Invisible String - Sebastian...

By cosmetologynerd

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Sebastian Sallow and Abigail Crane agreed that it was best to part ways after the tragic events of their fift... More

Chapter One: Curious Time
Chapter Two: Home
Chapter Three: The Co-Captian
Chapter Four: Unexpected Lessons
Chapter Five: The Weight of it All
Chapter Six: Restless Sleep
Chapter Seven: Peace
Chapter Eight: Spectator Sport
Chapter Nine: The Hogs Head
Chapter Ten: Toast and Tears
Chapter Eleven: The Imperius Curse
Chapter Twelve: The Restricted Section
Chapter Thirteen: Fresh Start
Chapter Fourteen: The Repository
Chapter Fifteen: In the Shadow of Power
Chapter Sixteen: Overheard Conversations
Chapter Seventeen: Secrets and Safe Places
Chapter Eighteen: Unforgivable Fifth Years
Chapter Nineteen: The Invitation
Chapter Twenty: A Broken Home
Chapter Twenty-One: Poachers Delight
Chapter Twenty-Two: A Warning from Ominis Gaunt
Chapter Twenty-Three: The Cruciatus Curse
Chapter Twenty-Four: Dark Desires
Chapter Twenty-Five: In the Shadow of Sin
Chapter Twenty-Six: Slytherin vs. Gryffindor
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Hogsmead Highstreet
Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Worrisome Dream
Chapter Twenty-Nine: An Announcement from the Headmaster
Chapter Thirty: Aurora
Thirty-One: In the Shadow of Protection
Chapter Thirty-Two: The Catacomb
Chapter Thirty-Three: Gladrags Wizards Wear
Chapter Thirty-Four: Midnight Rain
Chapter Thirty-Five: In the Shadow of Anguish
Chapter Thirty-Six: My Atlantis
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Safe & Sound
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Quiet Mornings
Chapter Thirty-Nine: The Victim
Chapter Fourty: The Killing Curse
Chapter Fourty-One: Power Couple
Chapter Fourty-Two: The House of Gaunt
Chapter Fourty-Four: Storm in the Offing
Chapter Fourty-Five: Ask and Answer
Chapter Fourty-Six: To the Moon and to Saturn
Chapter Fourty-Seven: Castles Crumbling
Chapter Forty-Eight: In the Shadow of Azkaban
Chapter Forty-Nine: Paralyzed
Chapter Fifty: Deal With the Devil
Chapter Fifty-One: Unbreakable
Chapter Fifty-Two: Expectations

Chapter Forty-Three: Flawed and Free

122 5 7
By cosmetologynerd

Quills scratched along the surface of thick parchment all around us, whispered conversations and fits of giggles of younger students echoed through the library, the noises setting me on edge. It had been two days since Sebastian and I had gone to the Repository, and two days of feeling like I was about to snap.

Poppy was beside me, her nose buried in a book on magical creatures, while I held a book on dark magic from the restricted section. Secrets of the Darkest Art was definitely as interesting as I thought it would be, though I had to surpress the interest I felt in the book due to present company.

Sebastian had gone with Ominis to fetch food. We'd studied so long today that we'd skipped dinner, and Poppy was not one to mess with if she hadn't had at least three square meals a day. The look she'd given Ominis when he'd mentioned Anne was enough to make me terrified of her. Seeking to remove the tension, Sebastian had suggested they go and bring a snack.

That was twenty minutes ago, and I was started to get antsy.

The lack of food, combined with the longing to have gone with Sebastian myself for a moment of time to be alone with him, and the amount of Dark Magic I'd taken in two days ago had me cursing Sebastian in my head.

His laughter echoed up the stairs as he and Ominis returned, arms full of delicious food fresh from the kitchens, his eyes landing on me instantly as he rounded the corner. He smiled mischievously at me as he dumped the food on the table, planted a kiss on top of my head and stood up straight.

"Abbi, come with me for a minute," he said, eyes still raking over my body.

My hand, already moving for some of the fruit he'd brought, paused over the pile of peaches. I quirked a brow at him.

"What is it?" I asked, hand still hovering freely over the table. He leaned forward, his lips just centimeters away from my ear. His hot breath fanned over my face and neck, making me shiver in delightful anticipation.

"I've got to show you something," he whispered.

I grabbed my peach and stood up, looking at my bag and then to Poppy. She smirked a little, "I'll watch your stuff, don't worry."

"Where are you two going?" Ominis called after us, his voice slightly nervous.

"To snog, Ominis! Maybe take some notes!" Sebastian called out, making Ominis choke on his biscuit, his face impossibly red while Poppy laughed.

I giggled as we rushed pasted Madam Scribner, allowing Sebastian to lead me out of the library, through the courtyard and traced the familiar path to the Slytherin common room.

"Where are we going, Seb," I laughed, taking a bite of my peach, relishing the sweet taste.

Down we went, right to the entrance to the common room, but instead of continuing straight, through the large doors the snake had just revealed to us, Sebastian turned right and stopped walking right at a familiar sconce.

"The Scriptorium?" I whispered, a little confused.

"No one can possibly bother us here," he whispered, looking back at me, his eyes impossibly dark. His fingers still laced together with mine, he pulled on the sconce, just as he had those long weeks ago and the concealed exit appeared.

Sebastian led us into the Scriptorium, his hand wrapped tightly around mine, like he was worried that I wouldn't want to come in here with him again. I couldn't help the giggle that escaped my lips at the idea. Had I not shown him that this was a place I wanted to be too? That I felt comfortable here?

As soon as we entered the room, the concealed exit closed behind us, swallowing us in crushing darkness. Sebastian led me to what I thought might be the center of the room before he let go of my hand. The warmth of his body vanished from beside me, making me look around. It was too dark to see clearly, and just as I reached for my wand, his voice came from somewhere in the darkness.

"I want to show you something," he said again, quietly.

"Well, we shouldn't be in the dark," I said, moving for my wand again.

"Don't grab your wand," he spoke clearly, though I detected strain in his voice.

"Seb, what did you want to show me?" I asked, slightly confused.

"I didn't want to show  you anything, truthfully. That's not the right word. It's more- I just-" He gulped, took a shaky breath and continued a little shakily. "Do you trust me?"

"Yes," I answered, no hesitation in my voice. It was the truth. I trusted him more than I trusted anyone in the world. There was no one else in the world that I trusted more than Sebastian Sallow.

"Close your eyes," he prompted.

I giggled, "Seb, it's already dark in here. I can't even see you."

"Trust me," his voice said again, a little raspier.

I did as he asked, closing my eyes and I gestured into the darkness. "Alright, they're closed."

In answer, I heard his footsteps, followed by the sound of his robe being thrown onto a surface. If I had to guess based off of where the sound came from, it would have been Slytherin's desk. I could feel his presence growing closer, but still he did not touch me. I shifted slightly, turning my head to search for him though I still didn't open my eyes.

I jumped slightly as fingers touched my shoulder. He was behind me, his breath ghosting just beside my exposed neck. He didn't say anything, and neither did I. I waited as he moved slowly, like he was nervous. His finger found the clasp of my own robes and gently he disconnected the clasp, slipping them off of me. I shrugged out of it, helping him, as I waited to feel his breath against my neck again.

"I haven't been able to stop thinking about you," he said, voice far away. I frowned at the distance. Two footsteps sounded and brought him closer as he spoke again. "I keep thinking about the other night."

His breath fanned over my neck again, making me shiver.

"Have you been thinking about me?"

"Yes," I breathed, still searching for him.

The scent of cinnamon swallowed me as he stepped up to my back, pressing his body against mine. His fingers trailed up my arms, tracing delicate shapes across my skin, an act that instantly had me focused in on him. His breath was still shaking, his fingers dancing nervously but determined, his lips at the top of my head from where he towered over me. I could feel every curve of him, his strong hands settled against my hips as his fingers stopped their slow dance. 

Gingerly, he leaned down and brushed his lips against the scar along my throat, starting as barely a whisper of a kiss. So light, that if I had been able to see anything, I might have missed the sensation all together. I breathed in sharply at the contact, relishing how his lips, even with barely touching me, seemed to light a fire across my skin.

"Sebastian," I breathed, his lips trailing along my neck tantalizingly slow. His trail moved from the top to the bottom of the scar, tender and nervous.

"What is it, love?" He smirked, pressing his lips below my ear, more pressure than before, but still hardly there.

"I want you to kiss me," I said, though I rolled my head to the side lightly, granting him even better access to my throat.

His lips pressed more firmly to my throat as a small chuckle escaped his lips.

"Patience, Abbi," he whispered, before his hands found my arms and pulled me roughly against his body. I gasped as I felt my body slam into his, his lips moving along my throat with a new wave of excitement.

His hands moved from my arms, traveling up my the front of my body, over the curve of my chest, stopping at the knot of my tie. My breathing was slightly uneven as I felt myself melting at his touch. In one fluid motion, Sebastian had removed my tie and thrown it to the side before removing his lips from my neck, allowing his teeth to graze the sensitive skin he'd been sucking on.

I hissed at the sensation, before his lips crashed onto mine roughly, stealing away any air that I had left. I kissed him back hungrily, moving my arms to wrap them around his neck and pull him closer to my body than was possible.

He groaned deliciously as I opened my mouth wider for him, his tongue immediately filling my mouth. He tasted impossibly spicy, of the cinnamon he smelled like, and I once again found myself drowning in him. His fingers traveled down my chest, slipping in a small gap between the buttons of my blouse, and within seconds he had ripped the shirt open.

I could hear small beads hitting the ground as my shirt was torn open, to which I hurriedly helped Sebastian shove it off of me before I moved to attack his buttons.

My fingers fumbled for a fraction of a second, before I had found the tie blocking my path. Grabbing it by the knot, I pulled his lips back to mine while he unbuttoned his own shirt, much faster than I'd have been able to.

It was this moment, where his lips were hungrily demanding mine, and his hands were working to strip both of us of the cumbersome clothing we donned, and he was supressing a guttural moan that I decided heaven was kissing Sebastian Sallow. 

"Abbi," Sebastian said through a husky voice as I moved to kiss his neck. "Abbi, love, look at me for a moment."

I didn't stop kissing his neck. Between his words were little sounds of pleasure, my lips dancing along his skin driving him mad. I shoved his shirt off of his shoulders, continuing to kiss my way over his body before his hand grabbed me by my jaw and pulled me away from him.

"What the hell," I demanded of him, my voice coming out in more of a whine than I had expected it to, my eyes narrowed at him in the darkness.

He rummaged for a moment in his pocket, whispered, "Lumos," and the tip of his wand ignited behind my head. I was grateful for the light so he could see the heavy glare I was shooting at him.

He smiled at me, pushed a hair from my face, and ignored my cold glare.

"Abbi, my love," he whispered, pulling me close. "I just- We don't have to do anything you don't want to."

I rolled my eyes, "Seb, I'm actively undressing you, and you think I don't want this? That I don't want you?"

He smiled, "No, no, I know. You set the pace, that's all. If you want me to stop anything, you tell me."

I looked into his eyes, but I didn't have to search. He meant every word he said, it was clear on his face. He wanted me to set our pace, and something inside me swooped happily at the thought that he cared so much about me feeling comfortable.

"I want this, Sebastian. I want all of you," I said it softly, leaning forward to press a tender kiss to his lips.

The kiss started soft, sweet and innocent. Within seconds, it had turned hungry. It seemed that the permission I had granted was what he was looking for. His lips were more forceful, more powerful, and I stumbled backwards as his hands traveled down my sides. Our feet moved as our hands explored, his wand falling to the floor in a clatter.

This Sebastian, this hungry and powerful Sebastian, had me more riled up than I had ever been. The husky breaths, the way his lips were forceful and yet gentle on mine, the way his hands caressed every inch of my body that they touched was sending new waves of pleasure through me that I never wanted to end. I felt myself fill with desire for him, felt myself start to grow slick with it as his hands ran over my breast again, his fingers grazing over my hard nipple.

How many times had we started this and been interrupted? How many years had this been exactly what I had wanted and denied myself this very thrilling act by not telling him how I felt? And now, here it was, the breaking of the tension, the insatiable desire for him finally spilling over into action. My heart soared at the idea, the magic in my veins alive with desire, as Sebastian groped every inch of my body he could reach. 

Stumbling backwards, I felt my back touch a wall softly before Sebastian pushed me roughly against it, his lips still locked onto mine, his left hand traveling up to my throat, squeezing lightly, testing the waters, while his right pulled my leg up to wrap around his waist.

I let out a whimper as I felt his fingers brush my thigh at the same moment his fingers contracted on my throat. 

"I love when you make that sound," he murmured against my lips as he rocked his hips forward slightly.

"Fuck, Seb," I sighed, feeling his already stiff cock pressing against my thigh.

His left hand still holding my throat, my hands tangled into his hair as his hand right hand moved, slipping under the hem of my skirt. His fingers danced along my thigh, stopping for a second right at my underwear.

"You're so wet for me already," he sighed happily, his finger running over the fabric of my underwear.

I gasped as his fingers pushed the fabric aside. His fingers were cold, and yet the sharp contrast in temperature only further fueled my desire. One hand between my legs, the other on my throat, Sebastian's fingers slipped between my folds, his thumb tracing circles right around the bundle of nerves I so desperately wanted him to touch.

"T-t-tease," I sighed, my head falling backwards as Sebastian's fingers continued to dance around.

He chuckled, pressing his lips to mine before he moved his hand from the throat down to my breast, his fingers trailing over my nipple, making me suck in a breath. The double wave of pleasure his fingers grazing and pinching my nipples while his others still continued to tease my entrance was enough to make me wild.

A moan slipped from my lips, but I wanted more. My hips moved, desperately seeking the friction he was denying me.

"You want this?" He asked, his voice devilishly husky.

"Yes, Seb," I breathed, right as his fingers slipped inside of me. The pleasure was unmatched, his fingers curling up at just the right spot, making me cry out and cling to him. My head rolled back in pleasure as he pumped his finger into me. His pace was slow at first, allowing me to adjust to him, but as his lips continued to kiss and bite their way down my throat, his pace quickened.

I was trying to match his pace, desperate for as much friction as I could get. His second finger slipped inside of me, making me cry out from the pleasure. I felt his cock twitch against the confines of his trousers, evidence of how much he liked hearing the sounds he was pulling from me so easily.

I reached down, my own fingers slipping into his pants so I could help him.

He groaned as my hand wrapped around his cock, the tip already slick with precum. I began to pump my hand at the pace his fingers worked, the coil of pleasure tightening in my body, nearing the point of release. Sebastian's forehead fell on my shoulder as he relished the sensation, his own moan bit back.

"You feel so good, princess. All for me," he breathed. I whimpered at the praise. "I need you."

"So take me, then," I said, my voice shaking with anticipation. I wanted all of him. I wanted him to claim me, as I had claimed him. I needed him to make me his in every possible way.

He moved faster than I thought possible, his fingers leaving me instantly, making me whine briefly before he placed both of his hands under my ass, and moved us from the wall. His wand clattered across the floor as he stumbled through the darkness, and I quickly reached for mine, still in the holster on my thigh. I didn't want to be shrouded in darkness the first time with him. I wanted to see him clearly, count each of the freckles on his face and look into his brown eyes.

"Lumos," I breathed, Sebastian's lips sucking on my neck, his teeth grazing the skin as he moved us. The moment the light flooded the chamber, Sebastian placed me on Slytherin's desk, making sure to keep me angled so I was spread before him. 

He looked like he was starved, his eyes raking over my body greedily, as though I'd never permit him see it again. I smirked at him before I looked for the sconce we'd lit last time we'd been in here. Spotting it to my right, I lit the flame quickly before dropping my wand to the side and pulling Sebastian to me again, his bottom lip sucked in between his teeth at the sight of my legs spread wide, my lips trailing down his body as I helped him undress.

My lips danced over his toned muscles, his chest, and back up his neck before I let my teeth graze his skin. He shuddered under my touch, hurriedly kicking his trousers off as he removed my chemise. I grabbed his jaw, forced him to look into my eyes and smiled.

His pupils were blown wide, lust evident in every curve of his face, in every angle of his expression, and yet under it was love. I kept his gaze on me as I reached between us to pump his cock in my hand again. His bottom lip pulled into his lip again as he allowed me to pleasure him.

"Stop biting back your moans," I demanded of him, my hand working faster on his cock. He obeyed my command and the sound that erupted from his lips was more heavenly than the most beautiful Phoenix song. 

I'd do anything to hear him make that noise again. 

"I love you," I said, needing to let him know that I was already completely his.

"Say it again," Sebastian demanded, as he leaned closer to me.

"I love you, Sebastian Sallow."

As soon as the words left my lips, he grabbed my face in his hands and smashed his lips hungrily to mine, stealing my very ragged breaths. The scent of him, of cinnamon and mint, parchment and ink, swelled around me as our lips danced and Sebastian's cock twitched in my hand. He reached one hand down, trailing it just over my soaking cunt, before he took my hand from around his cock. 

He pulled me closer to him as he lined himself up at my entrance, and then looked at me. His brown eyes were soft, though still swimming with lust, but he seemed to need something from me one final time. 

"Please," I said softly, pulling myself to him. The tip of his cock pressed into my folds, making both of us shiver in delight. 

This seemed to be all the permission he needed. 

He pushed his hips forward, slowly at first, his cock slipping into my throbbing cunt. I gasped and clung to him at the sensation, slightly painful at first, and was grateful for the initial slow pace at which he entered my body. His hand still against my cheek was stroking my face in a moment of tenderness. 

"I love you too, Abbi," He whispered it against my lips as he felt my walls adjust to his size. He moved his hips again, sliding away from me this time and the sensation had pulled a moan from my lips instead of a surprised gasp. 

If I thought his fingers were perfect for me, it was nothing compared to this. His thrusts started slow, allowing me to dictate the pace. I responded eagerly as my eyes rolled back in pleasure, mouth open wide as his cock thrust into me deeper. 

"Fuck, you feel so good, love," Sebastian moaned into my ear. 

I responded eagerly to this, my hips moving to allow him even deeper inside of me, so his whole cock was thrust into me. The waves of pleasure rolled over my body deliciously, intoxicatingly. I wanted more, and I never wanted him to stop. The hand that had caressed my face slid down to my throat, where Sebastian wrapped his fingers around it again, choking me. 

I found myself alive with thrill as his fingers squeezed tighter the longer he thrust into me. With each breath growing more ragged, I could feel the coil in me building more tension as the pleasure racked over my body. 

His fingers closed tighter as he pounded roughly into me, deep grunts mixing with the sounds of skin hitting skin and my moans. This time, his pressure resulted in a sharp pain, ripping through my body as his finger flexed against my throat. I moaned louder, relishing the combination of pleasure and pain Sebastian was giving me. 

"You like that?" He smirked against my lips, his hips still working roughly into mine. 

"Fu-Fuck, Seb, yes," I sputtered, feeling my walls clench around his cock.

He wouldn't ever hurt me, and somehow, this simple act of choking- of exerting dominance and control over me, and of delivering pain as he trust roughly into my dripping cunt was the straw that broke me. 

I cried out his name as I felt that coil of tension release inside me, waves of euphoria rushing through my body as Sebastian chased his high with mine. Rougher and faster he pushed himself over the edge, my fingers raking down his back as he released his seed inside of me. 

His fingers slipped from my throat as he collapsed onto me, his forehead resting against mine, both of our chests heaving. My ears were ringing, my legs shaking, as Sebastian slipped his cock out of me. He pressed tender kisses to every inch of my face and neck he could reach while he grabbed my wand and conjured a blanket for us to sit on. 

He pulled me into his lap, my cunt sore in an oddly pleasurable way, stroking my hair and whispering sweet nothings into my ear as I came down from my high. 

My eyelids were heavy, but I didn't want to sleep. I wanted to lay here beside Sebastian until there were no more days to do so.  I never wanted to leave the perfect bubble of this moment. 

He kissed the top of my head as he lay back, guiding me with him and tucking me into his side. 

"I've been wanting to do that with you for far too long now," Sebastian sighed, a content note to his voice. 

"Hmm," I hummed in agreement, sleep pulling at my eyelids. "Me, too." 

He chuckled, kissing my head again as he did so. "Sleep, love. I'll be right here when you wake up." 

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