Your Ten Letters [Completed]

By TessiaDeDella

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"Have you ever wondered how chance can change the course of your entire life?" In the realm of everyday life... More

Letter 1
Letter 3
Letter 4
Letter 5
Letter 6
Letter 7
Letter 8
Letter 9
Letter 10
Author's note + what to read next

Letter 2

293 114 100
By TessiaDeDella

Letter two: February

Lily delicately unfolded the note with eager anticipation, her eyes scanned the page, and she was taken aback by the beautifully written poem she discovered.

"In the depths of despair, they reside,
Bound by an undesired fate, unable to hide.
But amid the darkness, a glimmer appears,
An unexpected meeting that dispels their fears.

Once forgotten, their vibrant essence now awakes,
Hope flickers within, as a new path takes shape.
In this encounter, a revelation is unveiled,
A chance to heal wounds, where their spirits are hailed.

Embracing the change, they find a fresh start,
Colors of life reignite within their heart.
No longer resigned, they stand strong and true,
United with others, their struggles they can now undo."

It was a side of Marcus she hadn't expected, a hidden talent that surprised her. It was as if the ink itself had been infused with the soulful melodies of his thoughts.

A surge of emotions engulfed her, a mix of awe, admiration, and a newfound spirit of inquiry.

She couldn't help but wonder how he managed to write so well when he appeared so indifferent about everything else.

Those thoughts, however, were quickly pushed aside as she reminded herself of the need to concentrate on her class. With Mrs. Lu's scolding still fresh in her mind, she tucked the note away and refocused her attention.

When the class finally ended, Lily set off on her way home.

As the day gradually surrendered to the embrace of twilight, Lily stepped out of the classroom and into the refreshing coolness of the night.

The air carried a gentle breeze, sweeping away the remnants of the day's heat and whispering secrets of tranquility.

The cityscape came alive with a symphony of lights, their vibrant glow casting a magical aura upon the bustling streets. She found solace in the stillness, the quietude that enveloped the surroundings, broken only by the distant hum of city life.

With each passing moment, Lily felt the weight of the day's worries melting away, replaced by a sense of calm and anticipation.

After what seemed like an eternity, Lily arrived at her doorstep, her heart lighter and her mind clearer. As she reached for the doorknob, her gaze wandered toward the familiar bench with a familiar person seated on it, bathed in the soft glow of the moon.

It was a spot where she would gaze at the stars, contemplate life, and paint, all those years ago.

Uncertainty welled up within her as she debated whether to approach him or not. Should she seize this opportunity to connect with him, to discuss the poem he had written?

With a mix of nervousness and curiosity, Lily decided to get closer. Her footsteps echoed softly as she cautiously approached the bench, until Marcus finally noticed her presence.

With a soft breath, Lily's voice slipped from her lips like a gentle caress of the night air. "Hey," she whispered, hoping her words would reach his ears.

Silence hung heavy between them, intermingling with the nocturnal sounds that filled the surrounding stillness.

Uncertainty tugged at Lily's thoughts, unsure of how to proceed. She longed to ask about the poem, to uncover the hidden depths of Marcus's creativity, but she didn't want to push him away.

Instead, she made an impulsive decision and settled beside him, allowing the moonlight to guide their shared gaze upward.

In that moment, their eyes met, but Marcus quickly averted his gaze, his eyes suddenly full of an icy coldness gaze.

His voice, laced with detachment, broke the silence. "What do you want?" he asked, his words piercing the night with a sharp edge.

Lily took a hesitant pause, carefully choosing her words. "It's...," she began, her voice tinged with vulnerability, "You have a remarkable talent for writing poems."

Marcus's surprise was palpable, etched upon his features for a brief instant. "What?" he exclaimed, caught off guard by her unexpected observation.

"There was a note I found on your desk," Lily continued, retrieving it from her bag with a delicate touch.

"It's short, but I can see all the time and effort you put into it. It's truly amazing."

Snatching the note from her outstretched hand, Marcus felt a surge of embarrassment wash over him.

How could he have forgotten about it in his desk?

His cheeks flushed with self-consciousness as he realized his carelessness.

Noticing his discomfort, Lily tried to offer comfort, her eyes filled with understanding. But before she could utter another word, he abruptly cut her off, his tone sharp and dismissive.

"It's none of your business."

In that instant, a whirlwind of emotions churned within Marcus, overwhelming him.

He stormed away without another word, leaving Lily behind, alone with her thoughts and the vast expanse of stars above.

As Saturday morning arrived, bathed in the soft glow of dawn, Lily embraced the promise of the weekend ahead. With her heart yearning for creative consolation, she decided to seek refuge in the world of art.

Painting had always been her sanctuary, a means to channel her emotions and find peace amidst chaos. Today was no exception.

Making her way to the familiar bench, she took a moment to absorb her surroundings.

The air was alive with the sweet scent of blooming flowers, mingling with the gentle caress of a cool breeze. With her sketchbook in hand, she carefully observed the details that adorned her vista.

The wooden posts, aged and weathered, stood tall and proud, silent witnesses to the passage of time.

Vibrant green bushes danced in rhythm with the wind, their leaves whispering secrets of nature's intricate beauty.

Above, the sky stretched wide and endless, a vast canopy of serene blue, inviting dreams to soar amidst the floating cotton-candy clouds. As her gaze descended, she traced her eyes along the patterned pavement, adorned with stories imprinted by countless footsteps.

Lost in the artistry of the moment, she sensed a flicker of presence. Glancing toward a nearby window, she caught a fleeting glimpse of Marcus, his eyes fixed intently upon her.

But before she could fully absorb the gravity of their connection, he vanished, leaving her with a tingling inquisitiveness that lingered like an unfinished brushstroke.

Completing her sketch with meticulous strokes, she felt a sense of accomplishment wash over her. Satisfied with her portrayal of the world around her, she gathered her belongings and made her way home.

Little did she know that fate was about to cast its whimsical hand upon her path.

To her delight, her mother requested her assistance in delivering freshly baked cookies to their new neighbors, Marcus!

Excitement tinged with nervous anticipation coursed through her veins as she set out on her mission.

Arriving at the neighbor's door, Lily's knuckles gently rapped against the aged wood. A welcoming smile graced the face of a friendly lady as the door swung open. "Hello, dear," she greeted with warmth.

Lily extended the tray of cookies, her eyes bright with genuine kindness. "Hello, I'm your neighbor from next door. We wanted to give you a warm welcome with these freshly baked cookies."

The lady's eyes twinkled with gratitude as she graciously accepted the offering. "Oh, you shouldn't have! Please, come inside," she invited, gesturing for Lily to enter.

Stepping into the cozy abode, Lily was enveloped by a sense of comfort.

The aroma of home cooking enveloped her, weaving a tapestry of warmth and familiarity.

Engaging in easy conversation, the lady shared anecdotes of their recent move, the desire for a fresh start, and the challenges that come with change.

Among the tales, she spoke fondly of her son, Marcus, her voice laced with a hint of longing.

Curiosity tugged at Lily's heart as the lady inquired about their friendship. Lily's response carried a touch of wistfulness, entwined with determination. "Well, I wouldn't say we're friends just yet, but I'm trying to get to know him."

A melancholic tone entered the lady's voice as she revealed, "He wasn't always like this... something changed along the way." Her eyes held unspoken stories, a mix of sadness and unspoken words yearning to be shared.

But the lady's smile soon rekindled, a spark of playful nostalgia dancing in her eyes. "Anyways, would you like to see some of his baby pictures?" she asked, with a big smile.

Lily's laughter bubbled forth, "Sure!"

Time seemed to slow as Lily continued her exploration through the old family photographs.

But the air grew heavy with anticipation as the soft footsteps of someone descending the stairs echoed through the room.

It was Marcus, his expression etched with a mix of surprise and discontent. In an instant, his voice filled the space, sharp and curt, as he called out to his mother.


Startled, his mother turned towards him, her eyes curious and questioning. "What is it, sweetie?"

The frustration in Marcus's voice was palpable as he blurted out, "What are you doing?"

His hand shot out, snatching one of the photos from the collection, his anger escalating as he realized it was one of him in his diaper-clad days.

Sighing heavily, he muttered, "Just... get her out."

His mother's eyes softened, a glimmer of disappointment crossing her face. "Marcus, that's no way to treat a guest. Lily, would you like to join us for dinner?"

Marcus shot his mother an annoyed glance, his hands tied by her insistence.

Lily found herself caught in the awkward space between their silent tension, uncertain of how to respond.

"Oh, no, it's alright," she interjected, attempting to diffuse the situation. "My mom told me I needed to get home quickly. But thank you for the invitation."

A warmth laced with regret colored Marcus's mother's voice as she bid Lily farewell. "Well, it was a pleasure having you here. I always enjoy having Marcus's friends around."

With a polite smile, Lily made her way towards the door.

The memory of that evening lingered with her throughout the week making even her friends notice that something had happened.

Weeks passed, and the routine of painting by the bench became an anchor in Lily's life.

She noticed that Marcus began to observe her more frequently, his gaze filled with a curious intensity. And sometimes, under the cover of the night, she would find him occupying the same bench, a silent companion. In those moments, words were not always necessary.

They would sit together, enveloped in the tranquil atmosphere, their connection growing deeper with each passing evening.

Lily couldn't help but wonder about Marcus's enigmatic nature. How could someone excel academically, yet appear so mysterious and distant? He seemed to keep his interactions with others to a minimum, only speaking when strictly necessary.

But then, on one starlit evening as they shared the bench, he broke the silence.

The sound of his voice, unexpected yet sincere, made Lily's heart skip a beat.

"Hey," he said, his words hanging in the air, capturing her attention and sparking a flicker of surprise on her face.

"Why," he questioned, his words hanging delicately in the air, "are you trying to be my friend?"

Her breath caught in her throat, both looking at each other.

A/N: Now I have an Instagram account, tessiadedella_! Let's talk there!

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