Chapter 12

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Luke's POV

"So where are we going?" I asked her as we walked through the most disgusting side of town.

"Hanging out at mine...Now that you're the new Luke" She gave a small smirk and pulled me down her road.

"Tegan? Who's this?" Michael asked clearly not recognizing me anymore.

"It's Luke guys..." She laughed at their confused faces.

"Christ..." Calum said with his eyes wide.

"C'mon...Let's get drunk at mine!" She laughed and pulled us all towards her house.

We didn't even need to unlock the door or anything because it was broken so we just pushed it.

When I looked around the house wasn't anything i'm used to. The house had newspaper on the floorboards, wallpaper that was pealing off and barely any furniture.

"Sorry to disappoint you Luke but I don't live in a mansion like you do" She raised her eyebrow while walking in with bottles of alcohol and cigarettes.

We all sat down on the pillows that were on the floor with bottles of drink in front of us.

"Where's your mum?" Ashton asked.

"Where do you think?" She rolled her eyes and blew out some smoke.

"So...How about a little game of truth or dare?" Calum suggested and everyone nodded.

"Luke...Do you know how to play?" She asked me.

"Yeah...I play this with my brother sometimes...But we mainly do truths and normally they're just questions if I've done something wrong and he's trying to get me to admit it..." I slowly said and they laughed.

"Right...Well just pick whatever you feel comfortable with" She said and drunk some of her drink.

Everyone was dared to do different things. Calum had to call his first ex and asked if she wanted to hook up with him, Ashton had to mix all the drinks that we had in one glass and drink it and Michael had to get a random tattoo. It's crazy what lengths people go to for dares.

"Tegan...Truth of dare?" Calum asked.

"Dare" She smirked.

"Kiss Luke" He said and pointed at me.

"Is that it? So easy" She shook her head and brought me into a heated make-out session.

She was so much more experienced than me but she seemed to be enjoying it.

"So...Luke's turn. Truth or dare?" Michael asked me and I took a while to answer.

"Chose truth if you're not comfortable with dare" Tegan said and everyone agreed.

"Okay...Truth" I said.

"How many times do you masturbate a day?" He asked and I shied away.

"I don't...I never have" I shrugged.

"What? Like...Never?" Calum said clearly shocked.

"What am I meant to do it to?" I shook my head.

"Porn?" He laughed.

"My mum blocked all them websites...Social media, gaming websites...I can only get homework sites,Wikipedia and google" I said and they seemed shocked.

Since I wanted to be more like them I picked up one of the cigarettes and lit it but Tegan stopped me from taking a puff of it.

"Are you sure? Don't pressure yourself into this...We're not making you do anything you don't want to do" She said while smoking what seemed like her seventh one.

"I'm a teenager after all" I shook my head and copied her actions.




"Your mum is going to murder you" Tegan slurred once we sat outside my house.

"Oh well...She needs to fucking live a little herself" I slurred myself.

I've had such a good time tonight. Although Tegan did constantly ask if I was okay with everything I was taking. I don't want to rebel against my mum too much but i'm drunk,high,wearing clothes that she'd happily burn and I can barely walk.We went spray painting as well and i'm planning on meeting with the boys tomorrow night.

"So new Luke...Have you had a nice night?" She asked and I nodded "What's been your favorite part?" She smiled.

"That kiss was pretty good...Although I've forgotten it a little" I said biting my new lip ring.

"Let me remind you" She smirked and kissed me.

"My family are out all day until 7pm tomorrow...You better come round" I said in between kisses.

"Oh so new Luke is now demanding?" I could feel her lips turn into a smirk.

"You better come round" I said and kissed her once again before walking towards my door.

It was way too late for my family to still be awake so I keyed in and fell over once I got in the door.

Not even being able to find the strength to get on my feet I just crawled over to the stairs and as I was getting up a step I felt someone wrap their hand around my leg.

"Luke Robert Hemmings! Where HAVE you been! You left us at 12pm and its now 4am! Explain yourself now!" My mum screamed and I covered my ears like a five year old.

"I was out with some friends...Being a teenager not an old man" I argued.

"Is that smoke I smell? And alcohol? Luke Hemmings are you high?" My mum screamed again and put my face between her hands.

"I'm living" I slurred.

"These clothes! Oh god...I can't deal with you anymore Luke! I've raised you since you were a baby and you treat me like this! Your brothers would NEVER do this to me" She said and held onto her chest.

"Well i'm not my brothers...I'm so sorry i'm not two kiss ass boys that can't live for themselves...Just leave me alone Mum...I don't care about what you have to say anymore" I slurred while shaking my head and began dragging myself up the stairs.

"Don't come crying to me when this girl leaves you with a broken heart!" I heard her yell up the stairs but I was already in my room with a cigarette in between my lips.



rebel luke is turning me on so im sorry i got carried away.

lmao hi

pls give me ideas for more chapters.



Beautiful Distress|Luke HemmingsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora