Beautiful Distress|Luke Hemmi...

By prettyinblackthings

40.8K 1.8K 662

'You can't save them damsel if she's in love with her distress' She sleeps rough,no money and nothing but a s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
NEW FANFIC...again
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
starting youtube?
Chapter 16
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 15

1.4K 74 17
By prettyinblackthings

Tegan's POV

I wrapped up to my forearm in tissue paper so blood didn't spill everywhere then put my hoodie on and walked out of the bathroom still crying at the feeling of heartbreak.

"Mum?" I cried while walking around the small house.

Maybe that's why he cheated. She had a huge house and mine is like this.

"Tegan?" My mum said while walking out of her room in a very short dress and pulling her bleach blonde hair into a tight bun.

"He cheated on me" I cried. I've told my mum about Luke, she hasn't met him but she knows about him.

"Awh, Tegan" She sighed and pulled me into a hug then rubbed my back "I thought you were done with boys?" She asked and I dried my tears.

"I thought because this boy was so socially retarded and clueless that he wouldn't do anything to hurt me...Then he kissed another girl" I sighed again.

"Well I have to go to work- Actually no...My little girl is sad" She corrected herself and I smiled.

We both walked into the living room and sat on the small sofa in the corner. She wrapped her arm around me and I pulled my knees up.

"I never cry" I mumbled.

"Tegan, you pull of this hard image of a tough girl that never breaks but babe...Everyone breaks at a point. This boy, I know you really liked him and maybe him being completely clueless meant he didn't know how to reject her...Maybe he was just caught off guard" She said. My mum always see's the good in everyone. Even though she's no better.

I just sat snuggled into her. We've never been like this. Normally i'm picking her up from the door because she's drunk and drugged up or she's talking to the police after they've brought me home then after we both laugh.

"Tegan I-" I heard the soft voice say and I looked to see Luke in the living room doorway.

I regret telling him that he can just walk in whenever he wants because the other boys do so its only fair since we're all friends.

"Luke leave..." I dragged out and he sighed.

"Please listen to my explanation" He said walked closer and I pulled something out of the side of the sofa.

"Get out! I'm not in the mood!" I yelled holding a knife. Of course i'd never stab him but I just don't need his shit right now.

"Sup Tegan's mum" Michael said as he ran in and jumped on the sofa with the other boys following behind him.

He's close with my mum, sometimes I wonder if he's too close for my liking.

"Luke...Sit down" Calum laughed.

"No...I don't think i'm welcome" He shook his head then walked out.

Many days later and I haven't faced school or anywhere for the matter. I've isolated myself in my room, crying and barely eating. I barely eat anyway because of the fact we have no money to pay for food but I eat enough to keep me going.

I've had the boys round everyday but I refuse to see them. I've never been so hurt over a guy before, sure I've had break ups but all them guys were asses anyway so I didn't care about them as much as I do with Luke.

He's so awkward its cute, so full of compliments and so polite which made me think he'd never hurt me but I was wrong. I've changed him into this let loose guy that can have some fun without worrying and here I am wishing I left him alone when he was caught on my estate that day.

"Tegan...You need to go to school today" My mum called through the door "I'm going to get a £60 fine if you don't. I don't expect you to be amazing at school today but try your best" She added.

I groaned but my tights that I purposely ripped, my skirt and my shirt then my converse that were falling apart. I took £2 out of the broken draw in my room then walked down the stairs with my tongue bar scraping on my teeth.

"Just stay away from him" She said to me.

"It's kinda hard considering he's friends with my friends now" I rolled my eyes at her.

"Still hang around with them just ignore him" She smiled then kissed my cheek "Get something from the shop on your way to school babe" She added then handed my a few more pounds. I smiled as a thank you then walked out the door.

I walked into the door alley quickly and pulled out two small bags that continued two of my much needed drugs. One being coke and the other weed. I put the white powder on my hand then sniffed it in one nostril at a time. I threw it back on the ground since the packet was now finished then rolled myself a joint that was also my deserved.

I put it between my lips the walked to school with my hood up, a joint between my lips and no emotion at all to even care because the two drugs took over my body quickly.

I got to school and obviously yet again I was late. I had a meeting first thing with my form tutor to discuss my attendance and behavior but I probably won't go to that....Again. I've been told I have to go to so many but I just register myself then hide in the bathroom or behind the bike shed.

"Tegan" A voice said from behind me and I turned to see Calum.

"Hey stranger" I laughed and he put his arm on my shoulder as we walked closer to hell...Or school whatever you want to name it.

"Luke told us about what happened at the party...We didn't say anything to him because he said she took advantage of his drunk and drugged up state-" He started.

"He took drugs? What did he take?" I rushed "I was with him the whole time! Well...Kinda" I added.

"When he went to the toilet she followed him and offered him some weed. He thought because he had already taken some it won't matter to take more so he did, he then sniffed some coke and he mentioned she offered him something else but he can't remember if he took it or not...Then she pinned him against the wall and he was too weak and drugged to push her off...He was also confused and couldn't even remember his name until you said it" He said as we walked into school.

"I'm going to need to think about it Cal....You know what's happened in the past" I sighed and he hugged me.

"Either way i'm here for you...And we're all bunking first period so come with us" He said.

"I wouldn't if I was you...Both in my office now" The head teacher snapped from beside us.

We both laughed slightly then swore as we followed him to his office. He continued to hold onto me the whole way there. It was nice.



sorry its been ages since i updated lol



stay rad


ig- lukesb4bygirl


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