A Terminian and the Twilight...

By Jooostan

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A sequel to The Fierce God Given Life! Everything has been calm. For 4 years, the boy has been off the road... More

My Running Around is Through
I Mustn't Return
Kindly Present It To That Buffoon In There
Good To Have You Back
The Bombastic Thunderball
If No One Can Change You
Far More Or Far Less
In Case You Say 'No'
Dreams Are A Fickle Thing
When The World Falls Away
My Heart Just Ain't Gonna Buy It
The Foreign Side of Desire
Threshold of Darkness
Off The Deep End
Dark Shadows Follow Me
Some Kind Of Hero
From the Fog
It Longs to Kill You
Are You Willing to Die?
I Am Prepared
For Wherever Love Takes Me
If I Can Dream

Wash The Spider Out

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By Jooostan

Link won't be getting much of a break, unfortunately. Enjoy!

A Terminian and the Twilight of Danger
Chapter 13: Wash The Spider Out

Link couldn't believe he had to unsheathe his sword again, so soon after the last time. His adrenaline rushed through his veins as he ran down the street to check on the turret guards. Before he could get out the gate, the chains rattled, and the drawbridge slowly began to rise.

"Hey, wait!" Link shouted, but he got no answer.

He heard groans coming from the turret, so he climbed the ladder to see what on earth happened. He looked down in horror to see two guards ensnared on the wall by webbing. Steam and a slight hissing sound came from the webs that made contact with their armor, seemingly burning it away.

Taking the hookshot out and rappelling down the wall, Link clung on firmly as he swiped his sword carefully, releasing the men. He caught both before they fell to the ground and heaved them back onto the turret.

"Are you two alright?" Link asked as he inspected the pair. He only received two weak nods and he guided the wounded into the Guard House to hide.

When Link came back outside and went back to the turret, the creature that attacked finally made it just a few dozen meters from the drawbridge. The boy jumped down and rolled out onto the ground to confront the beast.

It rose its two front legs high into the air, casting a lanky shadow due to the setting sun. Link backed away from where the shadow rested, even though he knew it couldn't hurt him. Looking at the monster, its complexion was hideously familiar. That thing the demon showed him just the night before. It rose from the sea of blood and was responsible for the change in his hair. He took a deep breath and did his best to stay calm.

Link and the beast remained still for a second. The monster stood on only four legs, raising its body upwards. Emitting a roar, it seemed like it was challenging the Defender of Faith. Link didn't do anything, frozen in fear because of what the beast was.

The spider charged, the mass of spawn surrounding its legs overtaking it, being the first to get to the boy. Link attempted to slash them with his sword, but he was quickly overwhelmed. The little arachnids swarmed him and brought him to the ground, jabbing his tunic with their little arms as the big one ran right past him.

A loud crash was heard, and wood splintered everywhere. It smashed through the drawbridge! Grabbing the hookshot again, Link punched through the layer of spiders covering him and shot it blindly. When nothing happened, he adjusted his aim and fired again, this time hitting something. His body was dragged upwards and away from the army, and he got to safety atop the remains of the gate.

Link looked at where the big one was and saw the last of its legs disappear from view, heading deeper into the heart of Castle Town. The little ones started scaling the wall, but the boy got away in time, running as fast as he could into town.


"Sir, please, you need to get to safety!" Jim begged, Romani joining after she pointed to where someone else should hide.

"Leave me be, you deranged hoodlums!" The old man barked, trying to ignore what he thought was just some annoying teenagers.

"This is serious!" Romani shouted, her voice going up in pitch by accident. The man just scoffed and paid her no mind.

Romani considered just forcing the man into the closest shop to hide, but they all heard a bloodcurdling scream. It was followed by many more just seconds later, and even the old fellow turned to see what all the yelling was about. All their eyes filled with terror as they witnessed an enormous spider emerge from the gate street and into the market.

"Everybody get inside!" A voice yelled, and its source soon became visible. Link, in a full sprint, screaming at the top of his lungs.

"Please, sir!" Jim begged again, and the old man gave a shaky nod. Getting him into the Bazaar, Jim and Romani looked for anyone else still not inside.

"Link! Over here!" Jim called to Link, and the hero met up with his friends.

"All I know is that it's big and mad." Link said before either of his friends could ask. The teen looked around and saw that there was a noticeable lack of their final teammate.

"Where's Skull Kid?" Link asked.

"Up here!"

Link, Jim, and Romani looked up and saw Skull Kid perched on the awning of one of the betting booths, Tatl and Tael above him.

"What are you doin' up there?" Jim asked.

"Good vantage point!" Skull Kid replied, lifting his mask up and smiling. The others just chuckled, but their happiness was replaced by worry when more screams were heard.

"What do we do, Grasshopper?" Romani asked, holding her bow.

Link thought for a moment. "Get inside and use your bow from the window! It has an eye on the top of its body that could be a good place to hit it."

Romani nodded and ran into the house, soon appearing in the window. Link and Jim ran out further into the street to see where the spider was. However, they were too focused on spotting it, they didn't see the horde of smaller spiders approaching.

"Link, Jim!" Skull Kid shouted, catching their attention. The imp pointed all around them and they finally saw they were surrounded by the army of little pests.

Unsheathing their swords, Link and Jim put their backs against one another and stood defensively. They slowly turned, scanning the ground. The two considered calling out for Skull Kid to help, but a group of spiders were already climbing up the posts supporting the awning he was on.

"Um... you take the ones on the left, I'll take the ones on the right?" Jim said nervously. He looked back to see Skull Kid already swatting spiders away.

"That works." Link responded stoically. He was doing his best to hide his unending fear of the hellspawn. Together, Link and Jim brought their weapons down on the spiders, and the sounds of dying insects filled the air.

Soon Jim got an idea, and he brought his right foot down on one of the little monsters. He immediately regretted his decision. He crushed the spiders' body and its insides splashed onto his boot. Then it started to melt. Jim cried out and held his leg, toppling over.

"Jim!" Link yelped, startled. He swatted a few more spiders away and tended to his friend.

"Hot! Hot!" That was all Jim could get out of his mouth. Link looked at the Bomber leader's foot, the bodily fluids melting away the boot, now burning bits of his skin.

The spiders drew closer, and Link had to think fast. He pulled out a fire arrow and brought the Mirror Shield upwards, then down on the red gem. It cracked, and the teen threw the pieces to the ground, creating a small wall of fire. The flames blocked the pests from getting to him and his friend for now.

"W-What now?" Jim groaned; his speech labored. Link's brow furrowed and his thought about what they'd do once the flames died out.

A spark went off in Link's head, and he reached into his bag. He thanked himself for having the urge to put those old items into his bag the other day. Retrieving the Iron Boots, he put on the left one and showed Jim the right one.

"Put this on." Link told Jim. The boy in the blue bandana didn't get a clear look and wasn't ready for the extreme weight of the item.

"How am I supposed to wear this?!" Jim asked, bewildered. Link gave him a look and he begrudgingly put it on his wounded foot. He winced, then frowned with annoyance as the boot proved to be a little too big for him.

The flames fizzled out and Link brought the Iron Boot he wore down on a spider, crushing it. This time, its acidic insides stood no match for the item. Lifting his foot up and showing it to Jim, the Bomber got the idea.

Together, the boys smashed one spider after another. They almost went into a rhythm until they exterminated all of them.

"Nicely done!" Jim exclaimed, giving Link a high-five. He pumped his fist into the air. "We showed them!"

"Help!" Skull Kid yelled, and the boys turned around. They saw their friend getting his clothes gnawed on by a few little spiders.

Link didn't say a word as he plucked off each of the attackers with his bow, giving the imp a thumbs-up when he was saved. The trio stopped and took some time to breathe, already winded just from dealing with the little ones. Jim gave Link back the Iron Boot, and the hero put them both back into his bag.

"Grasshopper, guys! Romani can't see it!" The ranch woman called from above, unable to see where the big one scuttled off to.

Suddenly, a large yellow beam shot out from behind the back alley into the sky.

"You've got to be kidding me." Jim said in shock.

Link, however, took off towards the alley. When he spotted his foe, he watched as three guards threw their spears at the beast. The weapons impaled it, but it didn't even look bothered. It lowered its abdomen, and it laid a dozen eggs, much to the disgust of Link and the soldiers.

It took no time for the eggs to hatch, and the unruly spawn jumped at the guards, latching onto their heads and attacking with their sharp limbs. Before Link could help, some stones rained down on the spiders, knocking them away.

"Get off them, you little buggers!" Flavi yelled from a nearby window, Ante and Kyojin right beside her. They picked up more rocks collected from beyond the gate and chucked them.

"Yeah, know your place!" Ante added, smirking lightly.

One of the rocks connected with Armogohma's eye, causing it to screech. It jolted forward and spat some webbing at the three Gerudo in retaliation. The ladies got down just in time, the webbing keeping them from throwing anything else.

A guard crawled over to the spider's leg and plunged his spear through it, sending the beast into a frenzy. Reeling back, it turned to the back wall of the Bombchu Bowling Alley and scrambled to climb up.

Roof shingles fell to the street, filling the air with the sound of asphalt breaking apart. Getting up onto its four hind legs, Armogohma looked to the night sky and roared. Its call resonated all throughout the lands, as did the others. Citizens fleeing town shuddered at the view.

Clouds swirled around the grand spider and three small dots appeared, circling it. Cackles could be heard and the three figures flying around the spider descended. They all were only silhouettes, but the eye of a juvenile Bellum was clear as day. It had grown quite a bit since the last time Link saw it.

Then, the demon possessed the spider, making it grow and appear far more menacing.

"Bear witness to the Harbinger of Doom, Hyrule!" A voice resonated, seething with hate.

"See what happens when you ally with the Hero of the Sky!" The other bellowed. That title felt oddly familiar to Link.

Just as soon as they appeared, the two dots vanished, leaving their slave to lay waste to Castle Town. It laid more eggs, which hatched in a pinch, adding to its army. Leaping into the air, Armogohma landed on the central fountain, destroying it. Its eyes darted everywhere, ready to kill whatever moved.


The golden hookshot tip stuck into the wall and hoisted Link up onto the roof of the Bombchu Alley. He stared down at the incarnation of Gohma, the hairs on his neck standing on end.

Link spotted his friends, all in the house now, with Malon cowering in fear right behind Romani. He had to do something before someone got killed.

"So, what are you thinking?" Tatl asked, accidentally sneaking up on Link.

"Ah! Oh, it's you." Link said, nervously laughing to mask his hesitance. "I'm not sure..."

Link watched the house and noticed Romani readying her bow.

"Wait, Romani, no!" Link shouted, but he was too far away. Romani loosed her arrow, and it pierced the eye on the top of the spider's thorax.

Armogohma quickly looked in Romani's direction, seeing her, Jim, Skull Kid, Anju, Kafei, and Malon. It hissed and then started crawling towards them.

"Link?!" Tatl yelled, but he was gone. He was sliding down the roof, ready to jump when he got close enough to the ground. However, his leg got cut by a broken shingle and he fell to the street in an ungraceful manner.

"LINK!" Tatl screamed, flying down, Tael right behind.

"Are you alright?!" Tatl asked, looking Link over. He coughed and held the side of his torso in pain.

"I'm fine..." Link lied, struggling to get to his feet. As he started to walk, the fairies got a good view at the dark bags underneath his eyes and his new limp. It was clear he wasn't fine.

"Link, look here." Tael asked. Link complied, and the purple fairy inspected the teen. "How much sleep did you get last night?"

Link stuttered, unsure how to answer. "...Like 5 hours?"

Tael just sighed, and he knew since he hadn't slept in three days before the battle with the dream demon that it wasn't nearly enough sleep. "I don't think you can do this."

Link looked insulted. "What? B-But I need to!"

"But you're not well! You have barely gotten any sleep, and-" Tael was cut off by a smash of brick courtesy of the spider, and he tried to speed up his sentence. "...you're getting hurt more often!"

"It's my responsibility..." Link said, before defiantly running away from Tael and towards the spider. Blood dripped from his leg, and Tael looked to his sister, sharing the same expression.

"Hey!" Link hollered, waving his arms.

Armogohma had started to climb up on the wall with the window, and the others kept away while inside. The large red eye on the spider's thorax gazed directly at Link, and it started to glow. He made sure to duck and roll.

Another orange beam came forth, this time hitting the ground. The spider didn't know where its target went, so it directed the beam at the next thing it saw, that being the Happy Mask Shop. A large explosion rocked the land, and the shop went up in flames.

As the energy dissipated, Armogohma climbed further up the building and put its abdomen in the window, laying a set of four eggs inside the house.

"What the-?!" Anju closed her eyes in terror when the eggs burst open and the little troopers crawled around the hallway.

The spawn shot their webs around wildly, getting them onto the ceiling. Backing away, the group picked off the creatures. Romani shot two with her bow, Skull Kid smashed one with his staff, and even Kafei got one when he threw a vase at it.

"Is everyone alright?" Kafei asked the others. Each gave nervous nods and the three warriors raced downstairs as soon as the big one hopped off the building and onto the street again.


"Spread out!" Jim said as soon as he, Romani, and Skull Kid got outside. Link needed help, as he was getting forced back towards the wreckage of the Happy Mask Shop, trying to keep his distance from his opponent.

Jim and Romani ran to flank the big spider, but Skull Kid got distracted by a peculiar noise. He lowered his staff and listened carefully.

"Somebody, help me!" A little voice pleaded, unseen to the imp.

"H-Hello?" Skull Kid asked. When he got no response, he cupped his hands around his mouth and asked again, louder.

A small hand waved from behind a wooden crate just to the right of the Bazaar. It was a child! Skull Kid raced over and pushed the box out of the way, revealing a little girl in a light pink dress and white bonnet. Tears lined her cheeks, and she held a small plush in her arms.

"Hey, don't worry. I'm here." Skull Kid imitated Link's soothing voice.

Skull Kid extended his hand, but the little girl backed away. "I-I want my sister!"

"I'll help you find your sister, I promise." Skull Kid assured her, but she wouldn't budge. He noticed she was eyeing his mask, her face showing some reluctance. Even though it was gift from long ago, he removed it and tossed it aside. "I'm just a Skull Kid."

The look of fear on the little girl's face faded, and she scooted a little closer.

"What's your name?" Skull Kid asked.

"Crystal..." The little lady replied. She then moved and held onto Skull Kid's hand.

"Alright Crystal. I'll help you find your sister. What does she look like?" Skull Kid smiled at the girl.

"She wears a dress like mine, just yellow! She always has a Cucco in her arms! He's our pet!" Crystal said, looking up at the imp with worry.

Skull Kid sprinted over to the Potion Shop and opened the door an inch. He got a look at each of the people hiding, but none matched the description of Crystal's sister. He did the same for the Bazaar, and then ran across the street, avoiding one of Romani's stray arrows as she fended off the spider. The imp covered the girl's eyes, not wanted her to see what his friends were doing.

Opening the door to the Treasure Chest shop, the pair finally found who they were looking for. A girl in a yellow dress and white bonnet.

"Amy!" Crystal cried, running to her sisters embrace.

"Crystal! Thank the goddesses!" The older sister said in relief. Skull Kid just smiled and waved Crystal goodbye.

"W-Wait! Who are you?" Amy asked.

"I'm a Skull Kid!" The imp said proudly, before running off to join his friends again. They were going to need it.


Link ducked under Armogohma's arm as it swung down to strike him. He shot another arrow and it stuck onto its body with the others. This wasn't working.

"HIIIYA!" Skull Kid ran in and slammed his staff into one of Gohma's legs.

"Where were you? And where's your mask?" Jim asked, noticing he was missing something.

"Could hardly see with it." Skull Kid made up his excuse and hit the spider again with his weapon. This time the shell of its exoskeleton cracked.

"We need to focus!" Romani snapped at the two. Her face was adorned with an unnatural stern look.

Link stabbed another one of Armogohma's spawn, his muscles aching. He knew there had to be something else they could do. Something that could take this thing down in one fell swoop. Without even thinking, bashed one of the little pests with his shield. There, he got an idea.

"This way!" Link said, keeping his words to a minimum. His enemy couldn't know about his plan. He bolted towards the Temple of Time, Armogohma right on his tail.

"What is he doing now?" Jim asked rhetorically.

"Come on!" Skull Kid said, brushing off Jim's statement. He had faith Link knew what he was doing.

"Wait a second!" Romani said. The two boys paused and turned her way. "You two go ahead, Romani's going back to help anyone else in need!"

"Alright!" Skull Kid responded with a smile, and the trio split up, the imp and the Bomber following the spider, the ranch woman heading back to town.

The descendant of Gohma watched as Link ran into the Temple of Time, and it stopped outside for a second, thinking about how it would get inside. It could squeeze through the door, but it had a better idea.

Meanwhile, Link waited in front of the pedestal that held the three Spiritual Stones. A few cuts on his chest, arm, and leg dripped blood, blending in with the red carpet. He breathed heavily, wondering what was taking so long. He didn't notice the light from the moon getting obscured through the stained-glass window.

Glass shattered, and Link looked to his right. The spider had smashed through the side window and started spitting web around. Link jumped and hid behind one of the marble pillars. Unable to see her opponent, Armogohma slinked inside the temple. It demolished two pillars in its way and then a third across from it, revealing the hero.

Jim and Skull Kid entered through the main passage, seeing the spider slowly get closer to the teen in green.

"The chandelier!" Link pointed up and the two saw what he was talking about.

Without hesitation, Jim threw his sword in the air, and it cut the chain. Then, the object started to plummet down. Link didn't take into account the upper eye of the spider. He was met with surprise when the sound of twisting metal was heard instead of the cries of pain from the monster.

"Oh, you have got to be fu-" Armogohma roared, cutting him off.

The hero escaped another attempt from the spider to swipe at him. Instead it brought down another pillar. He thought frantically on what he could do now. He had no backup plan. He glimpsed at the Door of Time and figured it wouldn't hurt to try something.

Link ran. Luckily the Door of Time was still open thanks to the three stones, but the hero made sure it started to close when he grabbed the Goron Ruby and removed it from its spot. He dived into the closing entrance, making it through. Now he was in the resting place of the Master Sword.

The door quaked, the spider queen ramming its entire body against the marble. The Temple shook and soon enough, the slabs gave way, slamming against the sides of the entrance, exactly where Link hoped they'd go.

"We need to help him!" Jim called to his friend. Together, he and Skull Kid swatted at Gohma's legs, but they were quickly kicked away by the beast.

Armogohma brought down an arm and slammed Link to the ground. Rolling onto his back, he got out the hookshot and aimed it at the face of the spider. It was just about to finish him, and he moved his arm to the right and shot the hook at the dislodged marble.

"See you in hell." Link stated coldly, before yanking on the tool as hard as possible.

Link's arm was surrounded by blue particles, and his gauntlet transformed. Its color was then akin to charcoal, and a red band went around the middle. The large slab of marble that was once half of the Door of Time teetered. Jim and Skull Kid raced to help push the door, and it started to lean forward, falling right on top of the spider. A sickening crunch was heard, followed by a long screech.

When the dust settled, Link got a good look at the corpse of the spider, its legs twitching slightly before dying. For a minute, everything was quiet. The boy panted as stone and brick fell from the ceiling, but finally something broke the silence.

"Hey!" Jim said excitedly, pushing some of the debris blocking him from seeing Link.

"Yee-hee-hee! We did it!" Skull Kid chirped, hands in the air. Link stood up shakily and made his way over to his friends, only to get pushed to the ground by a fierce hug.

"We really did it!" Jim retorted; his joy infecting Link's own mood.

"We won..." Link cracked a smile as he slowly got up. "I think we all deserve a break."

"Yeah, that'd be nice..." Skull Kid remarked, chuckling.

Climbing over the rubble, the three started to leave the temple, exhausted. Jim and Skull Kid paced their arms under Link's shoulders, helping him walk. But they didn't hear the sound of marble getting dislodged from the corpse of their adversary.

The large central eye of the spider came lose, now a golden yellow. Blood splattered along the marble as it cut itself off from its veins. It pushed its way out of the carcass of its armor and fell to the floor. Then it began to shake, and a set of legs forced their way out of its sides, crunching as the exoskeleton formed around them. It had become another spider.

It eyed down Link and his friends as they limped down the stairs and across the carpet, heading towards the exit. Following close behind, it stayed out of sight.

Link's smile faded, and his ears picked up something else. Something was wrong. He stood up straight and removed his friends arms from his shoulders.

"What is it, Link?" Skull Kid asked.

"Yeah, what's wrong, pal?" Jim added.

The eye of Armogohma scurried along the floor, and Link could sense something else with him and his friends. The boy started to walk forward, slowly taking out his bow. The two next to him just looked on in confusion.

The eye hid behind one pillar, then the next, but as it went for the third, as it was directly across from Link, he turned. Like he had against the Lizalfos, Link got down on one knee and fired his bow, killing the eye at last. The final image it saw was the hero getting obscured by a downpour of blood.

"Missed one." Link said plainly, standing back up. Both Bellum and Gohma had finally been completely eradicated from the timeline, even if he didn't know it. He turned and gave his friends a tired smile.

"Alright, now it's time to get out of here..."

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