed by the oppressive darkness and haunted by haunting memories, Y/N's mind was thrown into disarray.

With a deep exhale, she closed her eyes once more, her forehead furrowing as if she could will herself out of this predicament. 

As the silence stretched on, a sense of isolation seeped into her bones, gnawing at her resolve and kindling a flicker of anxiety deep within her chest.

Suddenly she felt lonely.

In the depths of the black void, she grappled with her emotions, desperately trying to suppress the haunting images that infiltrated her thoughts.

The vivid recollections of her clan members' anguished cries and the chilling image of her sister's smiling face stained her mind.

The painful memories of her parents lying lifeless in a pool of blood echoed within her, intensifying the sense of loneliness that engulfed her in this desolate place.

As the darkness continued to envelop Y/N's mind, a profound change washed over her.

Her once vibrant and radiant amethyst eyes, the windows to her emotions, now appeared dull and hollow, devoid of any flicker of feeling.

The weight of the darkness had consumed her, leaving her numb and disconnected from her own emotions.

With each passing moment, the emptiness within her seemed to grow, spreading its icy grip throughout her being.

The memories that once held power over her now became distant echoes, muffled by the suffocating void.

Y/N's heart longed for a glimmer of light, a spark of hope to pierce through the pervasive darkness.

Yet, it felt as though the very essence of her emotions had been swallowed by the shadows, leaving behind a void that seemed impossible to fill.

Desperate to regain her sense of self, Y/N reached deep within, searching for the remnants of her strength.

But the hollowness within her made it difficult to grasp onto anything tangible.

Y/N felt lost, drowning in a sea of sorrow and despair.

Y/N's spirit, weary and worn, succumbed to the overwhelming darkness that surrounded her.

Defeated, she found herself resigned to her current state, accepting the all-encompassing void as her reality.

With a heavy heart and a weary spirit, Y/N chose to simply sit amidst the darkness, allowing the passage of time to unfold without resistance. Her eyes, once vibrant and full of life, slowly closed as she succumbed to the weariness that clung to her like a second skin.

And in that moment, as her eyelids drooped and the weight of her pain pressed down upon her, Y/N found herself surrendering to the one respite she had left – a slumber born from the exhaustion of her battle, both within and without.

As her vision blurred and darkness began to embrace her, a vague image materialized before her gaze. Its form remained indistinct, a hazy silhouette against the backdrop of her fading consciousness.

Strangely, amidst the haze, Y/N could make out peculiar features – a patchwork of black and white, a visage as enigmatic as the shadows themselves. A shiver of uncertainty coursed through her even as slumber claimed her.

The creature's enigmatic appearance left her questioning its identity even in the haze of her fading senses.

What was that? A plant? A weed?



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