As the church bells ring

By aimee33x

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In a post apocalyptic world left in ruins by the virus, one girl and a team are left to wage war against fact... More

Part 1: introductions
Part 2: the morning after
Part 3: the hotel shutdown
Part 4: broken hope
Part 5: home base
Part 6: getting her back
Part 7: interrogations
Part 8: the journey begins
Part 9: sunlight
Part 10: all out war
Part 11: loss
Part 12: flashbacks
Part 13: the red house
Part 14: the school
Part 15: the car ride
Part 16: the stranger
Part 18: home

Part 17: as the church bells ring

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By aimee33x

As the metal door is pushed open, bright lights blind everyone. Everyone's eyes adjust as they're greeted with another corridor. This corridor is brightly lit with neon lights strung up above. The whole corridor is slightly filled with water and metal walls surround the outside.
"Only way is forward it seems" Joey jokes.

Zoey starts pushing forward, checking every room they go past. Eventually she finds a locked door. She kicks the door off it's hinges and inside are a group of soldiers. She jumps into cover as bullets start flying past her. Firing blind she hits two in the stomach, causing them to drop to the floor. She jumps out of cover and shoots the other one in the heart, causing them to bleed out. The others rush into the room as zoey walks towards the two soldiers.
"Where is dan?" She pressures them.
Both remain quiet but have laboured breath. She grabs one by the shoulders and slams them onto the wall.
"If you don't start talking, things are going to get a lot worse for you." She threatens.
The soldier starts laughing at her slightly.
"You have no chance of beating him. He knows your one weakness." The soldier weakly speaks.
She drops them to the floor and walks away.

Everyone leaves the room, leaving the two soldiers to bleed out. Zoey looks ahead at the stairs.
"That's where he is. I can feel it."
Erin walks towards her and holds her.
"Do what you need to do." Erin whispers.
Zoey pulls away and looks into Erin's ocean blue eyes. She leans in to kiss her as the two exchange what could be their last kiss.
"I love you so much Erin." Zoey starts tearing up.
Erin breaks away from holding Zoey.
"All three of you need to secure a way out of here. If I don't come back I want all of you to go anyway. It's been an honor." A single tear rolls down Zoeys cheek.
Joey starts tearing up and Abby runs to hug zoey. After hugging Abby zoey turns away and starts walking towards the stairs. This was it. The moment she'd been waiting for.

As zoey climbed the stairs she starts noticing she's coming into an office. The was a large stained glass window on the wall which let in the moonlight. She notices a door and goes through it. She walks out into a large church. The roof had collapsed in, letting in the moon light. At the end she saw Dan holding a syringe.
"Took you long enough zoey. Thought you weren't going to show if I'm honest."
She starts walking towards him with her sword drawn. She stops just ahead of him.
"Look I get what you are. You heal so quickly you don't take damage, very impressive. But you see. In this little syringe I have your fathers blood. This will give me the same power."
He plunges the syringe into his vain and injects the blood into his own. He screams out in pain as the needle rips his own flesh. Dan rips out the syringe causing blood to fly out of his arm.

Zoey looks at him. His eyes aren't what they use to be. They look insane, his pupils are so wide.
"Dan I looked up to you. You tore everything I had from me. My sister and my parents are all I had left and you took that from me." Zoey shouts to Dan.
He falls to his knees as her fathers blood takes hold of him. As he gets back up his pupils are even wider. He pulls out the same sword she does.
"Let's dance bitch." He mutters before running towards her.
She blocks his attempt to slash at her. This is the first time she felt true fear. He tries swinging again but she keeps blocking it. With each attack their swords sent off blue and red sparks. Zoey makes an attempt to slash at his leg and cuts him deeply. He falls to the ground but rises again like it's nothing.

Dan swings his sword wildly causing zoey to go off balance and fall backwards. He jumps on top of her and tries to stab her, but she moves out of the way.
"Why wont you die already!" He screams out.
Zoey doesn't say a word but punches him in his jaw. While he's stunned she gets to her feet and continues beating him down. Out of no where he kicks her in her stomach sending her flying back. She sees her whole journey flash before her eyes. She sees Kiara die in her arms again, her first kiss with Erin and each of her parents die.

Zoey tries getting up but she falls again.
"Finally, it took long enough." Dan boasts.
A gunshot rings out as Dan falls to the ground. Zoey looks over at the door and sees Abby holding a pistol. Without a second thought she rushes over to Dan and starts punching him while he's down. The bullet wound heals infront of Zoeys eyes. Zoey pulls out her knife and stabs Dan in the stomach. A red pulse is sent through the church. Zoey stands once again, along with Dan.

He takes a swing at Zoeys head but she moves out of the way. She punches him on the jaw sending him to the ground.
"He's feeling pain again." She thought.
She continues beating on him until he's on his back. She picks up her knife again and stabs him in the chest. She stabs him three times.

"Each one of those is for a person you killed. I'm sorry it ended this way." She mutters to Dan.
As he takes his final breath he tries talking, but no words come out. She sees the light leave his eyes as blood drips down the stairs. Zoey falls to her knees as red light from the stained glass windows illuminate the both of them. She stares down at her hands which are covered in blood.
"This is for you kiara." She sobs.
Abby walks over and helps Zoey to her feet. Zoey walks with a slight limp as Abby helps her towards the others. The church bells ring as Abby and Zoey walk out of the church.

As soon as erin sees Zoey she breaks down and runs towards her. Zoey catches erin and starts crying on her shoulder.
"It's over Erin, it's finally over." She cries on her shoulder.
Joey starts crying too as he holds the both of them. Abby guides zoey to the car the group has found. Zoey sits in the back with Erin. Joey starts driving everyone back to the main camp. Zoey and Erin fall asleep in the back of the car holding eachother.

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