Transformers Prime: The Decep...

By SV9010

20.7K 627 72

After the death of Enigma, the Deceptions have stopped at nothing to get revenge on the Autobot that killed h... More

IT'S HERE!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 1 Aftermath
Chapter 2 What happened?
Chapter 3 The 'Talk' with the Murders
Chapter 4 United
Chapter 5 Discovery
Chapter 7 The Fall of a Hero and the Rise of a Legend
Chapter 8 Returning home
Chapter 9 The End of the War
Chapter 10 Wake up Prank... Again!
Chapter 11 The Oath
Chapter 12 The Surprise
Chapter 13 New Bonds
Chapter 14 Reunion
Chapter 15 The Renewal of Sparkmates
Chapter 16 Wreckers
Chapter 17 Dinobots and Autobot reunion
Chapter 18 The End?

Chapter 6 Retrieved

1.2K 38 2
By SV9010

Megatron POV
We had finally arrived at the coordinates that we first met Enigma and were now planning our attack. The place was much bigger than the last time we were at this mine, so we had to bring extra help, which was Airachnid and the Insecticons along with Smokescreen.

We were all on the flight deck and getting ready for the assault on the mine, in hope of returning not empty servoed. Optimus, Bumblebee, Bulkhead, Smokescreen, and Arcee were gonna be riding the predacons while the rest of us flew onto the ground. Everyone on the ship was anxious for this as was I because this could decide whether Enigma was alive, or we were all holding onto false hope.

I was getting ready to fly, but could sense that no one was looking forward to this kind of battle. We did a scan of M.E.C.H.'s hidden base and found that there were Cybertronians working with them. Why they are working with them or even if they are us, we don't know, but everyone knows how dangerous they were and that one mistake... could cost their lives.

I looked at Optimus and he nodded at me as we both made our way to the front of the ship. I could see the Decepticons, wishing the chosen ones good luck... along with threats if they didn't come back in one piece. Mainly Starscream and his mates, but I could faintly hear them whisper encouragement to their Trine Leader and give as much support as they could for the upcoming mission.

The Autobots were the same with their charges and with their medic, but I didn't pay much attention to their conversation as both me and Optimus made our way to the front of the ship. "Decepticons!" I shouted. "Autobots!" Optimus followed and everyone looked at us and were waiting for our command as I began to give my speech.

"Today, we end M.E.C.H. and bring back one of our own. I know most of you have your doubts on whether or not Enigma is alive or not, but no matter the outcome, we will have our justice for Enigma's pain as our own. Now, brave warriors... let us show what happens when the enemy messes with one of our own!" All Decepticons cheered and shouted at my speech, even the Autobots seemed impressed by it.

I looked at Optimus one last time and he nodded at me as I shouted one last time.





We both shouted as we jumped off the Nemesis, which everyone followed as they jumped and dov straight down. I quickly transformed into my flight mode, as did the others, while Prime and his Autobots were flying on the predacons back. We all flew as fast as we could, even faster knowing that Enigma could still be alive and that we could rescue her. That alone was all I needed to know in order to motivate me to fight even harder than I did in my days of being a gladiator. After a few moments, I saw the canyon and memories of our first encounter with Enigma flowed through my processor.

To think that once I tried to kill her, now I would risk anything to see her again, to tell her 'I'm sorry,' to promise... to be a better brother. Pushing those thoughts aside I turned into my bi-pedal form and raised my blade, striking one of the Cybertronian in the chest as they screamed.

I growled and kicked the Cybertronian off my blade and into the cliffside and onto a wall of the canyon as the others battled the soldiers. No one was showing mercy that day, not even Optimus, for he knew how much M.E.C.H. had caused us pain and probably feared something happening to the charges or even his own soldiers. However, when I retrieved my blade, it did not show any energon blood, but the colors of human blood. I was confused by this, so I tore off the chassis cavity. I was horrified by what I saw inside the chassis. A M.E.C.H. agent inside, completely plugged and integrated into the Cybertronian's body.

"These aren't Cybertronians... there HUMANS!" I shouted and everyone looked at me, then back at the bots. They all tore off the chassis and they were all the same as the one I was fighting.

"What vile things are these?" Optimus asked out loud and then we heard someone say, "The next evolution of humanity." We all turned and gazed upon the sight... of Silas.

"Silas!" I growled and all the Decepticons raised their blasters at Silas, who doesn't even look afraid.

"Where is she!!!" I screamed and Silas just maniacally laughed at me. He then reached in his pocket and pressed a button, which revealed a dozen more M.E.C.H. agents that had stasis guns in their hands.

"As you can see Megatron, you are in no position to order me around. Now, I suggest you all put your weapons away or I'll make you." He said and none of us wanted to listen, but Optimus did it as the Autobots. I sighed and powered down my cannon and gestured for the others to do so. As of now, we were at their mercy.

"There, that wasn't so hard was it? Now, I was expecting the Decepticons to come, but never would I think I would have the Optimus Prime here as well." Optimus growled a bit under his mask and glared at Silas, but did nothing.

"Tell me, what brings both leaders to join together to find little old me and my group?" He mocked and then thought for a second before continuing.

"Could it be for... the human commander? What was its name again... Enigma?" I heard a loud growl and saw Starscream, ready to kill his mate's murderer, along with the Predacons and Insecticons.

"Well, it seems I have all of your attention, now for the main event." Silas then pulls out another remote control and presses it, speaking into it.

"S-139: deploy." We all then heard the ground start to shake and heard growling noises from inside the mining shaft. Then, we saw it.

"W-what is that thing?" Bulkhead asked and Arcee said, "I- I don't know."

We were all staring at the cave for a long time, but then heard an ear piercing roar that made all of us cover our receptors from the noise. When I opened my optics again, I felt fear creep into my spark.

There stood one of the most intimidating Predacons I have ever laid optics upon and I could tell everyone felt the same way. This predacon was the same size as Predaking, possibly even a bit larger. The colors were a combination of blue and white, with purple optics that glowed as bright as Dark Energon.

(What the predacon look like, but with purple optics)

There was another mighty roar as the predacon got in a fighting stance over its master, awaiting further orders.

"Gorgeous isn't she. A being that is loyal to only me and me alone, even after her final message."

I still wasn't understanding the point, but Silas then added, "S-139, memory relay." He pressed the remote control and a loud screeching noise came from the predacon as it started playing something.

'G-guys-' My spark immediately stopped and I listened to the recording, the very same recording that Enigma made in her last moments to all of us. Each word felt like someone was tearing open my spark, plunging it with Dark Energon, and then making me stab myself with my own weapon multiple times.

I looked at everyone else to see horrific looks from not only the Decepticons, but also from the Autobots.

When the message finally finished, I looked upon all of the other's, but by my expression they all thought the same thing. M.E.C.H. did take her and set up her entire death to make us continue to fight one another just so they could have their 'fun' with our technology. The only thing that I didn't know: what truly happened to her?

Optimus and the other Autobots had a look of shock and fear at what humans were really capable of doing to us. The newest rescued Autobot looked absolutely terrified of what this organization could do and what other terrors they could achieve if they remained around.

When I looked at Starscream, he didn't show an ounce of fear, but I knew he wasn't showing any due to one goal he had: the finding of his lost mate. That was the only reason I could think of as to him not showing his fear out in the open for all to see.

Dreadwing and Airachnid both looked mortified, but tried to keep their fear in check like myself, but it was slowly making its way through and they were trembling.

Predaking, Darksteel, Skylynx, the Vehicons, and the Insecticons all stayed very still, but their focus was more on the new predacon than anything else.

It started to move around the soldiers and made its way to protect Silas and the research they have done already on our kind. However, something seemed... familiar of this predacon, like I have known it before.

I still had many questions on what Silas was trying to prove, but then a thought came to mind... a horrific one. The voice recording sounded different than the one we have, like it was from another angle of the cave. There were also rushing footsteps, which there shouldn't be, and finally, her voice sounded more of... fear than of peace like her recording. My mind then snapped, my optics widened at the creature in front of me, growling at me.


"Oh, did you finally figure out what, or who, my pet is?" Silas said, smiling like a madman as I growled and brought my blade out to attack, but the predacon jumped onto me, making me fall on my back, with its claws digging into my metal.


I heard someone say as Optimus elbowed the predacon, hard, making it get off of me. I thankfully wasn't hurt and only received mesh wounds. I tried to shake off my shock as I saw the predacon start growling at us, returning beside Silas.

Optimus was about to fire, as were the others, but I quickly said, "NO, don't fire on her!"

Optimus and the others looked at me, confused and like I had just lost my processor, which I could've at what I realized.

Starscream then said, "Why, once this predacon is gone we can find Enigma!"

The creature stopped growling and tilted its head confused at what Starscream said, and everyone looked at the creature.

Then I heard Starscream say, "I-Impossible... w-why her?"

"Cruel humans!"


More and more insults came, but I just retracted my blade and Starscream tried approaching, but was stopped by more growls from it, or... her. Starscream looked now in fear and sadness in his optics as he said one word.


A/N: Hello all, first off... WOW over 10k on the first book and now over 1k on this one. Thank you all so much!!! This means so much to me that everyone likes this series. Now, what fate will hold Enigma now? I won't tell. Now I'll see you next Sunday for the next update. If y'all excuse me I have to run now.

*blaster fire raining down on Creator*

Creator: I'm being hunted by pretty much all Decepticons and other loyal Decepticons for this.

All Cybertronians: CREATOR!!!!!

Creator: I'll see you next week for this, and comment your thought on this. May I not join the Allspark too soon!!

*Runs off camera with a big group of Cybertronians following her*



Soundwave: Creator: CEASE ACTION!!

*All Soundwave's symbiotes running to attack*

Breakdown: GET THE CREATOR!!



*Driller tried to grab Creator, but misses as he chases the Creator*


*Predaking transforms into his original form as he and the other predacons fire at the Creator*




Dreadwing/ Skyquake: PAYBACK TIME!!!

Thundercracker: REVENGE FOR MY MATE!!!

Skywarp: AND MINE!!!


*Insecticons roar and charge like everyone else*

Dreadbot: TIME FOR YOU TO PAY!!!


*They all run off as the other Creations of the Creator watch the Decepticons try to catch their Creator

1???: Should we help?

4???: And get in the way of Decepticons, no way!

3???: When will we get our time to shine?!

Xena: Patience my siblings, our time will come if the viewers wish it to be.

2???: Alright, HEY VIEWERS, comment on what our Creator should do next once this series is done!!

Xena: Please support me, I believe I have one boom left and wish to see how I get rid of-

4???: Nope, no spoilers, well, we will see you next week!

*Lots of blaster fire can be heard*

1???: If our Creator survives after this ordeal.

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